South East Asia Scholarship 2024 25

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South East Asia Undergraduate

Scholarships 2024-25
This scholarship scheme is for international students from specified countries seeking to join our
university who start their studies in year 1. The award is offered as a discount on your tuition fees.
Details of the awards available under this scheme are as follows:

Countries Scholarship amount

Brunei; Cambodia; East Timor; Indonesia; Laos; Malaysia; Myanmar;
£3000 per scholarship
The Philippines; Singapore; Taiwan; Thailand*; Vietnam

*Excluding students entering from Newton Business School or Newton Sixth Form School

Terms and conditions


◼ These scholarships are restricted to students who are overseas fee payers and are entirely self-

◼ Students must be ordinarily resident (see below for the definition of ordinary residence) in one of
the countries specified above.

◼ Students must register for the first year (Year1) of a full-time undergraduate degree** at the
University of Essex in October 2024-25.

◼ UCAS applicants must actively make Essex their firm choice by 12 July 2024. Applicants that
become firm with Essex through rejection by their original firm choice selection elsewhere are not
eligible. Direct Applicants must accept their offer by 12 July 2024.

◼ The award cannot be held in conjunction with any other University of Essex scholarships

◼ This scholarship is available for the first year of study (Year1) at undergraduate level in 2024-25

◼ Successful applicants should be available for promotional activities

*Students receiving a repayable loan to fund their studies will be considered as self-funded.
**Courses leading to the award of a Diploma of Higher Education, Bachelors Degree, Integrated
Masters (four years)

Students who are not eligible

The following students are NOT eligible for this scholarship regardless of meeting the above criteria:

◼ Students undertaking courses at East 15 Acting School.

◼ University of Essex International College (UEIC) Pathway students.

◼ Students undertaking a degree that is normally delivered wholly online.

◼ Students who are not ordinarily resident in one of the listed countries.

◼ This scholarship award does not apply to deferred entry. Where a scholarship has been awarded to
a student who subsequently defers entry to the following academic year, the award will be
withdrawn and the applicant will be considered again in line with the terms and conditions that
apply in the new proposed year of entry.

◼ Students entering into the second and third year.

◼ Students who are fully or partly sponsored.

◼ Students who are assessed as Home fee payer.

◼ Current students whose first year of undergraduate study at the University of Essex, was prior to
academic year 2024-25.

What is “Ordinary Residence”?

For the purposes of assessing eligibility for the scholarship, you must have been ordinarily resident in
one of the countries listed, for the three-year period prior to commencing your course. Ordinarily
resident means that you must have been habitually, normally and lawfully, residing in one of the
countries listed, from choice, for the specified period. The three-year period for courses starting in
October 2024 is calculated as 1 September 2021 to 1 September 2024. Temporary absences during
this three-year period may be permitted at the discretion of the relevant University officer. Students may
be asked to provide documentary evidence to determine ordinary residence and an assessment of
whether a student meets the ordinary residence criteria will normally be made by the Head of
Admissions or their nominee, and their decision will be final.

How to apply

If you meet all the eligibility criteria, you will automatically be considered for this award. You don’t need
to complete an application form. The University will assess your eligibility based on your country of
domicile and fee status that you submit on your application for your place at Essex.

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Payment arrangements

◼ These scholarships will only be made available as a reduction on the tuition fee that is payable on
registration at the University. Payment cannot be offset against a tuition fee deposit if one is

◼ If you intermit from your course, you may, at the discretion of the University, be entitled to a pro-
rata payment of the remainder of your award on your return to study. Please contact the Funding
Team for further information.

Resolution of disputes

Acceptance of this award constitutes acceptance of these terms and conditions. Applicants should
contact the Undergraduate Admissions Team in the first instance for guidance regarding this award.
Registered students should contact the Funding Team. In cases not covered by the above terms and
conditions, or where a student claims exceptional circumstances, or disputes a decision not to make
payments due under an award, final appeals on decisions regarding eligibility must be made via the
Student Complaints process. The Academic Registrar or their nominee will review the case and his/her
decision will be final.

These terms and conditions apply to the academic year 2024-25. The University of Essex reserves the
right to update these terms and conditions as necessary.

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