Unit 1:: Session: 9

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Teacher: Andrew Class: Grade 1 Subject: PE Week: 5

Date of preparation:
Date of teaching:

Unit 1:
Session : 9
I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
Practise skipping activities with and without ropes
II. Teaching content: Practice skipping with and without ropes
III. Time:
IV. Teaching aids:
V. Students’ assumed knowledge:
VI. Procedures
Stages / Time Activities and Presentation Ss’ Grouping Teaching aids
Welcome SS
Play the movement game
1. Warm up Do warm up learnt from previous lessons
(10 mins) Jumping rope is also an excellent motor skill-building activity. Since kids have to pick up both their feet
simultaneously while jumping rope, it builds bilateral motor coordination. Jumping rope for beginners also
takes a lot of concentration, which helps kids hone their ability to focus.
To teach children how to skip rope, start by giving them the rope to hold by the handles, one in each hand.
Next, they can hold the rope out in front of their body and step over it.
Once they get that part down, they can start to swing the jump rope over their head slowly and let it hit the
2. floor. Finally, they can start jumping over the rope each time it circles around.
( mins) Teach children to wait until the rope hits the floor before they jump. Some do so while it's in the air, which
can cause them to lose their balance and possibly trip. If children have any trouble skipping over the rope,
they can keep stepping over it until they are ready to jump.

1. Start with jumps on two feet. I call them ‘Bunny Jumps’. Encourage your child to keep both feet together,
you do not want the bunny jumps to become a gallop.
2. Now we move on to hops on 1 foot. Children will need help at first. You may have to hold their hand to
help them leave the floor or you may need to manually lift one of their legs until they get the idea.
All children have a dominant foot (one foot is strong and often preferred in hops). This is not always the
3. same as their dominant hand (the hand used to write). He/She will want to hop on the stronger, dominant
foot. After they are able to hop on the dominant foot, encourage them to try the weaker leg. Ultimately, you
( mins)
want 6 solid hops on 1 foot unassisted AND on both sides (right leg hops and left leg hops).
3. Skipping! Once your child has the strength to hop, they will need to master the coordination necessary to
skip. A ‘Skip’ is not the same as a ‘Picked Up Gallop’, where both knees lift on each jump. A ‘Skip’ is a hop on
one foot, a step forward, and a hop of the other foot. Children often show one or more of the ‘almost skips’
below before they skip correctly.

4. Game: Snake
( mins) This jump rope game is good for beginners or younger kids who have trouble timing their
jumps with a swinging rope. For Snake, the rope stays on the ground.
Teacher: Andrew Class: Grade 1 Subject: PE Week: 5
Date of preparation:
Date of teaching:

Have one person hold it at each end and wave it gently along the ground like a slithering snake,
while other players attempt to jump over it. Take turns being the jumper and the snake-mover.
Banana Split
This jump rope game doesn't actually involve jumping—but players do have to pay attention to
the timing of the swinging rope. You need a long rope and two people to turn it.

The remaining players form a single-file line so that the first person in line is facing the rope.
The turners swing the rope forward toward the line, then away.

As they do so, the first player must run under the rope and back without touching the rope or
letting it touch him. After one pass, the second person in line joins in and both players run
under the rope.

Then three runners go together, and so on. If anyone touches the rope or doesn't make it back
and forth in time, start again with one player running.
4. Wrap-up (5’) The key to teaching someone to skip is all in the buildup. We are basically taking the skip,
slowing it down until technique is mastered, then adding intensity until your kiddo skips.
5. Home link (5’)

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