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Article history: Cyclic plastic deformation phenomena include the Bauschinger effect, cyclic hardening/
Received 22 December 2010 softening, strain range effect, loading history memory, ratcheting, mean stress dependent
Received in revised form 19 July 2011 hardening, mean stress relaxation and non-proportional hardening. In this work, different
Available online 2 August 2011
cyclic plastic deformation responses of piping materials (SA333 C–Mn steel and 304LN
stainless steel) are experimentally explored. Cyclic hardening/softening is depends upon
Keywords: loading types (i.e. stress/strain controlled), previous loading history and strain/stress range.
Cyclic plasticity
Pre-straining followed by LCF and mean stress relaxation shows similar kind of material
response. Substantial amount of non proportional hardening is observed in SA333 C–Mn
Cyclic hardening steel during 90° out of phase tension-torsion loading. During ratcheting, large amount of
True stress–strain permanent strain is accumulated with progression of cycles. Permanent strain accumula-
Non proportional loading tion in a particular direction causes cross-sectional area reduction and which results
uncontrollable alteration of true stress in engineering stress controlled ratcheting test. In
this work, true stress control ratcheting on piping materials has been carried out in labo-
ratory environment. Effects of stress amplitude and mean stress on the ratcheting behav-
iors are analyzed. A comparison has also been drawn in between the true and engineering
stress controlled tests, and massive difference in ratcheting life and strain accumulation is
Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction 2005; Mayama et al., 2008; Taleb and Hauet, 2009) and
the degree of damage is influenced by a number of factors
Engineering components are often subjected to cyclic such as type of loading (stress/strain controlled,
load excursions and the cyclic plastic deformation of engi- proportional/non-proportional), presence of stress riser
neering materials thus becomes inevitable. Since the resul- (inclusions, defects, geometrical discontinuities, surface
tant elastic–plastic stress–strain response of the material roughness) and residual stress (large deformation history,
plays a pivotal role in analysis of design and failure of welding effects). In spite of great deal of efforts, especially
the component, it becomes important to understand the in the last two decades, to understand the various aspects
cyclic plastic deformation behavior of engineering materi- of cyclic plasticity and their constitutive modeling, there
als. There are numerous evidences that the process of dam- are still difficulties in translating the knowledge gained
age accumulation due to cyclic loading is greatly to different material systems. One of the primary reasons
influenced by the evolution of dislocation sub-structure for this inability is due to the complex nature of the cyclic
(for e.g., Gaudin and Feaugas, 2004; Zhang and Jiang, plastic phenomena and its strong dependency on material
characteristics, and it thus becomes essential to deal with
all common factors that control the plastic deformation
⇑ Corresponding author at: Research and Development, Tata Steel
in different materials. This paper is aimed at addressing
Limited, Jamshedpur 831 001, India. Tel.: +91 9939632284; fax: +91 657
2271748. some of these key issues that should be considered in deal-
E-mail address: [email protected] (S.K. Paul). ing with cyclic plasticity. While all these aspects are widely
0167-6636/$ - see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
706 S.K. Paul et al. / Mechanics of Materials 43 (2011) 705–720
accepted by the research community in the subject area, 2010), few special phenomena also noticed in anisotropic
we have revisited these issues in light of our recent exper- materials like permanent softening, cross-effect etc. (Verma
imental investigations. et al., 2010) which are not investigated in this study. These
The load excursion on a component can be either in eight basic phenomena thus form essential elements that
terms of stress (as in load based design) or strain (as in dis- describe the details of the hysteresis loops for isotropic
placement based design) and when the magnitude of materials. A complete plasticity model should have the
stress/strain reversal is sufficient, cyclic plastic deforma- capability to predict all of the above cyclic plasticity phe-
tion will occur. Accurate description of inelastic behavior nomena. As cyclic plasticity is a very complex path depen-
of isotropic materials necessitates a thorough understand- dent phenomena, plasticity model can be simplified by
ing of following phenomena. requirement basis and to do this complete understanding
Bauschinger effect: that describes the reduction of yield is necessary. Excluding any major plasticity issue during
stress during reloading the material in reverse direction. modeling may results completely wrong results i.e. stress–
If its influence is not considered in predicting the material strain response. In this work, we have experimentally inves-
cyclic deformation behavior, the hysteresis loop shape will tigated each of these material aspects in order to understand
be deviate from experimental results. the cyclic plastic deformation in two types of primary heat
Hardening/softening behavior: portrays the ability of the transport piping materials. Special emphasis has been given
material to resist the dislocation movement during cyclic to cyclic ratcheting, considering its importance in fatigue
deformation manifested in the form of either an increase life design. The significance of true stress controlled ratchet-
(hardening) or a decrease (softening) in stress amplitude ing experiments over that of engineering stress controlled
during strain controlled loading. ratcheting studies has been examined.
Load history memory: refers to the influence of previous The overall objective of this work is to provide a funda-
deformation histories on the subsequent hardening/soften- mental understanding of the cyclic plastic phenomena,
ing behavior of the material. If not considered, the results considering various materials’ aspects that are experimen-
may yield inaccurate hardening/softening characteristics tally observed. Such understanding is expected to present a
and hence an erroneous stress–strain evolution. basic guideline for development of constitutive relation-
Strain range effect: notify that the linear region of hys- ships for cyclic plasticity. The discussions will be useful
teresis loops (i.e. double of cyclic yield stress) varies with for further evaluation/revision of the existing plasticity
applied strain/stress amplitude. Similar to load history ef- models.
fect, strain range variation is intimately connected to the
stress–strain evolution. If not included, the cyclic deforma-
tion behavior of material over a range of strain amplitude 2. Experimental
levels cannot be predicted accurately.
Mean stress relaxation: represents the stress response of The materials used for the experimental investigation
the material when non-zero mean strain is present during are (i) 304LN austenitic stainless steel and (ii) SA333 C–
cyclic deformation. The extent over which the mean stress Mn steel. Both the materials are used in the primary heat
relaxation would occur depends upon the material charac- transport (PHT) piping of pressurized heavy water reactors
teristic and will influence the resulting stress–strain (PHWRs) in Indian nuclear power plants. Both the materi-
behavior. For accurate prediction of cyclic response, the als were available in the form of pipes with 340 mm outer
mean stress relaxation effect has to be accounted for. diameter 25 mm wall thickness (304LN stainless steel)
Mean stress dependent hardening: refers to the additional and 600 mm outer diameter 50 mm wall thickness
hardening that might occur due to the presence of mean (SA333 C–Mn steel). The chemical composition (wt.%) of
stress. Ignoring this factor will result in an erroneous stress the 304LN stainless steel was: C 0.03; Si 0.65; Ni 8.17;
calculation. Mo 0.26; Cu 0.29; N 0.08; S 0.02; P 0.034 while that of
Non-proportional hardening: represents the additional the SA333 C–Mn steel was: C 0.18; Mn 0.9; Si 0.02; P
hardening behavior of materials under non-proportional 0.02. The nominal mechanical properties of both the steels
loading. It is a material dependent phenomenon and can are listed in Table 1.
change the material’s stress–strain response. The crystal structure of 304LN stainless steel was face
Ratcheting: refers to progressive accumulation of direc- centered cubic (fcc) with austenitic microstructure while
tional strain due to asymmetric stress cycling. It is one of that of the SA333 C–Mn steel was body centered cubic
the greatest concern to the design engineers due to the fact (bcc) with a ferrite-pearlitic structure. Thus the two steels
that apart from cyclic damage induced by load reversals, are expected to exhibit different deformation charac-
the cumulative strain accrual (termed as ratcheting strain) teristics.
in every cycle arising from non-closure of the hysteresis For all the uniaxial experiments solid specimens of
loop can adversely affect the estimated pure fatigue life. 7 mm gauge diameter and 13 mm gauge length were fabri-
As a matter of fact, the magnitude of ratcheting strain cated from the pipe sections such that the loading axis of
accumulation is influenced by the loading conditions such the specimen is parallel to the length of the pipe. For mul-
as mean stress, stress amplitude and prior load history tiaxial experiments, tubular specimens of 25 mm gauge
(Jiang and Sehitoglu, 1994a,b; Paul et al., 2010a,c). length 25 mm outer diameter with 1.6 mm wall thick-
Apart from these eight basic phenomena in isotropic ness were used. The orientation of these specimens with
materials, plastic deformation response dependency on respect to the pipe dimension was similar to those of solid
strain rate and temperature are also observed (Sung et al., specimens.
S.K. Paul et al. / Mechanics of Materials 43 (2011) 705–720 707
Table 1
Tensile properties of SA333 C–Mn steel and 304 LN stainless steel.
Material Yield stress (MPa) Ultimate tensile stress (MPa) Uniform elongation (%) Total elongation (%)
SA333 C–Mn steel 304 494 17.18 24.53
AISI 304LN stainless steel 353 671 52.8 69.62
E 2σ0
0 1
3. Results and discussion B
-200 2σ0
During cyclic plastic deformation, different effects are
observed. They are: Bauschinger effect, cyclic hardening/ -400
softening, strain range effect, loading history memory, rat- SA333 C-Mn steel
Strain amplitude 1.6 %
cheting, mean stress dependent hardening, mean stress -600
-2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
relaxation and non-proportional hardening. Movement of Strain, %
dislocations is the prime cause of plastic deformation,
and their diverse arrangement with in the material during Fig. 1. Schematic representation of Bauschinger effect: (a) forward and
load cycling creates various effects in cyclic plasticity. All reverse flow test; (b) hysteresis loop.
stress controlled cycling, the hardening/softening can be steels show a different combination of initial hardening
related to the increase/decrease in the strain amplitude followed by softening. It may be noted that the two mate-
over a period of time (Eifler and Macherauch, 1990; Paul rials have different crystal structures (SA333-bcc; 304LN-
et al., 2010a). In general a hard material is expected to fcc) and possess different phase constituents (SA333-fer-
cyclically soften and a soft material is expected to cycli- rite–pearlite; 304LN-austenite). Obviously, the dislocation
cally harden. generation and their subsequent movement upon defor-
One of the major factors that control the ability of a mation are liable to be different in the two materials and
material to cyclically harden/soften is its microstructural therefore a different deformation characteristic. The initial
constituents and their participation in the deformation hardening in the SA333 C–Mn steel can be attributed to the
process. The microstructural constituents here refers to rapid multiplication of dislocation upon cyclic deformation
relative volume fractions of different phases present in while that in 304LN stainless steel apart from dislocation
the material, their crystallographic structure and the num- generation to the partial transformation of austenite to
ber of slip systems available, the dislocation density, and martensite (Das and Tarafder, 2009) that impede smooth
the size, shape and distribution of second phase particles. dislocation movement. The subsequent softening can be
As a general rule of thumb, an annealed (read soft) metal/ related to the re-arrangement of the dislocation network.
alloy of high purity would exhibit cyclic hardening due to With progressive deformation, refinement of dislocation
dislocation multiplication (Feltner and Laird, 1967b; Gau- arrangement can lead to finer dislocation cell formation
din and Feaugas, 2004; Zhang and Jiang, 2005; Taleb and (Gaudin and Feaugas, 2004). In effect, the original grain is
Hauet, 2009). Presence of non-shearable precipitates divided into a number of sub-cells, thereby confining the
would additionally contribute to the cyclic hardening (typ- dislocation movement. This indicates the cyclic deforma-
ical example being the h precipitates in Al–Cu alloys) of tion and the hardening/softening behavior depends upon
material due to precipitate-dislocation interaction. On the the microstructural constituents described above and their
other hand, in materials that are hard or have been hard- interaction during the deformation event.
ened, inelastic strain cycling causes the existing dislocation The SA333 C–Mn steel (Fig. 3a) shows initial cyclic
structure to rearrange into a configuration such that there hardening for all strain amplitudes, however, the degree
is less resistance to deformation (Chai and Laird, 1987; of hardening is more prominent at higher strain ampli-
Giordana et al., 2010). The reconfigured structure enables tudes. Similarly, a distinct hardening is observed in
the dislocations to circumnavigate microstructural barriers 304LN stainless steel (Fig. 3b) for strain amplitudes >1%.
thereby promote greater dislocation mobility. The material
is easily deformed or cyclically softens.
The phenomena is very complex in polycrystalline
materials due to the own mechanical properties, ordering a
direction and directional properties of each grain. For
Stress amplitude, MPa
steel respectively for various strain amplitudes. Both the 1 10 100 1000
Number of Cycles
2.0% LCF
b Strain amplitude, %
500 550 0.2
Stress amplitude, MPa
400 0.77
500 1.0
200 450 1.4
100 1.6
Stress, MPa
0 400 1.8
-100 350
-300 300
304LN stainless steel
-600 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000
-2.5 -2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 Number of cycles
Strain, %
Fig. 3. Stress amplitude variation with number of cycles for fully reversed
Fig. 2. Hysteresis loops of 304LN stainless steel for fully reversed symmetric uniaxial strain cycling: (a) SA333 C–Mn steel; (b) 304LN
symmetric uniaxial strain cycling (strain amplitude 2.0%). stainless steel.
S.K. Paul et al. / Mechanics of Materials 43 (2011) 705–720 709
For lower strain amplitudes (0.2% and 0.5%), both the is responsible for cyclic hardening. Therefore, cyclic hard-
materials exhibited a rapid softening preceded by a rela- ening can be modeled by change in cyclic yield stress i.e.
tively low initial hardening. Although this indicates an isotropic hardening model.
alteration in the dislocation dynamics due to the variation
in strain amplitudes, it would be more appropriate to re- 3.3. Loading history memory
late this change in the hardening/softening behavior to
the loading conditions. Many engineering materials are sensitive to the preced-
Another important issue with regards to modeling cyc- ing load path. Subsequent cyclic plasticity of materials is
lic plasticity is the incorporation of hardening/softening therefore strongly influenced by the prior load history. In
behavior within material models. It has been a general fact, the first evidences of the influence of load history on
practice (Feltner, and Laird, 1967b; Pratt, 1967) to use the cyclic deformation behavior of materials have been re-
the yield stress variation to model the cyclic hardening/ ported four decades ago (Lukáš and Klesnil, 1973; Laird
softening behavior of materials. To verify this, the stress– and Finney, 1975). It is documented that for cross-slip
strain hysteresis loops of different cycles are translated in materials (similar to SA333 C–Mn steel in this work) below
such a manner that the common linear regions of the load- a threshold strain the stress–strain response is history
ing branches of all the cycles coincide and a universal independent. Above this threshold strain, the cyclic plastic
envelope curve can be drawn to describe the loading response is prior history dependent. In case of planar slip
branches. The results are shown in Fig. 4a and b for the materials (e.g. 304LN stainless steel here), the cyclic plas-
SA333 C–Mn steel (at 1.6% strain amplitude) and 304LN ticity is always sensitive to the prior load history. Influ-
stainless steel (for 2% strain amplitude) respectively for se- ences of prior load history on the cyclic hardening/
lected cycles. It appears that increase in the elastic portion softening response of materials are also reported in recent
of the hysteresis loop is responsible for cyclic hardening times (Kunz et al., 2001; Jiang and Zhang, 2008; Jiang and
and thus the hardening/softening can be explained by Sehitoglu, 1994a, b). Generally, prior load history affects
change in the yield stress. It can be said from Fig. 4 that in- initial cyclic hardening/softening behavior of materials;
crease in elastic portion of hysteresis loop (i.e. yield stress) however, the stabilized stress–strain response remains
unaltered (Zhang and Jiang, 2004).
To verify the influence of prior load history on the cyclic
stress–strain response, we performed fully reversed strain
a 800 Strain amplitude 1.6% controlled cyclic deformation studies on (i) specimens ten-
700 sile pre-strained to different pre-determined strains and
Number of cycle
600 1 (ii) on specimens pre-cycling at constant pre-determined
2 strain amplitude. The pre-strain cycling was carried out
Stress, MPa
400 10 under strain control analogous to the low cycle fatigue pro-
20 cedure given in the experimental section except that the
300 40
70 cyclic deformation was imposed for a pre-determined
200 100
number of cycles. The influence of tensile pre-strain on
100 cyclic deformation behavior of SA333 C–Mn steel is shown
0 in Fig. 5 along with base line fatigue data (without any
-100 SA333 C-Mn steel prior history effect) and that of the pre-strain cycling in
Fig. 6 for the same material. The results in Fig. 5 infer that
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Strain, % after the imposition of tensile pre-strain, the stress re-
sponse during subsequent cyclic deformation under strain
b 1000 304LN stainless steel
Strain amplitude 1.0%
600 single step
500 5.75% pre-straining
Stress, MPa
14.0% pre-straining
200 450
Number of cycles
0 50
10 400
-200 3
-0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5
SA333 C-Mn steel
Strain, % 300
1 10 100 1000
Fig. 4. Hysteresis loop at selective number of cycle, first cycles compres- Number of cycles
sive tip translated to origin (0, 0) and other loops are translated in such a
way that their loading branch overlapped with fist cycles hysteresis loop’s Fig. 5. Dependence of cyclic hardening/softening on loading history:
loading branch: (a) strain amplitude of 1.6% for SA333 C–Mn steel; (b) Stress amplitude versus number of cycles plot for SA333 C–Mn steel, at
strain amplitude of 2.0% for 304LN stainless steel. 1.0% strain amplitude and pre-straining of 0.0%, 5.75%, 7.8% and 14.0%.
710 S.K. Paul et al. / Mechanics of Materials 43 (2011) 705–720
304LN stainless steel and SA333 C–Mn steel exhibit non-
Masing behavior. Masing behavior is not a universal phe-
360 nomenon in engineering materials. Plumtree and Abdel-
Raouf (2001) have shown that some materials exhibit Mas-
340 ing behavior while others do not. Fan and Jiang (2004)
noted Masing behavior in a pressure vessel steel at
SA333 C-Mn steel
300 °C and 420 °C. Maier et al. (2006) observed Masing
1 10 100 1000 behavior in an ultrafine grained copper.
Number of cycles It is not necessary that all materials would exhibit Mas-
Fig. 6. Dependence of cyclic hardening/softening on loading history:
ing behavior under all experimental conditions. Whether
Stress amplitude versus number of cycles plot for SA333 C–Mn steel, or not a material will exhibit Masing behavior is strongly
single step 0.7% LCF and 20 cycles 1.6% LCF followed by 0.7% LCF. influenced by the distribution of second phase particles
and the manner in which dislocation movement is im-
peded by them. It is shown that Masing behavior will ap-
control is completely altered. The base line data showed a pear in precipitation hardened alloys containing closely
significant hardening upon cyclic deformation, whereas spaced unshearable particles, while in those with particles
after imposition of tensile pres-strain, the material exhibits spaced far apart, a non-Masing behavior is observed
cyclic softening behavior. As the magnitude of the tensile (Plumtree and Abdel-Raouf, 2001). A material system that
pre-strain is increased, the cyclic softening response was exhibits Masing behavior in one load path might show a
also noted to be high. This increase in cyclic softening is non-Masing nature in another load path or vice versa. In
significant for the first few cycles when compared to the an austenitic stainless steel (Ye et al., 2006), Masing behav-
base line cyclic response. This implies that the material ior was observed in incremental load step whereas for a
memorizes the prior loading history and influences the
subsequent hardening/softening response. The material
memory, however, gradually fades away with subsequent
cycles and finally converges with the base line stress re- a 1000 Strain amplitude, %
sponse. Similarly, after pre-cyclic straining (Fig. 6), a 900
posed to the hardening exhibited by the same material in
the absence of prior cycle. The observations noted here 500
on the SA333 C–Mn steel gather support from the investi- 400
gations made by Jiang and Zhang (2008) on 304 stainless 300
steel and, Zhang and Jiang (2005) on OFHC copper. The 200
observations made in this investigation and those at the 100
SA333 C-Mn steel
references cited above suggest that the cyclic hardening/ 0
softening is not only dependent on material but also on 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
the loading magnitude and loading history. Strain, %
Strain amplitude, %
3.4. Strain range effect (non Masing behavior) b 1200 0.2
1000 1.2
Masing (1926) while modeling the Bauschinger effect 1.4
(1886) using a number of elastic-perfectly plastic elements
Stress, MPa
800 2.0
each with different yield levels observed that while load
reversal (unloading from peak tensile point as origin) each 600
element was required to deform twice its preceding elastic
range in order to cause complete yielding. Thus, a material 400
that follows the Masing model would have identical load-
ing and unloading branches of the hysteresis loops, and
304LN stainless steel
their elastic region remain unaltered with a change in 0
strain amplitude. Experimentally, Masing behavior in a 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
material is verified by bringing the compressive tips of Strain, %
(sometimes the tensile tips) all the stable hysteresis loops Fig. 7. Stable hysteresis loop at different strain amplitude, compressive
belonging to various strain amplitudes to a common origin. tip translated to origin (0, 0): (a) SA333 C–Mn steel; (b) 304LN stainless
If all the loading branches (or unloading branches in case of steel.
S.K. Paul et al. / Mechanics of Materials 43 (2011) 705–720 711
companion specimen test (constant strain amplitude test) the magnitude of the non-Masing stress, an additional
a non-Masing behavior was noted. Raman and Padmanab- quantity that is required to shift the corresponding tip to
han (1996) demonstrated that Masing behavior can be ob- the origin. It may be noted that this extension (of linear re-
served in 304LN stainless steel when cold rolled to 30% gion) represents the cyclic expansion of the proportional
prior to testing. Christ and Mughrabi (1996) and Li and limit and therefore the non-Masing behavior or the strain
Laird (1993) showed that in both polycrystal and single range effect can be modeled by change in the cyclic yield
crystal copper, Masing behavior was not present. However, stress. The results show that non-Masing behavior is both
under a special incremental step test (Christ and Mughrabi, material and strain range dependent. It may be noted that
1996) and ramp loading conditions (Wang and Laird, incorporation of non-Masing behavior in cyclic plasticity
1988), Masing behavior could be observed. models is more significant during large range strain
From microscopic point of view Masing behavior relates cycling.
to a stable microstructural condition and dislocation sub- Sometimes, strain energy based approaches are also
structure (Maier et al., 2006) against fatigue cycles. In a successfully used to quantify the non-Masing behavior. It
study of hysteresis loop shapes for different metals and al- should, however, be noted that strain energy approach is
loys (Plumtree and Abdel-Raouf, 2001), it was noted that suitable only for fully reversed loading conditions because
non-Masing behavior was observed for group of metals the plastic strain energy are not sensitive to the mean
and alloys in which cyclic deformation is controlled by ma- stress effects.
trix properties, and dislocation cells are formed at rela-
tively low strain ranges. In addition, Mughrabi and Christ 3.5. Mean stress relaxation
(1997) have pointed out that phase stability is a pre-requi-
site for the Masing phenomena. Investigations on micro- So far we have seen situations wherein the cyclic load
structural changes during cyclic deformation and (or strain) reversals are symmetric. During asymmetric
observations of dislocation cell development (Sivaprasad strain cycling, the presence of a constant mean strain,
et al., 2010a; Gaudin and Feaugas, 2004; Mayama et al., would introduce a mean stress that would relax gradually
2008) showed that both the microstructural phase constit- upon progressive cyclic deformation (Morrow and Sinclair,
uent and the dislocation cell size need not necessarily re- 1958; Fang and Berkovits, 1994; Arcari et al., 2009). Mean
main stable upon cyclic deformation in all materials. The
304LN stainless steel investigated in this work belongs to
this category. Such instability will produce a deviation a 900 Strain amplitude, %
from Masing behavior. In materials that do not suffer phase 800 0.7
transformation upon cyclic deformation (such as the 700 1.0
SA333 C–Mn steel in this work), the non-Masing behavior 600 1.6
the cell interior is therefore expected to be soft. The cell 0.0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.7 3.0
walls representing regions of high dislocation density is Strain, %
expected to possess high yield level. Such a material can
be treated as a composite consisting of hard and soft re- b 800 Strain amplitude, %
gions strained in parallel as proposed by Masing model 0.5
(Magnin et al., 1989). Such transient dislocation cell struc- 600 1.0
ture and/or phase instability can introduce additional yield 1.4
400 1.6
Stress, MPa
stress relaxation during asymmetric strain cycling with a can be categorized as (i) material ratcheting and (ii) struc-
mean strain of 5.5% and strain amplitude of 1% is shown tural ratcheting and it is necessary to understand the dif-
in Fig. 9. The results infer that the presence of a tensile ference between the two phenomena (Hartwig, 1996).
mean strain influences the tensile peak stress that relaxes Material ratcheting can occur in the absence of structural
with progressive cycles. The compressive peak stress re- effects (i.e., if stress is homogeneously distributed in a
mains unaltered. It will be interesting to also know if mere structure) and thus purely a material related effect and
presence of mean strain influences the peak stress irre- can be examined by material tests and theoretically de-
spective of the manner in which it is imposed or not. To scribed constitutive equations. Hardening behavior, mag-
verify this, we additionally performed an experiment in nitude of mean stress, anisotropy, shape of yield surface,
which a specimen was tensile pre-strained to 5.75% total loading pattern (proportional or non-proportional) and
strain (5.5% plastic strain/residual strain) and was fol- test temperature are some of the variables that would
lowed by imposition of 1% symmetric strain cycling. Com- influence the material ratcheting phenomena. The investi-
parisons of the two results, one is 1% symmetric strain gation presented in this work belongs to this category.
cycling with 5.5% mean strain and other one is tensile Structural ratcheting can occur due to inelastic material
pre-strained to 5.75% total strain (5.5% residual strain) behavior under cyclic loading even if there is no material
followed by 1% symmetric strain cycling, are given in ratcheting (Hartwig, 1996). For example, a purely kine-
Fig. 9d. The results show that the material response is sim- matic hardening material in uniaxial stress state at a con-
ilar in both the cases indicating the fact that mean stress stant temperature can still exhibit ratcheting due to
relaxation depends mainly on the magnitude of mean inhomogeneity of stress state in the structure. Structural
strain irrespective of the manner in which it was induced. ratcheting is generally verified by detailed or simplified
inelastic analysis and this is not covered within the scope
3.6. Ratcheting of this work.
As a matter of fact, a number of investigations have
Ratcheting is a secondary deformation process that pro- been carried out in the last two decades to understand
ceeds in every cycle and liable to severely deteriorate the and model the material ratcheting behavior. Basically, all
performance of a component due to cumulative effect of these investigations can be broadly categorized into (i)
fatigue damage and progressive strain accumulation in a studies on laboratory specimens and (ii) those on full scale
particular direction. It should be noted that ratcheting components (Kulkarni et al., 2003). All these investigations
Stress, MPa
0 20
-200 10
-400 Mean strain 5.5 %
Strain amplitude 1.0 % SA333 C-Mn steel
-500 -10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 10 100 1000
Strain, % Number of cycles
c 500 d 500
Mean stress relaxation
400 (Mean strain 5.5 %, Strain amplitude 1.0 % )
Tensile pre-strain followed by LCF
300 475
Stress amplitude, MPa
100 450
SA333 C-Mn steel
-100 Mean strain 5.5 % 425
Strain amplitude 1.0 %
-300 400
SA333 C-Mn steel
-500 375
1 10 100 1000 1 10 100 1000
Number of cycles Number of cycles
Fig. 9. Mean stress relaxation at mean strain of 5.5% and strain amplitude of 1.0% on SA333 C–Mn steel: (a) stress–strain plot; (b) mean stress variation with
number of cycles; (c) peak stress variation with number of cycles; (d) change in stress amplitude with cycling and comparison with monotonic pre-straining
5.75% followed by 1.0% symmetric strain cycling.
S.K. Paul et al. / Mechanics of Materials 43 (2011) 705–720 713
Stress, MPa
quent cyclic plastic deformation. For example, the
material ratcheting behavior studied by Hassan and 450
Kyriakides (1992, 1994a,b), Hassan et al (1992), Jiang and 20
Sehitoglu (1994a,b), Delobelle et al (1995), Haupt and 400
Schinke (1996), Kang et al. (2002), Zhang and Jiang
(2005), Khan et al. (2007), Sivaprasad et al. (2010b) and SA333 C-Mn steel
Paul et al. (2010a) under uniaxial and multiaxial loading 300 -10
conditions are a few worth mentioning. In a majority of 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
investigations, including the works cited above, the rat- Number of cycles
cheting behavior has been investigated employing a cyclic
waveform under load or engineering stress control that is b 1000 True stress amplitude, MPa
Stress, MPa
800 60
a measurable change in the specimen dimension. However,
the magnitude of strain accumulation during asymmetric 700
load/stress cycling depends upon the magnitude of mean
stress (or load) and stress (or load) amplitude. For high 20
magnitudes of mean stress and stress amplitude, the accu- 500
mulated strain over a period of time may be reasonable to 304LN stainless steel 0
produce a considerable change in the specimen cross-sec- 400
-100 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
tional area. If appropriate correction factors are not ac- Number of cycles
counted for these dimensional alterations, the true mean
stress and true stress amplitude are liable to increase Fig. 10. Alteration of true maximum stress and stress amplitude with
uncontrollably, leading to overload failure of the specimen number of cycles in engineering stress control test: (a) SA333 C–Mn steel;
(b) 304LN stainless steel.
rather than due to ratcheting fatigue (Paul et al.,
2010a,b,c). The life prediction will therefore be inappropri-
ate. A systematic investigation on the ratcheting behavior
True strain refers to the ratio of change in gauge length
due to engineering and true stress controlled asymmetric
to instantaneous gauge length which can be described by
cycling is presented in this work. From the engineering
Eq. (1)
point of view, engineering stress controlled ratcheting is
important since in actual engineering applications, mea- DL L
surement and regulation of true stress (and strain) will
er ¼ ¼ ln ¼ ln ð1 þ er Þ ð1Þ
L0 L L0
not be possible. At the same time, from materials perspec-
tive, true stress controlled experiments is essential to Assuming metal volume is not changing, true stress can be
understand and model the ratcheting response of material. determined from Eq. (2)
It is often difficult to decide a safe percentage of strain r ¼ Sð1 þ er Þ ð2Þ
accumulation so that dimensional alterations in the speci-
men could be ignored or vice versa. The safest method where, r and er are true stress and ratcheting strain, S and
should be to study the material ratcheting behavior under er are engineering stress and ratcheting strain, L0 and L are
true stress control, since true stress and true strain are the initial and final gauge length of the specimen.
actual manifestation of material response under external Amount of area reduction can be calculated from vol-
loads. In this work, ratcheting behavior of SA333 C–Mn ume incompressibility condition, as shown in Eq. (3)
steel and 304LN stainless steel has been investigated under
DA er
both engineering and true stress control to bring out the ¼ ð3Þ
A 1 þ er
difference in the estimated life.
The evolution of stress and strain during an engineering where, A is the original cross sectional area and DA is the
stress controlled experiment is shown in Fig. 10a for SA333 reduction in cross sectional area at er ratcheting strain.
C–Mn steel with mean stress (80 MPa)–stress amplitude The ratcheting strain accumulation prior to specimen
(310 MPa) combination and in Fig. 10b for 304LN stainless failure was noted to be 50.5% for SA333 C–Mn steel and
steel with mean stress (120 MPa)–stress amplitude 93% for 304LN stainless steel. Accumulation of such huge
(420 MPa) combination to bring out the implications of magnitudes of ratcheting strains produced a 1.505
engineering stress controlled ratcheting experiments. It (SA333) and 1.931 (304LN) times increase in the actual
can be noted that in both the steels a significant magnitude true stress, and a corresponding 33.56% (SA333) and
of ratcheting strain has been accumulated. The ratcheting 48.21% (304LN) reduction the specimen cross-section area.
strain (er) here represents
the average of the maximum This significant reduction of cross-sectional area produced
and minimum strain emax þe 2
of the hysteresis loop. an uncontrollable increase in both the true stress
714 S.K. Paul et al. / Mechanics of Materials 43 (2011) 705–720
amplitude and true maximum stress, whereas the corre- Therefore, to reach true ultimate tensile stress more engi-
sponding engineering values were maintained at a con- neering ratcheting strain accumulation is required com-
stant level. Stress–strain response of selected loading pared to engineering tensile strain, as engineering
cycles of two different piping materials subjected to true ultimate tensile stress is higher than maximum engineer-
stress controlled uniaxial loading with both positive and ing ratcheting stress. Therefore, it is thought to be the
negative mean stress are shown in Fig. 11. We will discuss probable cause of higher ratcheting strain accumulation
the difference between engineering and true controlled in engineering stress controlled ratcheting than uniform
experiments on ratcheting life subsequently. engineering tensile strain before necking.
As noted in those ratcheting experiments, 93.0% The evolution of ratcheting strain in SA333 C–Mn steel
(304LN) and 50.5% (SA333) elongations are achieved in and 304LN stainless steel under true stress control tests are
engineering stress controlled ratcheting tests where as shown in Fig. 12. It is observed that the ratcheting strain
uniform elongation during tensile test of those materials accumulation occurs in the direction of mean stress that
are around 52.8% (304LN) and 17.18% (SA333). Therefore, is a tensile mean stress leads to strain accumulation in ten-
material can accommodate much higher strain during rat- sile direction and a compressive mean stress produces
cheting without necking. Initiation of micro void is the strain in the compressive direction. A similar observation
probable cause of necking and their coalescence leads to is noted by Jiang and Sehitoglu (1994a,b). Ratcheting rate
failure (Floreen and Hayden, 1970; Han and Margolin, decay is also noted for all loading conditions in Fig. 12. Ini-
1989). Local instability/necking in tensile test starts at tially, the ratcheting strain accumulation rate is higher fol-
the point of UTS (ultimate tensile strength). Therefore, it lowed by a gradual decrease and then stabilizes at a
can be said that necking starts when the true stress reach constant rate throughout the life. It is also documented
a critical value which is equal to true ultimate tensile that both the ratcheting strain and fatigue life increases
stress. Both engineering stress and strain increases with with increasing mean stress.
time during tensile test, but in case of ratcheting maximum The improvement in fatigue life due to increasing mean
engineering stress is maintained a constant value and stress can be explained by plastic strain energy during cyc-
accumulated engineering strain increases with time. Com- lic deformation. The plastic strain energy represented by
bine influence of both engineering stress and strain is re- the area enclosed by stress–strain hysteresis loop signifies
flected in true stress calculation as shown in Eq. (2). the ability of the material to cyclically deform. More the
a 500
1-3 100 500 1000 2000 5000 8200 b 400
4000 2500 1000 500 100 1-3
400 300
True stress, MPa
300 200
True stress, MPa
200 100
100 0
0 -100
-100 -200
-200 -300
c Mean stress 120 MPa
Stress amplitude 420 MPa
d 400 820 600 400 200 100 50
304Ln stainless steel
600 1-3 50 500 1500 3600
True stress, MPa
True stress, MPa
Mean stress -60 MPa
304Ln stainless steel Stress amplitude 420 MPa
-400 -600
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 -15.0 -12.5 -10.0 -7.5 -5.0 -2.5 0.0
True strain, %
True strain, %
Fig. 11. Shifting of hysteresis loop along strain axis during true stress control asymmetric stress cycling: (a) 80 MPa mean stress and 350 MPa stress
amplitude for SA333 C–Mn steel; (b) 40 MPa mean stress and 350 MPa stress amplitude for SA333 C–Mn steel; (c) 120 MPa mean stress and 420 MPa
stress amplitude for 304LN stainless steel; (d) 60 MPa mean stress and 420 MPa stress amplitude for 304LN stainless steel.
S.K. Paul et al. / Mechanics of Materials 43 (2011) 705–720 715
a 35
SA333 C-Mn steel
a 14000 Number of cycles
30 Hysteresis loop area
25 4 0.6
Number of cycles
15 Stress amplitude 350 MPa 3
10 Mean stress 0.4
120 MPa
5 80 MPa 6000 2 0.3
0 40 MPa
0 MPa 4000 0.2
-5 Mean stress -40 MPa
-10 2000 0.1
-15 SA333 C-Mn steel
0 0 0.0
-20 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 Mean stress, MPa
Number of cycles
b 7000 Number of cycle
b 25 304LN stainless steel
Hysteresis loop area, MJ/m2
Plastic strain amplitude, %
Number of cycles
Ratcheting strain, %
15 10
4000 1.5
10 8
Stress amplitude 420 MPa
5 Mean stress 3000 6
180 MPa 1.0
0 120 MPa 4
60 MPa 2000
-5 0 MPa 0.5 2
-60 MPa 1000
-10 0
304LN stainless steel
0 0.0
-15 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 Mean stress, MPa
Number of cycles
Fig. 13. Number of cycles to failure, hysteresis loop area and plastic strain
Fig. 12. True ratcheting strain versus number of cycles: (a) stress amplitude versus mean stress: (a) stress amplitude of 350 MPa and mean
amplitude of 350 MPa and mean stress of 40, 0, 40, 80 and 120 MPa stress of 40, 0, 40, 80 and 120 MPa for SA333 C–Mn steel; (b) stress
for SA333 C–Mn steel; (b) stress amplitude of 420 MPa and mean stress of amplitude of 420 MPa and mean stress of 60, 0, 60, 120 and 180 MPa for
60, 0, 60, 120 and 180 MPa for 304LN stainless steel. 304LN stainless steel.
hysteresis loop area, the material is expected to absorb cheting strain variation with number of cycles by the two
more energy and hence shorter will be the fatigue life methods for SA333 C–Mn steel is shown in Fig. 14a and b
(Xia et al., 1996). The energy calculated from saturated and that of 304LN stainless steel in Fig. 14c. The fatigue life
hysteresis loops is plotted against the applied mean stress of both the materials was more during true stress con-
in Fig. 13a and b for SA333 C–Mn steel and 304LN stainless trolled experiments than under engineering stress control.
steel respectively. The figures also include the correspond- The reasons for the decrease fatigue life during engineering
ing evolution of plastic strain amplitudes. If the zero mean stress control experiments were thought to be due to (i) ra-
stress condition is taken as reference, it may be noted from pid accumulation of ratcheting strain than under true
Fig. 13 that the hysteresis loop area decreases with stress control as can be witnessed in Fig. 14, (ii) a continu-
increasing mean stress irrespective of its direction. At the ous increase in the actual true stress on the specimen as
same time, it is also interesting to see that the plastic strain seen in Fig. 10, (iii) instability and necking produced due
amplitude decreases with increasing mean stress. The re- to large reduction of cross-sectional area. On contrary, dur-
sults thus infer that increasing mean stress leads to de- ing true stress controlled experiments, failure always oc-
crease in both plastic strain amplitude and plastic strain curred by initiation and growth of fatigue cracks. All
energy as a result of which the fatigue life increases. The these observations are true for a positive mean stress.
observation holds good for both the varieties of steel inves- However, when the mean stress is negative (Fig. 14c), it ap-
tigated here. A similar behavior has been reported in a car- pears that the fatigue life increases during engineering
bon steel (Kliman et al., 1980), 304 stainless steel (Turner stress controlled situation when compared to that during
and Martin, 1980; Lorenzo and Laird, 1984; Mughrabi true stress control. The reason for this anomaly is that
et al., 1997), polycrystalline copper (Eckert et al., 1987; Lu- the presence of compressive mean stress drives the rat-
kas and Kunz, 1989) and for polycrystalline nickel (Holste cheting strain in compressive direction (a case contrary
et al., 1994). to the increasing true stress depicted in Fig. 10) as a result
In order to draw the difference between the engineering of which true stress amplitude reduces with progressive
and true stress controlled ratcheting behavior of the mate- cycling, leading to an increase in life.
rial, some of the above tests were repeated under engineer- The comparison brings forth the inadequacy in engi-
ing stress controlled mode while keeping all other neering stress controlled experiments to understand the
experimental conditions identical. A comparison of the rat- ratcheting behavior of materials, specifically involving
716 S.K. Paul et al. / Mechanics of Materials 43 (2011) 705–720
40 True stress controlled tests and plastic strain amplitude with increasing mean stress.
Amplitude 310 MPa
35 Amplitude 350 MPa This implies that SA333 C–Mn steel and 304LN stainless
30 steel suffer an additional hardening due to the presence
25 of mean stress. For low magnitudes of mean stress the
20 material could accommodate larger plastic strains than
15 for the higher magnitudes of mean stress. The cyclic dam-
10 age imposed on the material at low magnitudes of mean
SA333 C-Mn steel
stress is therefore expected to be more than for higher
0 magnitudes of mean stress. This explains the relative low
10 100 1000 10000 ratcheting life of SA333 C–Mn and 304LN stainless steels
Number of cycles
at low magnitudes of mean stress levels.
c 100 Stress amplitude 420 MPa
In order to further understand this mean stress depen-
True mean stress dent hardening, the stress–strain responses of the two
180 MPa
80 120 MPa steels at the saturated cycles are plotted in Fig. 15a and b
Ratcheting strain, %
60 MPa
0 MPa for SA333 C–Mn and 304LN stainless steel respectively. It
60 -60 MPa
Engg. mean stress
may be noted that for the purpose of comparison, all the
180 MPa hysteresis loops in Fig. 15 are translated to a common ori-
40 120 MPa
60 MPa gin. For both the steels, the figure shows that with increas-
-60 MPa
20 ing mean stress (i) the size of the hysteresis loops
gradually decrease and (ii) the non-linear portion of the
0 loading branch becomes steeper. The first observation indi-
304LN stainless steel cates that the plastic strain, represented by the width of
-20 the loop, a manifestation of damage accumulated in the
1 10 100 1000 10000
Number of cycles material, decreases with increasing mean stress. The sec-
ond observation indicates an increase in the hardening re-
Fig. 14. Comparison between true and engineering stress control rat- sponse of the material. It may be noted that the change in
cheting test: (a) stress amplitude of 310 MPa and mean stress of 40 and the hardening response of the material due to mean stress
80 MPa for SA333 C–Mn steel; (b) mean stress of 80 MPa and stress
starts occurring right from the first cycle and a typical
amplitude of 310 and 350 MPa for SA333 C–Mn steel; (c) stress amplitude
of 420 MPa and mean stress of 60, 0, 60, 120 and 180 MPa for 304LN change in the hysteresis loop shape of SA333 C–Mn steel
stainless steel. for various mean stress levels are given in Fig. 15c. The
observation provides evidences that the two steels in this
investigation show an additional hardening that is depen-
large strains and suggests true stress control experiments dent on mean stress.
for test conditions that are expected to produce large strain
accumulation. Referring to Fig. 14, it can be seen that both 3.8. Non proportional hardening
the methods produce almost identical strain accumulation
for the initial few cycles. It is only with the progressive cy- Additional hardening of material under non-propor-
cles, the strain accumulation by the two methods is largely tional loading is called a non-proportional hardening. If
different. The assumption (as in many investigations avail- the stress or strain ratios at different directions vary pro-
able in literature) that for small magnitudes of ratcheting portionally with time then the loading type is called pro-
strain accumulation the investigation employing engineer- portional loading otherwise non-proportional loading. For
ing stress control ignoring the dimensional changes in the example, in case of axial-torsional direction if the phase
specimen seems to be logical. However, it is very difficult difference and the mean values in both the directions are
to specify a cycle/strain limit below which an engineering zero, then it is a proportional. If there is a phase difference
S.K. Paul et al. / Mechanics of Materials 43 (2011) 705–720 717
600 80 MPa
120 MPa
500 0.25
400 0.00
300 -0.25
200 -0.50
100 -0.75
SA333 C-Mn steel
0 -1.00
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 -0.75 -0.50 -0.25 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75
True strain, % Axial strain (ε), %
600 50
Stress amplitude
400 420 MPa -50
mean stress
180 MPa -100
200 120 MPa
60 MPa -150
-60 MPa -200
0 MPa SA333 C-Mn steel
0 -250
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 -500 -400 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500
True strain, % Axial stress (σ), MPa
Stress, MPa
-200 -200
Stress amplitude 350 MPa
Mean 0 MPa
Mean 40 MPa -400
-400 Mean 80 MPa
Mean 120 MPa
SA333 C-Mn steel
-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 -600
True strain, % -1.00 -0.75 -0.50 -0.25 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00
Strain, %
Fig. 15. True stress–strain plot of saturated cycle, compressive tip of
Fig. 16. Symmetric 90° out of phase strain cycling on SA333 C–Mn steel,
hysteresis loops are translated to common origin: (a) stress amplitude of
0.6% axial strain and 0.78% shear strain (a) applied strain (b) Stable stress
350 MPa and mean stress of 40, 0, 40, 80 and 120 MPa for SA333 C–Mn
response (c) Stable stress–strain response.
steel; (b) stress amplitude of 420 MPa and mean stress of 60, 0, 60, 120
and 180 MPa for 304LN stainless steel; (c) First cycle true stress–strain
plot at stress amplitude of 350 MPa and mean stress of 0, 40, 80 and
120 MPa for SA333 C–Mn steel. dent. Doong et al (1990) have reported that no additional
hardening is observed in aluminium alloys but a significant
additional hardening in oxygen free copper, 310 and 304
or mean value between axial and torsional loading then stainless steels. Krempl and Lu (1984) observed that non-
non-proportionality starts. Since the cyclic loading experi- proportional hardening is dependent on loading path. Itoh
enced by many engineering components is expected to be et al (1992) reports that amount of non-proportional hard-
multiaxial, understanding the non-proportional hardening ening is dependent on stalking fault energy of the materi-
becomes important. The extreme level of non-proportion- als. Doquet and Clavel (1996) report that extra hardening
ality can be generated by creating 90o phase difference in FCC solid solutions during 90o out of phase tension-tor-
and therefore in many investigations the non-proportional sion experiments increases with decrease in stalking fault
hardening behavior has been investigated at 90o out of energy. In non-proportional loading, the maximum shear
phase between tension and torsion strain paths. stress plane rotates with time in every cycle thus triggering
Recent investigations have shown that the extra hard- many slip planes and their mutual interaction thus attrib-
ening produced by non-proportionality is material depen- uting to an additional hardening (Shamsaei et al., 2010).
718 S.K. Paul et al. / Mechanics of Materials 43 (2011) 705–720
a 0.75 a 500
SA333 C-Mn steel
Axial strain (ε), %
-0.25 400
100 440
0 430
-100 420
-200 410
SA333 C-Mn steel 380 Out of phase
-500 In phase SA333 C-Mn steel
-1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 370
Strain, % 1 10 100 1000
Number of cycles
Fig. 17. Symmetric in phase strain cycling on SA333 C–Mn steel, 0.6%
axial strain and 0.78% shear strain: (a) applied strain; (b) stable stress– Fig. 18. Von-Mises equivalent stress alteration with cycles during in
strain response. phase and 90° out of phase symmetric strain cycling for SA333 C–Mn
steel: (a) 0.6% axial strain and 0.78% shear strain (Dc/De = 1.3); (b) 0.4%
axial strain and 0.52% shear strain (Dc/De = 1.3).
where, req, r and s are the Von-Mises equivalent stress, ax- (a) Cyclic hardening/softening is not only dependent on
ial stress and shear stress respectively. material but also on the loading condition and load-
Similarly, by maintaining Dc/De = 1.3, in-phase and 90o ing history. With progression of cycling, increase in
out of phase loading with a combination of 0.4% axial 0.52% linear region of hysteresis loops is responsible for
shear strain has been investigated on the same material. cyclic hardening. Pre- tensile straining or pre- cyclic
Variation of Von-Mises equivalent stress amplitude with straining with higher amplitude results cyclic soft-
number of cycles is shown in Fig. 18b and around 13.2% ening whereas as received material shows cyclic
non-proportional hardening (calculated at half of number hardening behavior.
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