why wahabi doebandi wants to demolish Roza e Rasool tell me if you know???????????????
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Te oe aes
Cert iste
ft ce
Eke d Ala A alst-l
Ue et
ae oe
ee HO Bae ot Ae Alt tire ele
te Toe Ja Ken igre Ol
ela wea Ble lot iL uxt
PL yh BL Ll wife io LAL L
Fa spd Hate tits tae AS Poet a 1 Loses Pal
Fite MoU Sse Sebi sig
2h pr dg nae Lr Blfl Ase HP
SRL tel BIC EL UBL piled
Leeper Piel Mb erin Sse
Ze wi Sukie te af Bich lle
SPELL Le eA ee Ik ray
LS vole Stu UROL tl da FUL
Aja Pati nanteoy Aide reid
Bb ot 13 ots, VIA Ste et iP eld Te re
Lee d Abe Burt 4 ben eat Va
eae ee bt BE yl BT ee te ts
ee ee ee
fot trte
Sage Tage ye Tig ay ae eR
CUFT Lote Uwe WL be Ut y, wat
Wr LL FEB oS SL bE Selle tyr bi
MEP DAEE Ae ee Gest St eS ry
we Eup’ es Fie Assi bee Geen
Leper let Surf Ii Seen Suresh ME psi h
: eg Fr Lae yy ik Bote
thee be ad gBi Se, WEMUsbedaytaus &
beak. Sobatrake Pelasigd Stl eb sy,
Se Peg he Fe yh wh F Bele Mabe ugk ty
PLOY sne Pibe iec te 4 Ge dae:
Vie UUM MRED Bew ye
Uns, abode Washed th ee sory) TA Warr wy
LeaJLe (gL geben de pet ered opt sleet pil Jd
pbs CU EEE NN a Dl ley UU Ce ey ep Lely
aS ph poe git oral Lager 52 pty SS ply photvera
Aeon Beitleubl toAge 21S
LS why Abt te Nes £ ye eek yolh
Pe Laie BrAds pie |2 Laws
LeLer reaps Seb Lie Aa titi
Bee we nk eri £ fai beunpenz
CORO Pg tae Hl ale pte Wl eS te
Aged patil poled ab AIS pera bol Ue et SOBs
Vy SB lly We pb op STIG a) yh ysl RAY Ole) aye Stine pal
Bla STAD elle y lle sty SU arte gb Paral
COMPA SII kel ye facony oy
WP ete eete EL Te be
ANDY eh pBcal y ail as SIIB fl pa gh ALS oka y Lg
(OAM. 2). Slr ela yousd YB eral! cle Jalal gad sr ju ol
2 LG Abd adh ob opurgeilet MEY
Dadi ys hgh Hip Ao8 3 slaw 3 y@ pl tal y 1 peal UE
Sebati ot CUS oP) SND gel pr eB A Ny yi de
PG be feeb fle EL Sie itason
EGE ont ws pre SPOKES L
in ny ilk
DN Sh yt teed tela fal end JB et) yr ol one
er teen ES tel pad SE ell py Bd eae
(OOH. ey |g ph ald Hie eared gy Met
he le PL Ulli Be tert Micthen the
bf fuk teS PL iwbongltl AL UU Uh
sn FIL Since
Br dnb ALevre a ee irae
JA 2 busi hoAwAr Aedes user Sip
abe LGA Gily od Le Bre Liar tly LA
Leen SUe meet ibe PNB lye vied
(oe fk Ln FE Gill te UII
sb Aline ppb All Carer be) Sie
Ger frwt£ lide nol Hora r Siegen tavl O
ppb cnl be ASI ptin£ Sues yblt uF
Ver rele
qibeall ytd Wge gb BL ghey gael ate tale bely
Sea eg ye ad wel gw yy ares poll Sal yy feel
hye JS gh hall Sp Egle YD 9 peed etl
[ASB ge pr ee I chy pall aad pred 5
(OAT, ye) pl All bbe etl dia 3di
PAVE Foerster d eAbetIe
igh wiple Neat
dell eles SM tS pre sil Ledpe obs by
Hay 6 Bly ANN peel jas pe Lead ad da pl >
‘ (IZA ty ema
Me Lerttad Pe EL Zl
ete aig BAS bol Gini USE
eee US Alle tet Se perl fl
(14 Pe beet
ares oo gee pet SL at daedll oda cs pwd
(194. 92) 358
Se AG UiL wiht Ane ttl
dares ort rem on ole pb Sl all bone Sly
DPA ZA cell ap jll JB nee eatery uneet Ca ed
deme ye PHS SI Sool A UE hot et
a +92) pdb d2 yr yal Lue dal pil pally geet ll
de eUsAw EE SiS pleayi Selby ir
i abe pb L eles AS Be Heide
Wibch Ae stON ee eee AL det uwb ede tase
atte Se Mit ee AU RHA LD EAI
pe ya phy Sado J pel y dole gi bs (che aa IH" pak
(Uh 2). ey!
be Ue A CA bil
ei Soom fA
we nk Sues
AST Sy ob gel eS al ol SUIS Jal glob
(89 ae) Nye dala jb Sl ll de pl Sgt
thre RB hee AL UG
Ee sL I BY
ure nd Sateen S um MEd S ett
SUS gd gS Mya ll cle eT Miele y eld
PLOTS eric os jeer eae reel yaad
(Vege) dell fal eS bel pay tod Sal
ui burt, beanie SPL UNIS tle thle
SUN Uk ene ete Worked V3
Aber bia L vail utetn
Lae AtectoL Gout tavh tue feey Hn
Gators site Be 1d — ie, SMW VU doousl
USE Beh SLL lasts eed rey rege ia
5d BS Tues ANSE et de"4
ofits ie BLA Saran 76 te
bit tUrne Lihue Bue IE
iy Zo AL Bela
tpt Mora T6 Ug dy Fs Ug lat
Ui rcb yp SGT be eo L nek Pe, SRL
uw ueuibde As Beyer bo L
ede VOI pi bigwed eect
KF er) oer oleda(9 Bite Ue
Se buyer GASH wieetr()
ME ibe UR UE eT EBM rete t
Unit L oleuid A oel ie esd
Sle top ebey etic inl ss
oe ESL AIP il elippat nl lOeL
j nn inyhr Ge
whore ut Frag elertee AL bd Ae
Ever ture SP ead ayer
elf See PI) dt Le Sigel
Leipl nate hot eb Sg yhee io Ibe
(Rewer ee AL
LW x ti tors hl SG SA, FL AE
bb wl ottese oI O Lb WIS Leal
elitr iaLe zl leds
ia Subret In da aii zat ati As
PL le Lege cole for ia kus
(Capleally gpa al weypblir gy plaid bee UAL
PERI Ce GALL rte lre site
bye PEE er fide CloiterIiGsintae
ob &
rrZ6 With Grete 0)
le OT apo se meer (CP)
a Or L yeu eH Or)
rriq SPL Mi talisri® Cr)
trae Sit uflbersys® (a)
Ire Swe seen Cn)
ira SL Sead ifyel (2)
ber He Fie (a) :
ere Fiore. ()
rte MLE Ne (le)Kal
MG Bee PL Pep L site, wile AO
Thai, ot Bul Geib iodo £ tae
Seta PS file g BS Fe”
seal Stoel CAS UNL oui Kb foe it
oe Selle
h(t) Be) ha) BE)
(Shere nae eie(o)
GL Ber AX be LG fads
OPO ey lye telly pele ole Led cL
(bel Sy yot A gar ally BLD las a8 ta palit Ameo
SU JULI He he a ich aed
ni “bn wel pag Labs a
oh tane 2 Nee Iie Guise
2 PO baa Site 2 (Me Maer
oP Deed ile (0) ce GOAL lesa
tiie eA) (Nee diane Bure 2)
EO Boal es wler icin? (Ps dolant Set
LENSE GS benip Fon L AND,
Gewittaedod tub re wo SL ot
Lebel AL bas S ind ef Vet ANP
eb WA dy bette bu StL
Useled. BULA Fer trlkne ec Slalel OL AAU
CR BEI SER sta tate CASITA pend
gids pL orl ear uti? he eae
eee eric Anton
ede eect Peace”
Lett fut er be Oude ler ut slo St
rete Le uote ARE suid aya spud
eli Lwin ale fe enntyabe wl otb
Lilo Mgtits
ae pri be RIDE pte Prey
Piet EW AIS OAL UA et ve LA
WSU WE pete bt eyle VU BRL
(Ge aL A Ont We Ld le Stile
wi Seve Pinte Fh elise tbe
LEE OL visi at, Lente ah
(Fe eet AAUP)ar
Ub Ue EO edant aie ett
HORM A, Alka (eer Se Pre PO)
2PM Bebe Peelli(l)
EAI PIC) ied Shee 2 EIEIO) Led
PBS ab 7?
Pen aT iA beats erent)
Pre) etal Sip Me Pere etal
ANS Pe Pea bp Mie (O) eae gy
LE Sere pL inser Phone ig)
IS OLE ed oh pL arn AAC ae
ctl yA leat o sd itt Weel Or” 2) Opp Pl de
nbn etd = et teeta tciy nae glee
- Ur AO nbeer U er
alle pts 2S GL tush L o”
eed ut buh Able te wr Pte oh
shart OiVASelot Buhne eS ce iat Pole
ewe d ite de Gretur dopo sre
IPSC Inkue evs GULReT
tA Ki LAide ok aS Rt SMUted
Gu ce Fer ree Ml fulsbesl KU FIL
MAGN Tuc ew dt pile EA LES Kullu Ie atl
PARLE ce tan) PF st a La
Se Sooble hd Se AIL uedaslunadg gol
pte Ud oben ietiod Ubi freee le
Lured tol eto bi? thee meh
MEL viata) fe vitea Say i ee Me
SSsa Ut ztUee Sumltsdiz dere la eye
Bp We rr iseF (8 FEE HI ae
Tube neti te Ud SU nue te Ul TOL
é tebe Mug toed duiASo Seale
UPS ih oO te Le bie ig OE
Weta DAL ES URL te Lite OTe
L pS terns pie fee Elie CUE NE
SIH pre be Sig bJie Ried Mae
bb hen Ur de oh edie; Arti eee Ue
shat br Seide ural wh ty HS ie
PELL IIL Ay Laat de li Ue ie
SpE Sieiutirue dhe bk abort
Bev woh wait tape Lie
we 0EE dui L BLroo
{API ele ett rut ie al
Ese ere wut Secure re bebe
ei estar thule Sh AZ bE oh
eieMe U7 OIL oui due tL Lt
(WA bitin Ey, Hertel fue ct IE Ailes
AWE WR TE eet rah eh for-(r)
SOM rite zee eOAUIEL catia |
Aur Le Butotl SO So Merb bebe
SB Ebru tae toll oh ig at ut a
ASPe rife site Urehie Oe Le Hiaie ory
Kerio Bilan bea ut Welw ie ew
Shee IG WH
Sst eh Meru but ute tS
IIe bY BASEL Aig et He
to Spletneg uot tutte ete Suptult
(pie Lee tne KES islets
Se tret ye vine due U(r)
IS Ui oles Tp OS Gtle ma kobe
Sup SUL tL bd abpiog HALE I yates OT
SoMa te gun rd Ashi Ale Lous
2 (AS 4 we ee
Misete Jee dbp
(eth Jiro he BELG)
we bert Senile aS 6 bE!
Fleck ten Systane gree)
Heit pie mk fe Ar evE feud
ket BES Les
Bethe Maha Pech tihe Peolle 2? ho ue les
Neti Veh Setliite Pugin titer F
AS et
«tee LU Fog stighe vio LE guts
MEAL gn Asse eto rle 2 LUKE
BL al SIL A» fe Prd SoP bute AAeuT
Uv Adds ten dialed utd ee!
eI ntde AI08 be Po 6 4 UL oi ee
2 Sy Siok te EL SL ear
Leben ir eH pid, USA ee Pe Ub
ipAePi edn Mo 2 6h meet ACUI ter
tok Skah e turret wleetin turdry rae
Gay AS ye Aeato?
Lote Bru lg Fe es Pouwmse loys
SAL BEG te nde pel
het be jbl oT Ml oj Ad a oto os
Byes bad (OW eh pat I ie gece pL alg pay
(iohe> qullaal! cel yh tbe igh ple et yay cde gl on gel
Lut trl A ihe Miss atu Sut
Surge Ey Siete eZ LLL iF
(ne tee ues ly Mee pil yi
Josue Uy este
urs DAA chante WE Cig Cutt
Ua glah coll Uli) iN pagh Herd se 0 pS yt be bial ny
ph ad glad ope gah! ellall Ug) jen oll RL SL Lat
cle 5a yg) Mile Ly IS yl sade ye 26 ofa g potbomelt
BIS SoU rl yl Oe pete SIAL
crtbatl ja oUt C21 yf as py lly lal! td of pa Gyles
a ha a ert pa Geely eet eae erty pel
sal goedh Baus tka Bly 99) ig pat Sel pal Le kp
(2a Mancdae ge pI eof il pel dyelmes
Bees, HLM Sra tit abut Oe
Sperber ale Gabel tho fipedy L tu!
ws thE ef yk BM Ue bes L Sadist dae
ru ssi bheyut dud pel vusie x
SPO eae hor L nahin Hue WL Gt
UP esd MLR th Ud Eke tik
Wee Cte re Ade te ul
(pte beg ter) SLB AT IS ve ee
LA Le tenor wi tel gavoBlabo!
Sec Sot A ela ote LL
Lsiblale Beet ne Vortutnnbile SiS Phan”
Ie DIRS rn CA tare ened T
Pet Ad baliye JIL ih Sue ubs
ie Bey SHE uydus epee oe
urbe trl ne
guphend tunnel By Erect ns
gue Waew Sey etre Lil
Cre) wea Mi iiestA)ra
Leg bet deda vl tie Weaek ae
ele nd Ags WL unl
Lites eM SBP atte
el Aside ee WIL lt Gs Fe esl
“(ded grb Lael NSO erty)
Cel fein Pe PL ud ne ker
mute e ML urge nd LS thi
Ue ey
CFE IU Syl IU Se ELE BU ele”
Onna their) “Ute née Lit
LW Lute beet bed uest lord
vi Srne SL unitary Eafe ut
bey res bf
Lut seb r8 MEG tre?
nares unghie oat Ae lt Aricne
ai OF IL td Lowe?
creo fe Gale aieulele WM) nterl mete
Mote zeauea ue (efuuze
UL Bee FL Mb te gid oe
See VL ccs til ube eebé Suk,”
MMU EMPL Urtee a Pr Je sss hICeUt
haa *
LUI pe Fbye wt LL Ag Tat
bur fitee wit S2fusluns See
EAC Pow hiuda Pe pelé be ent ae
LAS A Gude Ser wipule BL Eee
Lomi leoeritia saute bes
UE i lg gidssta
LAL eb opie Aube Oa peald
CAN Oe plead et UBT dey alt ob 2 prs aa
FeLuuirtiga Loot (HI gt et ey al ype
OS FER wvei Gy lee UUM Ese bute: