Score of Grade 5

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Score of Grade 5- Silver in AP Quizes(Male and Female)

Female Score 10 20 30 11 18 22 35 45 15 17
Male Score 45 35 29 47 21 30 47 12 16 46

Score f x fx <cfx x-x (x-x)2 f(x-x)2

45-49 5 47 235 20 18.5 342.25 1711.25
40-44 0 42 0 15 13.5 182.25 0
35-39 2 37 74 15 8.5 72.25 144.5
30-34 2 32 64 13 3.5 12.25 24.5
25-29 1 27 27 11 -1.5 2.25 2.25
20-24 3 22 66 10 -6.5 42.25 126.75
15-19 4 17 68 7 -11.5 132.25 529
10-14 3 12 36 3 -16.5 272.25 816.75
5-9 0 7 0 0 -16.5 272.25 0
0-4 0 2 0 0 -26.5 702.25 0
20 570 3355

x=570/20 Variance= 3355/20-1

x=28.5 176.58
SD= √ 176.58

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