Certificates of Performance Romer Labs.
Certificates of Performance Romer Labs.
Certificates of Performance Romer Labs.
Romer Labs°
Certificate of Performance
AgraStrip® Cry1Ac-S
Description: Traitchek®
Strip Part Number: 10001193
Kit Part Numbers: 10001346
Lot # U22C1182
Intended use:
Analysis of sample extracts for the presence of the Cry1Ac proteins in soy.
The strips should be stored tightly sealed in their original container at all times. The strips should
be stored at room temperature between uses.
The test kit was analyzed and the following criteria were met:
Non-GMO samples all read non-detect at 10 minutes and 20 minutes (no false positives).
Positive Control samples all read visually positive for qualitative method at 10 minutes with no
false negatives (0.2% LOD for standard method; 0.1% LOD for high sensitive method).
Positive Control samples tested with the quantitative method at 0.2% and 0.9% for the standard
method, and 0.1% and 0.9% for the high sensitive method, passed
All strips tested showed a visible control line.
Romer Labs*
Certificate of Performance
AgraStrip® RUR
Description: TraitChek®
Intended use:
Analysis of sample extracts for the presence of the CP4 EPSPS proteins.
The strips should be stored tightly sealed in their original container at all times. The
strips should be stored at room temperature between uses.
The test kit was analyzed and the following criteria were met:
.Non-GMO soybean samples all read non-detect at 5 minutes and 30 minutes (no false
Positive Control soybean samples at the LOD levei of 0.1% all read positive at 5
minutes with no false negatives.
The user assumes all risk In using Romer Labs®, Inc. products and services. Romer Labs0, Inc. will warrant that its products and
services meet all quality control standards set by Romer LabsO, Inc, and Romer Labs®, Inc. will, at its option, repair or replace any
product, components, or repeat services whlch prove to be d efective in workmanship or materlal withln product speclflc warranty
periods or expiration dates and which our examinatlon shall disclose to oursatisfactlon to be defective as such. Thls warranty Is
expressly in lieu of all other warrantles, expressed or Impledy 85 t o ae5cription, quallty, merchantabllty, fitness for any particular
purpose, productiveness, or any other matter. Romer Labs@, Inc. shall be in no way responsible for the proper use of lts products.
Romer Labs©, Inc. hereby disclalms all other remedles, warrantles, guarantees or lablilties, expressed or Implied, arising by law or
otherwise, and it shall have no llability for any lost proflts or damage, direct, Indirect or otherwlse, to person or property, In
connectlon with the use of any of Its products or servlces. This warranty shall not be extended, altered or varied except by a written
Instrument slgned by an authorized representatlve of Romer Labs®, Inc.
Romer Labs
Certificate of Performance
AgraStripe LL
Description: TraitCheke
Strip Part Number: 10001169
Intended use:
Analysis of sample extracts for the presence of the LL proteins.
The strips should be stored tightly sealed in their original container at all times. The strips should
be stored at room temperature between uses.
The user assumes all risk in using Romer Labso, Inc. products and services. Romer Labs@, Inc. will warrant that its products and services meet all
quality control standards set by Romer Labs@, Inc., and Romer Labs@, Inc. will, at its option, repair or replace any product, components, or repeat
servlces which prove to be defective in workmanshlp or material within product specific warranty periods or expiration dates and which our
examination shall dlsclose to our satisfactlon to be defective as such. This warranty is expressly in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied,
as to description, quality, merchanta bility, fitness for any partlcular purpose, productiveness, or any other matter. Romer Labs®, Inc. shall be in no
Way responsible for the proper use of its products. Romer Labs®, Inc. nereby disclaims all other remedies, warranties, guarantees or liabilities,
expressed or impled, arising by law or otherwise, and it shall have no lablity for any lost profits or damage, direct, indirect or otherwlse, to person
or property, in connection with the use of any of its products or services. This warranty shall not be extended, altered or varied except by a written
instrument signed by an authorized representative of Romer Labs®, Inc.