101 - Basics of Irradiance in Weathering Testing 2018

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Basics of Irradiance and Radiant Energy in

Weathering Testing
In exposure tests it is important to know both the amplitude of the radiation impinging on a test specimen’s surface
as well as the accumulated energy dose over the exposure period. Following Newton’s inverse square law, with a
constant point source output, that amplitude at the test specimen surface will decrease with the square of the
distanceNote 1. Therefore, describing the
intensity only in terms of the emission
power of the source is not useful. We
need to know the amplitude at the test
specimen surface, from which we can
calculate the accumulated exposure dose
over time.

Terminology and definitions

There are two measurement systems in
use. Photometry involves measuring the
visible-to-human portion of
the electromagnetic spectrum, which we Figure 1. The inverse square
rule. call “light”. The measurements are
skewed to the response of the human eye, which perceives green light as brighter than other colors. Radiometry
involves measuring energy over the entire electromagnetic spectrum in equal and absolute units, and radiometric
measurements are used in weathering. Amplitude
Radiant flux (W) is the total amount of radiant energy emitted, transmitted or received over a unit of time. The Radiant
flux density (W/m2) is the radiant flux (Watt) incident per unit of area, in this case a square meter. Therefore, the
Irradiance (W/m2) is the radiant flux density incident on a surface such as our test specimen. However, in weathering
we are concerned with measuring the irradiance (E) at a specific wavelength (λ) such as 340nm, or over a wavelength
range, such as 300-400nm or 295-385nm in the ultraviolet region of the terrestrial solar spectrum, or over a larger
range of UV/Visible/Infrared radiation such as 295-2500nm. When defining the radiant flux density, or irradiance,
in terms of a specific spectral wavelength region, the units become Radiant spectral flux density and Spectral
irradiance (W m-2 nm-1), often commonly expressed as W/m2 • nm or W/m2 @ nm. Note that the measurement
wavelength (or wavelength range) must always be specified when a spectral radiometric value is quoted.

The accumulated radiation dose deposited on a sample surface is irradiance integrated over time and is the Radiant
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2 -1 -1
exposure (H), usually expressed in units of J/m nm where J is Joules and nm is the same wavelength or range of
the spectral irradiance value. Therefore, the general shorthand formula used is:
H (J/m2 nm-1) = E (W/m2 nm-1) X t (seconds) Equation 1.
While not shown, the units convert correctly since 1 Joule = 1 Watt-second. Frequently the radiant exposure will be
stated in terms of kilojoules (J X 103) or Megajoules (J X 106) and, although frequently omitted, is always at the same
wavelength or wavelength range as the spectral irradiance
value. Note that spectral ranges cannot be mixed in
Equation 1. Also, time is more commonly expressed in
hours (3,600 seconds). Therefore, factors such as hours X
3.6 (to convert to kiloJoules/m2) or hours X 0.0036 (to
convert to Megajoules/m2) are often substituted for time (t)
in seconds in this equation. Note that this is the radiation
exposure time only, as some test cycles have dark periods.

Spectral Power Distribution

The spectral power distribution (SPD) describes the power
Figure 2. Example of target CIE SPD versus sunlight. per unit area per unit wavelength of a radiation source.
While terrestrial solar radiation constantly varies, standard spectra such as those defined in reference documents
such as CIE
(International Commission
on Illumination) Publication
85, and others, are commonly used.
An example is shown in Figure 2
showing the UV and visible
wavelengths in the range of 300 –
800nm. These are the targets for
laboratory solar simulation and
weathering applications. The exact
spectral curve shape for sunlight
depends on several factors, while
that for sources such as xenon arc
solar simulators are determined by
the lamp and any optical filters.
Figure 3. CIE/ISO reference spectrum for terrestrial solar radiation Note that in Figures 2 & 3 the showing
equivalent irradiance values integrated over different standard solar spectrum will have a
wavelength ranges. different amplitude value depending on the individual wavelength number. If we imagine Figure
3 to be printed on high resolution graph paper, the sum of the individual squares in any vertical single-wavelength
column will be the irradiance value for that wavelength, such as at 340nm. If we choose a range of wavelengths,
such as 300-400nm, the total irradiance will be the sum total of all of the graph squares in all of the columns within
that range.
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Figure 3 shows that if we integrate the area under the spectral curve over various wavelength ranges that the irradiance
values will change, even though the amplitude and shape of the curve have not changed. In other words, we can use
different wavelength ranges (and their corresponding irradiance values) to describe the exact same SPD. This is why
spectral irradiance must always include the wavelength range to be meaningful. This ability to have different
irradiance values for the same exact SPD is often a source of confusion, especially for those new to

Figure 4. Trapezoidal approximation method Figure 5. Rieman (center justified

of area integration under a curve. approach shown) approximation method
of area
weathering, or when comparing different test methods or test results using different irradiance measurements. If the
spectral curve shape is fixed (as with a xenon lamp/filter combination), then there is also a fixed mathematical
relationship between all wavelengths, and we can convert spectral irradiance values to any wavelength or range.
However, these fixed relationships are SPD dependent, meaning that different xenon lamp and filter combinations
with even slightly different spectra will have different irradiance conversion factors. This also requires precision
spectral measurements, preferably with ≤ 1.0nm resolution.
Unfortunately, Microsoft® Excel does not provide an “integration (∫)” function in its math library. Alternatively,
many mathematics software packages do provide one. Also, approximations can be made using the trapezoidal
method (Figure 4) or the Rieman sums method (Figure 5), using left, right or center (shown) justification. If data is
of high resolution, i.e., in 1nm or better increments, a simple sum (∑) of the values over the desired wavelength range
may be a sufficient approximation for many purposes.

As the amplitude and shape of the spectral curve will vary, for example between solar radiation and different
laboratory light source simulations, it is often desirable to compare SPD’s based on a common reference point. The
process of normalization adjusts data sets by commonizing the curves to a specific irradiance value at a particular
wavelength. This can only be performed when the curve shape changes linearly with irradiance, as in filtered xenon
arc solar simulators such as Atlas xenon weathering instruments. An example of normalization to an irradiance of
0.55 W/m2 • 340nm is shown in Figure 6. Terrestrial solar radiation data should not be adjusted, since the SPD from
the sun will constantly change due to the sun’s position in the sky and atmospheric conditions. Therefore, the shape
of solar SPD does not remain constant at different amplitudes during the day. It is recommended that only the artificial
simulation spectra be normalized relative to the natural solar radiation, and not to adjust natural values relative to an
artificial one.

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With radiation sources such as full-spectrum filtered xenon arc lamps, the amplitude (irradiance) can be adjusted by
manipulating the power applied to the lamp, without changing the overall spectral curve shape, i.e. the irradiance
changes by an equal percentage for all wavelengths. Note that this uniform change does not hold true for all radiation
sources, such as metal halide lamps where the spectral balance changes with the applied power.

Irradiance will also change as the source to test specimen distance is altered, but will not affect the spectral balance.

Radiant exposure (H)

Radiant exposure, the energy dose the test surface receieves, obviously accumulates only during the light portions of
an outdoor diurnal cycle or laboratory test cycle, so dark time is not included. This must be taken into consideration
when basing laboratory exposure endpoints on duration. For cycles with dark periods, the total test time will be longer
than for a continuous light exposure to reach the same radiant energy. Timing and comparing tests based on radiant
energy is typically preferred over chronological timing e.g., hours).

Exposure “equivalences”
A very common question is “how long do I need to run laboratory test method “X” to equal “Y” years exposure
outdoors in location “Z”? The issues of exposure correlation and specific material degradation are very complex and
there are no simple answers to this question. Also, the answer is different for different test condition/test material
combinations. Actual correlation can only be established by comparing the outdoor and laboratory test

Figure 7. Atlas Miami test site solar radiation data summary for calendar 2017.

results for a specific material formulation and a specific property change. However, this presents a “which came first,
the chicken or the egg?” problem in that often the very reason for laboratory testing is because there is no real-time
outdoor test data for the material, and/or it will take too long to produce.

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Despite the above caveats, a
starting point is often needed, if
for no other reason than to
estimate the end date of the test.
The first step is to select an
appropriate testing method and
test conditions, whether following
a standard, or a proprietary or
even a custom test, as appropriate
for the combination
of test material(s), specific
service use environments(s)
and the objective(s) of the
test. Test method and criteria
selection, and overall test
planning, including analytical
measurements and measurement
intervals, specimen replicates,
specimen form factor
(size and shape), is a critical step, Figure 8. Graphical 2016 annual Miami total solar and total ultraviolet and
is beyond the scope of this radiation. document.
Second is determining the overall test duration. Lacking any correlation or other performance data, or knowledge
regarding the degradation mechanisms, the approach most often used is to provide an “equivalent” exposure in the
laboratory chamber (or other accelerated weathering device such as one of the EMMA or EMMAQUA solar
concentrating outdoor exposures). “Equivalent” here means a) within the limits of the technology and b) knowledge
that all accelerated and/or artificial tests will alter the natural stress balance, and not completely mimic the actual
exposure. Atlas measures total solar and total ultraviolet radiation at several global outdoor test sites such as Miami,
Florida and New River, Arizona in the USA. These measurements (both direct and under glass) are made at various
test rack exposure angles and provide high resolution solar radiation data, which can then be averaged over multiple
years to reduce yearly variability (“Climate is what you expect, weather is what your get”). Test site weather and
solar radiation data is available at www.atlas-mts.com in both graphical and tabular form. An example of annual
Miami test site solar radiation data is shown in Figures 7 & 8.
Common exposure angles, tilt being measured from the horizontal 0°, are 5°, at-latitude (e.g., 26° Miami, 34°
Phoenix), 45°, and 90° North or South). Exposure racks face towards the equator (i.e., South facing in the Northern
hemisphere); vertical exposures, such as paint panels, are also performed facing away from the equator for mold and
mildew studies. As the ratio of UV versus total solar energy varies (Figures 7 & 8) with latitude and local climate
(particularly atmospheric moisture), specific exposure angles may be optimal for particular exposures. In general,
samples should be exposed simular to their in-service use, but there are exceptions.
The most common way of providing an initial estimate for an accelerated test radiant exposure “equivalence” to
Miami (or any location for which reliable solar radiation data is available) is to deliver the “same” total solar or (more
typically) the “same” total ultraviolet radiant energy averaged on an annual basis, within the capability of technology.

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However, it is critical to understand that this is not correlation, does not account for the effects of other stresses such
as temperature, moisture (or their natural cycles), or account for any specific material-related sensitivity to any stress.
It is a “black box” approach and only approximates an outdoor exposure. However, lacking reliable correlation data,
it is usually a reasonable, and often necessary, first approximation for determining a test duration endpoint. This also
assumes that the testing methodology selected is appropriate for the material and service environment. This is generic
guidance only, and may not apply to a specific material or situation.
Also, consider that product duty cycle, i.e., the actual time that in-service product will be exposed to optimum testrack
equivalent exposure (such as due to partial shading, compass direction or orientation, etc.) may be used to adjust
these equivalence estimations. A similar process can be used for building or automotive interior glass-filtered daylight
situations. Atlas weathering experts can help advise regarding test method selection and test duration, or engage in
consulting projects for more intensive involvement.
However, these estimates for accelerated artificial weathering should always be confirmed with real time exposures
in the dessired service use climates.

Note 1. Newton’s inverse square law only directly applies to point light sources. Laboratory exposure devices
typically use source geometries that are not point sources, or use multiple sources, so there is some deviation from
the mathematical formula and the actual irradiance value should be measured rather than calculated. However, the
concept of the relationship between source-to-specimen distance and irradiance still applies.

Author: Allen Zielnik, Atlas Material Testing Technology LLC, 16 February 2018

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2018-01 Atlas Material Testing Technology LLC. All Rights Reserved. ATLAS and ATLAS logo are registered
trademarks of Atlas MTT LLC. AMETEK logo is a registered trademark of AMETEK, Inc.

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