Ictnwk542 Task2

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Communicate with your client to monitor and figure out network requirements and

performance of the existing router. You are to recommend your client if router upgrade is


The client was contacted through email, and access to the Network room was

arranged with the assistance of the IT manager. Following an examination of the

existing router, it is advised that it needed to be upgraded.

2. Review existing network design and amend as per the new requirements of the


Designing an existing network, the document focuses on how to create a diagram

in Cisco packet tracer and configure the router to connect all PCs in the network.

It does not, however, provide any configuration information about the network

switches. A table with the interface name, VLAN, and IP address would be quite

useful to begin configuring, which is lacking from this document. The use of the

Spanning Tree Protocol is not specified. Details on VLAN settings are not


The following are the new organizational requirements that were not met by the

current network design: -

• Static routing configuration

• RIPv2 configuration

• OSPF configuration

• Information connecting switch etc.

3. Now that you have studied existing router’s function and features and new requirements

of the organization, what network elements are required to be added or upgraded to meet


The following are basic network elements: -


a) 3 x cisco 1941 routers

b) 3 x HWIC 2T cards

c) 3 x cisco catalyst 2950 switch

d) 3 x PC (minimum) with Ethernet card attached.


a. c1900-universalk9-mz.SPA.151-1.M4.bin (to be installed in

cisco 1941 router)

b. c2950-i6q4I2-mz.121-22.EA4.bin (to be installed in cisco

catalyst switch 2950)

c. Windows 7 or Windows 10 (to be installed in PCs)

4. Develop plans for the network installation.

These items must not be missed in the plan.

• Arrange tasks in priority based.

• Ensure minimal or no disruption to the client while working on network installation and


• Define date and time of your planned installation

a. Arrange tasks in priority based.

I. Prepare the network design for installation.

II. Obtain permission from the client's IT manager for installation and

network room access.

III. Begin contacting vendors for the necessary devices and wires.

IV. For the installation, the organizer required human resources.

b. Ensure minimal or no disruption to the client while working on network

installation and configuration?

As previously said, I have already arranged various things in advance to

avoid or minimize service disruption. In addition, I will prepare some

spare cable and pares to assist in the event of a device failure. Most

significantly, work will begin after working hours or on weekends.

c. Define date and time of your planned installation

Installed in planned on 1st Monday 10am

5. Contact your supervisor to get approval of the plan you prepared previously.

The installation plan was sent via email to the supervisor, and the previously

created plan was also approved.

6. Submit your final installation plan to your client and make sure to obtain sign off.

My final installation plan was approved after I sent an email to the client.

7. Further to your installation plan, prepare a list of basic routing requirements and routing

parameters that you will be using in this project.

Before we begin configuring routing, the following must be addressed:

a. IP address for the router’s interfaces

b. Destination network address

c. Next Hop IP address

d. Determination of routing protocol

e. Agreed Internet Protocol version (IPV4 or IPv6)

f. Cable and connectors supported by another end router

8. Select the appropriate media, cables, ports, and connectors and connect routers to other

network devices and hosts.

The necessary media, cables, ports, and connectors are used to link routers to

other network devices and hosts: -

a. HWIC 2T cards for the connection between routers (WAN


b. Serial Cables

c. Cat 5 Ethernet cables Straight

d. Cat 5 Ethernet cables Cross connect

e. Console cable

9. Ensure there is a valid operating system in the router and apply the basic configurations.

If no operating system is present when the router is powered on, it will boot into

ROM Monitor. It appears as seen below:

However, if the router displays a login promotion like seen in the figure below, it

has an operating system.

10. Save the configuration you have made so far and back up the configuration file to a TFTP


Saving running configuration

Saving running configuration to the TFTP server

11. Enable basic security features of the router

12. Determine and calculate an addressing scheme using VLSM to satisfy addressing

requirements in a local area network (LAN) or a wide area network (WAN) environment

according to your network design.

VLSM is the concept of creating subnets from a network in order to best fit varied

network sizes. In contrast to a simple subnet, we establish different sizes of

subnets as needed in the network by employing variable length bits in the host and

network portions of the address. We were given the network address to utilize in a network with three LAN and two WAN

connections. I gathered the number of hosts to be used in each network first, and

then sorted them in descending order. The calculation is shown in the table below:

Network Number of hosts Required bits in Network


Sydney 90 7(128 host)

Melbourne 55 6(64 hosts)

Brisbane 36 6(64 hosts)

Brisbane-Sydney 2 2(64 hosts)

Sydney-Melbourne 2 2(64 hosts)

VLSM's inverse idea is summarization. When a router must advance packets to

many subnets using the same next hop IP address, we can configure the router to

transmit packets to a combination network. For example, all the subnets in the

preceding tables can be summed up as

13. Configure static routes on Brisbane router and default route on Melbourne router.

Static configuration at Sydney router

14. Configure the classless routing protocol (RIPv2 or OSPF or EIGRP) using the addressing

scheme prepared previously and test connectivity between Brisbane, Sydney and

Melbourne PCs.

The classless routing protocol OSPF has been configured on the Sydney and

Melbourne routers, as shown in the screenshot below.

Sydney-Melbourne connectivity has been confirmed.

15. Based on the network design, identify and correct problems associated to:

a) Router configurations

b) IP addressing and network connectivity

Connectivity was restored after updating it to The confirmation of

network connection between Brisbane PC and Sydney PC is shown below.

In this situation, I used a troubleshooting tool called ping; additional tools we may use

include trace route, debugging, and so on.

16. Expect feedback from your supervisor and respond accordingly.

Overall, the feedback was positive. My supervisor was pleased with the job that I

had completed in accordance with the specifications, and he stated that I could have made

the network more efficient if I had considered the time delay, which was correct.

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