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Xiufang Hong 1,2 Objective: To investigate whether there is a difference in balance function between older
Xujiao Chen 2 persons with and without diabetes mellitus (DM), and to identify whether mediating factors, such
Jiaojiao Chu 2 as diabetic complications, Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL) score, Mini-Mental
Shanshan Shen 2 State Examination (MMSE) score, as well as hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), fasting plasma glucose
Qichen Chai 2 (FPG), serum total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG), and low-density lipoprotein (LDL), are
associated with balance function in older persons with DM.
Gaobo Lou 2
Methods: In this cross-sectional study, a total of 208 older persons were divided into a DM
Lingyan Chen 2
group (n=80) and a control group who did not have DM (n=128). Balance function was evaluated
Zhejiang Chinese Medical University,
with the Tinetti performance-oriented mobility assessment (POMA), which includes balance
Department of Geriatrics, Zhejiang
Hospital, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, People’s and gait subscales. Activities of daily living (ADL), IADL, and the MMSE were also measured.
Republic of China Fall incidents in last 12 months, the use of walking aids, fear of falling, comorbidities, and
polypharmacy were recorded. Diabetic complications were recorded, and HbA1c, FPG, TC,
TG, and LDL were measured in the patients of the DM group.
Results: Fall incidents in last 12 months were higher in the DM group than in the control group
(P,0.01). POMA score as well as ADL and IADL scores were lower in the diabetic group
than the control group (P,0.05). Within the diabetic group, the POMA score was positively
related to the ADL score (odds ratio [OR], 11.7; 95% confidence interval [CI], 3.076–44.497;
P,0.01), IADL score (OR, 16.286; 95% CI, 4.793–55.333; P,0.01), and MMSE score (OR,
10.524; 95% CI, 2.764–40.074; P,0.01), but was negatively related to age (OR, 7.707; 95%
CI, 2.035–29.185; P,0.01) and diabetic complication (OR, 6.667; 95% CI, 2.279–19.504;
P,0.01). Also, within the DM group, the decreased POMA score was associated with multiple
diabetic complications (OR, 5.977; 95% CI, 1.378–25.926; P,0.05), decreased IADL score
(OR, 10.288; 95% CI, 2.410–43.915; P,0.01), and MMSE score (OR, 13.757; 95% CI,
2.556–74.048; P,0.01).
Conclusion: Multiple diabetic complications, lower MMSE, ADL, and IADL scores were
associated with declining balance function in the older persons with DM. These findings can alert
physicians to detect and intervene earlier on declining balance in older persons with DM.
Keywords: diabetes mellitus, balance, POMA, fall, elderly, performance-oriented mobility
Correspondence: Xujiao Chen
Department of Geriatrics, Zhejiang
Hospital, No 12, Lingyin Road, Hangzhou
310013, People’s Republic of China Falls are the main cause of both fatal and nonfatal injuries in the elderly,1 such as
Tel +86 180 6989 7567
Fax +86 571 8798 0175
fractures and cerebral trauma, which increase morbidity and mortality and raise
Email health care costs. 2,3 Diabetes mellitus (DM) affects .300 million individuals
submit your manuscript | Clinical Interventions in Aging 2017:12 189–195 189
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Hong et al Dovepress
worldwide, ~20% of adults aged between 65 and 76 years (FPG), serum total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG), and
have diabetes, and this prevalence will continue to increase low-density lipoprotein (LDL) were measured and recorded.
with population aging.4 The risk of falling is higher in older Approval for the study was granted by the Research Eth-
persons with DM.5–6 An interdisciplinary cohort study from ics Committee of Zhejiang Hospital, and written informed
the Netherlands showed that older individuals with diabetes consent was obtained from each participant.
had a 67% higher risk of recurrent falls than their counter- A total of 462 potential cases were identified. All the
parts without DM.7 DM has been identified as a risk factor patients were from geriatric ward and received the CGA
for falls and fall-related injuries and fractures in a number between September 2013 and September 2014. Also, 364
of prospective studies.5,8–9 Due to the prevalence of DM in participants agreed to take part in the study. Among the
the older population and the evidence of higher risk of falls 364 cases, 9 patients were excluded because of their age,
among older diabetic patients,7–8 further investigation of risk who were ,65 years; 5 patients were not included because
factors for falls in these patients is needed. of malignant tumor; 15 patients were not included as a
Falls can result from internal and external factors. result of acute infection; 17 patients were excluded due to
Unsafe environmental conditions are among the external Parkinson’s disease (PD); 19 patients were excluded due to
factors, which sometimes could not be avoided, whereas severe cognitive decline; 18 patients’ data which were found
other factors such as impaired physical and mental function, repeated were excluded; and 73 patients who did not have
polypharmacy, comorbidities, or fear of falls are some of the complete data on the POMA were excluded. All the remain-
intrinsic ones.10 Poor balance has been determined as a major ing 208 cases were used for analysis. Figure 1 shows the
risk factor for falls in old adults.11 Many diabetes-related procedure of selecting patients.
complications have proven to be associated with high risks All participants with DM were diagnosed by experienced
of falls.12–13 However, there were very few studies about the physicians according to the criterion of diagnosis and
relationship between DM and balance function in the older classification of DM made by the World Health Orga-
people. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate nization (WHO) consultation.19 Diabetic complications
whether there is a difference in balance function between included diabetic macroangiopathy, diabetic nephropathy
old adults with and without diabetes and to identify possible (DN), diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN), and diabetic
mediating factors. This could assist in designing tailored fall retinopathy (DR) in this study. With each complication
prevention programs for this population. marked as 1 point, the diabetic complication score ranged
from 0 to 4. Diabetic macroangiopathy was considered as
Methods having any of the following diseases: 1) ischemic heart
Study design and participants
In this cross-sectional study, 80 diabetic patients aged .65
years and 128 old people without DM were recruited from Q
the geriatric ward of Zhejiang Hospital between September
2013 and September 2014. The balance function of all the UHIXVHGWRSDUWLFLSDWH
disease (IHD), which was diagnosed based on a coronary The POMA scale contains two parts: balance and gait.
angiogram or a history of physician-treated IHD; 2) cere- 1) The balance subscale includes nine components (sitting
brovascular accident (CVA), which was diagnosed based on balance, arises, attempts to arise, immediate standing balance,
history, clinical examination, or history of physician-treated standing balance, nudged, eyes closed, turning 360°, and sit-
CVA, or previous computed tomography/magnetic resonance ting down; maximum 16 points); 2) the gait subscale consists
imaging records; and 3) peripheral vascular disease (PVD), of seven components (initiation of gait, step length, step
which was diagnosed clinically based on the history of PVD symmetry, step continuity, path, trunk, and walking stance;
or carotid artery/femoral artery ultrasound records. The maximum 12 points).21 And each subscale was measured as
diagnosis of DN was based on the 24-hour urine protein esti- abnormal =0 or normal =1; in some cases, adaptive =1 and
mation or the urinary albumin creatinine ratio ($30 μg/mg) normal =2. The total score is associated with different levels
or medical records. The diagnosis of DPN was based on of balance function, from low level (0–24) to medium or
symptoms such as numbness or stabbing pain of the limbs and high level (25–28).
abnormal electromyography ($3 different sensory or motor
nerves impairment) or by reviewing the medical diagnosis Statistical analysis
records. The diagnosis of DR was made by a retinal specialist The variables were analyzed by using the SPSS 22.0
based on a dilated pupil using direct ophthalmoscopy using software. Conforming to the normal distribution, continuous
the early treatment DR study grading system. variables were presented as the mean and standard deviation
The inclusion criteria were aged $65 years, ability to (SD); conforming to the abnormal distribution, continuous
understand and communicate in Chinese, ability to walk variables were presented as the median and interquartile
without personal assistance (walking aids permitted), and range (IQR). Categorical variables were presented as a
hearing and vision sufficient for compliance with assess- percentage or constituent ratio. The independent sample
ment. Participants with acute infection, malignant tumor, t-test (for normally distributed continuous data), the chi-
PD, diabetic foot, cerebellum diseases, acute cerebrovascular square test (for categorical data), and the Mann–Whitney
diseases, delirium, terminal illness, severe vision or hearing U test (for abnormally distributed continuous data) were
deficits, or severe cognitive impairment (MMSE score #12) used to compare the statistical difference between DM
were excluded from the study. group and non-DM group. As a secondary analysis, scores
of each assessment were treated as continuous variables.
Data collection The relationship between POMA score and other potential
Sociodemographic data, including age, sex, body weight (kg), mediating risk factors were analyzed by univariated logis-
and body height (m), were collected. The body mass index tic regression analysis. Binary logistic regression analysis
(BMI) was calculated by measuring body weight (kg) and was used for further analysis about the association between
body height (m). Information about concomitant diseases, POMA score and potential mediating risk factors, adjusting
diabetic complications, and the usage of medication was age, fear of falling, history of falls in last 12 months. Odds
recorded by reviewing the hospital medical records. Comor- ratios (ORs) are reported for significant associations. All
bidities were defined as not less than five kinds of diseases. significance tests were two-tailed, and statistical significance
Patients who took five or more oral prescription drugs were was assumed as P,0.05.
regarded as experiencing polypharmacy.20 The ADL and
IADL were used to assess functional status. The cognitive Results
status was evaluated by the MMSE. The MNA-SF was used Of the 208 elderly participants recruited in the study, 80
to assess the nutritional status. Venous blood samples were were diagnosed with DM and 128 were in the control group.
collected early in the morning from resting fasting patients. Compared to controls, participants with DM were more
HbA1c, FPG, TC, TG, and LDL were tested in the laboratory likely to have falls in the last 12 months, had a lower score of
of Zhejiang Hospital. POMA, which reflected the balance function, and had worse
scores of ADL and IADL, which reflected physical function.
Balance assessment The MMSE score that reflected mental function and the
The Tinetti POMA scale was used for evaluating balance MNA-SF score that reflected nutritional status of DM group
function. All participants were asked to walk as briskly as were also lower than those of the control group, although the
possible with or without walking aids during the assessment. differences did not reach statistical significance (Table 1).
Table 1 Comparison of clinical data between diabetes mellitus Table 2 Association between POMA score and univariate risk
and control groups factors in older diabetic patients
Characteristics DM Controls P-value Risk factor POMA
(n=80) (n=128) OR (95% CI) P-value
Demographic Age 7.707 (2.035–29.185) 0.003
Age (years), mean ± SDa 79.4±7.2 78.4±7.1 0.337 Gender 0.918 (0.381–2.213) 0.849
Gender (men), n (%) 43 (53.8) 73 (57.0) 0.644 BMI 1.200 (0.496–2.901) 0.686
BMI (kg/m2), mean ± SDa 24.5±3.2 23.3±3.2 0.989 History of falls 2.024 (0.802–5.108) 0.136
Medical Walking aids 0.758 (0.219–2.624) 0.661
Cardiovascular disease, n (%) 41 (51.2) 70 (54.7) 0.630 Fear of falling 0.520 (0.211–1.283) 0.159
Cerebrovascular disease, n (%) 28 (35.0) 37 (28.9) 0.357 Polypharmacy 1.625 (0.667–3.957) 0.285
Renal disease, n (%) 9 (11.3) 20 (15.6) 0.377 Use of insulin 1.838 (0.713–4.737) 0.208
Musculoskeletal disease, n (%) 23 (28.8) 49 (38.3) 0.161 Diabetic complications score 6.667 (2.279–19.504) 0.001
Comorbidities, n (%) 35 (43.8) 68 (53.1) 0.189 HbA1c 0.918 (0.381–2.213) 0.847
Polypharmacy, n (%) 35 (43.8) 55 (43.0) 0.912 FPG 0.618 (0.250–1.528) 0.297
History of falls, n (%) 29 (36.3) 21 (16.4) 0.001 TG 1.600 (0.500–5.125) 0.429
Fear of falling, n (%) 34 (42.5) 41 (32.0) 0.127 TC 0.429 (0.102–1.793) 0.246
Walking aids, n (%) 12 (15.0) 18 (14.1) 0.852 LDL 0.411 (0.075–2.257) 0.306
POMA (IQR)b 25 (21–26) 25 (23–27) 0.013 ADL 11.700 (3.076–44.497) 0.000
ADL (IQR)b 100 (95–100) 100 (95–100) 0.044 IADL 16.286 (4.793–55.333) 0.000
IADL (IQR)b 7 (4–8) 8 (6–8) 0.003 MMSE 10.524 (2.764–40.075) 0.001
MMSE (IQR)b 26 (24–28) 27 (25–29) 0.100 MNA-SF 2.769 (0.920–8.337) 0.070
MNA-SF (IQR)b 13 (12–14) 13 (11–14) 0.110
Note: Each risk factor was analyzed by univariate logistic regression analysis.
Notes: All data were analyzed by the chi-square test unless marked. aThe independent Abbreviations: ADL, activities of daily living; BMI, body mass index; CI, confidence
samples t-test. bThe Mann–Whitney U test. interval; FPG, fasting plasma glucose; HbA1c, hemoglobin A1c; IADL, Instrumental
Abbreviations: ADL, activities of daily living; BMI, body mass index; DM, diabetes Activities of Daily Living; LDL, low-density lipoprotein; MMSE, Mini-Mental State
mellitus; IADL, Instrumental Activities of Daily Living; IQR, interquartile range; Examination; MNA-SF, Mini Nutritional Assessment Short Form; OR, odds
MMSE, Mini-Mental State Examination; MNA-SF, Mini Nutritional Assessment ratio; POMA, performance-oriented mobility assessment; TC, total cholesterol;
Short Form; POMA, performance-oriented mobility assessment; SD, standard TG, triglycerides.
Risk factors which might have a relationship with the showed that the POMA score had a positive relationship
POMA score within the DM patients were investigated. with ADL (OR: 11.700, 95% CI: 3.076–44.497, P,0.01),
First, POMA scores were divided into the low-level group IADL (OR: 16.286, 95% CI: 4.793–55.333, P,0.01), MMSE
(0–24) and the medium- to high-level group (25–28). Age (OR: 10.524, 95% CI: 2.764–40.075, P,0.01), and MNA-SF
was divided into older group (age $75 years) and old group (OR: 2.769, 95% CI: 0.920–8.337, P,0.1; Table 2) and
(65–74 years). BMI was divided into the overweight group had a negative relationship with age (OR: 7.707, 95% CI:
(BMI $25 kg/m2) and the normal group (BMI ,25 kg/m2). 2.035–29.185, P,0.01) and diabetic complications score
Diabetic complication scores were divided into multiple (OR: 6.667, 95% CI: 2.279–19.504, P,0.01; Table 2). How-
complications group (3–4) and normal or lesser complica- ever, POMA score had no obvious relationship with HbA1c,
tions group (0–2). HbA1c was divided into abnormal group FPG, TC, TG, and LDL levels in this study.
(HbA1c $6.5%) and normal group (HbA1c ,6.5%). FPG Then, in the final step, the binary classification of the
was divided into high-level group (FPG $7.0 mmol/L) POMA score was treated as a dependent variable, and the
and low-level group (FPG ,7.0 mmol/L). TG was divided binary classification of the diabetic complication score, ADL
into abnormal group (TG $1.7 mmol/L) and normal group score, IADL score, MMSE score, and MNA-SF score, which
(TG ,1.7 mmol/L). TC was divided into abnormal group were treated as covariates (Table 2; P,0.1), were separately
(TC $3.11 mmol/L) and normal group (TC ,3.11 mmol/L). entered with POMA into the stepwise multivariate logistic
LDL was divided into abnormal group (LDL $2.07 mmol/L) regression model after adjusting for age, history of falls, and
and normal group (LDL ,2.07 mmol/L). ADL scores were fear of falling (Table 2; P,0.2). The results showed that the
divided into dependent group (ADL #95) and independent decreased POMA score which represent impaired balance
group (ADL .95). IADL scores were divided into low-level function was associated with multiple diabetic complica-
group (0–5) and high-level group (6–8). MMSE scores were tions (OR: 5.977, 95% CI: 1.378–25.926, P,0.05), IADL
divided into abnormal range group (0–24) and normal range impairment (OR: 10.288, 95% CI: 2.410–43.915, P,0.01),
group (25–30). Second, each risk factor was analyzed by and MMSE impairment (OR: 13.757, 95% CI: 2.556–74.048,
univariate logistic regression analysis. Finally, the results P,0.01; Table 3).
Table 3 Association between POMA score and other risk factors that both declining physical29 and cognitive function30 might
in elderly diabetic patients affect balance function. Pijpers7 found risk factors that partly
POMA increase fall incidents in older diabetic patients included limi-
OR (95% CI) P-value tations in ADLs, impaired physical performance (including
Age 5.279 (0.872–31.965) 0.070 balance and gait), and cognitive impairment. This might
Fear of falling 0.712 (0.184–2.761) 0.627
explain why DM participants in our study got lower scores
History of falls 0.490 (0.110–2.190) 0.351
Diabetic complication score 5.977 (1.378–25.926) 0.017 of ADL, IADL, MMSE, and POMA, although the MMSE
IADL 10.288 (2.410–43.915) 0.002 score difference between diabetic and control groups did not
MMSE 13.757 (2.556–74.048) 0.002 reach the statistical significance.
Notes: All data were analyzed by binary logistic regression analysis with adjustment In the univariate logistic regression analysis, the results
for age, fear of falling, and history of falls. Age was divided into the older group
(age $75 years) and the old group (65–74 years); POMA scores were divided into showed that POMA score had a positive relationship with
the low-level group (0–24) and the medium- or high-level group (25–28); diabetic
complication scores were divided into the multiple complications group (3–4) and
ADL, IADL, MMSE, and MNA-SF and had a negative
the normal or lesser complications group (0–2); IADL scores were divided into the relationship with age and diabetic complications score. Mul-
abnormal range group (0–5) and the normal range group (6–8); MMSE scores were
divided into the abnormal range group (0–24) and the normal range group (25–30).
tivariate logistic regression analysis showed the decreased
Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; IADL, Instrumental Activities of Daily POMA score, which represented that balance impairment
Living; MMSE, Mini-Mental State Examination; OR, odds ratio; POMA, performance-
oriented mobility assessment. was only associated with multiple diabetic complications,
decreased IADL score, and lower MMSE score. Although
many studies had shown strong positive associations
Discussion between elevated HbA1c, FPG, TC, TG, or LDL levels and
This study demonstrated that multiple diabetic complications, chronic complication risks in diabetic patients, however,
lower scores of IADL and MMSE were associated with the HbA1c, FPG, TC, TG, and LDL levels were not associated
decline of balance function in elderly patients with DM. with the decreased POMA score in this study. It might be
In this study, elderly patients with diabetes had more fall because group characteristics in previous studies were differ-
incidents in the last 12 months compared to those without ent from our study. In this study, the average age of the group
DM. Our results confirmed previous findings about a higher was .79 years, and most of them had already gotten diabetic
prevalence of falls in the elderly diabetic patients.7,22–25 complications and other metabolic-related diseases.
We also found that compared with the elderly participants More studies about functional status in older diabetics
without DM, the elderly diabetic patients got lower score of need to be done in the future. Beyond control of blood glucose
POMA, which reflected the balance function. The results and blood lipid, we also need to pay more attention to func-
were consistent with those obtained in previous studies. tion status in the older diabetic patients in China. Our find-
Maurer5 reported that individuals with DM frequently com- ings could alert physicians to detect and intervene earlier on
plain of feeling dizziness and unstable and often exhibit declining balance in older persons with DM, and it might be
impairments in balance, sensory capacity, and gait, with the an easier and faster way to screen those kinds of patients.
consequence of increased risk of falling. It was suggested by There are a few limitations of this study. 1) Our study
Petrofsky26 that people with DM displayed significantly more was based on cross-sectional data, which may be limited by
sway than those healthy control subjects while standing on a bias from inter-individual variability or cohort effects. Due
balance platform. In addition, Morrison27 found that exercise to the feature of cross-sectional study, a causal association
improves balance and gait in older persons with type 2 DM. among the four variables, namely, POMA score, diabetic
Apart from these, participants with DM were more likely complication score, IADL score, and MMSE score, could not
to have lower scores of ADL and IADL in our study. The be directly concluded. Prospective studies will be required to
elderly adults with DM were more likely to develop a series determine whether old diabetic patients who got multiple dia-
of diabetic complications. It is well known that DM could betic complications and worse MMSE score or worse IADL
affect renal, neurological, and cardiovascular systems and the score would have impaired balance function. 2) Although
association of DM with complications could lead to physical diabetic complication was considered as one of the mediating
disability.24 Although physical and mental function decrease factors that might affect the balance function of old diabetic
with aging, the coexistence of DM and diabetic complica- patients, however, we just analyze the relationship between
tions could accelerate the process or make the physical and the number of complications and impaired balance function,
mental conditions even worse.28 Previous studies have shown further studies will be required to determine whether each
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