The Impact of Education Costs On Family Fertility Rate in China
The Impact of Education Costs On Family Fertility Rate in China
The Impact of Education Costs On Family Fertility Rate in China
According to the social report, the rate of fertility in China is around 1.65 continuously at a relative low level since 2000
[4]. Therefore, to find out the reasons behind the low fertility and encourage the childbearing couple to have children is
of importance. To explore the reasons of low fertility, the author made a questionnaire among parents of children in Z
city in central China. A total number of 200 questionnaires were issued, of which 194 were valid. According to research
results, it is found that the learning cost and opportunity cost of education have a significant influence on parents' fertility
intention. Therefore, the author put forward the following suggestions. Firstly, it is suggested that parents should be
more rational on the investment in children's education. What is more, the investment in preschool education and child
care allowances should be increased. In addition, both men and women should have maternity to take care of the new-
born babies.
Keywords: Education cost, opportunity cost, low fertility rate in China, questionnaire
above40 4 2.1
1 120 61. 9
Number of children 2 72 37.1
3or more 2 1.0
Total 194 100
Table 3 The ratio of the family's educational economic expenditure to the family's total annual expenditure for
different children's education
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 543
2.2.3. Family opportunity cost analysis financial burdens, who were busy with work so they
might have less time to accompany children. It is also
A multi-choice analysis on the problem of who takes reflected in table 4 that the "father" only has 46 times of
more care of children showed that in most families, the choice, accounting for 15.0%, who is to be chosen with
mother was the primary caregiver, with 142 times of one of the lowest frequency. Apart from "mother" that
choice, accounting for 46.4% of the total. The influence accounts for the highest proportion, "grandparents", who
of the traditional concept in China has lasted for a long is selected for 119 times, accounts for 38.8%, with more
time, that as men went out frequently, the father in a than twice of the percentage of "father", indicating that
family played a more important role in the family grandparents spend more time with their children than the
Table 4 Primary caregivers of children
The response
Percentage of cases
N Percentage
The child’s primary Father 46 15.0% 23.7%
caregiver Mother 142 46.3% 73.2%
Grandparents 119 38.8% 61.3%
Total 307 100% 158.2%
At present, a common social phenomenon in China is To sum up, it shows that grandparents can help to take
that the grandparents help to take care of the child. The care of children to reduce the opportunity cost of parents'
main reason is that young parents are too busy with their sacrifice to a certain extent.
jobs and livelihoods to take care of their young children
At the same time, as also can be seen from table 5,
around the clock, so grandparents start to take care of
51.7% of families with one child have the experience of
their children. As can be seen from table 5,
sacrificing opportunity cost. Seven percent of families
"grandparents" is selected as the highest rate among the
who have a second child have sacrificed opportunity
three options, with 79.3%, under the case that the parents
costs to have a child. Although there are only two families
do not sacrifice opportunity cost. Among the families that
with three children in the sample, all family members
have a second child, "grandparents" and "father" were
sacrifice opportunity costs for the sake of having a child,
chosen at the same rate of 50.0%, which was also the
and the proportion is 100.0%. It suggests that as the
highest without sacrificing opportunity cost. Only two
number of children increases, parents are more likely to
families have three children or more, and both parents
sacrifice opportunity costs
sacrifice their opportunity costs to care for their children.
Table 5 Whether parents sacrifice opportunity cost and proportion of families with different number of children and
their primary caregivers
The child’s primary caregiver
Number of children already born Grandparents or Total
Father Mother
Proportion of families
25.8 74.2 58.1
having one child (%)
Parents sacrifice
opportunity costs
Proportion of total (%) 13.3 38.3 30.0 51.7
Parents are not Proportion of families
31.0 58.6 79.3
sacrificing having one child (%)
opportunity costs Proportion of total (%) 15.0 28.3 38.3 48.3
Total Proportion of total (%) 28.3 66.7 68.3 100.0
2 Parents sacrifice Proportion of families
12.5 79.2 37.5
(N=72) opportunity costs having one child (%)
Proportion of total (%) 8.3 52.8 25.0 66.7
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 543
2.2.4. Cost of family on school district housing expenditure of children's admission to school. According
to the statistical results in table 6, among the families that
It is commonly believed that the environment is a very have participated in the survey, 57.7% of the families
important factor to impact people. In order to create a have the plan or experience of buying a house in the
good learning environment for children, the ancient school district for their children, and 32.0% of them have
Meng’s mother moved three times. Currently, there are the plan or experience of renting a house with their
countless parents take out years of savings to buy children. In addition, 46.4% have the plan or experience
expensive school district housing without hesitation, for of paying school choice fees for their children. Thus, it
letting children study in a primary or secondary school can be seen that the cost of children's entering school has
with good quality. Since the implementation of the policy become one of the education costs that cannot be ignored
of nearby enrollment in school districts, a series of at present. Although it cannot be the main factor
problems of choosing a school have been derived, and the influencing parents' fertility intention, it also has a certain
costs associated with them certainly become parts of the effect.
Table 6 Employment cost statistics table
Question Frequency Percentage
Whether there is a plan or experience for a Yes 112 57.7 57.7
child to go to good school to buy a house in No 82 42.3 42.3
the school district Total 194 100.0 100.0
Yes 62 32.0 32.0
Whether have any plans or experience to
No 132 68.0 68.0
rent and accompany to school
Total 194 100.0 100.0
Yes 90 46.4 46.4
Whether there is a plan or experience to pay
No 104 53.6 53.6
school choice fees for the child
Total 194 100.0 100.0
3. RESULTS AND SUGGESTIONS more than one child) have the experience of sacrificing
opportunity cost for the sake of rearing children, and the
3.1. Results parents are more likely to sacrifice opportunity cost with
the increase of the number of children. In a family where
3.1.1. High learning cost reduces parents' the mother is the primary caregiver for the child, the
fertility desire mother is more likely to be the child caregiver at the cost
of opportunity in the family. With the increase of
Nowadays, young parents pay more attention to their opportunity cost, parents' desire to have children is
children's investment in preschool education and hope to gradually weakening. The opportunity cost of parents'
give their children the best education. This is bound to sacrifice will not only increase the financial burden of the
increase the cost of family education and learning, and to family, but also disrupt the original career plan of the
a certain extent, to restrain parents' desire to have parents, which may lead to the loss of their personal job
children. satisfaction.
3.1.2. Loss of opportunity cost weakens parents' 3.1.3. Higher education costs have a weak
fertility intention impact on parents' fertility desire
Taking care of children is tedious, as it consumes time Most parents expect their children to go to college,
and energy, as well as causes some parents to sacrifice some even expect their children to get a master’s degree.
opportunity costs for child care. More than half of both Parents have high expectations for their children, so they
families with one child and families with two children (or will do their best to give their children a better education
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 543
at children’s every stage of learning, which means that cost could be reduced. It will also make some informal
many parents pay a lot for their children to study in good education institutions failed to seek profits and lose their
schools and school admissions. However, pressure development space. They will finally be eliminated from
should not be the only main factor that affects people's the market, which will create a good environment for the
reluctance to have children. education market.
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 543
Retrieved from:
[5] Zhongguoyanglao Net. China's aging crisis is
worsening: the pressure on elderly care and
childcare in six major provinces is close to 50%.
January 3, 2021. Accessed on January 6, 2021.
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