15 Marks
15 Marks
15 Marks
Advantages: - Intuitive and easy to implement. - Directly modifies pixel values,
making it straightforward to understand and apply.
Limitations: - Not effective for removing periodic noise. - Limited by the local
nature of operations; some global enhancements are harder to achieve.
Frequency Domain: - Involves transforming the image into the frequency
domain using transforms like the Fourier Transform. Enhancements are made
by modifying the frequency components.
Techniques: - Low-pass filters for smoothing, high-pass filters for sharpening,
and band-reject filters for noise removal.
Advantages: - Effective for periodic noise removal. - Provides a different
perspective on image data, allowing frequency-based manipulations.
Limitations: - More complex mathematically and computationally. - Requires
inverse transformation to return to the spatial domain, making it less intuitive.
Applications: - Noise Reduction: Removes small noise using opening. -
Shape Analysis: Identifies and extracts specific shapes within an image. -
Object Extraction: Isolates objects from the background, useful in industrial
inspection and medical imaging. - Boundary Detection: Extracts boundaries
for further analysis or object counting.
Applications: - Filtering: Enhances or suppresses specific frequencies. Low-
pass filters smooth images by removing high-frequency noise; high-pass filters
sharpen images by enhancing high-frequency details. - Pattern Recogni-
tion: Detects repetitive patterns by identifying specific frequency components.
- Compression: Reduces image size by retaining significant frequency compo-
nents while discarding less important ones.
Significance: Offers a powerful tool for analyzing and enhancing images based
on their frequency content, providing capabilities that are difficult to achieve in
the spatial domain.
Boundary Detection: - Extracts object boundaries by finding differences
between dilation and erosion.
Applications: - Shape Analysis: Extracts and analyzes object shapes. -
Preprocessing: Prepares images by smoothing contours and filling holes. -
Feature Extraction: Identifies critical features for further analysis.
visibility of details for tasks like object recognition and medical diagnosis.
Significance: Enhances image quality by reducing noise and highlighting im-
portant features, facilitating better interpretation and analysis.
16. Ideal, Butterworth, and Gaussian Filters in Frequency Domain
(15 marks)
Ideal Filter: - Characteristics: Sharp cutoff, perfect pass, and stop regions.
- Frequency Response: Binary; passes frequencies within a cutoff and blocks
others completely. - Applications: Not used in practice due to ringing artifacts
from sharp transitions.
Butterworth Filter: - Characteristics: Smooth transition between pass
and stop regions, controlled by filter order. - Frequency Response: Gradual
roll-off, avoiding sharp transitions. - Applications: General-purpose filtering
where smooth transitions are preferred.
Gaussian Filter: - Characteristics: Smooth, bell-shaped curve, no ringing
artifacts. - Frequency Response: Exponentially decaying, smooth roll-off. -
Applications: Smoothing and noise reduction, where artifact-free results are
Significance: Different filters offer various trade-offs between sharpness and
smoothness in frequency domain processing, allowing tailored solutions for spe-
cific enhancement tasks.
Applications: - Medical Imaging: Reduces noise while preserving important
details for accurate diagnosis. - Astronomical Imaging: Enhances clarity by
removing noise caused by atmospheric interference.
Significance: Accurate noise characterization and degradation function estima-
tion are essential for effective image restoration, leading to clearer, more useful
Applications: - Object Detection: Enhances boundary definition for accu-
rate object recognition. - Medical Imaging: Connects fragmented edges in
anatomical structures for clearer visualization.
Significance: Essential for producing continuous, accurate boundaries in edge
maps, improving segmentation quality and subsequent analysis.
Effects: - Reduces noise but may blur important details. - Enhances overall
visual smoothness.
Sharpening Filters: - Purpose: Enhance image edges and fine details. -
Types: - Laplacian Filter: Uses second derivatives to
highlight edges. - Unsharp Masking: Subtracts a blurred version to enhance
Effects: - Increases contrast at edges, making details more pronounced. - May
amplify noise if not used carefully.
Significance: Smoothing and sharpening filters enhance image quality by bal-
ancing noise reduction and detail enhancement, crucial for accurate analysis and