p5 Implicatures
p5 Implicatures
p5 Implicatures
We assume that speakers and listeners involved in conversation are generally cooperating with each other
- for reference to be successful it was proposed that collaboration is a necessary factor - in accepting speakers' presuppositions, listeners normally have to assume that a speaker who says 'my car' does have a car and is not trying to mislead the listener
People having a conversation are not normally assumed to be trying to confuse, trick, or withhold relevant information from each other sense of cooperation
In the middle of their lunch hour, one woman asks another how she likes the hamburger she is eating, and receives the answer: A hamburger is a hamburger
Tautology: statement that is always true, but has no communicative value In a conversation the speaker using a tautology intends to communicate more than is said. The additional conveyed meaning is an implicature (here: the hamburger tastes as usual, she has no opinion whether it's good or bad) Implicature stands as a paradigmatic example of the nature and power of pragmatic explanations of linguistic phenomena It is intended to contrast with terms like (logical) implication, entailment or consequence
Hauptseminar Introduction to Pragmatics
The man erroneously assumed that more was communicated than what was said.
- this is not a problem involving presuppositions because the assumption that the woman has dog is true for both speakers. - From the man's perspective the woman's answer provided less information than expected a
giving sufficient information is an example for the cooperative principle of conversation There are four sub-principles, called conversational maxims according to Grice (1975) (key ideas delivered in the William James lectures at Harvard in 1967). Cooperative Principle: Make your conversational contribution such as is required, at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged.
Hauptseminar Introduction to Pragmatics
Introduction to Pragmatics
Examples Quantity
As you probably know, I am terrified of bugs So, to cut a long story short, we grabbed our stuff and ran I won't bore you with all the details, but it was an exciting trip
Examples Relation
Oh by the way, his nephew is a member of parliament Anyway, that's also part of the program I don't know if this is important, but some of the files are missing This may sound like a dumb question, but whose handwriting is this? Not to change the subject, but is this related to the budget?
Introduction to Pragmatics
Situations where speakers may not follow the expectations of the cooperative principle: - in courtrooms and classrooms, witnesses and students are often called upon to tell people things which are already well-known to those people (violation of the quantity maxim) specialized institutional talk is different from conversation Examples for speakers not following the maxims on purpose
No comment My lips are sealed
(these statements are not as informative as required, but interpreted as communicating more than is said, i.e., the speaker knows the answer) APPARENT VIOLATION OF THE MAXIMS IS THE KEY TO THE NOTION OF CONVERSATIONAL IMPLICATURE!!!
Hauptseminar Introduction to Pragmatics
Charlene assumes the Dexter is cooperating and aware of the quantity maxim. If he did not mention the cheese, he must have done so on purpose. She infers that what is not mentioned, any definite noun phrase was not brought Dexter has conveyed more than he said via a conversational implicature
Charlene: b & c? Dexter: b (+> NOT c)
Speakers communicate meaning via implicatures - listeners recognize the communicated meanings via inference
Introduction to Pragmatics
When no special background knowledge of the context of the utterance is required to make the necessary inferences, it is called a generalized conversational implicature Example: indefinite articles are typically interpreted as an X +> not speaker's X
I was sitting in a garden one day. A child looked over the fence.
not my garden, my child Quantity maxim: If the speaker were capable of being more specific/informative he/she would have said 'my garden' and 'my child'
John has two PhDs
Quality maxim: A speaker believes what she/he asserts to be true Therefore sentences like
??John has two PhDs but I dont believe he has
Introduction to Pragmatics
When producing an utterance, a speaker selects the one word from the scale which is the most informative and truthful (quantity and quality).
I'm studying linguistics and I've completed some of the required courses.
'some' creates the implicature +> not all scalar implicature: when any form in a scale is asserted, the negative of all forms higher on the scale is implicated
The linguistic courses are sometimes really interesting 'sometimes' creates the implicatures +> not often, +> not always It's possible that they were delayed implicates +> not certain (as a higher value on the scale of likelihood) This should be stored in a cool place implicates +> not must (on a scale of obligation) implicates +> not frozen (on a scale of coldness)
Introduction to Pragmatics
Sam 'flouts' (i.e. does not adhere to) the maxim of manner. The dog is known to recognize the word 'vet' and to hate being taken there, therefore Sam produces a more elaborate, i.e. less brief, version
Jane: John still has not said if hell come Beth: Hell either come or he wont
Beth flouts the maxim of quantity by saying nothing informative. Her true informative inference must be something like calm down, theres no point in worrying, we cant do anything about it anyway Leila has just walked into Mary's office and noticed all the work on her desk.
Leila: Whoa! Has you boss gone crazy? Mary: Let's go get some coffee.
Mary flouts the maxim of relevance. Leila has to infer some local reason (e.g., the boss is nearby) for why Mary makes a non-relevant remark Standardized flouting of relevance:
Bert: Do you like ice cream? Ernie: Is the Pope Catholic?
Hauptseminar Introduction to Pragmatics
4 5
Quantity Manner
Introduction to Pragmatics
It is easy to suspend the implicature +> only five by adding 'at least'.
You have won at least five dollars! You have won five dollars, in fact, you've won ten! You have won five dollars, that's four more than one!
Introduction to Pragmatics
but a speaker might say Herb hit Sally nevertheless, attempting to mislead
Introduction to Pragmatics
Introduction to Pragmatics
'and' the so-called different meanings of 'and' in English can be explained as instances of conventional implicature in different structures.
Yesterday, Mary was happy and ready to work She put on her clothes and left the house (p & q, +> p plus q) (p & q, +> q after p)
- when two statements containing static information are joined by 'and' the implicature is simply 'in addition' or 'plus' - when the two statements contain dynamic, action-related information, the implicature of 'and' is 'and then, indicating sequence. - in the second case the order of the two parts cannot be reversed without a change in meaning
Hauptseminar Introduction to Pragmatics