Miniature Wargames 487-202311
Miniature Wargames 487-202311
Miniature Wargames 487-202311
39 MEMOIR 1815
A tactical, battalion-level game of Napoleonic
EDITORIAL PUBLISHED BY battle inspired by both Bob Cordery’s Memoir of
EDITOR John Treadaway PUBLISHER Claire Ingram
[email protected] [email protected] Battle and Memoir ’44 by Richard Borg.
(£14.99) and Stargrave: Bold Endeavour new alien-tech, powers, soldiers, and
(£20). The first is a ‘blue book’, 80 pages backgrounds for captains and first mates.
in length, and contains a full set of Also included is Advanced Astrogation, Baroque Sci-Fi Skirmish
rules for playing large ACW games in Space Encounters and six scenarios along Mammoth Miniatures are a small
(primarily) 28mm. The author (Arthur with the obligatory Bestiary stuffed with outfit that we bumped into at the
van de Ster) makes it his gaming mission horrible creatures like Living Lightning, Hereward show. They make an
to both cut down the chart consultation Plasmonic Lifeforms and the worryingly interesting selection of resin cast
and give players a chance to use the entitled Arsendryder. The book is minis in 28mm but what we have
correct nomenclature for manoeuvres stuffed with nice pictures of figures and is their latest set of rules, Planet 28
and such like to help achieve good period interesting artwork and is exactly what (Second Edition). Produced in A5 in
‘feel’. You’ll need a 6 by 4 table, an inch fans of Mr McCullough’s work will a neat hardback (with a dust cover)
ruler and a good handful of d10 dice for appreciate. Go to for the rules are an 84 page, open source
an initiative based set-to (as opposed to more information. skirmish system that uses a full set of
polyhedral dice (d4 through to d20)
and will set you back £16. The rules
cover character and warband creation;
campaign rules; solo and co-op play;
More from Lucid Eye Publications vehicle creation and a combat system,
In Issue 484 we reviewed a replaying plus lists of character traits, abilities,
system called Elfking – The Immortal equipment and more. The rules
by Lucid Eye. They have recently are supported by some smaller, A5
released a trio of supplements for supplements: Death in the Throneroom
that system. First up is Lords of Eas, and Brutal Quest both for less that
a collection of characters, artefacts, £5.50 each. Go to mammothminiatures.
treasure and monsters (A4 60+ pages, com for more info and check out their
£20). This is followed by two A5, full figure range as well.
colour Adventure Modules: The Lair
of the Crimson God (80 pages, £16)
and Ruhe of the Rose Tower (40 pages,
£12.50). All are nicely produced with
a very distinct artistic flair. If you’re imagination, go to lucideyepublications.
keen on the original rules or just want com and either buy the pdfs or print on
something to jump start your gaming demand books at the price quoted.
Sat 11th & Sun 12th November
Even more Osprey Farnborough International
Osprey have two more books about to hit the Exhibition & Conference Centre, GU14 6TQ
shops. The first is a Bolt Action 2nd Edition
Campaign Supplement: Case Blue. This book
should probably be considered in partnership CAVALIER
with the Campaign: Stalingrad release that they Sun 24th February
The Angel Centre, Tonbridge TN9 1SF
already have in print. It extends the story of the
conflict to the areas outside of Stalingrad and the
immediate area. While this book does provide a
Saturday 2nd March
Cedric Ford Pavilion, , Newark Showground,
Sat 13th April
are The Investigation, The Revenants; Troll Bridge; ExCel, London, E16 1XL
Confirmed Kill; Sunken Treasure; The Haunted Ruins;
Last Stand; Loup-Garou Surprise; Infested Monastery;
and Ship In The Fog plus the solo outings:
Wolf Pack; The Ruined Chapel; The Troll THIS MONTH
historical overview of Case
Blue, its primary purpose is
Hunts; and The Last Mile. SB-Canada is
over 160 pages in length and will be soft
to provide new scenarios, bound. Go to for BATTLE OF IA
rules, and inspiration to more information.
help wargamers (especially
those who play Bolt NOVEMBER 14 - 17, 1965
Action 2). This book covers The first major battle between U.S.
the southern region of and Vietnamese forces would be
the Eastern Front from claimed as a victory by both sides.
December 1941 to July Located in the Central Highlands
1943 including: The fall of of South Vietnam, the crucial
Sevastopol and the Soviet AVN supply route became a test
amphibious counter-attack; the Soviet offensive bed for tactical helicopter “air
at Kharkov; the German attempts to capture mobility” by American forces.
the Soviet oilfields at the foot of the Caucasus On November 14, the U.S. First
Mountains; the destruction of the Italian and Calvary Division established
Hungarian armies during Operation Little Saturn; landing zones in the valley and
and the German defence of the Kuban region. immediately came under fire.
The second new title is The Silver Bayonet: Continual reinforcements via
Canada. This is a (as the title implies) a helicopter and sustained aerial
supplement for the Silver Bayonet system bombardment decimated the
(Napoleonic skirmish/roleplay with large fantasy Vietnamese positions. By the end
elements) by Joe McCullough and set in the of fighting, 305 Americans had
Northern American continent. For those that been killed compared to at least
don’t know, Silver Bayonet is a small footprint 1,000 plus AVN troops. General
game (a 3 by 3 foot table is more than sufficient) Westmoreland and much of the
and needs d10s (in three colours), a deck of American leadership viewed the
standard cards, and some counters to help with casualty statistics as a vindication
play. Oh, and the original Silver Bayonet rules, of of the combination of air mobility
course. The book has sections on creating units; and heavy bombardment. Ia Drang
writing your own scenarios; solo play; a bestiary; set the course for the war to come,
and has a selection of ten scenarios (and four and would serve as a taste of future
solo scenarios) pre-created for you to use. These conflict for both sides.
A collection of ABOVE: The Army Painter Laser Lock. Not essential,
but it does its job brilliantly.
This was something that I started doing
when I was playing Black Ops by Guy
Bowers and The Men who would be Kings
by Dan Mersey on a regular basis. Both of
these are games that play quickly and give
a good result in short time. Consequently,
you can actually play a number of games
at a sitting. Writing army lists for these
was a pain in the neck, because – after the
first game – you’d be scratching things out
and adding them and it would all be a bit
of a mess.
Unit cards are not a new idea and ABOVE: Unit Cards from my long running on and
off Black Ops campaign London Calling. Poor old
there are plenty of games that use them. Corporal Baggins: he died on his first mission.
However, I’ve found that writing my own
November 2023 Miniature Wargames 9
degrees to show that it is pinned. This up offcuts of foam for pennies. I have very, very messy method of ringing out the
is particularly handy when playing a local upholster, who asked me what I sponge in a bucket of 50/50 diluted green
solo and you’re playing a turn here wanted it for and I told him, so he thinks emulsion paint and water. When left to dry
and a turn there over a couple of days I’m a lunatic, but he still sells me a giant on a flat surface (that you didn’t care about
(which is how most of my scenario black sack of foam scraps for the price of ruining...) the things dried (eventually) and
playtesting happens), as it acts as a a pint every two years or so. stiffened wonderfully. It took a long time to
reminder of who has gone and who Once you’ve got your foam, cut it with get the paint out from under my fingernails
hasn’t. Also if you are playing a game a craft knife to the shape you want. I’ve mind you... Ed.
where a unit can be in a number of stolen Mrs Kinch’s electric carving knife If you’re feeling particularly fancy
different “states” (panicked, drunk, for this and it’s proved very successful. add some texture with fine sand or
hatred, etc) you can always pop a The trick is to ensure that you’re nicking sawdust, maybe some flocks or static
counter indicating as much on the it while she’s at the theatre. grass if you’re pushing the boat out.
card and that’ll stop them cluttering This is a very quick way of bashing There are textured spray paints you can
up your tabletop. out some hills, that a can of cheap green get that you could use to add a bit of
paint spray will allow you to knock out surface interest.
FOAM RUBBER HILLS a few hills in literally minutes. If you The most important thing is that once
This is an idea that I encountered want to get fancy, get an old Windex you’ve got your hills at the level you
when as a youngster, I had dropped bottle and fill it with watered down like, hit them again with the watered
in unannounced on a club night of the PVA (mix 50/50 with water) and a few down PVA to seal everything and keep
South London Warlords and played a drops of Fairy Liquid. Give them a your texture and flocks etc attached.
game of Rapid Fire with them. They good spray with that to “prime” them The advantages of foam rubber hills
were using these and I’ve always been and give your paint something with a are as follows:
surprised I’ve never seen them more bit of tooth to grip onto. Let them dry
widely adopted. overnight and then come back with ◗ They are indestructible. I’ve thrown
Essentially, take some upholstery with spray cans of greens, browns or mine in bags, stored them in boxes
foam, the kind used for sofa cushions whatever colours you want. and they never break or chip. My
and the like. You could use some from As it happens. I helped make some of those cat has fallen sleep on them multiple
ancient cushions, but old stuff is usually very foam hills at the Warlords that Mr times and I’ve reasonably sure the
too squishy to be much use. However, if Kinch is referring to. I can attest that one kids have used them as weapons on a
you visit an upholsterers, you can pick of the batches was certainly made by the couple of occasions.
ne of the most challenging missions in terrain to be evacuated from the Peninsula at the port
any era of warfare is to conduct a fighting of La Coruna by the Royal Navy. A wounded
British officer
withdrawal. If the attackers are numerous, As the retreat continued Moore’s refusal to turn and looks ruefully on
well-led and aggressive then this task face his pursuers made it apparent to all that safely as the retreat
becomes even more difficult. This was the position that extricating his force from the Peninsula had become continues.
Sir John Moore found himself in northern Spain when his priority. A combination of lack of reliable Spanish
suddenly confronted by overwhelming forces led by support, an awareness he was commanding Britain’s
the preeminent commander of the age, Napoleon. only field army, and a belief that his mission brief had
been fulfilled seem to have led to this decision, yet it
INTRODUCTION was to have disastrous consequences. Moore’s army
In response to the French invasion of Spain, an started to unravel, discipline and morale in many
expeditionary force of 25,000 British soldiers units collapsing due to poor leadership and a lack of
commanded by Sir Moore was ordered to march confidence in their commanding general who seemed
from Portugal into northern Spain to support their unwilling to fight.
ally. Due to poor communication between the That most of Moore’s army survived to reach La
allies the British had achieved little when on 23rd Coruna where they would then fight a successful
December 1808 Moore was caught off-guard by the defensive battle against Soult’s men was in part due
sudden advance of 80,000 French commanded by to the effectiveness of the rearguard action fought
Napoleon. Outmanoeuvred and largely by Paget’s Division. However, an arguably
outnumbered, Moore’s army was more significant factor was that on January 1st
forced to make a gruelling 200- Napoleon left command of the chase to Marshal
mile retreat across inhospitable Soult. Believing that there was now no chance of
November 2023 Miniature Wargames 13
At the start of each campaign turn one of the players
rolls a D6. If the result is a 6 then consult the table
below. If the result has an asterisk then the players
need to flip a coin to see who it impacts.
catching up with the British and receiving intelligence ABOVE RANDOM EVENTS CHART
of hostile movements by Austria, Napoleon elected to The British D6 Roll Random Event
rearguard make
leave his subordinate in command of this sideshow, another stand 1 “Torrential Rain”: All units suffer from wet powder so may only
shoot once per battle in this campaign turn. Any artillery with
taking a significant portion of the army with him. around a lonely either army are abandoned after any battle fought this turn, being
Soult’s slower, more methodical pursuit arguably gave abbey. stuck in the mud.
the British breathing space to reach La Coruna and 2 “The scum of the earth…”: The British find a cache of wine.
Roll a D6 for every group in the British force. On a 1-2 the group
regroup. Here they made a stand against the French, loses a model as a permanent casualty. However, the army gains
a +1 bonus to its force morale roll for all future battles.
during which Sir Moore was killed, before the army
3 “Snowstorm”: Any battle that takes place this turn is fought
was successfully evacuated. during a swirling blizzard. When a group/ formation wishes to
shoot or charge it rolls 4D6, the result is how far in inches the
unit can see. Enemy units beyond this cannot be targeted.
CAMPAIGN OVERVIEW 4* “Dysentery”: No groups on foot can run in the next game.
This article presents a mini campaign representing 5* “Lame & Limping”: No groups on horseback can gallop in the
part of the British withdrawal using the Sharp next game.
Practice rules by the TooFatLardies. With some minor 6 “Vive L’Empereur!”: The French are joined by Napoleon for the
next battle only. They may use a leader 4 for free (representing
adaptations this could easily represent one of the many Napoleon) and they may re-roll the result of their force morale roll.
other famous withdrawals that took place during the
Napoleonic era, such as the Austrians from Wagram in
1809, or the French in Russia in 1812.
The French objective is to bring the British to battle and
defeat their rearguard, allowing their troops to move
up and destroy the vulnerable columns of demoralised
British troops behind. The British objective is to hold
the French pursuers off long enough that they and as
much of the army as possible can make their escape.
The winner of the campaign is the player with the most
victory points.
November 2023 Miniature Wargames 15
November 2023 Miniature Wargames 17
In this campaign both sides face singular challenges.
The British must somehow hold their outnumbered
show in a number of years on Sunday 3rd of A Firefly
September at The Cresset – a civic Centre near
Peterborough. I last attended Hereward in 2017 RIGHT
and the show is very similar to what it was then. The Both of the
pictures on this
venue is a large, spacious municipal building with a page were from
catering facility inside the venue and a degree of free the Chain of
parking outside. The show was spread over two rooms. Command game (and steering yokes for the players!) plus a smaller
in 28mm by
the Huntingdon
‘planning’ board showing the layout of the three dams.
TRADE Wargames Club. There were also a nice pair of WWII games – a Bolt
Trade turn out was decent for a smaller sized show Action beach landing by the Bedford Gladiators and
with 20 present plus a ‘flea market’ section to buy and a Chain of Command game by the Huntingdon Club.
sell your old spares. Other highlights for me were the Trench Offensive
system (by Pandyman Entertainment) with a very
GAMES nice trench layout and splendid miniatures and a nice
There were 15 games including a couple by the host looking Battletech game by the Leeds Club.
club, including their excellent Dambusters Challenge. Other highlights were a painting competition and a
That game has a large dam (complete with a broken pop-up games cafe to give folks a chance to play some
replacement section) and 1/72 scale Lancasters board games.
November 2023 Miniature Wargames 19
The impressive
1/72nd scale
Challenge by the
Wargames Club.
A close up of
the Pacific
Beach Assault
by the Bedford
The Lyran Job:
by the Leeds
Wargames Club.
What a
Cowboy by the
Starwing: 3D
Printed Space
Ships by Alex
The Mysterious
Case of The
Steamer Uranus
by the Lost Ark
Tis but a scratch
- Medieval
Jousting by the
Cheshunt Club.
Pacific Beach
Assault by
the Bedford
WWI Trench
attack by
The show is a small one but deserves to get bigger.
They are busy planning next year’s event. ■
November 2023 Miniature Wargames 21
11th & 12th November 50+ Traders
Farnborough International Exhibition Bring & Buy
& Conference Centre Demo & Participation games
GU14 6TQ 30+ Tournaments
Website updated
This is the easiest review I’ve ever had to Our very own columnist Jon Sutherland
write. If you are interested in gaming the has released another book in his Mad
Vietnam War in any scale (but focussing Dogs & Englishmen series. This one is
particularly on 20mm to 28mm) go and called Far Flung Conflicts 1 (suggesting
buy Vietnam Wargames by Michael that there may be more to come!): The
Farnworth. Well that was simple... Oh Maori Wars 1843 – 1869.
you want to know more...? In A4 full colour softback, this 92
By Caliver Books, this is a 160 page, pagebook is well illustrated with
beautifully produced, full colour some nice maps (mostly in colour but
softback. It is copiously illustrated with the odd original period mono-
with shots of fantastic, inspirational illustration), excellent and inspirational
models and period photos plus shots of photographs of 28mm models and
camouflaged uniforms and kit (including lots more. This supplement (and the
even webbing) and markedly avoiding underlying rules) are aimed at large
illustrators interpretations (pretty as scale skirmish games and there are
those might be). It details different 39 scenarios all written in – as fans of
manufacturers’ figure ranges with Command Decision will appreciate
comparative shots for ‘scale’ in both – Jon’s engaging style. These run in
20mm and 28mm (in plastic and metal) chronological order from Wairau Affray
and yet it is bang up to date with the use on the North Island in 1843 (Brits
of both 3d printed models and figures versus Ngata Toa Iwi); through to the
and – in the extensive terrain section – Taupo Campaign and the defeat at Te Porere
MDF kits and scratch building. (October 4th 1869); and then followed
There’s sections on brown water navy by three scenarios called Te Kooti’s Final
craft, AFVs (plastic, metal and 3d) and Campaign (One through Three).
painting Vietminh and US forces. There’s Each of these – along with the
another section on building everything maps I’ve already mentioned – are
from dug outs and strong points (with accompanied by full orders of battle for
hand crafting and 3d printing details like the forces. To top them all off there’s
sand bags and so forth) to a Hue City a bonus Boer War scenario (Jasfontein
Citadel from scratch. The book covers Farm 1899) that still involves Kiwi
hot wire cutters, to perspex paddy fields, troops even if it’s not completely in a
through suitable fish tank plants (and land down under.
ornaments!) to mixing up your own Although they can be used for any
ground finishes. set of rules it would be to the user’s
All of the final products constructed advantage to already own a copy of the
are painted and finished to the very base MD&E rules to get the most out of
highest levels. Highly recommended. this book. Recommended.
November 2023 Miniature Wargames 23
• Pre-blended products
• Smaller economical packaging
• Easy to use scenic materials
• From the makers of Woodland Scenics
his month’s Command Decision concludes its ABOVE Most game-night games are what I would call “plonk
meanderings on creating the perfect scenario and A scenario with a and play” which I think sums up the rush to get your
huge asymmetry,
game and switches attention to getting the most this Zulu War soldiers out of their boxes and onto to the table as
out of your gaming time. game based quickly as possible, lay them out in a logical formation
on Rourke’s and then break out the ruler and dice. There’s nothing
Drift had each
Last month we looked at getting the scenario right, defender wrong with this approach, but the games can be a
sensible use of terrain and how rules can hinder your represented little predictable and unsatisfying. I know plenty
fun rather than enhance it. For most of us, restricted to by a figure and of wargamers who have stopped playing a period
around 800
a weekly gaming night (at best), we spend most of our Zulus on the table because they have come to the conclusion that it is
gaming time reading rules and painting and basing at any one time. disappointing. The common denominator is that they
our figures to be ready for the next opportunity to play. The Zulu figures have spent plenty of time reading, organising, buying,
were recycled
It’s understandable that the last thing to consider is the into newly painting and basing and no real time on creating games
actual game itself. arriving units. that fulfil their expectations.
ABOVE SPLITS & SECTORS rule books can be avoided. If the rule book doesn’t
A sudden flank It can be hard to split forces in a realistic way to ensure have Quick Reference Sheets (QRFs) make your own:
attack on an
advancing that everyone has frontline duties and some reserves: copy and paste the key tables onto as few pages as
Confederate even the centre, two wings and reserve approach can possible (or use a different set of rules! Ed.). I also favour
column shifts mean that most of the action might happen on one Orders of Battle (OOB): these not only outline the
the axis of the
action for a time flank or in the centre, leaving the rest of the players overall organisation of your force, but you can also use
and delays the twiddling their thumbs. The trick is to have players them to detail the characteristics and weapons used by
rebels from engaged from the first turn and not spending half each unit. It saves constantly hunting through army
developing their
assault on the the game moving into position to fight (often only to lists to find the information you need.
main Union line. discover the fight has moved or the game has already Make sure each player has a measuring device, a set
been lost or won!) of dice preferably with a container to throw them into
A similar problem can arise with “sectors”, – there’s nothing more annoying than dice scattering
effectively pairing up players across the table and across the table and the perils of the “cocked” dice.
giving them a three foot command of the battle
including the frontline, supporting units and the TIMING IS EVERYTHING
reserves in that sector. What quickly becomes apparent Ideally we want a game that comes to a conclusion in
with this approach is the understandable reluctance the available time slot. There should also be enough
of players to allow any of their units to reinforce time to carefully pack away (and not spend the rest of
a neighbouring player whether it is to exploit a week mending poorly packaged soldiers) and a few
breakthrough or stem a breach in the lines. minutes for a bit of friendly banter and teasing.
In last month’s column we saw that victory
PAPERWORK & EQUIPMENT conditions or the capture of objectives don’t have to be
If you are lucky enough to have an umpire or games- left until the last bit of the last turn. Impose a timetable
master, quite a lot of the tedium of flipping through on the players. Have player A required to hold/retain/
ABOVE and telling them to hold that position. This does new
A handmade wargamers a disservice on two fronts. Firstly, they will
zeppelin provides
the perfect never get the chance to experience all of the nuances
transport for and challenges of the period or theatre, so they will
unexpected rarely improve in terms of competence. Secondly, they
in a Darkest will be bored. This could mean an abrupt end to their
Africa game. wargaming and the years of fun and comradeship they
could enjoy.
Combined So put them in the centre of the action: don’t
objectives in a give them the largest command, but do give them
scenario based something important to do, however don’t expect them
in Darkest
Africa. The Arab to lead the way and take the objectives. If they are in
slaver player the thick of it, learning how things work and how the
must attack rules operate, they will quickly become engaged and
tribesmen and
capture them valuable members of your group. CLARITY
and bring them It’s always best to create clear, simple and unequivocal
back to the small
port. A Belgian
A WIN IS A WIN RIGHT? objectives or victory conditions. If you have complicated
slave ship docks You may have already figured that I’m not a victory conditions you can run the risk of players
every 12th turn. competition wargamer. I’m not even a competitive misunderstanding and feeling deflated if they haven’t
The Arabs are wargamer. I’m more engaged with plotting and quite managed what was required. I’m not advocating
paid in gold for
each captive or planning the game, setting it up and then running a pointing at a terrain piece like a hill and saying “capture
receive weapon flawless event that everyone enjoys. At the end of the that and hold it for eight turns,” or something similar. What
upgrades. game, gamers will want to know who has won and works rather better is to have three or four objectives,
why. It’s not just sufficient to have enjoyed yourself. each assigned a different value. Perhaps a different value
Working out who has won, how crushing (or to each player: one side may value a bridge and the other
otherwise) a win that was and how all of that has been a town on a dominating hill in the centre. The different
calculated is a pre-occupation for many gamers. So, it values mean the axis of attack from each player is going
needs to be addressed. Over the course of one summer to be different: players can feint an attack to fool the
I ran the same game about fifteen times with different enemy that a particular objective is paramount when the
players each time. I created a leader-board so players real high value objective is elsewhere.
could see exactly how they had performed. Granted
all of the players were on the same side and the enemy CONCLUDING THOUGHTS
was umpire controlled. It was a siege too, meaning The days have long since passed when I played ‘last
that if the besieging force broke into the defences and man standing’ games in the garden with my brother
slaughtered the garrison it was pretty clear that you (flinging clods of earth at unsuspecting plastic soldiers
hadn’t won. That only happened once. In the other in shallow trenches). Gaining certain objectives whilst
games, players won a victory point per casualty they limiting your losses is perfectly workable, but not in
inflicted on the attacking force, but lost five for every this instance! Ultimately, scenario design is always
casualty inflicted on them. going to be a balance between time, space, player’s
After a full day’s gaming (probably at a rate of 2-4 nature and experience and a host of other factors. Don’t
turns per hour) there had been a lot of shooting and beat yourself up if you fail to get it right!! ■
An adventure for
Tales of Derring Do
Words by Chris Swan.
Photos by Kevin Dallimore
& TTCombat
Use a 4’ by 4’ table.
The main zone is 40 inches deep and runs the width
of the table. It contains several buildings set around
a small square/piazza. Players can decide how many
buildings to use but there should be at least six which
can be placed anywhere leaving an area 20 inches by
20 inches in the centre. There should also be spaces
between the buildings to represent alleyways, etc. A
fountain or a statue or a fountain with a statue sits in
the centre of the square and the rest of this area should
have crates, barrels and other suitable objects scattered
around it to ensure there is plenty of cover to hide
behind. (There are no cars in Venice but hand carts or
wheeled market stalls can often be seen there.)
The second zone is 6 inches deep and runs the width
of the table. This represents the side of the canal to
which are tied various boats and gondolas. The sinister
Count and his party must exit via this table edge.
The sinister Count and his party are just leaving the
book shop and should be set up directly outside it.
The Adventurers have just entered the square and
are outside the building opposite the Book Shop and at
least 18 paces away from the other party.
The Adventurers
Cpt. Jack Hunter Main 3 Lucky Brave , Automatic
Adventurer Quick Witted Pistol
‘Smugger’ Smith Supporting 2 Rash Brawler Rifle & Knife
Plucky Sidekick Tough
Lady Emma Hart Supporting 2 Brave Athletic, Revolver
Rich Heroine Quick Witted
Dr. James Fryer Supporting 2 Resolute Quick Witted Revolver &
Explorer Expert in Legends Rifle
Gino Minor 1 Surefooted Brawler Carbine &
Local Guide Knife
The Count
Enzo Ferreira Main 3 Commanding Bloodthirsty Revolver &
A Sinister Count Quick Witted, Sabre
Bruno Supporting 2 Fearsome Tough, Revolver &
His Bodyguard Man-Killer Knife
Vicenza Supporting 2 Brave Tough, Brawler Revolver &
His Chief Henchman SMG
Geo Minor 1 Rash Brawler Revolver &
A Thug Carbine
Luigi Minor 1 Rash Brawler Revolver &
Another Thug Carbine The Diary
Vinnie Minor 1 None Brawler Revolver & This consists of a few pages of parchment including
Yet Another Thug Carbine the chart. Before the game begins the player controlling
the Count must write down who is carrying it. If that
character is taken out of play due to being attacked or
is killed or KO’ed another of the Count’s party may
take it from them as a basic action.
If one of the Adventurers wants to get hold of the
diary and chart they must search the character that has
it before they can get it – this requires 1 uninterrupted
turn and they must pass a Task Test needing 5+ on a
D10 (4+ on a D6) to be successful.
What a Cad!
The sinister Count considers himself to be a lady’s
man and if he recognises the Heiress (passes a Reaction
Test when seeing her) he will order his men to try and
capture her although his prime mission will still be to
get away with the diary.
BELOW ◗ Once both sides have had the opportunity to ◗ Four is the Flag
A wider view of move, fire and engage in Close Combat, the turn is ◗ Five is Artillery and Musketry Fire
the Command
and Colours complete and the next turn can commence. ◗ Six is the Sabre
table top game ◗ If one side has won the initiative for the last two
by The Old Guard
Wargames club
turns, add 1 to the D6; for the last 3 turns, add 2 to UNITS
at Partizan 2018. the D6 and so on. Infantry Battalions of c.500-800 rank & file
◗ At least four bases [40mm long; 15mm or 20mm
TACTICAL DICE deep] of close order troops, so unit can form attack
The six faces of the D6 Tactical Dice are marked column, line or square, plus four singly based
as follows: skirmishers to be deployed when necessary and four
◗ 2 x Powder-Smoke Clouds for Volley/Canister Fire separate figures [officers, serjeants, colour bearers
against close order targets and musicians] to indicate losses/reduction in
◗ 1 x Sabre/Bayonet for Close Combat combat effectiveness.
◗ 1 x Roundshot/Musket Ball for Artillery fire at ◗ Move two hexes [moving into an adjacent hex counts
Effective range or Random Shot and Skirmishing as one] or;
Musketry ◗ Move one hex and engage in fire and/or Close
◗ 1 x Officer/General to show loss of Command & Combat.
Control due to officer casualties or chance of injury ◗ Effective Musket Range = 2 hexes [including hex unit
to General Officer is occupying], Close Range = firing upon enemy in
◗ 1 x Flag to indicate loss of Morale which may cause same hex; four Tactical Dice are thrown: 4-2; Powder-
units to Halt, Open Fire or Retreat contrary to their Smoke Clouds hit.
orders ◗ Infantry in Column of Attack only use half [rounded
down] their number of Tactical Dice when firing.
As an alternative, one could use a D6, ◗ Troops can only engage enemy troops in the same
with this mnemonic: hex in Close Combat; throw a number of Tactical
◗ One is the Officer Dice equal to Troop Quality [Raw 1, Experienced 2,
◗ Two and Three are the two Powder-Smoke faces Veteran & Elite 3] : Bayonets hit; Flags cause Routs.
Smooth-bore Horse Artillery Batteries of four to six
Two guns, each with four crew figures.
◗ Move two hexes without firing, remaining limbered
at end of turn, or move one hex, unlimber and fire at
full effect.
◗ Ranges:
◗ Close/Canister [same and adjacent hexes] 2
Tactical Dice; Powder-Smoke Clouds hit
◗ Effective Range [the next two hexes] 2 Tactical
Dice; Roundshots hit
◗ Ranges:
◗ Close/Canister [same and adjacent hexes] 2
Tactical Dice; Powder-Smoke Clouds hit
◗ Effective Range [the next two hexes] 2 Tactical
Dice; Roundshots hit
◗ Random Shot [the next hex] 1 Tactical Die;
Roundshot hits
◗ Ranges:
◗ Close/Canister [same and adjacent hexes] 3
Tactical Dice; Powder-Smoke Clouds hit
November 2023 Miniature Wargames 41
◗ Effective Range [the next three hexes] 3 Tactical ABOVE ◗ An ADC can deliver messages/orders from one
Dice; Roundshots hit The Old Guard General Officer to another, or orders from a General
Memoir game at
◗ Random Shot [the next two hexes] 1 Tactical Die; Salute 2017. Officer to a unit or formation comprised of several
Roundshot hits units, such as a brigade. An Imperial ADC can also
take command of a unit or formation of several units.
CAVALRY ◗ If a General Officer or Imperial ADC is in the same
Cavalry Regiments of at least two Squadrons, each of hex as a unit that suffers at least one hit from fire or
two bases [40mm long; 20mm deep] and four separate Close Combat, and one Tactical Die also shows an
figures [officers, serjeants, colour bearers and musicians] Officer face, there is the possibility that the General
to indicate losses/reduction in combat effectiveness. Officer or a member of his staff may become a
◗ Manoeuvre up to two hexes, changing direction if casualty. Use the system described in my article ‘The
desired; Charge up to three hexes to engage enemy Finger of Providence’ in Battlegames 11, January/
in final hex in Close Combat [the last two hexes of February 2008.
the charge must be in a straight line.] ◗ A General or Imperial ADC can rally a unit that has
◗ Troops can only engage enemy troops in the same lost all its command figures, provided it is stationary
hex in Close Combat; a number of Tactical Dice equal and is not charged or fired upon, at the rate of one
to their Troop Quality [Raw 1, Experienced 2, Veteran figure per turn, subject to a maximum of three.
& Elite 3] are thrown: Sabres hit.
COMMAND Wood or Forest hex
◗ General Officers [Brigadiers and above] and Aides de ◗ Formed units, but not skirmishers, must stop when
Camp [ADC’s] they enter a wood or forest.
◗ One mounted figure represents a General Officer and ◗ Units entering a wood or forest may not charge into
his escort [if any] or an ADC. close combat.
◗ Move up to three hexes. ◗ When engaging a unit that is in a wood or forest,
◗ Add one Tactical Die to Infantry or Cavalry units of reduce the number of Tactical Dice thrown by one.
which a General or Imperial ADC has taken personal ◗ Woods or forests block line of sight.
command in Close Combat [but not fire]; ignore the
first Flag suffered by any unit in the same hex as a Orchard or vineyard hex
General Officer or Imperial ADC. ◗ No movement restrictions.
Sand hex
◗ Units moving on sand may only move a maximum
of two hexes.
◗ No battle restrictions.
◗ Hills block line of sight except when units on a hill ◗ Sand does not block line of sight.
are looking at units on another hill that are the same
height or lower.
Field hex
◗ No movement restrictions except that units in fields
containing tall crops may only move one hex.
◗ When engaging a unit that is in a field containing
tall crops, reduce the number of Tactical Dice Water hex
thrown by one. ◗ Units moving on a water feature may only move a
◗ A field of tall crops blocks line of sight. maximum of one hex if they are landing from boats
and wading; units forced to retreat into water will be
Rough terrain hex dispersed and/or destroyed.
◗ Only Infantry may enter rough terrain. ◗ Units wading through water may not engage enemy
◗ No battle restrictions. units.
◗ Rough terrain does not block line of sight. ◗ Water does not block line of sight.
November 2023 Miniature Wargames 43
The hex
based 15mm
Napoleonic game
at Patizan 2021.
Skirmishers firing on formed troops with no skirmish Quality, the Attackers halt in the adjacent hex and
screen hit on Musket Ball or cause morale damage on fire; the Defenders then fire and may counter-charge,
Flag, which may be combined with Flags caused by counting Flags scored by their fire and Bayonets
enemy advancing to attack. and Flags in the charge - provided the Defenders
themselves suffered no Flags, or were able to disregard
Bayonet Charges one Flag, from the fire - against the Attackers.
When an infantry unit – the Attackers - advances into ◗ If a lower number of Flags than the Attackers’ Troop
the hex adjacent to that occupied by an enemy infantry Quality is thrown, the Attackers advance into the
unit – the Defenders - with the intention of closing with same hex as the Defenders, halt and fire, throwing
the bayonet, the sequence of action is as follows: one less Tactical Die than normal at close range, but
Upon advancing into the hex adjacent to that the Defenders will reply with the full number of
occupied by the enemy, the Attackers throw Tactical Tactical Dice for close range fire. Troops with counter-
Dice equal to their Troop Quality. charge doctrine may do so, counting Flags scored
by their fire and Bayonets and Flags in the charge -
◗ If the number of Bayonets and Flags exceeds the provided they themselves suffered no Flags, or were
Defenders’ Troop Quality, the Defenders panic and able to disregard one Flag, from the fire - against the
flee at once, leaving the Attacker free to occupy the Attackers.
hex they occupied and pursue. ◗ If the Attackers suffer no Flags they continue to
◗ If the number of Bayonets and Flags equals the advance with the bayonet, and repeat the Bayonet
Defenders’ Troop Quality, the Defenders fire back, Charge sequence above, but in the same hex as the
before routing, leaving the Attackers – provided they Defenders; if the Defenders cannot halt the attack
do not suffer any Flags from the fire – free to occupy now, they will break and run, leaving the Attackers
the hex and pursue. free to occupy the hex and – provided they did not
◗ If the number of Bayonets and Flags is only one less suffer any Flags from the fire – to pursue.
than the Defenders’ Troop Quality, they fire and
throw one less Tactical Die in the next phase. OFFICER CASUALTIES
◗ If the Defenders suffer no Bayonets and no Flags If a General Officer or Imperial ADC is in the same hex
they stand; the attack stalls at this point and the as a unit that suffers at least one hit from fire or Close
Attackers halt in the adjacent hex and open fire. The Combat, and one Tactical Die also shows an Officer
Defenders may fire back. face, there is the possibility that the General Officer
or a member of his staff may become a casualty. Use
If the Defenders stand, they throw Tactical Dice whichever system you prefer to determine the location
equal to their Troop Quality. and severity of his wound.
aul recently showed us his approaches to painting (the cheapest I could find was £24.99). This set has sixteen
colours with their usual 17ml volume. Compare this with
GW’s retail price of £2.75 for 12ml. Obviously, you can
purchase them for a bit cheaper from retailers that stock
GW products.
Okay a bit of a click bait title perhaps I hear you ask. METHOD
However what I will hopefully offer is a fairly quick method What follows is more a photographic guide than a detailed
involving basic techniques that will make your cavalry units step by step explanation. I find it useful to always work from
more interesting on the tabletop with a variety of colours an actual photograph of a horse when I am painting and will
other than just brown. Certainly, ‘I hate painting horses’ is a just copy the image directly from my computer. This way I
common cry I hear on social media, hopefully this article will can always ensure that the horses socks, muzzle, blaze, hoof,
remedy matters a little. mane and tail colours are accurate. Whilst the technique used
to paint the horses is not complicated it is these additions
PAINT that will elevate the look of the finished horse.
Although I will use a variety of different paints and inks in Note that – depending on the breed or even the individual
this article most of the base colours come from the Colour horse – not all horses have blazes or socks and they can have
Party range. Their paint – while not the finest I have their mane and tail the same (or similar) colour as the rest of
ever used – are certainly the cheapest and you might want their coat. Being far from an equine expert it is for this reason
to consider them if you have a large cavalry army to paint or that I will always work from an image.
are looking for a specific
horse colour. SPRAY UNDERCOAT
I find they are best used with a couple of thin coats rather I always work from a white undercoat using a rattle can. I
than trying to paint one thick coat. They are also marketed highlight the upper body of the horse using a heavy glaze as
as having a sheen to them which suits horses although this otherwise they can look too harsh on the upper musculature
finish will obviously be lost if you varnish your miniatures. of the horse. The lower legs of the horse can be highlighted
It is their price point and also that they have been with slightly thicker paint. Before I paint the highlight
specially designed for horses that is their major selling colours I will repaint the raised areas on the horse with the
point for me. They currently retail at £2.25 for a whopping base colour leaving the wash only in the recesses, resulting
30ml, or all eight colours in their horse range for £16.00. in a much cleaner finish. If I have not credited the paint
This still works out cheaper than Vallejo’s Equine paint set manufacturer it is Colour Party paint.
November 2023 Miniature Wargames 47
Let’s start with..
BLACK Basecoat: Grey Bay.
Basecoat: Scale 75 Petroleum Grey. Wash: GW Contrast Basilicanum Grey
Wash: Black ink heavily thinned with (slightly diluted).
water. WHITE Highlight: Uniform Grey by the Army
Highlight: Scale 75 Rainy Grey. Basecoat: Vallejo Model Colour Off White. Painter.
Wash: GW Contrast Space Wolves Grey
(slightly diluted with water and a small
amount of matt medium).
Highlight: Any white.
November 2023 Miniature Wargames 49
For me the hardest part about painting horses is what colours should I use? Then – when I have applied the basecoat – what colours
work best when it comes to shading and highlighting them? The examples I have given work for me and if you have got the same or
similar colours, you might want to try painting your next mounted unit using the colour guides that I have suggested. ■
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