No. 21 Health & Safety Policy 23

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NLC Nova Lift Company Limited and Landmark Lifts Nova House, 162 Pratling Street, Aylesford, Kent,

ME20 7DH

Health and Safety Policy

Index Page

Index 1
Statement of Intent 2
Responsibilities 3&4
Organisation Chart (held separatley) also hyperlinked 5


Definitions 6
Safe Working on Lifts 7&8
Working Alone 9
Accidents, First Aid & RIDDOR 10
Health Surveillance 11
Working at Height 11
Vehicle Safety 12
Training 13
Manual Handling 14
Tools, Equipment & Routine Testing and Inspections 15
Risks & Hazards 16
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) 17
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 18
Visual display units (VDU’s) 19
Asbestos 20
Sub Contractors 21
Fire precautions and emergency procedures 22
Consultation & communication 23
Workplace Health Safety & Welfare 24
CDM – Construction (design and Management) Regulations 2015 25
Policies 26
British Standards 26
List of Legislation 26
Revision Status & Acceptance 27

Please note; This policy may need to be read in conjunction with other documentation, for instance:

See other references:

Employee Handbook
LEIA Lift & Escalator Site Safety Handbook
British Standards & Codes of Practice e.g. BS 7255 (code of practice for safe working on lifts)
The ISO 9001 procedures
The OHSAS 45001 procedures
The ISO 14001 procedures
Other Company Policies

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Un Controlled when printed Reviewed by Tracey Hopkins Next Review: September 2024
NLC Nova Lift Company Limited and Landmark Lifts Nova House, 162 Pratling Street, Aylesford, Kent, ME20 7DH

Responsibilities for Health & Safety (See also organisation chart)

Directors – responsibilities

To accept formally and publicly its collective role in providing safety leadership in its
To accept their individual role in providing safety leadership for their organisation
To ensure that all its decisions reflect the organisations safety intentions, as stated in the
policy statement
Recognise their role in engaging the active participation of workers in improving safety and
risk management
Establish methods of management control throughout the organisation
Secure effective cooperation between all groups and individuals
Ensure effective communication throughout the organisation
Facilitate and monitor individual and organisational competences

Managers – responsibilities

Are accountable and responsible for Health & Safety performance of their department
Develop a strong H&S culture and communicate it to their supervisors
Hold departmental H&S meetings
Ensure machinery, equipment or vehicles are maintained and records kept
Ensure all fire and other emergency equipment is properly maintained
Ensure there is adequate first aid cover and equipment
Ensure safe systems of work are in place and regularly reviewed
Review job procedures
Review all risk assessments
Ensure all H&S documentation is easily accessible
Authorise purchase of tools & equipment within keeping of H&S
Develop training programs

Supervisors – responsibilities

Are accountable and responsible for Health & Safety performance of their team
Develop a strong H&S culture and communicate it to their team
Conduct informal H&S meetings
Enforce safe systems of work & procedures
Write up risk assessments & method statements and induct the workforce accordingly
Report to their line manager of any weaknesses in the system
Report to their line manager of any jobs not covered by safe systems
Instruct employees in safety rules
Inspect & audit employees & work areas, take immediate action of any unsafe conditions
or practices
Instruct employees on tools & equipment checks
Enforce PPE regulations
Investigate all accident, near misses & dangerous occurrences
Check and report on absentees
Provide information, instruction, supervision & training
Provide communication through toolbox talks, meetings, notice board signs & posters

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NLC Nova Lift Company Limited and Landmark Lifts Nova House, 162 Pratling Street, Aylesford, Kent, ME20 7DH

Employee - responsibilities

Are accountable and responsible for their own Health & Safety
Ensure their actions do not put others at harm
Obey safety rules
Learn safe working practices
Report unsafe conditions or practices
Make suggestions to improve safety
Follow accident procedures
Report accidents and near misses
Report any absence caused by ill health or accident
Liaise with safety representative
Communicate with their employer
Participate with the employer with hazard identification, risk assessments & policies
Wear and maintain PPE provided by the company in line with The PPE Regulations 1992
Must not interfere with or horse play with any Health & Safety product

Sub Contractor – responsibilities

To hold and provide Liability Insurance

Are accountable and responsible for their own Health & Safety
Ensure their actions do not put others at harm
Obey safety rules
Learn safe working practices
Report unsafe conditions or practices
Make suggestions to improve safety
Follow accident procedures
Report accidents and near misses
Report any absence caused by ill health or accident
Liaise with safety representative
Communicate with their employer
Participate with the employer with hazard identification, risk assessments & policies
Wear and maintain PPE provided by the company and/or themselves in line with the PPE
Regulations 1992
Must not interfere with or horse play with any Health & Safety product


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NLC Nova Lift Company Limited and Landmark Lifts Nova House, 162 Pratling Street, Aylesford, Kent, ME20 7DH

The Organisation chart is held separately as it is used for many requirements including
the ISO series 18001, 14001, 9001

(The organisation chart is held in the company certificates folder within the quality control folder)

Click for hyperlink to organisation chart

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NLC Nova Lift Company Limited and Landmark Lifts Nova House, 162 Pratling Street, Aylesford, Kent, ME20 7DH


Hazard: The potential of a person, substance, process or activity to cause injury, ill health or damage

Risk: The likelihood of a person, substance, process or activity to cause injury, ill health or damage

Accident: An undesired circumstance which gives rise to injury, ill health or damages

Incident & Near Miss: An undesired circumstance which could have caused an accident

Dangerous Occurrence: An incident which could have led to serious injury or loss of life

Negligence: Lack of reasonable care or conduct which results in injury

IOSH: Institution of Occupational Safety and Health

NEBOSH: National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health

RAMS: Risk Assessments & Method Statements

CCNSG: Client Contractor National Safety Group

CSCS: Construction Skills Certification Scheme

ECITB: Engineering Construction Industry Training Board

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NLC Nova Lift Company Limited and Landmark Lifts Nova House, 162 Pratling Street, Aylesford, Kent, ME20 7DH

Safe Working on Lifts

Competence: Knowledge, Ability, Training and Experience (KATE)

Any work carried out on lifting equipment, passenger design or otherwise, should only be
performed by trained & authorised personnel having Knowledge, Ability, Training and
Experience (KATE) Improvers will only be deemed capable of small works or service tasks
when ‘all’ line supervisors and managers agree that they are competent and safe to do so.

All engineers will have a minimum NVQ-3 or equivalent EMTA module/segment certification in
lift engineering. The very minimum will be through ‘time served’ but competence must be

Engineers will be Health & Safety trained with the minimum EOR/202 and possibly hold other
safety certificates or passports which could include IOSH, ECITB OR CSCS. Engineers will be
trained & competent in the tasks that they do and have full access to supervisory health, safety
and technical advice.

Contact: Upon attending site, contact responsible authorised agent (site agent, security,
matron, owner or tenant etc…) and report your presence (where possible). You may need to be
made aware of the sites health and safety requirements, first aid areas, fire points, escape
routes, special site conditions, and any restrictions. Confirm the types of works that are being
undertaken and the area of work and machines being worked on. You may need a two way
radio from your site contact (site dependable).

Lone Working: When working on site alone, you must inform the office of your location prior to
commencing work and again when works are complete or at intervals not exceeding two hours.
If contact is not kept up then a search party will be deployed.

Lock Off and Tag: When the lift needs to be isolated to prevent injury to yourself or others,
firstly put a call on the lift, allow the lift to arrive at the requested floor, allow the doors to open
and then close ensuring the lift car is empty of occupants. Turn off the main isolator and
connect a hasp & padlock to the isolators open close lever and or remove fuses and shut any
gate valves.

Permits to work: A permit to work is generally site dependant because the nature of the site
or the operation of the equipment or machine is classed as extremely hazardous. Therefore,
strong safety controls need to be put in place which is done so with a permit to work form. This
form is controlled by being signed out and back in and contains all relevant safety information
for the task at hand.

Hot Works: When drilling, grinding, cutting etc. You will need to make sure your area is free
from dust, debris, paper & oils preventing ignition. An appropriate fire extinguisher needs to be
present; do you need a local exhaust ventilation system? Do you need a hot works permit?
(Site dependant) Are there any smoke detectors that need to be isolated or covered over?
When the works are complete you will need to hang around for an hour checking that no area is

Vibration: When grinding, drilling or sawing with a power tool you need to check the hand arm
vibration Exposure Limit Values to know how long the duration of the task can be carried out
for. Exposure Action Levels and controls could include taking breaks, or change job rolls, use
PPE & anti vibration gloves if necessary.

Grinding and Abrasive Wheels: It is company procedure that you must have an abrasive
wheel certificate

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Un Controlled when printed Reviewed by Tracey Hopkins Next Review: September 2024
NLC Nova Lift Company Limited and Landmark Lifts Nova House, 162 Pratling Street, Aylesford, Kent, ME20 7DH

Work at Height: You cannot work at height until the company has planned the works, carried
out a risk assessment and put safety controls in place

Site Rules / Emergencies: Ensure you are aware of any site specific requirements for Fire and
Health & Safety, paying particular attention to routes for means of escape and alarm signals
and where fire extinguishers are held.

Tools: Ensure the tools used are correct for the job they are intended to do and serviceable for
the works to be undertaken. All hand tools are to be checked before use, look for broken parts
or cracked casings, and check plugs, leads, and guards. Unravel extension leads but prevent
trailing cables becoming tripping hazards. Ensure all electrical tools (class 1 type) have a
current PAT label attached. You must be trained in its use. An RCD adaptor must also be used.
Construction site rules dictate electrical hand tools must not exceed 110v.

You must keep your work area tidy and not leave tools in an untidy state that could lead to
slips, trips and falls to others

Substances: Handle and store substances in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions,
COSHH assessment and data sheets. Use bunds and spill kits provided for accidental release
and spillages. Wear PPE as required. Dispose of waste materials in accordance with the data
sheet and local authority requirements.


All appropriate safety clothing and equipment provided is to be used, and only for which it was
intended and designed for. You should be trained in its use.

Ensure that a Site Safety Risk Assessment has been carried out and recorded, refer to it before
commencing work. You must pay attention to all potential hazards and risk assessments, use
any safeguards & safe systems of work.

All safety signs must be prominently displayed and strictly adhered to.

Use safety barriers to protect open shafts and landings.

Where space is restricted ensure you have isolated all areas preventing coming into contact
with any electrically “live” or moving equipment: erect an effective barrier where necessary.

Store materials so as to reduce the risk of people tripping or having them fall onto passers-by:
ideally make arrangements with the site representative for a safe clean and dry storage area.

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NLC Nova Lift Company Limited and Landmark Lifts Nova House, 162 Pratling Street, Aylesford, Kent, ME20 7DH

Working Alone

All company mobiles contain GPS locator signal devices as part of the mobile network. These
must be switched to preference ON as part of this lone-working policy

The locations will be recorded on the Protean office based system so that your whereabouts
are known should you need to be located swiftly or remotely where telephone contact cannot
be made.

Telephone the office each morning to sign in

In circumstances where you need to have your phone and/or GPS turned off or have problems
with the phone signal, you MUST inform the office and follow the procedure below:
Telephone the office each time you arrive at a new location and inform them of the
Telephone the office when you leave that location and inform them where you are
going next
Telephone the office each time you arrive at a new location and inform them of the
Telephone the office each evening to sign out

Before starting work ensure that the task can be carried out in safety and a risk assessment has been
carried out, if in doubt contact your line manager.

See also: Policy 024 Working alone


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Un Controlled when printed Reviewed by Tracey Hopkins Next Review: September 2024
NLC Nova Lift Company Limited and Landmark Lifts Nova House, 162 Pratling Street, Aylesford, Kent, ME20 7DH

Accidents, First Aid & RIDDOR

Engineers and office staff are offered to go on a first aid training course. Engineers will be provided with
a vehicle first aid kit which will be checked as part of their kit bag and vehicle audit checks, the office
will be provided with a suitable first aid kit station as per the recommendations as found in the Health
and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981. Engineer’s first aid boxes can be replenished by their line
managers and office boxes by the QA Administrator or Manager.

The company will assess the level of its first aid requirements suitable for their office and will ensure
there is adequate cover for holidays and absences in line with the recommendations of the Health and
Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981

In the event of an accident:

Assess the situation & and make the area safe to prevent further incidents
Call for assistance and/or emergency services
If competent and capable apply first aid
Scenes of accidents should not be tampered with until investigated, the scene should be isolated
from disturbances

The nearest hospitals providing an emergency service for accidents occurring in the office are: -

Maidstone District General Hospital

Hermitage Lane
ME16 9QQ
Telephone 01622 729000 (24 hour service)

For site engineers use the nearest hospital available by dialling 999 or 112

There is a list of office based first aiders held and there is a first aid station at the office.

All incidents must be reported to the office

The accident book B1 510 and incident investigation form 005 must be completed for all incidences.
Any entries must be removed from the book to a place of secured safety keeping private details hidden.


(Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrence’s Regulations 1995) 2013

The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995, is commonly
referred to as RIDDOR. Any incidences that require reporting (see web site), should be done so to the
HSE via its website on the form 2508 within 15 days-

However, those reporting fatal/specified or major incidents will still be able to do so by phone

A series of seven forms will be available on the HSE’s website to make the statutory reporting of work-
related over 7 days injuries, dangerous occurrences, diseases, and gas-related incidents.

Over 7 days injuries

This is where an employee or self-employed person is absent from work or unable to perform their
normal work duties for more than seven consecutive days following a work-related incident (not
counting the day of the accident) But, including weekends and bank holidays.

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NLC Nova Lift Company Limited and Landmark Lifts Nova House, 162 Pratling Street, Aylesford, Kent, ME20 7DH

Health Surveillance

Lift engineers general duties and work areas may on occasion put them in an area that could expose
them to be subject to health surveillance monitoring as below, but, as these activities are rare and of
short exposure levels then health surveillance is not generally expected to be an issue. However all
supervisors and managers should still be aware of employee exposures and carry out suitable and
sufficient risk assessments

Health Surveillance exposures


Hand arm vibration

Health Surveillance exposures under COSHH

Chemicals, solvents, fumes, dusts, gases and vapours, aerosols, biological agents

Medical examinations may be needed under specific regulations for:

Asbestos, lead, work in compressed air

Working at Height

Hierarchy for working at height

1. Avoid work at height where ever possible

2. Use an existing safe place of work
3. Provide work equipment to prevent falls
4. Mitigate distance and consequence of a fall
5. Provide instruction, training and/or other means

The works should be properly planned, organised and supervised

Work equipment could be: scaffolding, edge protection, landing barriers, hoardings, handrails,
podiums, mobile towers, MEWPs

Mitigating distance could be by: safety netting, airbags, crash decks

Training could include PASMA training for mobile towers, IPAF training for MEWPs

The risks from falling objects are properly controlled.

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NLC Nova Lift Company Limited and Landmark Lifts Nova House, 162 Pratling Street, Aylesford, Kent, ME20 7DH

Vehicle Safety – All Company Vehicles

It is the driver’s responsibility to ensure that his vehicle is roadworthy as far as can be
reasonably ascertained. A weekly vehicle audit form 103 needs to be completed and handed in
with their ‘time sheet’ and any faults reported to their line manager.

It is the responsibility of the supervisors to carry out random vehicle inspections as per form

Seat belts must be worn at all times.

A copy of the group motor insurance certificate (for engineers) will be made available upon

Employees using their own vehicles must ensure that the vehicle is road worthy. The driver also
needs to comply with all current vehicle and highways legislation. If the employee uses their
vehicle for business use then their insurance details should reflect this

Any accident must be reported to their line manager immediately

Permission must be obtained in writing from a Company Director prior to taking a company
vehicle overseas.

You are not allowed to smoke in any company vehicle

You must not drive under the influence of drink or drugs

You cannot wash a company vehicle and allow the dirty water which could contain road surface
oils to be discharged into surface water drains. Therefore, only licenced vehicle washing
facilities should be used as they have licenced containments or discharge permissions

You must never use a mobile phone when driving

You must not answer or make calls on your mobile phone, even on hands free, while you are
driving, should your phone ring whilst you are driving then you are to ignore it until you come to
a safe stop and resting place. This should be attended to at the earliest opportunity.

You could be prosecuted if found to have been using your phone or hands free whilst

Motorways are classed as the safest roads so use them whenever possible

Know the height of your vehicle

The driver must comply with all current vehicle and highways legislation including eyesight and
health checks

The highway code recommends you take a 15-minute break every 2 hour

Are you prepared for bad weather conditions, blanket, spade, nourishment? etc.


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Un Controlled when printed Reviewed by Tracey Hopkins Next Review: September 2024
NLC Nova Lift Company Limited and Landmark Lifts Nova House, 162 Pratling Street, Aylesford, Kent, ME20 7DH


Nova Lift Company has a committed approach to training in order to contribute to the effectiveness and
growth of the Company’s business performance, competence and safe working procedures. Emphasis
is placed on identifying training needs at all levels of the organisation.

The Company will implement as far as is reasonably practicable, comprehensive training schemes
based on its business plans, manpower requirements, technical upgrades, Safety, job description
changes and general awareness for competence of our employees.

All new employees will have a first day induction; this is generally carried out by their line manager
(using form 022) but will also involve instruction on their respective job descriptions

Safety Tool Box Talks will be carried out by any trained employee and the relevance of the training will
be dependent on their job descriptions

More detailed training will be carried out as required to cover the company operations

Examples of Training Schemes that could be provided to you:

(This list is not exhaustive)

First Aid Essentials

Fire Awareness
Abrasive Wheel Change
Control Panels
New Machinery
Stair Lifts
Lifting- manual handling
Safety Awareness CCNSG
Construction Skills CSCS
NVQ training (engineering or administration)
IOSH Working Safely, Managing Safely, Directing Safely


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Un Controlled when printed Reviewed by Tracey Hopkins Next Review: September 2024
NLC Nova Lift Company Limited and Landmark Lifts Nova House, 162 Pratling Street, Aylesford, Kent, ME20 7DH

Manual Handling

See also The Manual Handling Regulations 1992


Manual Handling Operations means any transporting or supporting of a load (including the lifting,
putting down, pushing, pulling, carrying or moving thereof) by hand or by bodily force.

A “load” is defined as a discrete movable object. This can be a person, animal or inanimate object
But not an implement, tool or machine whilst being used for its intended purpose.

Avoidance of Risk

Nova Lift Company and Landmark Lifts will eliminate in so far as is reasonably practicable, the need for
its employees to undertake any manual handling tasks that involve a risk of injury.

Assessment of Risk

Where hazardous manual handling operations cannot be avoided the risk to staff will be assessed and
documented. The manual handling risk assessment will consider:

Individual Capability of the handler

Reduction of Risk

Following the manual handling assessment, an action plan will be formulated to reduce the risk to the
lowest possible level. The action plan will aim to ensure there is a safe system of work for the task to
be undertaken. This may require:

A safe working environment

Suitable and sufficient lifting and handling equipment
Sufficient staff that are physically fit and trained in manual handling skills

The risk assessment, action plan and safe system of work will be reviewed to ensure effective control of
the risk.

See also Policy 18


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Un Controlled when printed Reviewed by Tracey Hopkins Next Review: September 2024
NLC Nova Lift Company Limited and Landmark Lifts Nova House, 162 Pratling Street, Aylesford, Kent, ME20 7DH

Tools & Equipment Testing and Inspections

Office equipment
For example, photo copiers, computers, fax machines, printers will be maintained by their
respective manufactures agent as per their requirements.
Portable Appliance testing of office equipment will be attended to by an external contractor at
intervals not exceeding 3 years. The asset register will be pdf into the quality control folder. Small
electrical office appliances for example desk fans, heaters etc will be maintained by trained,
certificated, competent employees as shown on the training matrix (held separately)

Test equipment

For example, clamp meter, tachometer, light meter belonging to technicians’ will also be recorded
on a register. These test tools are sent away yearly for calibration and certification with a copy of
the certificates being held with each test tool. Expiry dates are monitored by the QA Assistant and
the technician responsible for the tool

See also the Lifting Operations Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998

Tackles and slings

Records are recorded in the plant register but for daily use and up to date awareness of expiry
dates a T Card organizer system is set up and used by the supervisors. Tackles and Slings are to
be visually inspected by the user before use and a current certificate of inspection needs to be
available. Under the Lifting Operations Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 they will be sent away
for calibration and certification the slings are 6 monthly and the tackles are yearly. This will be
monitored by the user, supervisor and QA Assistant

See also the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998

Engineers Electrical Tools:

All engineers’ tools are to be recorded on the plant register by their line supervisor. This is an excel
spread sheet held separately within the quality control folder. It lists and identifies the tool and shows
dates of previous, present and future Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) test inspection and
maintenance dates. This will be monitored by the user, supervisor and QA Assistant

It is up to the engineer when doing a user check on the tool, to identify from the test sticker if it is still in
date. If it is coming up for re-test then the engineer should inform their supervisor accordingly. The
engineer should also be checking for damage to plugs, leads, body casings, that guards & handles are
in place, Check equipment for, loose parts, sharpness & general wear & tear

Note: Faulty or damaged equipment must be reported to your line manager / supervisor and not used.

There will always be at least two fully trained and certificated employees capable of carrying out tool
maintenance and electrical PAT testing (see training matrix). The electrical PAT test and maintenance
will be recorded on the plant register by the competent person.

See also OHSAS Management System Procedure 9, Operational Control; for Engineers electrical
tools and their safety precautions:

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NLC Nova Lift Company Limited and Landmark Lifts Nova House, 162 Pratling Street, Aylesford, Kent, ME20 7DH

Risks & Hazards

Competent employees from the relevant departments shall provide suitable and sufficient risk
assessments to cover:

Repair works:
Maintenance works:
Visual Display work stations:
Manual Handling:
Working at Height:
Office environment:

Typical hazards include:

Equipment: cutting, crushing, impact etc.

Access: slips, trips & falls, working at height
Electricity: fixed installations, portable tools & equipment,
Fire & Explosion
Chemicals: dust, fumes, gas, toxic, corrosive etc.
Handling & lifting
Environment: noise, light, vibration, temperature
This list is non-exhaustible

When a hazard has been identified it then needs to be established who will be affected and to what
degree. A risk assessment will then be written to identify the likelihood & consequence rating.

5 Steps to a Risk Assessment

What is the hazard

Who will be affected by the hazard
What steps have already been taken to reduce the hazard and what else can be done
Record your findings
Review the risks periodically

Risk control measures

In deciding on what measures to take, the following principles should be applied.

Principles of prevention (ERICSPD)

Elimination, Reduction, Isolation, Control measures, Safe Systems of Work, PPE, Discipline

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NLC Nova Lift Company Limited and Landmark Lifts Nova House, 162 Pratling Street, Aylesford, Kent, ME20 7DH

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)

What you should know about COSHH (See policy 20)

This set of regulations is designed to protect employees from risks associated with hazardous
substances at work.

COSHH requires any business to:-

Identify and control substances

Minimise workers’ risks from exposure to those substances
Provide information and training required to carry out the work safely

What are hazardous substances?

A hazardous substance is any solid, liquid, dust, fume, vapour, gas or micro-organism that may be
harmful to your health.

Common substances like chemicals, cleaning solvents and pesticides can be hazardous. The types of
health hazards could include:-

Skin burns and irritation
Long term health effects such as cancer

This information, which is provided on labels, data sheets and in other formats, helps you work with
these substances properly and safely

Labels contain:-
The name of the substance.
The nature of risk in words: Toxic, Corrosive, Explosive, Flammable, sometimes in symbols.
A description of the hazard – for example ‘Toxic by inhalation and if swallowed’
Safety basics such as ‘Keep away from sources of ignition – No Smoking’.
The name and address of the manufacturer, importer, wholesaler or supplier of the substance.


COSHH requires employees to:-

Carry a data sheet and risk assessment for any substance you hold
Contain substances from leakage in bund containers
Make full and proper use of any control measures.
Select, wear and store personal protective equipment properly.
Practice good hygiene and follow company rules.
Follow instructions for using, handling, storing and disposing of hazardous substances.
Know what to do in case of any emergency.

Working safely with hazardous substances means using the safeguards provided by your employer to
protect yourself. It also means making safety a constant part of your job and your thinking

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Un Controlled when printed Reviewed by Tracey Hopkins Next Review: September 2024
NLC Nova Lift Company Limited and Landmark Lifts Nova House, 162 Pratling Street, Aylesford, Kent, ME20 7DH

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

PPE is provided by the employer free of charge but any employee causing wilful damage to any PPE or
Health and Safety Equipment will be disciplined accordingly.

Breathing Protection

The company provides FFP3 protection from Silica or *Asbestos dust; these should be worn when
sweeping or wiping. *Do not dust, sweep, or vacuum debris that may contain asbestos.

Eye and Face Protection

The Company shall ensure that each employee, following a risk assessment uses appropriate eye or
face protection where there are exposures to eye or face hazards caused by flying particles, molten
metal, liquid chemicals acid or caustic liquids, chemical gases or vapours, or potentially injurious light
radiation. When wearing prescription lenses while engaged in operations that involve eye hazards the
employee is to wear protection that can be worn over prescription lenses without disturbing the proper
position of either the PPE or the prescription lenses.

Head Protection

The Company shall ensure that each affected employee wears a protective helmet when working in
areas where there is a potential for injury to the head from bumping, falling objects or coming into
contact with exposed electrical conductors which could contact the head.

Foot Protection

The Company shall ensure that each affected employee wears protective footwear at all times
preventing foot injuries due to objects falling, rolling or piercing the sole. The footwear should also
provide a rubber earth from electrical shocks

Hearing Protection

The Company shall ensure that each affected employee wears protective ear protection when working
in areas where there is a danger of noise exposure exceeding 85db per day or week or 140db peak
sound pressure
The Noise Regulations 2005 require employers to prevent or reduce risks to health and safety from
exposure to noise at work. Employees also have duties under the Regulations too.

Hand Protection

The employer shall ensure that each affected employee uses appropriate hand protection and other
protective clothing where there is exposure to hazards such as skin absorption of harmful substances,
severe cuts or lacerations, severe abrasions, punctures, chemical burns, thermal burns, harmful
temperature extremes and sharp objects. Hand arm vibration will be risk assessed and if found to be
high risk, precautions will be taken. Anti-vibration gloves would be one option

General Requirements

Hot work operations: The employer shall ensure that no employee wears clothing impregnated or
covered in full or in part with flammable or combustible materials (such as grease or oil) while engaged
in hot work operations or working near an ignition source.

Electrical Protective Devices: The employer shall ensure that each affected employee wears protective
electrical insulating gloves and sleeves or other electrical protective equipment, If that employee is
exposed to electrical shock hazards while working on electrical equipment.

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Un Controlled when printed Reviewed by Tracey Hopkins Next Review: September 2024
NLC Nova Lift Company Limited and Landmark Lifts Nova House, 162 Pratling Street, Aylesford, Kent, ME20 7DH

Visual display units (VDU’s)

A VDU, or display screen equipment (DSE) all mean the same thing – a display screen, usually forming
part of a computer and showing text, numbers or graphics.

Only a small proportion of VDU users actually suffer ill health as a result of their work. Where problems
do occur, they are generally caused by the way in which VDUs are being used, rather than the VDUs
themselves. So problems can be avoided by good workplace and job design and by the way you use
your VDU and workstation

A risk assessment (form 64) will be undertaken on each user’s workstation at yearly intervals or earlier

any equipment is changed

the environment is changed
the person is changed

Problems can often be avoided by good workplace design, so that you can work comfortably, and by
good working practices (like taking frequent short breaks from the VDU). Prevention is easiest if action
is taken early, before the problem has become serious.

Headaches may result from several things that occur with VDU work, such as:-

Screen glare
Poor image quality
A need for different spectacles
Stress from the pace of work
Anxiety about new technology
Reading the screen for long periods without a break
Poor posture or
A combination of these

Many of these things can easily be put right once the cause of the problem has been found.

See VDU policy 22 for further reading or The Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment)
Regulations 1992


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NLC Nova Lift Company Limited and Landmark Lifts Nova House, 162 Pratling Street, Aylesford, Kent, ME20 7DH


(See also Tool Box Talk 02)

To conform to the Asbestos Regulations, regulation 10 ‘training’, It is the policy of Nova Lifts to ensure
Asbestos Awareness training is given to any employee that could within the scope of their works disturb
and or come into contact with Asbestos Containing Materials.

Sub-contractors used by the company must also show evidence of Asbestos Awareness Training

(See also policy 33)

Before commencing any work on site, the client should make you aware of the presence of any
asbestos from their asbestos register. If this is not the case and also if you see any fibrous material that
you think may contain asbestos you should;

Stop work immediately if you could be responsible for spreading the dust (i.e. if drilling into it)
Prevent any further dust fibres being released (seal the area where possible)
Evacuate the area and prevent access to others
Inform those responsible for the premises
Do not return until it is safe to do so
Inform your line manager
Complete form 104

Remember, if you are uncertain as to the content of the material, stop work and seek advice. DO

On receipt of any asbestos reports the line manager is to inform the client or site representative as soon
as possible. The client or site representative is then to organise with the specialists to have the material
checked and or attended to.

Only an authorised asbestos removal contractor should carry out asbestos removal.


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Un Controlled when printed Reviewed by Tracey Hopkins Next Review: September 2024
NLC Nova Lift Company Limited and Landmark Lifts Nova House, 162 Pratling Street, Aylesford, Kent, ME20 7DH


All sub-contractors should be appointed on the basis that they have competence, Knowledge, Ability,
Training and Experience (KATE)

The assessment process involves:

A review of their health and safety documentation

A review of their insurance details
Taking references where required
Proof of competencies, Certificates
Accounting criteria etc.

See form 044 Sub Contractors Pack

The results of the assessment are retained in the individual supplier files.

The sub-contractors information will be checked by the Group Accountant the Health & Safety Manager,
the Operations Manager and Technical Director before being approved and entered onto the Approved
Sub-contractors list.

Once on the list the sub-contractor will be used for work, but will still be audited and their yearly
insurance documentation must be retained in their file.

The Approved Sub-contractors List is held separately

Sub –contractors commissioned to do works for the company will either provide their own ‘RAMS’ or be
given ‘RAMS’ by the project manager. They must also abide by the companies Environmental

BUT the sub-contractor MUST be inducted by the project manager on their first day

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NLC Nova Lift Company Limited and Landmark Lifts Nova House, 162 Pratling Street, Aylesford, Kent, ME20 7DH

Fire precautions and emergency procedures

(See also Fire Safety Policy No.15)


Inform the Directors of the Company

Inform the Health & Safety Manager

1. On discovering a fire

If you discover a fire raise the alarm immediately.

Ensure that you or a fire marshal (see organisation chart) has called the fire brigade.
Go to assembly point
Play your part in the roll call so you are safely accounted for.

2. If you hear the fire alarm

Operate any essential shutdown devices, e.g. machinery.

Immediately leave using the nearest available fire exit.
Report to the assembly point for a roll call.
If you are with a visitor, ensure they accompany you.

3. Fire marshals

Encourage staff around you to evacuate and to proceed to the assembly point.
Report to the person in charge, noting any absentees.

4. Person in charge

Gather all information regarding the evacuation.

Establish if it is a genuine fire or false alarm.
Ensure that the fire brigade has been called.
Liaise with the fire brigade on its arrival.

Action to be taken on site

All sites will have a fire officer who will have been nominated by the major contractor, tenant or client.
Where necessary, it is the responsibility of the operative to make himself aware of the identity and
location of the fire officer.

Risks arising from fire will have been identified and highlighted either as part of the site induction on a
construction site, or as part of the risk assessment on a maintenance or repair site. As such, site-
specific procedures will need to be followed.

When working on site, the operative must always ensure that they can escape enclosed lift areas
should an emergency arise.

Policy 021 – Health and Safety Page 22 of 27 of Policy Last Reviewed: September 2023 Issue 23
Un Controlled when printed Reviewed by Tracey Hopkins Next Review: September 2024
NLC Nova Lift Company Limited and Landmark Lifts Nova House, 162 Pratling Street, Aylesford, Kent, ME20 7DH

Consultation & communication

Communication to employees can come in the following ways.

New starter Induction

Site induction
Toolbox talk
General chat (group or one to one)
Notice board

To conform to the Equality Act 2010 Nova Lifts & Landmark Lifts will ensure that any workers (sub
contractors) whose first language isn’t English will be communicated with ensuring their safety first. This
may be achieved by:

Ensuring adequate time to consult with employees where language and/or literacy may be
issues so they can absorb the information and respond to you.
Encourage employees to express their views in their preferred language by using interpreters.
Ask a work colleague to interpret, although these employees may need training if they are
asked to undertake this role.
Get information translated and check that this has been done clearly and accurately by testing it
with native speakers. Tip: make sure it is clear in English first.
Use pictorial information and internationally understood pictorial signs where appropriate
Where information has to be in English, use clear and simple materials, and allow more time
Committees and representatives should reflect the workforce they represent.
Consideration of ESOL courses (English for Speakers of Other Languages) as an improved
grasp of English will help communication in the workplace and on health and safety.
The responsibility for reviewing the H&S policy, associated arrangements and practices, lies
with the above management team / safety committee and will be documented as part of the
meeting process.

Other useful external communication references include:

The Health & Safety Executive (HSE) See,

British Safety Institute (BSI) See,
The Institute for Occupational Safety & Health (IOSH) See,
Lift & Escalator Industry Association (LEIA) See,

Policy 021 – Health and Safety Page 23 of 27 of Policy Last Reviewed: September 2023 Issue 23
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NLC Nova Lift Company Limited and Landmark Lifts Nova House, 162 Pratling Street, Aylesford, Kent, ME20 7DH

Workplace Health Safety & Welfare


Workplaces need to be adequately ventilated. Fresh, clean air should be drawn from a source
outside the workplace. Windows or other openings may provide sufficient ventilation but, where
necessary, mechanical ventilation systems should be provided and regularly maintained.
Temperatures in indoor workplaces
Individual personal preference makes it difficult to specify a thermal environment which satisfies
everyone. For workplaces like offices, the temperature should not drop below 16 °C. If work involves
physical effort it should not drop below 13 °C (unless other laws require lower temperatures). Any drop
of temperature below the recommended would enforce a risk assessment to be carried out

Lighting should be sufficient to enable people to work and move about safely.
Room dimensions and space
Workrooms should have enough free space to allow people to move about with ease. The volume of
the room when empty, divided by the number of people normally working in it, should be at least 11
cubic metres. All or part of a room over 3.0 m high should be counted as 3.0 m high. 11 cubic metres
per person is a minimum and may be insufficient depending on the layout, contents and the nature of
the work.

Workstations and seating

Workstations should be suitable for the people using them and for the work they do. People should be
able to leave workstations swiftly in an emergency.

The workplace, and certain equipment, devices and systems should be maintained in efficient working
order (efficient for health, safety and welfare).

Floors and traffic routes

‘Traffic route’ means a route for pedestrian traffic, vehicles, or both, and include any stairs, fixed
ladder, doorway, and gateway, loading bay or ramp.
Sanitary conveniences and washing facilities
Suitable and sufficient sanitary conveniences and washing facilities should be provided at readily
accessible places. They and the rooms containing them should be kept clean and be adequately
ventilated and lit. Washing facilities should have running hot and cold or warm water, soap and clean
towels or other means of cleaning or drying. Men and women should have separate facilities unless
each facility is in a separate room with a lockable door and is for use by only one person at a time.

Drinking water
An adequate supply of high-quality drinking should be provided. Water should only be provided in
refillable enclosed containers where it cannot be obtained directly from a mains supply.

Facilities for rest and to eat meals

Suitable and sufficient, readily accessible rest facilities should be provided and should include a facility
for preparing or obtaining a hot drink. Where hot food cannot be obtained in or reasonably near to the
workplace, workers may need to be provided with a means for heating their own food (e.g. microwave
oven). Suitable rest facilities should be provided for pregnant women and nursing mothers. They should
be near to sanitary facilities and, where necessary, include the facility to lie down.

Policy 021 – Health and Safety Page 24 of 27 of Policy Last Reviewed: September 2023 Issue 23
Un Controlled when printed Reviewed by Tracey Hopkins Next Review: September 2024
NLC Nova Lift Company Limited and Landmark Lifts Nova House, 162 Pratling Street, Aylesford, Kent, ME20 7DH

CDM - Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015

NLC Nova Lift Company Limited is best placed to identify at tender stage whether the proposed work
will fall in scope with CDM.
Although procedures for safe work practices are common for all work, specific requirements of CDM
shall be addressed at all times.
The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 place duties on various parties involved
in the construction programme from Client to Contractors.
The Company shall fulfil the requirements of the Regulations related to its activities.
On contracts where the Company has a design responsibility, relevant hazards/risks shall be reduced in
the design process.
The Company shall carry out a survey of work tasks/workplace in relation to Health and Safety and
produce a plan to minimise risks prior to works being undertaken.
Contractors shall be required to assist with the Safety Plan by submitting their own proposals to
overcome potential high-risk areas.
Specific advice shall be called on from the Company Safety Advisers as required.
During the course of the contract and upon its final completion a “Safety File” shall be made available to
relevant parties to aid with the safe running, maintenance, repair and renovation of the project.

Policy 021 – Health and Safety Page 25 of 27 of Policy Last Reviewed: September 2023 Issue 23
Un Controlled when printed Reviewed by Tracey Hopkins Next Review: September 2024
NLC Nova Lift Company Limited and Landmark Lifts Nova House, 162 Pratling Street, Aylesford, Kent, ME20 7DH

Company Policies

Policies are guidelines that regulate organizational affairs. They control the conduct of people and
activities of the systems. A policy is a type of position statement. It clarifies the stance of the
organization on an important issue. It explains how the organization intends to operate. While policies
are organization's guidelines or rules, procedures define the normal method of tackling things.

Policies are written as word documents and stored in a folder on the computer drive there are presently
53 different policies.

British Standards

The standards produced are titled British Standard XXXX[-P]:YYYY where XXXX is the number of the
standard, P is the number of the part of the standard (where the standard is split into multiple parts) and
YYYY is the year in which the standard came into effect. BSI Group currently has over 27,000 active

Products are commonly specified as meeting a particular British Standard, and in general this can be
done without any certification or independent testing. The standard simply provides a shorthand way of
claiming that certain specifications are met, while encouraging manufacturers to adhere to a common
method for such a specification.

Following the move on harmonisation of the standard in Europe, some British Standards are gradually
superseded or replaced by the relevant European Standards (EN).

In order to ensure the company remains up to date with all lift related safety standards the company is a
member of the British Standards Institution (BSI). BSI send out a catalogue with the latest standards
updates, the company can then be aware of any changes and purchase any new editions as and when.

The standards used by the company will be monitored for current editions at least annually by the
QHSE Administrator or auditor. The controlled standards are held separately on computer and then
also uncontrolled in hard copy.

Regulations and Acts


A rule or directive made and maintained by an authority.

The act of regulating or the state of being regulated.
A principle, rule, or law designed to control or govern conduct.
A governmental order having the force of law.

Where information regarding changes to legislation is required various web page sources are used that
would typically include and

Legislations used and adhered to by the company for health and safety purposes are listed within the
BS EN ISO 45001 documentation and also in separate locations on the computer. All legislation is
monitored for current copies through annual audits and random procedural reviews.

Policy 021 – Health and Safety Page 26 of 27 of Policy Last Reviewed: September 2023 Issue 23
Un Controlled when printed Reviewed by Tracey Hopkins Next Review: September 2024
NLC Nova Lift Company Limited and Landmark Lifts Nova House, 162 Pratling Street, Aylesford, Kent, ME20 7DH

The revision status of this document is identified in the table below.

First Issue 1997

Previous Revision, 2016 Issue 15 no changes
Previous Revision, 2017 Issue 16, Removed reference to withdrawn MHSAW Acop, Amendments to
organisation chart.
Previous Revision, 2018 Issue 17, Minor formatting changes, Added new directors to signatories
Previous Revision, 2019 Issue 18, Updated Lone working, and amendments to breathing protection.
Previous Revision, 2019 Issue 19, Amendments to directors to signatories, added additional words to
mobile phones
Previous Revision, 2020, Issue 20, Reviewed and office addresses amended
Previous Revision, 2021 Issue 21, minor formatting and added reference to CDM
Previous Revision, 2022 Issue 22, Changes to director signatories and added next review date.
Latest Revision, 2023 Issue 23, Changes to director signatories


I have received my own copy of this Health and Safety Policy

Name: ……………………………………………….
Paul Mahmut

Signature: ………………………………………….

Date: ………………………………………………..

Policy 021 – Health and Safety Page 27 of 27 of Policy Last Reviewed: September 2023 Issue 23
Un Controlled when printed Reviewed by Tracey Hopkins Next Review: September 2024

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