Soil Erosion Karangkobar
Soil Erosion Karangkobar
Soil Erosion Karangkobar
Environmental Science
Department of Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada,
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Laboratory of Watershed Management, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta,
E-mail: [email protected].
Abstract. Landslides and erosion are highly influenced by soil properties. Soil texture, structure,
particle density, bulk density, and porosity are the properties which correspond to infiltration
rates. This study aimed to assess soil erosion rate and landslide in upland of Karangkobar
catchment and to explore its correlation to hydrophysic soil properties. Material used in this
study were topographical maps, land use maps, administrative maps on scale 1:25000, and soil
samples. An unit land map was created by overlying topographic, landuse, and administrative
maps. This study found 16 unit lands. Soil sampling and infiltration test were conducted in every
unit land. Infiltration test adopted double ring infiltrometer test, while Horton's formula was
applied to determine the value of infiltration capacity. Soil hydrophysic properties in catchment
area Karangkobar: texture loam, granular structure, bulk density 0.62 – 1.09 g cm-3, particle
density 1.83 – 2.47 g cm-3, and infiltration capacity 1.5 cm hour-1 – 67.9 cm hour-1. Erosion rate
was 2 mm year-1 with the potential landslides classified as high. Soil hydrophysic properties
which have a strong correlation to erosion was bulk density (r = 0.517 *) and potential landslides
was infiltration rate (r = 0.641 **).
Landslides are becoming common in Indonesia. Landslides struck in the Karangkobar, Banjarnegara in
2014. There are so many factors that cause landslides. Slope, soil, rainfall, land use, vibration, and
deforestation are generated of landslides [1,2]. Landslides are a type of soil erosion which transports
soil at a short time and very large volume. While causes of soil erosion are rainfall, soil, slope,
vegetation, and humans. Landslides and erosion are being related to the soil. Texture, structure, particle
density, bulk density, and porosity are influence of soil infiltration and hydrophysic soil [3].
Soil Erosion is process destroyed the soil by rainfall. After that, a soil was being transported to
another place by surface runoff [4,5]. While the process of landslides when water adsorbs into the soil
can increase the weight of the soil. When the water to penetrate to the impermeable soil and reach slip
plane, then the soil becomes slippery and move out of the slope [6].
Among all the predictive equations developed to estimate soil erosion, the most accepted, used,
convenient and suitable technique, is the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE). USLE is a soil erosion
model designed to predict long-term soil erosion from sheet or rill erosion [7,8]. Hydrophysic is a branch
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The 3rd International Symposium on Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 355 (2019) 012021 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/355/1/012021
of geophysics that studies the natural state of water and physical processes in the hydrosphere on the
earth. Hydrophysic soil can mean the process, nature, and condition of water in the soil. The hydrophysic
soil properties are the interaction between fluid and soil components [6,7]. Based on the results of the
study of [8] that the hydrophysic soil properties depended on infiltration. The purpose of this study is to
identify the hydrophysic soil properties, calculate the soil erosion rate and mapping potential landslides,
and analyze the correlation of potential soil erosion and landslides based on the hydrophysic soil
The study conducted at Karangkobar catchment, Banjarnegara from Maret until November 2018. The
material used in this study were topographical maps, landuse maps, administrative maps on scale
1:25000, soil sample, and infiltration test. There were some steps: survey, secondary data, and analyze
laboratory. An unit land map created by overlying topographic, landuse, and administrative maps. This
study found 16-unit lands. Soil sampling and infiltration test were being conducted in every unit land.
Infiltration test adopted double-ring infiltrometer test, then analyzed using Horton formula to determine
the value of infiltration capacity. The methods to analyzed soil physical properties of bulk density are
ring sampler, particle density is pycnometer, texture with pipe method, structure with USB digital
microscope, and porosity were being calculated based on the formula of Hanafiah [9].
bulk density
Porosity = 1 − × 100% (1)
particle density
The predictive of soil erosion used the USLE method with ArcGIS. The soil erosion unit converted
ton/ha/year to mm/year.
𝐀 = 𝐑 × 𝐊 × 𝐋𝐒 × 𝐂 × 𝐏 (2)
A = the average annual surface erosion rate (ton/ha/year)
R = the erosive rainfalls (KJ/ha)
K = soil erodibility (ton/KJ)
LS = slope length coefficient and slope degree (%)
CP = cover-management and conservation measures (value)
The classification of landslide areas used an assessment (scoring) of trigger parameters of landslides.
The assessment based on expert judgment through consultation with related experts. Thematic maps
overlay by considering scores to get a class of distribution of landslide areas. The physical properties of
the area used as trigger parameters for landslides are being presented in Table 1.
The 3rd International Symposium on Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 355 (2019) 012021 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/355/1/012021
The 3rd International Symposium on Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 355 (2019) 012021 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/355/1/012021
Karangkobar catchment has a predictive soil erosion rate was 42.8 tons/ha/year or 2 mm/year. The
results of soil erosion prediction of Karangkobar catchment shown in Figure 1. The analysis shows that
soil erosion in Karangkobar catchment is being dominated by very low 58.6%, soil erosion low 33.8%,
soil erosion medium 3.9%, and finally soil erosion high 3.7%. Figure 2 shows a comparison of the rate
of predicted soil erosion in Karangkobar catchment in unit land. The highest soil erosion prediction rate
occurred in unit land K-2-B with erosion rate of 194.6 tons/ha/year or 8.6 mm/year. The unit land K-2-
B, the soil erosion rate is being dominated by the high at 84% and medium at 16%. While the smallest
soil erosion prediction rate occurred in unit land K-2-C with erosion rate of 1,1 ton/ha/year or 0.1
mm/year. The unit land K-2-C, the soil erosion rate is being dominated by very low at 100%.
The hydrophysic soil properties cause the rate of high soil erosion in the Karangkobar catchment by
low bulk density and high porosity. Bulk density has positive and significant correlation with erosion
rate (r = 0.517*). This means that the increase of bulk density, the soil erosion is high. While porosity
has a negative and significant correlation with erosion rates of (r = -0.507*), this means that increase
porosity, the soil erosion rate is low. This is in accordance with the opinion of Hakim [21] that porosity
is the ability of the soil absorb water. The soil is harder to absorb water, the porosity is smaller.
Erosion rate (mm/year)
50 8
Area (%)
30 5
20 4
10 2
0 1
Figure 3 shows the prediction of landslides in Karangkobar catchment with a high of 67%, medium
by 18%, a very high landslide of 11%, and potential low of 4%. Based on PUPR Regulation No. 22 of
2007 [22], the landslide occurred when rainfall rate is high (> 2,500 mm/year), with steep slopes (>
40%), and earthquake-prone areas. This is in accordance with the prediction of landslides which occur
in the Karangkobar catchment on steep slopes > 40%. While the slope of less than 15% the potential is
The 3rd International Symposium on Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 355 (2019) 012021 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/355/1/012021
Based on Figure 4, unit land that has very high potential landslide at unit land K-1 and S-1. The unit
land K-1 and S-1 have fast infiltration rate. This is in accordance with the opinion of Karnawati [16]
that soil is easy to absorb water will effective to triggers of landslides on the slope. The infiltration rate
has positive and significant correlation with landslides (r = 0,641**). This is in accordance with the
statement of Arrozi et al. [23] that the increase of infiltration from rainfall cause saturated soil layers
and increase load on the slope.
50 80
Area (%)
Area (%)
40 60
10 20
Low Medium
Clasification landslides Unit land
Karangkobar catchment is being dominated by clay texture with bulk density values (0.61 – 1.09
), particle density (1.81 – 2.47, soil porosity (48 – 68%), and infiltration rate (1.5 – 43.1 cm.hour-
). The erosion rate in Karangkobar catchment is 42.8 tons.ha-1.year-1 or 2 mm.year-1 with a high potential
of landslides of 67%, medium by 18%, very high by 11%, and low by 4% of the total area Karangkobar
catchment. The hydrophysic soil properties have a significant correlation with soil erosion are bulk
density (r = 0.517*). Whereas the hydrophysic soil properties have significant correlation with potential
of landslides are infiltration rate (r = 0.641**).
We owe a lot to RTA grants Universitas Gadjah Mada. We also thank to Herlina and Viyata, master
student of Forestry UGM, for a good team work during field work.
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