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Detailed LP English G4-6

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• Analyze evidence from the presented texts.
• Form conclusion and give opinion from the presented texts.
• Demonstrate empathy and respect for differing opinions and perspectives
presented in texts.

➢ Drawing conclusion and forming opinion based on the evidence from texts

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials: English 4 Quarter 4

B. Other Learning Resources

• Visual Aids (PowerPoint),
• Apps and Sites,
• Phone/Laptop, internet connection
• Created instructional materials


Teacher’s Hint Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Good afternoon class! How is your day so far? Good afternoon, Ma’am. We are
Activities fine.

Greeting That’s good to hear! So, can I expect a full blast of Yes Ma’am.
energy and active participation from you?

Prayer Before we start our lesson this afternoon, let us (Student will lead the prayer)
take a moment to seek guidance from the divine
and open our minds to fully comprehend the
concepts we will be discussing. Could you kindly
lead us in a prayer?

Classroom I would like to request everyone to arrange your (Students will arrange their
Management chairs properly and make sure there are no trashes chairs and will pick up the
around you. trashes.)

Checking of Who are absent today? (states their absent classmates)

Thank you everyone for being here today.

And for those that are not able to be here let’s hope
that they are in good condition. They must have
their valid reasons for not coming.
B. Motivation We will now have a game.

Let me Guess:

I will give each one of you 2 tokens.

I will read sentences that describes something.
Anyone from the class will try to guess that
something based on the sentences that serves as a
One must try to answer every after a sentence was
Everyone who answered will be given a ticket that
will be raffled after the assessment for a chance to
win the grand prize.
In every wrong answer, a token will be deducted. Yes ma’am.
There are maximum of five sentences for each
The pupil that gets the correct answer will receive
the deducted tokens.

Are you ready?


I have feathers.
I can't fly.
Some of us are colorful and some are not.
I don't lay eggs because I'm not an animal.
I can be dusty or clean. What am I?

answer: feather-duster

I have many dates.

Some of them are Holi.
All of us got 28.
I have more than 30.
The weather is kind of cold, but everyone seems

answer: December

Congratulations to those who got the correct

Let’s give them the amazing clap.
You did
You did amazing!
I also want to remind you that everyone who will
participate will also be given tickets for a chance to
The grand secret prize.

Have you enjoyed the game? Yes ma’am.

That’s good to here.

Now let’s have a short review on the past lessons

that we had.

Yesterday, we discussed about context clues. We use context clues to know

Where can we use context clues? the meaning of the unfamiliar
Yes, that’s right!

We use context clues to know the meaning of the

unfamiliar word that is used in a sentence,
paragraph or passage.

Can somebody give me an unfamiliar word that he The word is gigantic. It means
learned from the previous topic and what is its large or very big.

Your answer is correct. Thank you.

Also, we have discussed in one of our previous

lessons the difference between a fact and an

I have here some of the sentences that we used

earlier in our game.
In our first example the sentence was modified. In
the second one, there are no changes.

1. Feather duster don’t lay eggs because it is not

an animal.
2. The weather is kind of cold, but everyone seems

Let’s observe these sentences. One of the

sentences states a fact and the other one is an
opinion. By just looking at them and reading them
silently, can you tell which is which?
Alright let’s try. If your answer is FACT, clap once.
On the other hand, stomp once if you think it’s
OPINION. Buy only when I say GO, okay?

Are we clear?
Yes ma’am.
Alright. Is the first sentence fact or opinion? GO
1. Feather duster don’t lay eggs because it is not
an animal.
The first sentence is indeed a fact.

How about the second sentence? GO

2. The weather is kind of cold, but everyone seems

It is an opinion. *Stomp
Very good.

Can somebody tell me what do we mean when we

say something is a FACT?

Yes, A fact is a statement that can be verified.

A FACT is a statement that can
And it can be proven to be true or false through be verified.
objective evidence.

How about when the statement is an OPINION?

An OPINION is a statement that
expresses a feeling, an
attitude, a value judgment, or
a belief.
Yes, an OPINION is a statement that expresses a
feeling, an attitude, a value judgment, or a
belief. It is a statement that is neither true nor
false. Or it may feel true for some, but false for

Everyone seems doing well and are refreshed

about those topics.

Let’s give those who answered the “amazing

You did
You did amazing!

D. Lesson Proper Now let’s have our attention here.

Activity Let’s watch this:

0:24 stop
What’s do you think is going to happen next? The boy will put the anchor in
0:36 stop the sea ma’am.
What’s do you think is going to happen next? He will climb the ladder ma’am.
0:57 stop
What’s do you think is going to happen next? He will throw the anchor to the
moon ma’am

Now that we have watched the video, let me ask

some questions.

What do you feel about the ending? Is it what No ma’am.

you’ve expected?

What really happened? The boy float towards the moon

Alright. Thank you for your wonderful insights.

Analysis Class, earlier we played a game where you tried to

guess what was being described by the sentences.

Some of you tried to answer after the first

statement while some answered after more.

Why do you think is that? We have higher chance on

getting the right answer ma’am.

Do you think it is safer to guess the answer after Yes ma’am. Because there are
many sentences? Why? more hints or clues.

What did you use to guess? The clues from the description.

Yes, that is correct.

The first activity that we did earlier is what we call


In another activity that we did, we tried to guess

what will happen. Some of you shared their
thoughts or what we call OPINIONS from what we
have watched.
Abstraction Now let’s learn more about Drawing Conclusion
and Forming Opinion based on evidence from Text.

What do we really mean by drawing conclusion?

A CONCLUSION is a final information or

statement drawn from pictures viewed or texts
read. Conclusion also relies on facts.

It allows the reader to think of what the output or

result could be based on reading and/or

How do we draw conclusion?

There are two things that we need to add when

drawing or making conclusion.

1. Information from the text.

2. What we already know about the topic.

Information What we Conclusion

from the text. already know.
It is said I know that… I can say
that… that…

Let’s watch this story together.

The Bear and the Bee

0:00-0:41: what do you think will happen next but
try answering with our guide. It is said that…there is no honey
It is said that… in Mr. Bear’s cupboard.
I know that… I know that… if you want
I can say that… something, you will try to do
things to get it.
I can say that… Mr. Bear will try
to get the honey from the

Thank you very much for your answer.

Let’s give him the amazing clap.

Let’s continue watching the video.

Now before we hear the moral of the story…
Let me ask: The story is just fine and cute.
What do you feel about the story? It has a funny ending.
What can you say about it?

I see. Thank you for sharing that.

Let’s see the moral of the story.

Moral: A hot temper always gets you into trouble.
Is there any other lesson from the story that you
want to share?

Let’s proceed.
We prepared a copy of the story for you to use in
our discussion.

Now let’s use the text provided to draw conclusion

and form opinion.

Application Let’s use the table that I have presented earlier.

Information What we Conclusion

from the text. already know.
It is said I know that… I can say that…

Paste the statements that will be given on the

appropriate boxes.

Let’s look at the third part of the story:

The bee stings him right on his nose! “My nose! My

nose! Oooh... I'm so angry!" growls Mr. Bear. He finds a
big stick. He tries to hit the bee. He swings and he
swings, but the bee is too fast! Mr. Bear gets angrier
and angrier.

Try to paste these statements accordingly. It is said that…

Cards: Mr. Bear gets angrier and
Mr. Bear gets angrier and angrier. angrier.
When someone is angry, he might continue being
harsh and hot-tempered. I know that…
Mr. Bear will not stop and might do something When someone is angry, he
worse. might continue being harsh and

I can say that…

Mr. Bear will not stop and might
do something worse.

Do you think that is correct?

Okay let’s see.
Yes ma’am.
The first one should have something that can be
seen from the text. Do you think this is correct?

Yes ma’am.
The second one is what we know. Is this correct?

And the last one is a statement that should

Yes ma’am.
conclude the information from the text and what we
already know. Is the answer correct?

Let’s try that on the next…

It is said that They chase Mr. Bear through the forest.
They sting him on his arms, his legs, his hands... and
especially on his nose.
I know that… bee sting is painful.
I can say that…
I will ask 3 students to share their conclusion.

Mr. Bear will not be able to work

for days.
Mr. Bear will have a fever.
He will feel weak for the next

Do you think his/her conclusions are correct? Their basis is those from the text
How can we say so? What is their basis? and from what is known, ma’am.

Let’s give them the amazing clap!

Now from that, let’s learn how to form our opinion.

To form an opinion, we must bear in mind that it
should be something from your feelings,
preference, value of right or wrong and more that is
neither true nor false. Or it may feel true for
some, but false for others.

Let’s examine
What do you think is the best thing that Mr. Bear
should have done? And what is the evidence from
the text that can support your opinion?
You can underline your evidence in your copy of
the story.

Teacher first.
I think the best thing that Mr. Bear should’ve done
is to ask Mrs. Bear just to be sure. My evidence is
the last paragraph states that Mrs. Bear also lives
there, and she knows that there is honey behind
the flour.

I think he should just go home

Who has other opinion? Can you please share it because he was stung by the
with our class together with your evidence based bee once already.
on text?

Thank you very much for your answers. What you

just said is what we call “opinion” but is based on
evidence from text.
Now I have here some sentences or statements
from the story, and I want you to form your own
opinion about these.

These group will use the first statement, and the

second one will use the other one.
I will call someone using the wheel of names.

“Hey, bear! Go away!” says the bee. "This is not your honey!"
Well, I think Mr. Bear
Mr. Bear is annoyed. “I am bigger than you,” he says. “And I shouldn't stick his paw into
am stronger than you, too. I can do what I want! Now... buzz the beehive again because
that's not nice. The bee is
off!” Mr. Bear sticks his paw into the beehive again right to say it's not his honey.

Thousands of bees fly out of the smashed beehive. They fly

around Mr. Bear's head… ZZZZZZZZZ… ZING! They sting That must really hurt! I hope Mr.
him on his ear. ZING ZING! They sting him on his elbow. Bear learns his lesson and
leaves the bees alone now.

That’s very nice.

Let’s give them the amazing clap.

E. Generalization Did you learn something from our lesson? What Conclusions are more about
have you learned today? what happened in the story,
based on the facts presented.

Opinions, on the other hand, are

about our personal thoughts or
beliefs about those events.

How can we apply these to our daily lives? We can use these on making
conclusions and wise opinions
about many things like on
different topic in real life or social

What can you say about the conclusions and We have different conclusions
opinions that we have shared earlier? Are they and opinions.
similar with each other?
Although there are different conclusions and
opinion which we can agree or disagree with, let’s
BEAR in mind to BEE kind.

a. Complete the table with the sentences from below. Examine the sentences and put them
in the right part of the table.

Information from What we already

the text. know. Conclusion
(It is said that…) (I know that…) (I can say that…)

1. Mr. Bear got angrier and angrier because of it.

2. When someone is holding a stick, he will use it to smash something.
3. Mr. Bear has the attitude of being impulsive when angry.
4. He swings his stick at the beehive.
5. If you have a bad temper, things will easily trigger your anger.
6. When we say again, that means someone did it not just once.
7. Mr. Bear got violent again according to Mrs. Bear.
8. Mr. Bear will break the hive, and the bees will fly out.
9. Mr. Bear will do something violent.

b. Write your opinion about the statements below. Provide evidence that will support your
opinion from the text.

Statements. Opinion Evidence from the text

1. Do you think Mr. Bear will
do that again?
2. Who is right? Mr. Bear or
the bee?
3. What do you think the
bee will feel about their

Write your own conclusion and opinion about the whole story of The Bear and the Bee.
Also, provide evidence from the text that will support your answer.




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