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In the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different
types of reading comprehension questions. The entire Reading test will last 75
minutes. There are three parts, and directions are given for each part. You are
encouraged to answer as many questions as possible within the time allowed.
You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your
answers in your test book.
Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four
answer choices are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete
the sentence. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

101. Mr. Sokolov ---------- a positive 105. Arn by Cable ---------- £25.00 to all
review of his stay at the Olana Hotel. Internet subscribers after the weeklong
(A) write service interruption.
(B) wrote (A) refunded
(C) writing (B) accepted
(D) was written (C) divided
102. The manager often leads new (D) deposited
employees through the safety procedures 106. The board of directors will meet next
------. Monday to examine the current hiring ---.
(A) her (A) purpose
(B) herself (B) intent
(C) hers (C) assembly
(D) she (D) policy
103. The corporate fitness center is 107. Passengers should not leave their
equipped ---------- fourteen stationary seats --------- a flight attendant gives them
bicycles. permission to do so.
(A) at (A) unless
(B) on (B) rather
(C) with (C) instead
(D) about (D) otherwise
104. Professor Phuong will go over the use 108. The goal of the committee was to
of the laboratory --------- with the interns evaluate the company's by laws and offer
next week. -------- for improvement.
(A) instruments (A) renewals
(B) instrumental (B) registrations
(C) instrumentally (C) recommendations
(D) instrumented (D) reimbursements
109. The building's new ventilation 115. Kohmek, Inc., is seeking a suitable
system circulates heat much -------- than site --------- the construction of its
before. electronics factory.
(A) even (A) for
(B) most even (B) so
(C) evenly (C) to
(D) more evenly (D) more
110. Glowood Appliances promises 116. Studies show that the average
customers their money back ------- they audience forms its ----------- of the speaker
are not satisfied with their purchase. within the first few seconds of the
(A) while presentation.
(B) and (A) impress
(C) if (B) impressive
(D) then (C) impressively
111. The theater doors will close and the (D) impression
show will start at precisely 8:00 p.m., so 117. Mr. Cutler has been asked to -------
guests are reminded to be ----------. domestic sales of low-calorie beverages.
(A) rapid (A) oversee
(B) sudden (B) possess
(C) punctual (C) succeed
(D) instant (D) persist
112. All vacation requests must be made 118. Cranford Culinary Academy offers
to your supervisor ---------- the requested 35 different classes for -------- chefs.
date. (A) aspires
(A) prior to (B) aspirations
(B) except for (C) aspiring
(C) previously (D) to aspire
(D) because 119. -------- ,items sold at the Scottville
113. Most banks now offer clients the Craft Fair are unique and of very high
option of receiving their statements quality.
electronically or --------- mail. (A) Fairly
(A) from (B) Typically
(B) of (C) Simply
(C) in (D) Entirely
(D) by 120. Mamton Home Furnishings ---------
114. Construction at Lang hall Plaza is customized furniture in Pennsylvania for
going so well that shops might open more than a century.
before the expected ---------- date. (A) manufactures
(A) completion (B) is manufacturing
(B) selection (C) has manufactured
(C) decision (D) manufacture
(D) option
121. Please hold any phone calls for Ms. 127. Tomorrow morning, both escalators
Tanaka ------- she will be in meetings all in the store will be turned off periodically
day. in order to perform ------- maintenance.
(A) as (A) required
(B) but (B) require
(C) despite (C) requiring
(D) similarly (D) requires
122. Dolores Gutierrez excels as an estate 128. Those who wish to volunteer at the
planning attorney who helps clients annual Sebastian Park flower-planting
manage their assets -------. event this Saturday --------- to arrive
(A) effect early.
(B) effectively (A) asks
(C) effects (B) are asked
(D) effective (C) has been asking
123. Mr. Singh was ------- about sales of (D) to ask
the fragrance after the first round of 129. Although Mr. Yanamura's theory is
customer focus groups. ------ controversial, it does help explain
(A) extensive the latest changes in the market.
(B) distinct (A) neatly
(C) optimistic (B) urgently
(D) superior (C) gracefully
124. Data from the finance department (D) certainly
was used to --------- predict the company's 130. A recent --------- found that property
future expenses. values in the Agate Valley region had
(A) either increased by 3 percent between January
(B) ever and June.
(C) yet (A) assessment
(D) better (B) assessed
125. Immediately after the decrease in (C) assessable
production was announced, everyone (D) to assess
began discussing how ---------- would
impact work schedules.
(A) us
(B) it
(C) theirs
(D) yours
126. Every year Arrow Mill, Inc.,
processes a ------- amount of grain.
(A) durable
(B) direct
(C) resolute
(D) substantial
Directions: Read the texts that follow. A word, phrase, or sentence is missing in parts of
each text. Four answer choices for each question are given below the text. Select the best
answer to complete the text. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer

Questions 131-134 refer to the following information.

The Design Present Conference is an annual event held in Melbourne for graphic-design
professionals. The conference is steadily growing in popularity. Last year, it (131)----------
more than 3,000 attendees from Australia and around the world. The next Design Present
Conference, which will be held from 20 to 23 March, will offer more than 100 workshops,
plus keynote speeches and plenary sessions. This year, several opportunities for
professional networking will be added. Attendees will have the chance to market (132)-----
to firms in several different industries. Periods for networking will be included in the
(133)---------- each day. Whether you are a design enthusiast, student, freelance designer,
or business owner, Design Present has something for you (134)-----------.

131. (A) attracted 134. (A) Registration begins on 3

February and continues through 18
(B) entered March.

(C) awarded (B) This speaker is well-known

throughout the industry.
(D) promoted
(C) The conference was held in New
132. (A) they Zealand in previous years.
(B) them (D) We'd like to get your feedback
on last year's conference.
(C) themselves

(D) theirs

133. (A) location

(B) situation

(C) machine

(D) schedule
Questions 135-138 refer to the following advertisement.

Housing Specialist Needed

Wallace & Prence Realty is currently seeking a housing specialist to work with our
international clients. We specialize in securing appropriate short-term housing for
individuals (135)-------- will be working in the Toronto area for only a short time. As part
of our client-relations department, the housing specialist (136)-------- guidance to clients
preparing for temporary relocation (137)---------. The successful candidate must have
knowledge of real estate and rental agencies in the Toronto area. Also required are a
minimum of two years of customer-service experience. Individuals with the necessary
(138)------- are encouraged to contact us at [email protected].

135. (A) who 138. (A) questions

(B) accordingly (B) documents

(C) recently (C) references

(D) where (D) qualifications

136. (A) provided

(B) will provide

(C) will have provided

(D) is providing

137. (A) Your travel expenses are covered

by Wallace & Prence.

(B) We place clients in apartments

throughout the world.

(C) Duties also include supporting

clients after their arrival.

(D) Incomplete applications will not

be considered.
Questions 139-142 refer to the following newspaper article.

LOWELL (March 3)---Just one year after opening, Viggo's Sweet Shop on Park Street has
become the place to go for residents wishing to satisfy their sugary cravings. Says owner
Viggo Magnusson, “Returning customers bring friends and relatives with them, so the
shop is always (139)---------.” Mr. Magnusson credits the success of his business to the
recipes he inherited from his grandmother about a decade ago (140)----------.
But the popularity of the pastry shop (141)-------- Mr. Magnusson with an unanticipated
problem: lack of store space. So when the shoe store next door went out of business
recently, he purchased the property to allow for the (142)--------- of his shop Renovations
will start in April.

139. (A) doubted

141. (A) leave
(B) estimated
(B) left
(C) crowded
(C) is leaving
(D) organized
(D) have left
140. (A) She usually serves them warm.
142. (A) expansion
(B) She created them when she
started the restaurant. (B) supervision

(C) His family members prefer (C) submission

eating healthy meals.
(D) division
(D) His social media campaign has
also boosted sales.
Questions 143-146 refer to the following memo.

To: All Employees

From: Jennifer Prasad
Subject: Updated Password Policy
Date: Tuesday, February 8
Dear Employees,
As an enhanced security measure, you will now be required to change the password you
use to access the company network on the first workday of each month (143)-------, your
log-in ID will remain the same.
Each password must be at least twelve characters long and include one capital letter, one
lowercase letter, one number, and one special character.
An e-mail (144)-------- on the last workday of each month reminding you to set a new
password on the next workday. (145)---------- to do so will result in your being locked out
of your account, and you will have to contact our platform provider, Securities Services,
for assistance.
We are doing our best to ensure that our employees and our clients have the highest
possible level of security (146)--------.
Jennifer Prasad, CEO

143. (A) However 145. (A) Support

(B) Therefore (B) Absence

(C) In addition (C) Failure

(D) For example (D) Approval

144. (A) sent 146. (A) I will see you at the meeting.

(B) will be sent (B) Write down your new log-in

(C) will have sent
(C) Let me know when this is
(D) had been sent done.

(D) Thank you for your

Directions: In this part you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper
articles, e-mails, and instant messages. Each text or set of texts is followed by several
questions. Select the best answer for each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D)
on your answer sheet.

Questions 147-148 refer to the following notice.

147. What is indicated about Asherton 148. What will NOT be free at the fair?
(A) Games
(A) It is available for private parties.
(B) Music
(B) It is open daily from 11:00 A.M
to 5:00 P.M. (C) Shuttle rides

(C) It always offers guided tours. (D) On-site parking

(D) It is near a train station.

Questions 149-150 refer to the following advertisement.

149. What is the purpose of the 150. According to the advertisement, what
advertisement? is available by special request?
(A) To offer a discount to new clients (A) Food sampling
(B) To announce new menu items (B) Vegetarian meals
(C) To describe the services of a business (C) Itemized bills
(D) To explain delivery requirements (D) Decorations
Questions 151-152 refer to the following e-mai

151. According to Ms. Bryant, why might 152. Who most likely is Ms. Bryant?
Mr. Wiest not have seen the original
(A) An architect

(A) She forgot to attach it to her e-mail.

(B) An apartment-building manager

(B) She sent it to a different person.

(C) A banker

(C) It may have gone to the wrong e-mail

folder. (D) A property owner

(D) The file in it may have been too large.

Questions 153-154 refer to the following online chat discussion

153. What has Mr. Ubari NOT done? 154. At 3:42 P.M., what does Mr. Ubari
(A) Purchased a new camera most likely mean when he writes, "Yes,
(B) Connected the camera to the computer it's there"?
(C) Restarted the camera (A) He found an icon.
(D) Restarted the computer (B) He moved the camera.
(C) He uploaded the pictures.
(D) He sees the instructions.
Questions 155-157 refer to the following memo.

155. Who most likely is Mr. Perez? 156. When will the inspection begin?
(A) A factory floor worker (A) At 8:30 A.M.
(B) A food service worker (B) At 10:00 A.M.
(C) The safety inspector (C) At 12:30 P.M.
(D) The general manager (D) At 3:30 P.M.
157. What does the memo suggest about
factory floor workers?
(A) They must prepare written reports.
(B) They will be able to leave work early.
(C) Their afternoon work might be
(D) Their workstations might be unavailable
Questions 158-160 refer to the following e-mail.

158. Who most likely is Mr. Mayer? 159. The word "look" in paragraph 1,
line 2, is closest in meaning to
(A) A health professional
(A) search
(B) A Healthhome Web-site user
(B) appearance
(C) A Web-site designer
(C) photograph
(D) A Healthhome article contributor
(D) glance
160. What does the e-mail suggest about
the previous Web site?
(A) It did not have an online store.
(B) Some people visited it on a daily basis.
(C) Viewing it on some devices was
(D) It featured interactive nutrition quizzes.
Questions 161-163 refer to the following article.

161. What is the purpose of the article? 162. What is true about Webmarch?
(A) To advertise Webmarch's new online (A) Its competitors offer fewer shows.
streaming service (B) Its customer base has tripled in two
(B) To detail a merger between Webmarch years.
and Movieriver (C) It is currently available in 46 countries.
(C) To profile the history and future of (D) It offers videos in many languages.
Webmarch 163. In which of the positions marked [1],
(D) To report on Webmarch's changes in [2], [3], and [4] does the following
pricing sentence best belong?
"It was an immediate success."
(A) [1]
(B) [2]
(C) [3]
(D) [4]
Questions 164-167 refer to the following instructions.

164. For whom are the instructions most 166. According to the instructions, why are
likely intended? pictures useful?
(A) Users of Zovtech products (A) They can be understood by people in
(B) Salespeople in Zovtech stores different countries.
(C) Designers of Zovtech products (B) They clearly show when something is
(D) Writers of Zovtech product manuals not working properly.
165. What does Zovtech manufacture? (C) They reduce the amount of written text
(A) Appliances needed.
(B) Automobiles (D) They attract more people to a Web site.
(C) Cleaning supplies 167. The word "grasp" in paragraph 1, line
10 is closest in meaning to
(D) Photography equipment
(A) hold
(B) tighten
(C) accomplish
(D) understand
Questions 168-171 refer to the following review.

168. Who most likely is Ms. Mohlmann? 170. Why was Ms. Mohlmann unhappy
with S-Tor's customer service?
(A) A product tester
(A) Her issue took too long to resolve.
(B) An event planner
(B) The instructions given were not clear.
(C) A corporate trainer
(C) Help-desk employees were unfriendly.
(D) A sales representative
(D) She felt pressured to make a purchase.
169. What is indicated about Ms.
Mohlmann? 171. In which of the positions marked [1],
[2], [3], and [4] does the following
(A) She travels often for her job.
sentence best belong?
(B) She prefers paper documents.
"Instructing me to repeat the same steps
(C) She receives software for free. over and over seemed pointless."
(D) She gives frequent presentations. (A) [1]
(B) [2]
(C) [3]
(D) [4]
Questions 172-175 refer to the following text-message.

172. Where do the writers most likely 174. When will the writers most likely
work? meet at 234 Lakeside Avenue?
(A) At a tree service company (A) In one hour
(B) At a real estate agency (B) In two hours
(C) At a construction firm (C) In three hours
(D) At an auto repair shop (D) In four hours
173. What does Ms. Mirzoyan expect to 175. At 12:21 P.M., what does Mr.
do tomorrow? Davison most likely mean when he writes,
(A) Purchase a property "It's Saturday"?
(B) Have visitors at her home (A) He does not have extra time.
(C) Hire a new moving company (B) He thinks they should not accept more
(D) Use Ms. McNair's business again work.
(C) Grady is not usually available then.
(D) Miles did not make a good decision.
Questions 176-180 refer to the following article and invitation.
176. What does the mayor suggest people 178. What is true about some of the
do to thank bus drivers? people who will attend the football game
on May 7 ?
(A) Donate to a fund
(A) They will travel to the eastern end of
(B) Give the drivers a card
(C) Post an online greeting to drivers
(B) They must live in the city of Frecosta.
(D) Write a letter to the local newspaper
(C) They must reply to an e-mail from the
177. According to the article, what group mayor.
of people has recently become larger?
(D) They may bring only three guests to the
(A) Football fans game.

(B) Train passengers 179. What will happen at 1:00 P.M. on

May 7 ?
(C) Frecosta residents
(A) The stadium will open.
(D) Shopping center customers
(B) A football game will begin.
(C) Refreshments will be served.
(D) An awards ceremony will be held.
180. According to the invitation, how can
transit workers obtain tickets?
(A) By visiting the bus station
(B) By calling the mayor's office
(C) By arriving to the game early
(D) By ordering through a Web site
Questions 181-185 refer to the following memo and e-mail.
181. What is the purpose of the memo? 183. What is implied about Turing
(A) To announce a company reorganization
(A) Its address labels should be highlighted
(B) To explain new procedures
in yellow.
(C) To introduce an efficiency expert
(B) It purchased software at a reduced price.
(D) To bring attention to a problem
(C) It provides the warehouse with supplies.
182. What step in the shipping process
(D) It has received complaints about the
will NOT change?
(A) Looking up addresses using the software
184. What is most likely true about Mr.
(B) Using bar code scanners Mansouri?
(C) Creating bar code stickers for all orders (A) His shift begins at 8 A.M.

(D) Putting priority items on a specific shelf (B) His team is testing out the JLX software.
(C) He prefers using the RERQ system.
(D) He handles all priority shipping orders.
185. What will Ms. Peralta most likely do
after reading the e-mail?
(A) Find a missing package
(B) Research long-life batteries
(C) Reschedule a deadline
(D) Correct an address
Questions 186-190 refer to the following Web page and e-mails.
186. What is indicated about Ohayon 188. What is suggested about Sharp
Marketing? Smart?
(A) It specializes in family-owned (A) It has offices in New Delhi.
(B) It recently hired several new employees.
(B) It has a diverse client portfolio.
(C) It is under new management.
(C) It mainly supports export firms.
(D) It recently merged with a larger firm.
(D) It earns most of its revenue from the
189. Who is Mr. Mehta?
apparel industry.
(A) A travel agent
187. For what industry did Ohayon
Marketing first consult? (B) An executive recruiter
(A) Online education (C) A former colleague of Mr. Ohayon's
(B) Specialty Foods (D) An Ohayon Marketing partner
(C) Apparel 190. Why will Mr. Ohayon most likely
contact Ms. Kader?
(D) Technology
(A) To remind her to send an itinerary
(B) To rent a new office location
(C) To explore business opportunities
(D) To get sightseeing recommendations
Questions 191-195 refer to the following flyer, invoice, and online review.
191. According to the flyer, why should 193. According to the invoice, what could
the reader e-mail Steel Wheels Vehicle Mr. Xiong have requested on December
Insurance? 13?
(A) To inquire about plan coverage (A) The mechanic's work certificate
(B) To obtain a repair estimate (B) His car's old parts
(C) To schedule an appointment (C) A full tank of gas
(D) To find a participating service center (D) A loaner vehicle
192. What insurance plan does Mr. Xiong 194. What product did Mr. Xiong most
most likely have? likely purchase?
(A) The Maintenance Plan (A) Goldings synthetic oil
(B) The Repair Plan (B) A Harmon air filter
(C) The Cleaning Plan (C) Lift-brite fabric treatment
(D) The Combination Plan (D) Ever sweet spray
195. According to the online review, what
impressed Mr. Xiong about the product?
(A) Its reasonable price
(B) Its pleasant scent
(C) Its innovative packaging
(D) Its sudden popularity
Questions 196-200 refer to the following mission statement, notice, and
196. What does the HHNA indicate in the 198. What HHNA goal is most likely
mission statement? being challenged by the Chenaux
(A) It is an independently run group. Company?
(A) Goal 1
(B) It was formed recently.
(B) Goal 2
(C) It is advised by city officials.
(C) Goal 3
(D) It charges membership fees.
(D) Goal 4
197. Why are residents encouraged to
attend a meeting on Monday, April 17 ? 199. What is suggested about Ms.
(A) To receive training in public speaking Redman?
(A) She spoke at a meeting in April.
(B) To show support for some city
politicians (B) She owned a business in Hulani Harbor.
(C) To get information about a zoning (C) She is responsible for distributing the
proposal meeting agendas.
(D) To meet some new neighbors (D) She writes articles for a newsletter.
200. What does Ms. Redman suggest
qualifies her for the representative
(A) Her university degree
(B) Her fresh leadership ideas
(C) Her awareness of national issues
(D) Her experience in supporting local

Stop! This is the end of the test. If you finish before time is called,
you may go back to Parts 5, 6, and 7 and check your work.

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