Infant Massage
Infant Massage
Infant Massage
Infant Massage
published by Barnes & Noble
• Learn the concrete benefits of infant massage for both you and your baby
• Find out when, where, and how to massage with step-by-step illustrations
• Know where to find classes and further information about infant massage
Whichever specific oil you choose, it should be: developmental stage, it’s what he needs to feed his Signals that say yes include:
senses. Each baby is different, and the important thing
• All-natural to remember is that infant massage is baby-led. • Making eye contact
• Edible • Cloths or wipes: Spit-up, drool, and any number of • Reaching for you
• Unscented other surprises give good reason to have a washcloth, • Lying still and calm
• Unflavored cloth diaper, or wet wipes handy. • Wiggling with excitement
• Food-grade • Music: To create a relaxing atmosphere, some parents • Cooing
like to play soothing background music. The style • Smiling
The skin is the human body’s largest organ and must be able of music can range from nature sounds to classical
to breathe, so you don’t want to put anything on your baby’s lullabies—it’s up to you and your baby. Recognizing these signals and following them as a guide to
skin that will block the pores. Your baby will inevitably ingest what your baby is or isn’t in the mood for is an important
some of the oil from your hands or her own, so it’s important part of building a healthy connection with your baby. Your
that what you massage into your baby’s skin is something When, Where, and How Long to baby will go through several stages of alertness during the
safe and edible. Massage Your Baby day. As you notice his body language, you’ll soon learn the
difference between these stages and his engagement/
How to Test for Sensitivity The practicalities of when and where to massage your baby disengagement cues. Never insist on massage when your
The natural, edible oils on the previous list rarely provoke are flexible. Choose a time and location that are comfort- baby is clearly saying, “No, I’m not in the mood for this.”
allergic reactions on the skin. However, some babies with able for both of you.
food sensitivities may be allergic. The best way to know is to Where to Massage
do a patch test on your baby’s inner arm or back between When to Massage The location where you massage your baby is up to you. The
the shoulder blades. Rub a tiny amount of oil onto your baby’s Infant massage is baby-focused and baby-led time, so important thing to consider is safety and comfort. Because
skin and wait about 30 minutes. If no apparent reaction oc- when and how long you massage your baby is up to you infant massage is so versatile and adaptable, you can do it
curs, you’re probably okay to get started. Note that some and your baby. Everyone has different schedules, and with just about anywhere, including with:
reactions can take up to 24 hours to manifest. If signs of a a new baby, life is different each day. Find a time when you
reaction occur, use another oil for your next massage. aren’t rushed and when your baby is calm, quiet, and alert. • Baby in your arms or lap
Trust that together you’ll find the right time, and keep in • Baby in front of you on a changing table
Supplies for Extra Comfort and Convenience mind that as your baby grows, the time of day will change • Baby on a soft blanket on the floor in front of you
You don’t need many supplies to enjoy this special time with according to:
your baby, but a few extra things can make both you and With Other Parents
your baby more comfortable. Many parents find the follow- • Changes in daily routines Group infant massage classes offer a social aspect that
ing items useful for infant massage: • Sleep-wake rhythms can’t be replicated simply by reading an infant massage
• General mood book or watching an infant massage video. It’s an ideal time
• Pillow: For babies under 3 months of age, laying your • Your baby’s changing likes and dislikes for you to meet other parents, for babies to meet other
baby on a pillow, facing you, can position your baby for babies, and for you to learn from other parents. Classes can
better eye contact. This position can also raise your The Quiet-Alert State enhance the fun of infant massage.
baby up a little, bringing the two of you closer together. The ideal time to massage your baby is when she’s in the
• Boppy Pillow®: This pillow mood that’s called the quiet-alert state. This means she is How Long to Massage
can be used as a nest for ready to engage, learn, and respond. In this state: To know how long each massage should be, look to your
your baby. Its firmness and baby for signals that say “I like this” and signals that say
shape provide the support • Your baby’s eyes are bright “I’m not all done.” Babies need breaks just like adults do, so
that your baby needs to feel • Your baby’s body language is open and relaxed watch your baby, and when her cues are saying “I need a
comfortable in a face-to-face • Your baby is responsive to your gaze, voice, and touch break,” break for some cuddle, quiet, or feeding time.
position with you. If you’re done before your baby, that’s okay: just say “All
• Backjack®: This chair provides Babies transition from mood to mood, and infant massage done!” Just as you look to your baby for cues, your baby will
comfortable and supportive helps them transition easier—making it easier for you too. look to you for cues. Let your baby know when you need to
floor seating for you while finish.
massaging your baby. If your How to Know Whether It’s a Good Time
baby has reflux symptoms Your baby will let you know whether it’s a good time to mas-
such as burping, you can turn sage. Look to him for the cues and signals that say “yes” or How to Get Started
the chair over and recline your “no.” Signals that say no include: Once you and your baby are ready, start with the massage
baby face-up on the back of as follows.
the chair. This will provide a • Frowning
supportive, face-to-face angle • Furrowing brow Find a Comfortable Position
for you to rest your baby • Looking away When you and your baby are ready, find a comfortable
against while you massage. • Rolling away position for you and your baby. It can be in any room in the
• Toys: A favorite toy can comfort your baby or provide • Fingers splayed house as long as it’s peaceful and soothing and your baby
the visual, tactile, or audio stimulation he needs to • Batting and kicking away isn’t at risk of rolling or falling.
transition and settle. If your baby seems to want a • Crying in a way that expresses distress
toy, it doesn’t mean he isn’t finding comfort in your
presence. It simply means that, at this particular
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• Parent comfort: Place a blanket on the surface where Number of Strokes Swedish Milking
you’ll be sitting. If you’re on the floor, you may want to There is no set recipe for how many strokes make for the 1. Hold your baby’s ankle with
sit on a cushion, or lean a pillow against a couch or wall best massage or how long they should last. Sometimes one hand.
for back support. Place the baby on the floor in front it will be few strokes, and sometimes your baby will want 2. With the other hand, fingers on
of you. You can sit with your legs on either side of your more. As moods change and your baby grows, so will the top and thumb on bottom, mold
baby, or you can sit cross-legged. massage. You and your baby will figure this out together. your fingers to the leg.
• Baby comfort: Create a soft space under and around 3. Stroke from ankle to hip.
your baby, positioning him so that the two of you can What Else Can You Do During Massage? 4. Switch hands and stroke the
see each other. Some babies like to be nested—rolling There are many things you can do as you massage your other side of the leg from ankle to hip.
a couple of towels and placing them around your baby baby, including the following:
can create this nest. Some babies like to have a favorite Check In with Your Baby
toy in hand for extra comfort. • Smile with your baby 1. Relax and do CLASS ( see How to Get Started).
• Talk with your baby 2. Repeat all the previous strokes on the other leg.
Take a Moment to Relax • Sing songs and recite rhymes
Massage is a time to relax and enjoy a special time together • Play and have fun Integration
with your baby. If you are tense or stressed, your baby • Enjoy a quiet cuddle 1. Once you’ve finished massaging
will sense it in the same way we sense stress and tension both legs, place your fingers on
in others. the back of the legs with your
Before beginning, take a few deep breaths. Roll your Infant Massage Strokes thumbs on top.
head and shoulders. Think of things that make you happy The following sections illustrate specific infant massage 2. Glide your hands from your
and calm, and try to leave behind the stresses of your strokes that are recommended for each body part. At baby’s bottom to the toes.
everyday life. When you feel relaxed, you’re ready to trans- the end of each massage set, you’ll notice that the guide
fer your loving thoughts and sense of calm to your baby. recommends integration of the strokes. Integration is an Tummy
important finish to each part of the massage no matter how Before doing the tummy, check in with your baby by doing
CLASS much or how little you do with your baby. Integration serves CLASS (see How to Get Started).
When you’re ready to massage your baby, you can follow two primary roles:
CLASS—a basic approach to infant massage that will help Hand over Hand
you get started. CLASS incorporates basic building blocks • It’s a nonverbal signal to the baby that that particular 1. Place one hand across your
for healthy bonding and attachment and stands for the fol- part of the body is “all done!” baby’s belly so that your pinky
lowing elements: • The sweeping motion provides a sensory unification of is just under the rib cage.
the part of the body you just massaged. For the baby, 2. Alternating hands, in a paddling
• C—Contact: Make physical contact with your baby. Let this creates an important brain-body connection that motion, stroke from beneath the
your baby know you are there. helps him learn about his body. rib cage to where your hands
• L—Look: Look at your baby and check in with him. touch the top of the legs.
Does he look like he’s ready for his massage? You know Legs
your baby, and your baby will show you what he wants. Playing, kicking, diaper changes, and baths all help your Sun Moon
• A—Ask: Before you start, ask your baby whether he’s baby become aware of her legs. Because of this awareness, 1. Move one hand in a full circle,
ready for a massage. Look for your baby’s cues to tell the legs are a good place to start your massage. To avoid stroking clockwise around your
you whether he’s ready or not. overstimulation, massage only one leg at a time. baby’s belly. Avoid any direct
• S—Swish: Swish about a nickel-sized amount of oil pressure on the belly button.
between your hands. This warms the oil and offers your Indian Milking 2. Follow with the other hand.
baby the audio signal, “swish,” that tells him you are 1. Hold your baby’s ankle with 3. Use the flat, padded surface of
about to start massaging. one hand. your fingers on the tummy.
• S—Show: Show your hands to your baby without 2. With your other hand, fingers
covering his eyes. You’ll use this visual cue every time on top and thumb on bottom, I Love You
you move to a new part of your baby’s body. mold your fingers to the leg. 1. Imagine that your baby can see
3. Stroke from hip to ankle. a “U” on his tummy.
If at any time, you or your baby needs to take a break, go 4. Switch hands and stroke the 2. With the flat part of your
ahead and do that. When you think it’s time to start again, other side of the leg from hip fingers, stroke on your baby’s
follow the same CLASS approach. to ankle. left side from below the rib
cage to the top of the left hip.
How to Make Contact Thumb over Thumb The baby sees an “I.”
Now that you‘re relaxed and you’ve practiced CLASS with 1. Support your baby’s ankle with 3. Show your baby an “L” by starting below the rib cage
your baby, you’re ready to make contact. Most babies love both hands. on the right side. Move across the tummy to the top of
massage and will learn the routine quickly. 2. Place your thumbs on the sole the left hip. Your baby sees an “L.”
of the foot. 4. Show your baby the “U” by starting at the right hip.
How Much Oil to Use 3. Stroke slowly from the heel to Stroke up the right side, across the belly, under the rib
Remember that to start, you’ll need only a small amount of the toes, alternating thumbs. cage and down the left side to the left hip.
oil—about the size of a nickel. Rub it in between your hands
to warm it up. Should you end up needing more, you can Toe Hugs These strokes improve digestion by moving material through
always add it later. 1. Place your thumb and all the sections of your baby’s colon.
index finger around one of
How to Stroke your baby’s toes. Integration
Babies like firm pressure; a light stroke can tickle and 2. Slide your fingers to the 1. Place your hands on your
cause your baby to pull away. But too firm a stroke can be tip of the toe. baby’s tummy.
uncomfortable and may cause your baby’s skin to redden 3. Repeat for each toe. 2. Sweep your hands slowly
after just a couple of strokes. If that happens, make your down the body from the
pressure less firm. Ankle Circles tummy to the toes.
1. Support your baby’s ankle in
Stroke Speed your hands.
Perform massage strokes slowly, because going too fast can 2. With your thumb, circle around
overstimulate your baby. Slower touch allows time for you the top of the ankle.
and your baby to relax and enjoy the bonding experience. 3. With your index finger, circle
around the back. Infant Massage
Chest Swedish Milking Now that you and your baby have enjoyed the massage time
Before continuing to the chest, check in with your baby and 1. Hold your baby’s wrist with together, pick him up and spend some time holding and cud-
do CLASS (see How to Get Started). one hand. dling. Enjoy the moment.
2. With your other hand, fingers
Open Book on top and thumb on bottom,
1. Place your hands on your mold your fingers to the arm. Infant Massage Classes
baby’s chest under the chin. 3. Stroke from wrist to shoulder. It can be fun to learn infant massage in a class setting,
2. Using the flat, padded 4. Switch hands and stroke the whether group or one-on-one classes. Classes are typically
part of your fingers, stroke other side of the arm. held once a week for 3–6 weeks and usually meet for 60–90
your hands out toward the minutes at a time. Only you will be massaging your baby
shoulders as if flattening the Check In with Your Baby during these classes.
pages of a book, and then 1. Relax and do CLASS ( see How to Get Started).
stroke around the ribs. 2. Repeat all the previous strokes on the other arm. Benefits of Infant Massage Class
3. With lighter pressure, glide Many parents who take infant massage classes report
your hands back up to the Integration feeling as though they know their baby better and feeling
starting position, making a 1. Place your hands on your more confident and competent in their role as caregiver
heart shape around the rib cage. baby’s shoulders. and nurturers. Infant massage classes are also an ideal time
2. Slowly sweep your hands to connect with other families, for your baby to meet other
Butterfly from her shoulders down babies, and for you to share the challenges of parenthood
1. Rest your hands at your her arms and through her with other parents.
baby’s sides. body down to her toes.
2. Take one hand and glide What to Look For in an Infant Massage Class
diagonally across your baby’s Face When looking for an infant massage course, find out what
chest, from the waist to the Before continuing to the face, check in with your baby. Relax training the educator has received. Look for an instructor
opposite shoulder. and do CLASS (see How to Get Started). who has:
3. Give the shoulder a hug,
then glide back to the Relax the Eyes • Attended at least a four-day intensive workshop
starting position. 1. Place the pads of your thumbs • Taught parent classes during a workshop while
4. Repeat this stroke with the other hand to the on your baby’s eyebrows or being supervised
opposite shoulder. brow line near the nose. • Completed an independent study that includes
5. Continue alternating hands in this crisscross motion 2. Gently stroke out to the end of practical teaching
across your baby’s chest. the brow.
A certified educator of infant massage (CEIM) has met all
Integration Upper Lip Smile of these requirements. This certification is the oldest and
1. Place your hands on your 1. Place your thumbs on the most comprehensive training available.
baby’s shoulders. center of the upper lip.
2. Slowly sweep your hands 2. Stroke out to the edges of What Happens During an Infant Massage Class
from the shoulders, down the mouth. Infant massage classes are traditionally given with all
the chest, tummy, and legs, participants sitting in a circle on the floor. There are no
and down to the toes. Lower Lip Smile performance standards, and since you’re encouraged to
1. Place your thumbs on the meet your baby’s specific needs, you’ll be able to move in
Arms center of the lower lip. and out of the circle as you like. The instructor will present
The strokes used on the arms are similar to those used on 2. Stroke out to the edges of the strokes in an organized format that’s easy to follow—in
the legs. Before continuing to the arms, check in with your the mouth. successive segments starting with legs and feet. The educa-
baby and do CLASS (see How to Get Started). tor will use a baby doll to model the approach and strokes
Back of infant massage.
Indian Milking Before continuing to the back, check in with your baby and Each week, you’ll learn more strokes. This week-to-week
1. Hold your baby’s wrist with do CLASS (see How to Get Started). progression allows you and your baby the time you need to
one hand. establish your own style, rhythm, and pace. Infant massage
2. With the other hand on top Back and Forth is far more than just learning massage strokes: it’s a way to
and thumb on the bottom, 1. Place both hands together at further your connection with your baby.
mold your fingers to the arm. the top of your baby’s back.
3. Stroke from the shoulder to 2. Move your hands back and What to Bring to Class
the wrist. forth across the back while When attending a class, take along the items you need to
4. Switch hands and stroke the moving from the shoulders meet your infant’s usual needs. Some classes may provide
other side of the arm. to the bottom. extra blankets and pillows, or you may be asked to bring
3. Stroke back up to the your own.
Open the Hand and Fingers shoulders.
1. Glide your thumbs one after Private Courses
the other into the palm of your Swoop If you prefer private classes, you can arrange them at your
baby’s hand to open the hand. 1. Place one hand still at your home or location of choice with a certified educator. Prices
2. Place your thumb and index baby’s bottom. vary but are generally higher than for group classes.
finger around one of your 2. Swoop your other hand from
baby’s fingers. the shoulders down the back Infant Massage Websites
3. Gently glide down and off the tip to where your hands meet on To find courses and instructors and to learn more about
of the finger. the bottom. infant massage in general, visit the following websites.
4. Repeat for each finger.
Circles •
Wrist Circles 1. Make small circles using •
1. Support your baby’s arm in both the flat, padded parts of •
of your hands. your fingers.
2. With your thumbs, circle around 2. Circle down one side of the
the top of the wrist. back, then back up the other
3. With your index fingers, circle side—never on the spine.
around the bottom of the wrist. 3. You can also include circles on the bottom.