Placement CV
Placement CV
Placement CV
[email protected] 9775405888
Year Degree/Exam Institute CGPA/Marks
2023 M.SC(5YR) IIT Kharagpur 7.98 / 10
2017 CBSE Delhi Public School 84%
2015 CBSE Bikaner Boys School 9.0 / 10
Affine Analytics Pvt. Ltd. | Data Science Intern | Bangalore [May'22 - June'22]
Objective: Built a model that can automate resume scoring and ranking process using Natural Language Processing
• Performed data cleaning and keyword extraction from applicants resume by using PyPDF2 package and created a Bag of Words Model
• Created a weighted scoring system to effectively rank resumes for a given job description using Spacy PhraseMatcher and NLTK
• Streamlined the entire process into a pipeline and created API's for weighted score and Bar graph to scale and automate the process
Disjoint Set Union | Project
• Implemented an algorithm for Disjoint Set Union ,useful for various tasks like finding connected componets and finding MST of graph
• Implemented union find by rank variation for improved efficiency and futher improved efficiency by path compression of DSU tree
• Explored various C++ OOPs concepts like objects,structure, classes, constructors, encapsulation, static functions and access specifiers
Detecting Covid-19 with chest X-rays | Project [July'21]
• Created an image classification model and used data set of around 3000 X-rays that can predict chest X-ray scans of patients that belong
to one of the three classes - Normal, Viral Pneumonia or Covid19 with reasonable high accuracy of around 79.8%
• Trained Covid-19 radiography dataset from Kaggle and achieved an overall 85.5% accuracy on test set by using ResNet18 (Convolutional
Neural Network) pre-trained image classification model and further performed hyperparameter tunning to increase accuracy to 87.3%
Time Series Analysis | Term Project | Prof. Pulak Mishra [Sep'20 - Nov'20]
• Explored the short-run and long-run relationship between stock market and macro-economic variables with the monthly data set
• Checked the stationarity of each Time Series and applied the Error Correction Model to test for the short-run and long-run dynamics
• Tested for the Granger Causality among Nifty, Call money rate, Inflation rate, Exchange rate, Gold prices and several other variables
• Finally concluded that the stock market is weak-form efficient since past the data have no significant impact on the stock market
Data Analysis Challenge | Technology General Championship | IIT Kharagpur [February'20]
Objective: To analyse electricity consumption of 5 corporate buildings over period of 9 months & predict consumption for next 3 months
• Identified stationarity & auto-correlation of time series by conducting ADF test & DW statistics test on given 15-minute timestamp data
• Trained & tested time series forecasting models Holt Winer's, ARIMA, SARIMA and identified which model fits best on given data
• Constructed final model by ensembling of SARIMA & VAR models and achieved 85% accuracy on taking test data as 20% of given data
• Secured All India rank - 2531 of the total 1,600,000 candidates in Joint Enterence Examination, Mains held in 2018 conducted by CBSE
• Secured All India rank - 2974 in General category JEE Advanced Examination conducted by IIT Kanpur in 2018 and got 99.2 percentile
Mathematics: Probability and Statistics | Discrete Mathematics | Integral Calculus | Transform Calculus | Numerical solutions of ODE PDE
Computing: Programming and Data Structures(Theory+Lab) | Applied Algorithms and Data Structures | Object-Oriented System Design
MOOCs: Machine Learning | Applied Data Science in Python Spec.| Probability and Statistics | Regression and Time series Modelling
Economics: Public Finance and Policy | Banking Theory and Finance | International Finance | Operations Research(Theory+Lab)
Mess Secretary | MMM Hall of Residence | IIT Kharagpur [Sep'19 - Mar'20]
• Carried out various surveys related to mess conditions, meal quality, and hygiene conditions of the mess among the 1400+ boarders
• Helped to improve the quality, taste of food and snacks given to the boarders living in the hall, as well as the mess's overall condition
Core Team Member | MMM Hall of Residence| IIT Kharagpur [Sept'19 - Nov'19]
• Part of the team responsible for designing, planning and organizing the Illumination and Rangoli event for MMM Hall of Residence
• Coordinated with the team of more than 200 students and managed the activities involved in Illumination for MMM Hall of Residence
• Taught many students of villages in the social welfare campaign initiated by the National Service Scheme(NSS) at IIT Kharagpur
• Participated in the Hall Dramatics in General Championship for presenting creative portrayal of rampant social issues and social awarness
• Solved more than 1000 questions on different coding platforms like Leetcode ,InterviewBit, Binary Search and Codeforces and many more
!Self declared by the student, CDC could not verify the relevant documents