The Effect of Boiling On The Proximate Analysis and Mineral Composition of Okra

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By Gav, BL; Nanev, JD; Surma, N; Kutshak, PI; Odike, G (2024).

Greener Journal of Agricultural Sciences

ISSN: 2276-7770
Vol. 14(2), pp. 73-85, 2024
Copyright ©2024, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International.

The Effect of Boiling on the Proximate

Analysis and Mineral composition of Okra

Gav, B. Lyambee1; Nanev, J.D. 1; Surma, N.; Kutshak,

P.I.; Odike, G.1
1Dept. of chem., Faculty of Natural Science, Joseph Sarwuan Tarka University, P.M.B 2373,
Makurdi, Nigeria.


Article No.: 052224071 Okra fruits are one of the most commonly consumed vegetables worldwide
Type: Research for good health as well as nutritional benefits. The present work seeks to
Full Text: PDF, PHP, HTML, EPUB, MP3 determine the effect of boiling on the proximate and mineral composition
okra purchased from Wurukum market, Makurdi. Benue State. The samples
were washed with distilled water to remove sandy particles. It was then
sliced in to uniform thickness using stainless steel knife, oven dried and
Accepted: 28/05/2024 pounded into powder form and were analysed for proximate and mineral
Published: 21/06/2024 contents using standard methods. Results of proximate composition of both
raw and boiled okra is as follows: moisture content (12.20 and 12.82 ), Ash
*Corresponding Author content (8.45 and 7.80). Crude fibre (17.65 and 15.58 ), Crude protein (16.44
Gav, B. Lyambee and 14.89),Crude fat (2.40 and 2.15). The results revealed that boiling have
E-mail: benedictgav@ effect on the proximate parameters. The results obtained from mineral
analysis of both raw and boiled okra revealed the presence of Ca (50.00 and
Keywords: Proximate, Mineral, 46.67 ppm), Fe(0.49 and 0.22ppm), Na(11.83 and 10.12 ppm), Mg(7.45 and
Analysis, Okra, Composition.
6.93 ppm) and Zn (0.09 and 0.04 ppm). The results of the mineral elements
were within WHO standard for food consumption. Generally the results both
the proximate and mineral analysis showed that okra were healthy for human

Greener Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 73-85, 2024
74 Gav et al / Greener Journal of Agricultural Sciences

INTRODUCTION tools and fertilizer. These factors has significant effect on

the production of okra in the State.
Okra vegetable (Abelmoschus esculentus) initially Okra is a multipurpose crop due to its various
belonged to the genus Hibiscus but was later labeled uses of the pods, fresh leaves, buds, flowers, stems, and
Abelmoschus, which is distinguished from the genus seeds. Okra immature fruits (pods), which are consumed
Hibiscus (Aladele et al., 2008). A proposal was as vegetables, can be used in salads, soups, and stews,
subsequently made to raise Abelmoschus to the rank of fresh or dried, fried or boiled (Habtamu et al., 2014).
distinct genus by Medikus in 1787 (Benchasri, 2012). Despite its nutritional compositions, Okra pod is a
Okra is a multi-purpose crop due to its various uses of powerhouse of valuable nutrients (Adetuyi et al., 2011)
the fresh leaves, buds, flowers, pods, stems and seeds and affordable source of protein, carbohydrates,
(Habtamu et al., 2014). It ranks one of the topmost in minerals, vitamins, and dietary fiber when boiled
India in terms of its consumption but its original home is (Habtamu et al., 2014). Okra pods are not only have
Ethiopia and Sudan, the north-eastern African countries beneficial nutrients but might contain traces of
(Kumar et al., 2013). It is a semi-woody, fibrous, antinutritional factors, which may have adverse effects
herbaceous annual vegetable with an indeterminate on bioavailability of some minerals like calcium, iron, and
growth habit; it grows to a height of 3 to 6 ft (0.9 to 1.8 zinc (minerals element). However, okra has been
m). The plant is known to form a deeply penetrating considered as a minor crop and there is no single
taproot with dense, shallow feeder roots in the upper 18 information or published studies available about
inches (46 cm) of the soil with large, alternate, palmate nutritional, anti-nutritional, and bioavailability of Okra
leaves with small stipules (Lamont & Wall, 1999). Okra, pods grown in Ethiopia.
also known as “lady's fingers” and is one of the vegetable This study discovers the potential effect of
crops grown in Southwestern Nigeria (Okoh et al., 2018). boiling on proximate analysis and minerial composition
Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) is an important of Okra (especially sun-dried) for nutritional benefits.
vegetable crop (Oyelade et al., 2003) originated in This study can help researchers to uncover a critical area
Ethiopia (Dandena 2010). This crop is one of the most of nutritional profile assessment which have not been
widely known and utilized species of the family explored by other researchers.
Malvaceae (Naveed et al., 2009). Okra is known by many The aim of this study is to determine the effect of
local names in different parts of the world (Nzikou et al., boiling on the proximate and mineral composition of okra
2006). In Nigeria local languages, in Tiv it is called Atuu, Abelmoschus esculentus (Okra) purchased in wurukun
in Igede it is called Ugbodu, in Idoma it is called Ikpoho, market, Makurdi Benue State.
and in Yoruba it is called Ila, It is called lady’s finger in
England, gumbo in the United States of America,
guinogombo in Spanish, guibeiro in Portuguese, and MATERIALS AND METHODS.
bhindiin India (Ndunguru & Rajabu, 2004; Sorapong
Benchasr, 2012). In its origin of Ethiopia it is also called Study Area
Kenkase (Berta), Andeha (Gumuz), Bamia
(Oromica/Amharic) (Gemede et al., 2015). The name This study is carried out in Benue State. Benue state is
Okra probably derives from one of Niger-Congo group of located at the north central of Nigeria with 23 local
languages (the name for okra in the Twi language is government area and is divided into three senatorial
nkuruma) (Benjawan et al., 2007). The term okra was in zones, zone A, B and C according to the world Gazettes
the use of English by the late 18th century (Arapitsas (2007), the state was created on February 3rd 1976, from
2008). benue plateau state, has 23 local government with 423
Therefore, promoting the consumption of Okra wards, the state shares international boundary with
pods could provide cheap sources of nutrients that can republic of Cameron to south-east and inter-state
improve the nutritional status and reducing the boundaries with Nasarawa state to the north Taraba
prevalence of malnutrition especially among resource- state to east, Enugu state and cross river state to the
constrained households and can also used as a means south and Kogi state to the west. The state capital is
of dietary diversification. On the other hand, the Makurdi, Benue state is rich in Agriculture and has a
presence of anti-nutritional factors is one of the major slogan ‘food basket of the nation’ the state is 65%
drawbacks limiting the nutritional qualities of the food agrarian and is inhabited by Tiv, Idoma, Igede, and
(Kathirvel & Kumudha, 2011). others including Etulo, Ufia, Jukum, Housa, Akweya, and
Okra are predominately produced in Benue Abaka. The predominate religion among the people is
State, they grew many varieties without knowing the Christianity. Other forms of religion practiced in the state
nutritional values and the mineral composition, other are Islam and traditional religion. The state has a
problems are lack of adequate rain fall, lack of agriculture population of 4.184,216 by 2005 census. The sample site
is indicated in the Figure 1.
Gav et al / Greener Journal of Agricultural Sciences 75

Fig. 1 Map of Benue state showing Makurdi, the sampling site


Sample Collection paper into 50 mL standard volumetric flask. The filtrate

was diluted to 50 mL with distilled water and then
Samples of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) were bought transferred to plastic sample bottle and covered prior to
from Wurukun Market, Makurdi at 10 am, Each of the analysis.
collected okra pod were coded, packed in polyethylene
bags, kept in an ice box (to prevent moisture loss), and Method of Analysis
transported to chemistry Research laboratory of Joseph
Sarwuan Tarka University Benue State Makurdi. Proximate Analysis

Sample Preparation Determination of Moisture

The samples were washed with distilled water to remove The moisture content was determined by an air oven
sandy particles. the samples were sliced using a method as described by (AOAC, 2000) Two grams of test
stainless steel knife. The moisture content each of the sample were weighed in duplicate into already weighed
Okra was determined immediately after sliced to uniform and cooled petri-dishes the sample were transform into air
thickness. It was then oven dried and ponded to powder oven at 1050C for 3 hours. At the end of 3 hours the
form. sample were allowed to cool in desiccator. It was taken to
the oven to dry and be reweighed until a constant was
Digestion of Samples obtain. It is calculated as:

The digestion of the samples was carried out by the Moisture constant
process described by Adedolu & Adewuyi (2013). Weight of sample (g)
Exactly 1.0g dried and sieved samples was weighed into Weight of dry matter (x)
25.0 mL conical flask. 12.0 mL of freshly prepared and Loss in weight (g-x)
aqua-regia (3ml HNO3 + 9 ml Hcl) was added. The flask
𝑔=𝑥 100
was covered with a filter paper to enable the digestion to % moisture content ( × )
𝑔 1
take place under constant volume. The constant was
heated for 1hr on the medium heat of a hot plate. The
mixture was allowed to cool and filtered through a filter
76 Gav et al / Greener Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Determination of crude protein Crude fat

Protein determination was determined by the method Crude fat was determined using AOAC (2000) method 5
described by A0AC (2000). Two-tenth gram of the sample g of sample were weighed into thimble and a loose plug of
was weighed into a Kjedhal digestive flask. Eight-tenth of fat free cotton wool was filted into top thimble with its
catalyst moisture was placed in a conical flask with few content was inserted into the bottom extractor of the
boiling chips. 10ml of concentrated H2SO4 acid was Soxhlet apparatus. A 250 ml round bottom flask of known
added and the mixture was heat on a heating mantle. weight contain 150-200 ml of petroleum ether and fat
Initially gently until foaming cease and content become extracted under reflux for about 3hrs. At end of the
completely liquefied. extraction the solvent was recovered. The mixture of
It was the heat vigorously until the liquid was clear extracted oil solvent was transfer to an air oven 100oC for
and free from black colour. The flask wa cool and the 5 mins, to move radiant moisture. The flask with the oil
constant diluted with twenty-five ml distilled water. was then cooled in a desiccators and weighed.
Distillation apparatus was connected, 5ml of boric acid
solution was measured into a 500 conical flask and a few crude fat
drops of methylene red indicator were added. The flask Weight of sample (g)
was placed on the receiver so that the end of the delivery Weight of fat (x)
tube tips just below the level of the boric acid.
𝑥 100
5 ml of digested samples was pipette into % fat ( × )
𝑔 1
distribution unit 7 ml of 50%, NaOH solution was added.
The unit was close and the liberated ammonia was
Determination of ash
streamed distilled into boric acid the unit was titrated with
0.1m HCL acid until the green colour changed to purple.
The ash of food stiff is the inorganic residue remaining
The percentage of nitrogen in the sample was calculated after the organic matter has been burnt away. The ash
with the formula obtain is not necessarily of the same composition of the
mineral losses due to volatilization of some interaction
Crude protein between components.
Weight of sample (g)
Titre value (T) Procedure:

𝑇×=𝑚×0.014×𝐷𝑓×100 A crucible was first ignited in a finance of 550 oC for about

%N= 15 min. cooled in a desiccator and weighed, 2 grams of
sample was weighed into the cruible and the temperature
% protein = %N×6.25 was increased gradually until smoking ceased and the
sample with charred sample was placed in a muffle
furnace, temperature of the furnace to 550 oC and
Determination of crude fibre maintained for 4-5 hrs until whitish grey ash was obtained.

The method described as outline in AOAC (2000) modified The crucible was cool in desiccators to room temperature
was used in determining the crude fibre content of sample, and then weighed.
two grams of sample was weighed into a 500 ml beaker
and boiled into 200 ml HCL (1%) for 30 mins. The The percentage as was calculated as
suspension was filtered using a white filter paper and Weight of sample (g)
rinsed with hot water to obtain filtrate. The residue Weight of Ash (x)
obtained was transferred into a crucible and placed in an
𝑥 100
oven for 30mins. The dried residue was cooled in a %ash ( × )
𝑔 1
desiccator and weighed. Percentage of crude fiber was
calculated as
Determination of carbohydrate
crude fiber
The procedure outlined in AOAC (2005) was used in the
Weight of sample (g)
determination of carbohydrate content.
Weight of dry matter (x)
weight of residue (y)
This was calculated by difference sum total of the
𝑥=𝑦 100 moisture, fat, protein ash content were subtracted from
% fibre ( × ) 100 as below.
𝑔 1

%carbohydrate content = 100 – (%protein + % moisture +

% fat %ash + %crude fibre).
Gav et al / Greener Journal of Agricultural Sciences 77

Mineral Element Analysis The results obtained were subjected to statistical

analysis. Data obtained were evaluated using mean,
2.0 cm3 of the samples were each weighed and digested (SD) and coefficient of variation percentage (CV) all
with concentrated HNO3. After completed digestion. The determinations were in triplicated
volume was made up with deionized water in a volumetric
flask. The samples were analyzed for mineral element

Statistical Analysis Results

Table 1: Proximate Composition of Raw and boiled Okra

Parameters Raw okra Boiled okra Mean SD CV% WHO Stdrd Yr 2011

%Moisture 12.20 12.82 12.51 0.45 3.40 89.5

%Ash content 8.45 7.80 8.13 0.46 5.66 4.1
%Crude fibre 17.65 15.58 16.62 1.46 8.78 1.8
%Crude protein 16.44 14.89 15.67 1.09 6.96 0.61
%Crude fat 2.40 2.15 2.78 0.73 26.26 0.14

Table 2: Mineral element of raw and boiled okra

Metals Raw okra Boiled okra mean SD CV WHO Stdrd Yr 2011

Ca 50.00 46.67 48.33 2.36 11.49 24.00

Fe 0.49 0.22 0.36 0.18 9.53 0.10
Na 11.83 10.12 10.97 1.21 13.29 3.00
Mg 7.45 6.93 7.19 0.37 1.91 10.00
Zn 0.09 0.04 0.06 0.05 3.28 0.14

DISCUSSION stability and susceptibility to microbial contamination

(Uyoh et al., 2013). The high moisture content in
Moisture content vegetables makes them vulnerable to microbial attack,
hence spoilage (Nwofia et al., 2012). This high moisture
Moisture content determination is an integral part of the content also implies that dehydration would increase the
proximate composition analysis of food. The result of relative concentrations of other food nutrient and
Moisture content of raw and boiled Okra is presented in therefore improve the shelf‐life and preservation of the
Table 4.1. fruits (Aruah et al., 2012). There is also need to store the
The moisture content of raw okra 12.20 % was fruit in cool condition if they are to be kept for a long
less than that of boiled okra 12.82 %, the total mean of period without spoilage especially in the urban areas
raw and boiled okra is 12.51 %. Though moisture were wastage of vegetable crops is estimated to be
content are not lost due to heat, they are usually leached around 50 % due to high moisture content
if boiled in boiling water. The high moisture content in (Nwofia, 2012). The mean value of the moisture content
okra is in agreement with the finding of Adetuyi et al., in these study is 12.51% and it is far below what WHO
(2011). Also this is in accordance with the finding of standard 2011 reported (89.5 %).
Gopalan et al., (2007) (89 %) and (Nwachukwu The effect of boiling in the moisture content of
et al., 2014) (88.47 %). Moisture content of any food is okra is shown in figure 4.1: below
an index of its water activity and is used as a measure of
78 Gav et al / Greener Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Figure 1: % moisture content in raw and boiled okra

Ash content that the samples contains high ash content which
indicates that the okra pods would provide essential
The ash content is a measure/reflection of the valuable and useful minerals needed for body
nutritionally important mineral contents present in the development. The mean of ash content in this result
food material (Omotosho 2005; Nnamani et al., 2009). agrees with the findings of Adetuya et al., (2011) (7.19–
Table 4.1 shows the crude ash contents of raw and 9.63 %). And it is high above the reported WHO standard
boiled used in this study. The level of ash content was 2011 (4.1 %).
ranged from 8.45 % (raw okra) to 7.80 % (boiled okra) The difference between the ash content in raw
with a mean of 8.13 %. The ash content was significantly and boiled okra is shown in figure 4.2.
higher in “raw okra” (8.45 %), whereas the boiled okra
had a lower ash content (7.80 %). The results showed

Figure 2: % % ash content in raw and boiled okra

Gav et al / Greener Journal of Agricultural Sciences 79

Crude Fibre expands the inside wall of the colon, causing the
passage of waste, thus making it an effective anti-
Crude fibre provides bulk to the gut which stimulates constipation. Fibre also reduces the risk of various
peristalsis and result in shorter passage time and more cancers, bowel diseases and improves general health
frequent defecation. The proximate crude fibre content and well-being of individual. The mean value of fiber in
presents in this study was (17.65 % and 15.58 %) for the this study is higher than the result reported by World
raw and boiled samples and the mean value was (16.62 Health Organization standard (1.80). Table 1. revealed
%). According to Eromosele (2013), Fibre helps in the the mean value of raw and boiled samples and this was
maintenance of human health and has been known to higher than 11.8% reported by Olagunju (2014) and
reduce cholesterol level in the body. High fibre foods 8.02% result reported by Alawore (2014).

Figure 3: % crude fibre content in raw and boiled okra

Crude protein Nwofia et al., (2012) reported that diet is nutritionally

satisfactory, if it contains high caloric value and a
The main functions of proteins are growth and sufficient amount of protein. It have been shown that any
replacement of lost tissues in the human body. plant foods that provides about 12 % of their calorific
Table 4.1 shows the crude protein contents of raw and value from protein are considered good source of protein
boiled okra used in the study. The protein content of Okra (Effiong et al., 2009; Ali 2010). The protein content of
varied significantly from 16.44 % in raw okra to 14.89 Okra meets these requirements and this implies that
% in “boiled okra”. The mean value (15.67 %) of the Okra pod can serve as a good source of protein. The
accessions obtained in the study is almost comparable mean value of the protein content in this study is 2.78 %
with the finding of Adetuya et al, (2011) (13.61– which is completely high above the reported WHO
16.27 g/100 g) while higher than the value reported by standard 2011 with 0.61%.
Nwachukwu et al., (2014) (4.81 g/100 g). And this implies The difference between the raw and boiled
that Okra pod can serve as a good source of protein. protein content is shown in figure.4.
80 Gav et al / Greener Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Figure 4: % crude protein content in raw and boiled okra

Crude fat providing 1–2% of its caloric of energy as fat is said to be

sufficient to human beings (Aruah et al., 2011), in this
Crude fat content of raw and boiled Okra is presented in regard, the consumption of Okra pod diet should be
Table 4.1. The levels of crude fat varied from 2.40 % “raw encouraged to reduce the risk of above diseases in man.
okra” to 2.15 % “boiled okra”. Raw okra had the highest The mean value of the fat content in this study is 8.13 %
crude fat content (2.40 %) which was significantly higher which is completely high above the reported WHO
than the crude fat content of boiled okra. With the mean standard 2011 (014 %).
of (2.78%). Excess consumption of fat have been The effect of boiling on the fat content of okra
implicated in certain cardiovascular disorders such as pod is shown in figure 5.
atherosclerosis, cancer, and aging, whereas a diet

Figure 5: % crude fat content in raw and boiled okra

Gav et al / Greener Journal of Agricultural Sciences 81

Calcium (Ca) boiled. The mean result is 48.33 ppm. Raw okra had the
highest calcium content (50.00 ppm) which was
Calcium is the major component of bone and assists in significantly higher than the Calcium content in boiled
teeth development. Calcium concentrations are also okra (46.67 ppm). This result appeared to be far less than
necessary for blood coagulation and for the integrity of the Calcium contents of Okra variety reported by WHO
intracellular cement substances (Okaka and (2011) which is 143.47 Mg/100g.
Okaka 2001). Calcium content in raw and boiled okra is The difference between the calcium content of
shown in Table 4.2. The concentration of Calcium in the raw and boiled okra is shown in figure 6.
sample is varied from 50.000 ppm in raw to 46.67 ppm in

Figure.6: calcium (Ca) content in raw and boiled okra

Iron (Fe) infection (Ullah et al., 2012). Table 4.2 shows Iron
content of raw and boiled Okra. The contents of Iron
Iron is an essential trace element for hemoglobin varied from 0.49 ppm” to 0.23ppm”. the mean result is
formation, normal functioning of central nervous system 0.38. The Iron content of raw okra had higher (0.49 ppm),
and in the oxidation of carbohydrates, protein, and fats but this did not differ significantly from boiled okra” (0.23
(Kermanshah et al., 2014; Mlitan et al., 2014). It also ppm). The values obtained in this study were far less
facilitates carbohydrates, protein, and fat to control body than the value reported by WHO. (2011) which is
weight, which is very important factor in diabetes (Moses 5.50mg. This indicates that Okra pod is a rich source of
et al., 2012). Iron is necessary for the formation of Iron.
hemoglobin and also plays an important role in oxygen Figure .7: shows the difference between the Iron
transfer in human body and low iron content causes content of raw and boiled okra.
gastrointestinal infection, nose bleeding myocardial
82 Gav et al / Greener Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Figure 7: Iron (Fe) content in raw and boiled okra

Sodium (Na) but this did not differ significantly (10.98 ppm) The values
obtained in this study were far less than the value
Sodium content of raw and boiled Okra are shown in reported by WHO. (2011) which was 17.82.
Table 4.2. In this study, the sodium contents varied from Figure .8: shows the difference between the
11.83 ppm in raw to 10.12 ppm in boiled. Sodium content sodium (Na) content in raw and boiled okra.
of raw Okra (11.83 ppm) was higher than the boiled okra

Figure 8: Sodium (Na) content in raw and boiled okra

Gav et al / Greener Journal of Agricultural Sciences 83

Magnesium is completely below 11.00 mg/L reported by Ojokoh

(2014) and 10.56 mg/L reported by Khuda (2014) in a
Magnesium is an essential mineral required by the body similar work. This result shows that okra is a healthy
for muscle and nerve function, maintaining heart rhythm, consumption for Human and animals. Considering the
building strong bones and energy production. 7.45 ppm raw sample (7.45 ppm), this sample was reduced after
of raw sample and 6.93 ppm of boiled sample were boiling to 6.93 ppm as it was determined using AAS
presents in the okra pod. The mean value of the samples {Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer}.
(i.e. raw and boiled) was obtained as 7.12 ppm. The Figure 9: shows the difference between the
value obtained from the samples was similar to the result magnesium content in raw and boiled okra.
reported by WHO (2011). The result of this present study

Figure 9: magnesium (Mg) content in raw and boiled okra

Zinc (Zn) acne, eczema, and stress (Kermanshah et al., 2014).

Zinc content in the raw and boiled okra are shown in
Zinc is an essential trace element and plays an important Table 2. The content of Zinc varied between 0.09 ppm in
role in various cell processes including normal growth, raw okra and 0.035 ppm”. Zinc content of pod accession
brain development, behavioral response, bone raw okra had higher content (0.09 ppm). This differ
formation, and wound healing (Mlitan et al., 2014). Zinc significantly (P > 0.05) from boiled okra” (0.04 pmm). The
also plays a very important role in protein and values obtained in this study are less than the values
carbohydrate metabolism and also help in mobilizing reported by WHO (2011) (1.28)
vitamin A from its storage site in the liver and facilitates This study revealed that mineral element of raw
the synthesis of DNA and RNA necessary for cell and boiled okra were below WHO standard. The mean
production (Jabeen et al., 2010). Zinc deficiency is shown in table 4.2 were lower compare to the WHO
common in people suffering from Chrohn's disease, standard (2011) with calcium (Ca) having the Highest
hypothyroidism, and gum disease, and probably plays a value of 48.33 ppm and Zinc (Zn) having the lowest value
part in susceptibility to viral infections and diabetes of 0.06 ppm.
mellitus. It can be beneficial in the treatment of viral Figure 10: shows the difference between the
infections, including those of AIDS, prostate gland Zinc (Zn) content in raw and boiled okra pod.
enlargement, rheumatoid arthritis, healing of wounds,
84 Gav et al / Greener Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Figure 10: Zinc (Zn) content in raw and boiled okra

CONCLUSIONS its cultivation and consumption is encouraged as

additional source of minerals to the diet of the indigenous
This study was carried out on proximate and mineral people. Therefore, Okra pods could be employed in
analysis of okra in Benue State Nigeria. Okra pod were fortification, formulation and supplementation of other
purchased in Wurukun market Makurdi, Benue State. food materials.
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remove sandy particles, the samples were sliced using a
stainless-steel knife. The moisture content of each Okra REFERENCES
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Cite this Article: Gav, BL; Nanev, JD; Surma, N; Kutshak, PI; Odike, G (2024). The Effect of Boiling on the Proximate
Analysis and Mineral composition of Okra. Greener Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 14(2): 73-85.

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