Gatin Vukcevic Jasak 2019 Fully Automated CFD Analysis For Full Scale Ship Hydrodynamics
Gatin Vukcevic Jasak 2019 Fully Automated CFD Analysis For Full Scale Ship Hydrodynamics
Gatin Vukcevic Jasak 2019 Fully Automated CFD Analysis For Full Scale Ship Hydrodynamics
A Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software environment for establishing full-scale ship
hydrodynamic characteristics with low cost and time to delivery is presented in this paper. The
framework features fully automated process of CFD analysis from geometry input to report
generation. Two applications are supported: prediction of resistance curve and power curve. The
automated power curve prediction enables trim optimisation knowledge database calculation for low
cost. The software requires minimal user interaction by using pre-set numerical settings that are
tailored for steady resistance in calm water and self-propulsion, providing accurate CFD simulations.
The framework is based on an open-source software eliminating licence-related fees, enabling low
overall cost.
Many speak of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) as the great new technology that can solve all
problems in designing ships of all kinds. Yet, we do not seem to see this in everyday life of ship
design offices. CFD is getting more accurate, fast and reliable but still it did not spread in the marine
industry like many have anticipated. Sure, there is a plethora of research groups and R&D
departments in big companies doing CFD but this is still not the market-wide application that can
really transform the industry. Small design offices seldom rely on CFD, and only a fraction of the
world’s fleet uses CFD-generated trim optimisation data-bases to save fuel in daily operation
(Reichel, Minchev, & Larsen, 2014).
So where’s the problem? It is no secret that CFD is computationally expensive, but is this really the
number one reason why it is not spreading through small design offices and ships in service like wild
fire? Not really. The cost of High Performance Computing (HPC) has reduced so much that almost
any CFD software can calculate ship steady resistance at five speeds for less than 200 EUR of CPU-
related costs. Cloud-based HPC services are widely available and easy to use. The problem seems to
lie on the other side of the computer screen – the human effort and expertise that are necessary to
prepare and interpret the simulations. A man-hour of a highly skilled expert is far more expensive
than computer resources, and this is a two-fold obstacle for everyday application of CFD. First, the
highly skilled expert can usually do only the one thing – CFD calculations, and second, he is very
expensive! This prevents many small to medium ship design offices and ship owners to use CFD:
their intermittent needs for CFD do not justify employing an expensive expert to sit around most of
the year. Even if they do, it does not guarantee a successful application of the technology.
In order for CFD to really contribute to the shipping industry on a larger scale, these problems need to
be addressed. The amount of human effort needs to be minimised to reduce the man-hour cost, while
at the same time the number of input parameters needs to be brought down to ship particulars and load
condition details, leaving CFD-specific parameters away from the user. This can be done by
automating the entire process, which also solves the second problem: the need for a highly skilled
CFD engineer. There is a big “however” here, and that is that it is very difficult to automate the
complete CFD calculation process, from pre-processing to post-processing. Generating the
computational grid is the most time-consuming part of the process, and requires heavy user-
interaction in an iterative process. Running the simulation, i.e. processing, requires specific
knowledge of CFD in order to properly set-up numerical parameters, often entailing considerable
uncertainty of the user with respect to different parameters leading to human error and poor results.
The post-processing step is straight forward and does not differ from other similar engineering
activities, where a comprehensive document containing relevant results and graphs should be
produced. Still, it consumes a significant amount of precious man-hours.
Despite the difficulties, fully automating the CFD process is possible, but only for narrowly
specialised applications. Luckily, calm water ship resistance and self-propulsion are specific enough
to allow automation. This paper presents a fully automated numerical framework for these two
specific applications that is a result of years of experience in performing such calculations, which
yielded a set of numerical settings that are broadly applicable for different vessel types. A
parametrised grid generation methodology is developed that is fully autonomous, requiring only basic
ship information. The automatic self-propulsion calculation capability is applicable to generating low-
cost knowledge data-bases needed for trim optimisation, where the delivered propeller power is
calculated depending on the draught, trim and vessel speed. The numerical framework is based on in-
house CFD software specialised for naval hydrodynamics called the Naval Hydro Pack.
The remainder of the paper is dedicated to showing several examples for both calm-water resistance
and self-propulsion calculations, together with result comparison against experiments and full-scale
sea trials. Finally, the most important part of the paper is the cost analysis which is performed in terms
of man-hours and computational time to depict the level of automation.
The Naval Hydro Pack is a CFD software based on collocated Finite Volume method. In this work,
we rely on Level Set for interface capturing. Special discretisation techniques are employed based on
the Ghost Fluid Method to guarantee high accuracy of the two-phase flow model (Vukčević, Jasak &
Gatin 2017)
The ship propellers are modelled using the actuator disc model where a pressure jump is prescribed on
a circular surface representing the propeller. The key feature of the algorithm is the ability to assess
the undisturbed propeller inflow velocity without the need to perform a separate open water
calculation (Jasak, Vukčević, Gatin, & Lalović, 2019).
The developed automated framework enables various vessel types to be considered, i.e. no
assumptions are made on the ratios of L, B and T, number of hulls, or on the Froude numbers. Figure
1 shows a few examples of different vessels during a calm water resistance simulation produced with
the fully-automated procedure.
Calculation of ship resistance in calm water conditions is very important and therefore deserves to be
verified and validated in detailed. The Naval Hydro Pack has shown to be sufficiently accurate and
precise in the past (see e.g. Gatin, Jasak, & Vukčević, 2015), however some recent results from Gatin,
Vukčević, Škurić, & Jasak, 2018 will be shown here.
Figure 1. Various hull forms sailing in calm water.
To test the automated procedure, three different, publicly available hull forms are selected and
simulated. Namely the KCS, JBC and DTMB 5512 hull forms are used, both due to the availability of
the geometries and experimental results (National Marine Research Institute, 2015, Iowa Institute of
Hydraulic Research). Accuracy is reported in this section, while man-hour and computational costs
are presented in section 5.
Table 1 shows the main particulars of the three vessels. Here, 𝜆 denotes the scale of the model. Note
that the simulations are performed in model scale to allow direct comparison against experimental
results; however the numerical framework makes no assumptions on the scale of the ship. Table 2
shows the characteristics of computational grids generated by the automatic framework. Figure 2
shows the side-view of the generated grids for the three hull forms.
Table 2. Characteristics of the computational grids automatically generated for the three test
hull forms.
No. Cells 1 609 281 1 733 267 2 219 751
No. Hexahedra 1 526 009 1 699 753 2 183 431
Figure 2. Side-view of the generated computational grids for KCS, JBC and DTMB hulls, in
that order from top to bottom.
Table 3 shows the results of the steady resistance simulations for KCS, JBC and DTMB hull together
with corresponding experimental data. In the table σ denotes the dynamic sinkage, τ stands for
dynamic trim angle, while E rr stands for relative error calculated as Err (EFD CFD ) , where
EFD denotes the experimental result and CFD the simulation result. The differences are within 4% for
resistance and within small range for sinkage and trim as well. Note that the results are obtained from
the first try using the automated framework, and no simulations were repeated in order to get better
Table 3. Results of ship resistance in calm water for KCS, JBC and DTMB with comparison to
experimental data.
CT 10 3.64 4.13 4.54
CT ,EFD 10 3 3.71 4.29 4.50
Err ,Ct ,% 1.9 3.7 -0.9
,m -0.441 -0.31 -0.08
EFD , m -0.445 -0.24 N/A
Err , , m 0.004 0.07 N/A
, o
0.182 0.104 0.21
EFD , o 0.169 0.103 N/A
Err , , o -0.013 -0.001 N/A
4. Self-propulsion
In order to resolve the complex interaction between the ship’s hull and the propeller, a self-propulsion
simulation needs to be performed where the resistance of the hull is balanced by the thrust force of the
propeller. An actuator disk model is applied in the present numerical model, which is fed with the
open-water curves of the actual propeller. A proportional-integral controller is applied in order to
adjust the rotation rate of the propeller until the resistance of the hull is balanced by the thrust. The
result is the power needed to be delivered to the propeller and rotation rate.
To gain confidence in the current approach the code was tested on three different cases:
1. Self-propelled model-scale JBC test case with experimental comparison published in Bakica,
Gatin, Vukčević, Jasak, & Vladimir, 2019. It was shown that the resistance force acting on the
hull in the self-propelled condition agreed with experimental measurements within 0.3%,
while the thrust and torque coefficients were assessed with accuracy of around 8%.
2. Full-scale case of a car-carrier produced by the Uljanik shipyard in Croatia, where the
measured mile results were compared to CFD simulations (Jasak, Vukčević, Gatin, & Lalović,
2019). Here, instead of fixing the ship speed, the power delivered to the propeller was fixed,
while the result was the ship speed on the measured mile and propeller rotation rate. The
calculated ship speed was within 0.1% of the measured speed on the fine grid, while the
calculated 126.27 RPM gave a difference of 0.24%. Figure 3 shows the forward speed
calculated on three different computational grids compared to the value measured at the
measured mile on sea-trials. Figure 4 shows the perspective view of the ship in the simulation,
where the actuator disc model can be observed.
Figure 3. Forward speed of the full-scale, self-propelled car-carrier: CFD results and measured
mile data (Jasak, Vukčević, Gatin, & Lalović, 2019).
Figure 4. Carr-carrier in the self-propulsion simulation.
3. Full-scale case featured on the Lloyd’s Workshop on Ship Scale Hydrodynamic Computer
Simulations (Lloyd’s Register, Ponkratov D , 2017), where sea trials were conducted to serve
as benchmark data. The ship in question is a general cargo carrier Regal. In this case, a fixed
propeller rotation rate is applied and the final ship speed is reported. Figure 5 shows the
forward speed convergence compared to measured values during the sea trial. It can be
observed that CFD converges towards the mean of the two measured values (measured mile
in one direction and the opposite, denoted with blue lines). The calculated ship speed falls
within 0.2% of the ISO 15016 speed.
Figure 5. Forward speed of the general cargo carrier Regal, as measured on the sea trial and
calculated using CFD (Jasak, Vukčević, Gatin, & Lalović, 2019).
5. Automatic framework
The automated procedure starts with user input, where data such as main ship particulars, loading
condition particulars (draft and displacement), speed range and similar are supplied to the software. A
Python based environment takes over from there, first generating the computational grid and then
setting up all the necessary simulations. The simulations are then ready to be executed using the Naval
Hydro Pack software. When the simulations are finished, a document is automatically generated
comprising results for all load conditions and speeds. Graphs are included where relevant items are
plotted against speed, such as resistance, power or RPM. Additionally, for the calm-water resistance
simulations polar graphs of inflow velocity distribution in the propeller plane are automatically
produced, as shown in Figure 7.
Figure 7. Automatically generated wake field plots for KCS, JBC and DTMB, from left to right.
6. Cost analysis
For the three calm water resistance simulations performed in section 3, an analysis of invested man-
hours and computational time is conducted. Note that running the self-propulsion simulations using
the automated framework exerts essentially the same amount of human effort; hence the data
presented below can be applied to self-propulsion analysis as well. All simulations are conducted on
64 cores of Intel Xeon Processors, E5-2637 v3, 15M Cache, 3.50 GHz.
Table 4 shows the amount of man-hours, computational time and cost required for individual hull
forms. A cost of 0.1 EUR per core-hour is assumed in the computational cost assessment. In average,
it takes around 40 minutes of human effort for a single hull form. Note that this number would not
change even if more simulations for individual ships were performed, e.g. at five different ship speeds
or different static trim angles. Thus, 40 minutes represents an average amount of human effort per
ship, irrespective of the total number of simulations conducted for that ship. The computational time
scales linearly with the number of simulations, and on average it costs 8.7 EUR to perform a single
simulation. Note that self-propulsion simulations can exert more computational resources; hence the
price of computations can go upward.
Given the computational cost of individual simulations, it is obvious that the cost of man-hour is
indeed dominant. Reducing the man-hour cost to less than one hour per ship is an essential key to
bring CFD analyses of this type to widespread industrial application.
Table 4. Man-hour cost and computational time needed for individual calm water resistance
Man-hours per ship, h 0:25 0:46 0:48 0:39
CPU wall-clock time per simulation, h 1:06 1:01 1:58 1:22
Total core-hours per simulation, h 70.4 64.0 126.9 87.1
CPU cost per simulation, EUR 7.0 6.4 12.7 8.7
6. Conclusion
The main reason why CFD is not being applied widely in the marine industry is the cost of conducting
accurate and reliable calculations, which is a consequence of high complexity of the method. In an
effort to address this issue, and to make a step forward towards CFD application in every-day marine
industry activities, a fully automated computational framework is developed and presented in this
paper. The framework is based on a CFD software called the Naval Hydro Pack, specialised for
problems encountered in marine and offshore hydrodynamics.
The automated framework reduces the required man-hours to 40 minutes per ship, which is an order
of magnitude reduction with respect to current practice. This applies to calm water resistance and self-
propulsion simulations, which are essential in ship design and for generating knowledge data-bases
for trim optimisation onboard ships in service, respectively. As an example, the prediction of calm
water resistance for ten different vessel speeds would take 40 minutes of human effort, and around 90
EUR of computational resources.
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