Lesson Plan

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Name: Zuraida Fitri

NIM : 12117064

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1. General Information on Teaching
Name Zuraida Fitri
Institution Name SMP Negeri 11 Sungai Raya
Year Drafting Module
School Level Junior High School
Class VIII (Eight)
Time Allocation 1 x 40 Minutes
2. Phase D Learning Objectives
At the end of phase D, students use spoken, written and visual
texts in English to interact and communicate in more diverse
contexts and in formal and informal situations, various text
types such as narratives, descriptions, procedures, specialized
General Learning Objective (CP)
texts (short messages, advertisements) and original texts are
the main references in learning English in this phase. Students
use English to discuss and convey wishes/feelings. Their
understanding of written texts is growing and inference skills
begin to emerge when understanding implied information.
They produce written and visual texts in structured English
with a wider range of vocabulary. They understand purpose
and audience when producing written and visual texts in
Elements of Writing – Presenting
At the end of Phase D, students are able to communicate their
ideas and experience through simple, organized paragraphs,
CP Element/Domain/Skill Focused
demonstrating a developing use of specific vocabulary and
simple sentence structures. Using models, they plan, create
and present informative, imaginative and persuasive texts in
simple and compound sentences to structure arguments and
to explain or justify a position. They are able to include basic
information and detail, and also vary their sentence
construction in their writing. Students express ideas in the
present, future, and past tenses. They use time markers,
adverbs of frequency and common conjunctions to link ideas.
Their attempts to spell
Students can use speaking skills to share information about
Specific Learning objectives themselves and their families, modeling how to introduce
themselves clearly and concisely.
Knowledge and/or
Skills/Prerequisite Students are assessed on their ability to introduce themselves
Competencies clearly and concisely, and to share information about themselves
and their families.
3. Formative Assesment Criteria
Section 1
1. (C1): Students can identify basic information about
Galang from Kalimantan.
2. (C2): Students can summarize information about daily
life and culture of Galang from Kalimantan.
3. (C3): Students can relate information about the life of
Galang from Kalimantan to their own personal experiences or
stories they are familiar with.
Section 2
1. (C4): Students can compare between their own lives and
the lives of Galang from Kalimantan.
2. (C5): Learners can conclude what they have learned.
(C6): Learners can make sentences related to
themselvesPreliminary activities
How to Conduct an Assessment Written
Product Texts containing learners' daily activities
4. Pancasila Student Profile
1. Have faith, devotion to God Almighty, and noble character.
2. Independent.
Related Pancasila Student Profiles 3. Mutual cooperation.
4. Critical reasoning.
5. Creative
5 Facilities and infrastructure
1. LCD Projector
Facility 2. Laptops
3. Po
4. Net Working
6. Learners
Student Category Regular students
Number of Students 28 Students
7. Learning Models and Methods
Learning model • Face to face
• Distance learning (online)
• Distance learning (offline)

• Problem Based Learning (PBL)

a) Orientation to the problem
b) Organizing students to learn
c) Guiding individual or group investigations
d) Developing and presenting work
e) Analyzing and evaluating the problem-solving process
• Project Based Learning (PjBL)
a ) Fundamental question
b ) Design a product plan
c ) Develop a manufacturing schedule
d ) Monitoring project activity and progress
e ) Testing the result
1. f ) Evaluate the learning experience
Learning methods Group discussion
8. Assessment
How to Assess Individual assessment rubric (attached)
Type of Assessment Formative in written form (descriptive text)
a) Primary Source
• Ministry of Education and Culture. 2021. Ba, Grade VII
Student Book,
Tools and materials Jakarta; Center for Curriculum and Bookkeeping.
• Laptop
b) Alternative Sources
1. Teachers can also use alternative learning resources
found in the surrounding environment and adapted to the
theme being discussed.

Closing Activities (10 minutes)

1. Summary of Material: Review the key points about
Galang's character that have been discussed today.
2. Reflection: Ask students to reflect on what they learned
today and how it can relate to their own experiences or
3. Homework: Provide homework related to the topic, such
as writing a short essay on the similarities and differences
between themselves and Galang's character.
1. Praise: Conclude by appreciating the students for their
participation and effort during today's lesson. Encourage
them to stay enthusiastic in their learning.
9. Reflection
• What are the difficulties in using the PBL and PjBL
Teacher Reflection teaching models?
• Does the teaching and learning process run as planned?
• Do the students participate in class activities?

• I learned basic vocabulary in introducing myself, such

as name, age, origin, occupation/employment status,
and hobbies.
• I understand some simple sentence patterns used to
Student Reflection introduce myself, such as "My name is...", "I am... years
old", "I am from...", and so on.
• I easily understand the introduce yourself material by
discussing with my group mates.
• I feel that learning English introduce yourself today is

10. Bibliography Damayanti, EL, et al. (2022). English for Nusantara for
SMP/MTs Class VII.

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