Abstract: The Mining industry in India is a major economic activity which contributes significantly to the economy of India. Though
mining is an essential factor in economic growth, it does have a significant effect on the environment which can’t be refuted. In essence
of preserving the environmental aspects, government of India has put on huge restriction on mining in the country. Here environmental
impact assessment (EIA) can be very helpful for mining industry to maximize the production with respect to minimizing environmental
damage. EIA also helps assist governing body of the region to maintain mining regulations. EIA is helpful in other industrial sectors as
well. Here EIA terms are observed using a case study.
1) Site Location
8. Conclusion
The data collection in the process the EIA is the crucial
factor to be included in the project management plan. It will
save the time, any complications with the government
authorities and the local crowd, helps in right investment at
right time, makes mining environment salubrious and most
important helps to conserve the environmental factors
nearby. Database management software systems can help
collect and arrange the data as well as for the computation
purposes to get most efficiency out of the management plan.
Not only are the factors mentioned in this paper included in
EIA, but also other important factors like economic state of
the mining company and the strategies implemented by
them. EIA is a vast concept and data factors are of iterating
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