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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN (Online): 2319-7064

Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2013): 4.438

Environmental Impact Assessment of Iron Ore

Mine in GOA
Sangeeta Vasudeo Rashivdekar1, Dr. G. S. Kulkarni2
Department of Technology, Shivaji University, Kolhapur 416004 (India)
Director, Department of Technology, Shivaji University, Kolhapur 416004 (India)

Abstract: The Mining industry in India is a major economic activity which contributes significantly to the economy of India. Though
mining is an essential factor in economic growth, it does have a significant effect on the environment which can’t be refuted. In essence
of preserving the environmental aspects, government of India has put on huge restriction on mining in the country. Here environmental
impact assessment (EIA) can be very helpful for mining industry to maximize the production with respect to minimizing environmental
damage. EIA also helps assist governing body of the region to maintain mining regulations. EIA is helpful in other industrial sectors as
well. Here EIA terms are observed using a case study.

Keywords: EIA; MoEF

1. Introduction proposals that will have a significant impact on the

environment will undergo an EIA. The decisions taken
The need for a systematic method of evaluating the during the early stage of the EIA are of fundamental
environmental effects of a project or a plan has been importance to the process.
recognized for several decades. EIA has been applied to
projects and plans of various scales. It is used in local B. Scoping
projects and development, but also for regional and even The EIA process is preliminary concerned with identifying
global issues. The early EIAs were often focused on environmental changes that will be of primary concern for
inventory of a possible environmental load and the impact individuals, public interest groups and communities. The
due to this. EIA is a decision-making tool, which guides the term scoping is used to describe the process of deciding
decision makers in taking appropriate decisions for proposed what should be included in an EIA. It may be seen as a
projects. It aims predicting environmental impacts at an means for identifying the main public concern about a
early stage of project planning and design, find ways and proposal and for organizing the scientific work for the
means to reduce adverse impacts, shape projects to suit the assessment.
local environment and present the predictions and options to
decision makers. By using EIA, both environmental and C. Impact identification
economic benefits can be achieved. By considering Impact identification is establishing the basis for designing
environmental effects and mitigation early in the project appropriate and efficient EIA studies, focused on particular
planning cycle, there are many benefits, such as protection impact areas. The purpose of impact identification is not to
of the environment, optimum utilization of resources and produce definitive statements about the nature, magnitude
saving overall time and cost of the project. The Ministry of and significance of possible impacts.
Environment & Forests (MoEF), Govt. of India, made
environmental clearance (EC) for certain development D.Checklist
projects mandatory through its notification of 37/01/1994 These can be of different types.
under the Environment Protection Act, 1986. Keeping in  Simple checklists list the components or aspects, usually
view of the experience gained in environmental clearance of the environment, which might be considered by the
process over a period of one decade, the MoEF came out assessor, but no other assistance is provided to guide the
with Environment Impact Notification, SO 1533(E), and impact identification process.
dt.14/09/3006. It has been made mandatory to obtain  Descriptive checklists provide additional assistance by
environmental clearance for different kinds of indicating, for example, the specific variables to be
developmental projects (Schedule-1 of notification). measured to characterize each component.
 Scaling checklists go a step further and include simple
2. Meaning and Process devices for assessing importance or significance of
suspected impacts. This might be through the use of letter
The phases of an EIA from screening to follow-up are or numeric scales, assigned after comparison with criteria
illustrated in Figure 1 below. supplied in the checklist, to indicate the importance of an
A. Screening impact.
The decision to perform an EIA may be based on various  Questionnaire checklist is a form of scaling checklist but
grounds, depending on the aim - policy or project uses a series of carefully directed questions to elicit
development vs. legal requirements etc. The process to information about possible impacts and their likely
decide whether an EIA is required or not is generally called importance.
screening. Screening is performed in order to ensure that
Volume 4 Issue 8, August 2015
Paper ID: SUB157565 1272
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2013): 4.438
E. Matrices b) Development control
Matrix methods identify interactions between various project Here the EIA is a tool for authorities to prevent adverse
actions and environmental parameters and components. environmental impact from the kind of projects mentioned
They incorporate a list of project activities with a checklist above. This kind of EIA has been introduced in national
of environmental components that might be affected by legislation. The performer may be the authority but also it
these activities. may be the task of the performing company. Also here
consultants may be used for the work.
F. Networks
These are called as effect flow diagrams, used to help in c) Plan development.
tracing the web relationships that exist between different This EIA is a tool for authorities in planning of resource or
activities associated with action and environmental system land use, infrastructure like roads, railways etc.
with which they interact. They are also important in
identifying direct and cumulative impacts. They are more d) Policy development
complex and need expertise for their effective use. Policy can be evaluated by a government. As an example a
government may evaluate the consequences of promoting a
G. Consultations specific type of industry as a major primary industry. Also
 With decision-makers, affected communities, here the work may be performed internally or by
environmental interest groups to ensure that all potential consultants.
impacts are detected.
4. Case Study
As a case study, an Iron ore mine in Goa (India) is
considered. This case study will show the implementation
and the impact of the EIA.

1) Site Location

The Gotukwadecho Tembo Iron Ore Mines is located at

Collem village of SanguemTaluka of south Goa district of
Goa state. The mining was granted by the Portuguese
Government as a concession over an area of 33.35 hecters at
Collem Village. The mine is being actively operated for the
last 47 years. The ore is exported to Japan, China and other
European countries. Mining is a site specific industry and
3. Objectives of EIA mining has to be done in mineralized areas as per the
mineral policy of the Government within area leased for
There are different aims of EIA that will influence the mining purpose. Collem region is an active mining belt for
choice of method and the scope of the study. The aim is last 50 years forming part of Iron Ore formation with cluster
dependent on who is the user as well as on the use of the of active mines.The mine is situated about 4 kms from
result. Some of the aims may be regarded as more or less Mollem and 34 kms from Ponda Town. The nearest railway
formal like: is Collem situated about 3 kms from the mine towards south.
It is proposed to produce annually 1 lakh ton. The grade of
a) Project development Iron Ore reserve at this mine varies from powdery high
The use of EIA in project development may be regarded as a grade ore of FE content 59% - 60% to low-grade siliceous
way of avoiding environmental impacts by using EIA at as magnetite having FE contents of 30% - 55%. The Low grade
early stage as possible in the development. This is also a Iron Ore is transported by Tipper trucks to the beneficiation
way of avoiding costs due to these impacts. This may be plant of M/s Dempo Mining Co. situated at Surla, Bicholim
used for different projects e.g. construction or reconstruction
which is about 15 kms from mine. Present case study area of
of industrial plants, construction of roads, construction of
Mining concession was granted on 13.09.1958 for an area of
municipal waste or water purification plants.
33.35 Ha. Working in the mine started on 13.09.1958. Work
was carried out by manual means from 1958 onwards.
During the year 1987 (33.11.1987) all the concessions in
Volume 4 Issue 8, August 2015
Paper ID: SUB157565 1273
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2013): 4.438
Goa were abolished and converted into leases. Work was of the lease. Major herbivorous like Deer, Sambar,
suspended during the period 1987 to 1993 (during which Gaurs and Carnivores like Leopard are not seen in the
dead rent was paid). Work is going on in the mines from Core area.
1993 onwards without any problem. Mine is being worked
now by mechanized means. Exploration in the form of core b) Temperature & Humidity
drilling (total No. of holes S1) was carried out in the past at No major increase in temperature & humidity is found in
various stages. The details have been shown in Mining vicinity towns due to proposed project.
Plans/ Schemes submitted earlier. NOC from State Govt.
and EC from MOEF are obtained. Application for forest c) Air Quality
clearance is made. Clearance is expected at any time in near Ambient air quality was studied during the last season,
future (as file has gone to Bangalore office). Monsoon. Since it was monsoon and no work was going on
in the mines the values are very less and area not the
2) Details of the area- representative one.

District and state South Goa, Goa d) Noise Level

Taluka Sanguem The main sources of noise in the area are movement of
Village Collem heavy machinery’s, loading and transportation of iron ore by
Khasara No. 37,39/3,38/3,38/4,39/1 trucks. The noise level was measured at a distance of about 5
Lease Area (Hectares) 33.3500 ha to 10m from the source for different locations in the mine
site and in the buffer zone. The noise level measurement was
Whether the area is recorded in forest - carried out during the peak working hours of daytime. But it
Area is partly falling in forest and partly in private (non- can be concluded that the average noise level are less than
forest) area. Nearest wild life sanctuary is Mahavir Wild the prescribed maximum permissible limit of 90 Db (A) for
Life sanctuary. The shortest distance of sanctuary is 1.5kms. the shift of 8 hrs working in an industry.
a. Nearest Village is Collem and is 3 kms away.
b. Nearest Railway station is Collem. It is 3 kms away. e) Water Quality
c. Nearest Seaport is at Marmagoa. It is 73 Kms. To assess the quality of water in the core zone and buffer
d. Nearest Powergrid is in Shigao village. It is 3 kms zone of 5 km radius, water samples were collected during
away. monsoon. Samples were collected in a season on three
consecutive days. In all, five samples collected. The physico
– chemical characteristics of surface and ground water
5. Impact Analysis revealed that Ph of water is slightly acidic to neutral. The
water quality belongs to low electrical conductivity category
With respect of collected base line data followings impacts
(E.C. <500 micromhos/cm). The average electrical
are observed.
conductivity of pit water (KNWI) was 64.41 micromhos/cm
a) Flora And Fauna
with lowest being 37.40 micromhos/cm and highest of 84.40
As discussed before forest is found in vicinity of study area.
micromhos/cm. Hardness of water discharged from the
Major portion of Gotukwadecho Tembo (Collem mine) mine
mines was 30.96 mg/l which indicates that water quality
is under active mining operation. Mining process and
belongs to soft category.
Drainage pattern influences the vegetation and ecological
status of crop along with various Flora and faunas discussed
f) Soil Quality
The color of the soil samples varies between reddish brown
Injuries to which the crop is liable
to brown having salty loam texture with good drainage. The
1) Man
soils are acidic in nature with traces of total soluble salts.
Natural tree growth is frequently cut by the surrounding
The soils are low to medium in available nitrogen and
villagers for meeting domestic requirement of fuel wood,
medium to high in available phosphorous and low in potash.
green manure fencing material and fodder.
Heavy metals are within the limit of toxicity. Total iron
2) Animals
content is very high (14.4 to 31.30%).
Domestic cattle regularly graze in the buffer and damage
young regeneration besides trampling the ground. g) Climatic Conditions
3) Wild animals The rainfall data for the year 3003 has been collected from
Damage by Wild Animals is not conspicuous. Wild the local meteorological department. The meteorological
Boars move around during cashew harvesting season, data such as temperature, relative humidity, wind direction
besides porcupines also are common but damage to and wind speed were obtained by setting up own
vegetation is insignificant. meteorological equipment.
4) Fauna
Major portion of Gotukwadecho Tembo (Collem mine) h) Socio – Economic Impact
mine is under active mining operation besides the core 1) Social and demographic profile:
area is devoid of natural trees barring few shrubs, Lease area is in the remote and backward part of the
climbers and bamboos. The core area has been state. Work in the mines and allied activities will
rehabilitated with Coconut, Mango, Jack fruit, Cashew, generate employment to the local people, this will
Bheras, Cumayo, Acacia, Madatti, Banana and other improve their life standards. Infra structural facilities
miscellaneous trees on over burden and worked portion will be developed in the area due to group of mining
activities being carried out at the site.
Volume 4 Issue 8, August 2015
Paper ID: SUB157565 1274
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2013): 4.438
2) Occupational health and safety: Tembo Iron Ore (Collem mine) Mine stipulated a special
Workers exposed to noise level and dusts are condition at a (xii) for raising a plantation in an area of
periodically taken for routine medical checkup. 11.9338 ha. Including a green belt of adequate width around
Safety precautions are observed as per the mine safety ML area, OB dump sites, roads etc. by planting native
act. The mines safety committee holds regular species in. Mine is bounded by other active mines on
meetings to educate and inform the workers about the northern side and western side. As such for creation of green
safety precaution while wording. Safety posters are belt an area of 1.0000 ha has been identified towards
displayed at various strategic points. Safety western side of the mining leases. Further all along the
equipment’s such as goggles, helmets, earplugs etc. internal mining roads avenue plantation of suitable tree
are provided to the workers. species will be raised. Around office buildings green belt
3) Human settlements: will be created with sufficient width for minimizing air, dust
There are two houses in the area. They need not be and noise pollution.
shifted in coming five-year period. Settlements
outside the lease area will not be affected by mining d) Avenue Plantation
activities. Internal mining roads are used for transportation of iron ore
as well as over burden from various mine pits to dumping/
i) Positive Impact stacking ground. On either side of mining roads avenue
Along with negative impacts project has positive impacts plantation of board-leaved tree species is proposed to be
also such as:- raised for dust suppression. Suitable plantation as per the
1) Employments opportunity-There are approximately area available would be carried out along the mine roads.
30 local people employed as workers. Pits for planting will be of 60cm X 60cm X 60cm size filled
2) Project authority contributed to development of with topsoil, Farm Yard Manure and vermin-compost Two-
nearby villages through donation. year-old tall plants or root trainer nursery seedlings of few
selected species will be planted with the onset of monsoon.
6. Mitigation Measures Tall seedlings will be provided with a stake support for
guarding against wind velocity.
a) Strategy For Conservation Of Endagered Flora And
Fauna e) Dump/Stack Area Plantation
Rapid industrialization, rise in population and increasing The existing dump/ stack is already settled. There will not be
developmental works have virtually driven the Wild Life any waste generation as lateritic stratum also contains
inside remote forests for safety and security. Yet for food reasonable proportion of FeO and can be used for blending.
and shelter frequently wild animals stray into adjoining areas .There will be temporary stacks of such material between the
and wherever dense tree cover and undisturbed environment two pits. (This material will be handled as and when
exist they prefer to stay. A safe habitat could be created, in opportunity comes). These stacks will have limited height. If
the mined area by planting large number of fruit bearing, height increases sets will be made in it. A stone wall is
fodder and flowering trees to attract herbivorous, birds, already built at the foot of the dump. It will be repaired
insects and butterflies. Careful selection of tree species is every monsoon. An additional will ahead of the present one,
necessary to maintain the ecological balance of adjoining will be built, if required. Drains will be made around the
forest area. Variety of species is planted in the core zone. stacks and along the road going to the stacks.

b) Efforts Towards Restoration of the Lease Area 7. Environmental Management Plan

Till now tree plantation has been raised over an area within
the lease and plantation outside the mining area in order to a) Proposal for reclamation
restore the ecology of the area. The project aims at Proposed workings are in the pit area only. There won’t be
prevention of metal leaching from mine dumps/stacks and generation of any quantity of top soil. Backfilling will be
enhancement of vegetation productivity through the use of started from fourth year of the plan period. Waste generated
organic manure. Under the project an area of five hectares of from the mine workings will be directly backfilled. Details
over burden has been planted with 31 tree species. The of the backfilling are given below.
saplings were pre-treated with Rhiizobium and
Azaetaobacter besides inoculation of Micorrhizae. Growth
of plants and habitat studies were monitored for three years.
For improving the bio-diversity of the lease area b) Program of Afforestation
heterogeneous composition of species was aimed at and An area along the road will be preferred for plantation
species like Neem, Shivan, Cassia siamea, Khair, Jambol, purpose. It has less density of vegetation and will serve as a
Sissoo, Bamboo, Mango, Lagerstroemia parviflora (Nano), barrier. A strip of 35m parallel to the road will be afforested.
Terminalia chebula (Harda), T. paniculata (kindal), T. This strip is between N 630 and N 340. Dump located on the
tomentosa (Marat), Ficus glometata (Rumbad), F. south side will also be taken up for plantation. It is old one
bengalensis (Vad), F. religiosa (Pipal), Pongamia pinnata and part of it (southern slopes) will be taken up for
(Karanji), Mimusops elengi (Onvol), etc. plantation. This area falls between N 100/140 – W 40/E 60.
Fast growing saplings will be planted, as this will happen at
c) Creation of Green Belt the earliest. Saplings will be obtained from the local forest
The Ministry of Environment and Forests while conveying department. One competent person will be given charge of
the environmental clearance for expansion of Gotukwadecho plantation and post – plantation care.

Volume 4 Issue 8, August 2015
Paper ID: SUB157565 1275
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2013): 4.438
c) Stabilization and Vegetation of dumps [6] Shepard, A, Bowler, C, "Beyond the Requirements:
The existing dump is already settled. There will be very less Improving Public Participation in EIA", Environmental
generation of material. This will be put on the top of the Planning and Managment, 40 (6), 1997, pp 735 – 739.
dump (and not along the slope). Thus major foundation of
the dump will remain as it is. A step dumping will be
followed. A stone wall is already built at the foot of the
dump. It will be repaired every monsoon. An additional will
ahead of the present one, will be built, if required. Drains
will be made around the dump and along the road going to
the dump. Plantation will be carried out on the slopes of the
dead portion of the dump. All these features will stabilize
the dump and avoid flow of silt.

d) Treatment and disposal of water from the mine

Water, which gets stored in the pit, is because of the rains.
No work was carried out during monsoon and pumping is
not done during the period. Most of the water seeps into the
strata. Only some quantity of water is required to be pumped
out. This is clean water. It is taken to the
plantation/vegetation on the western side of the lease.
Seepage rate is very low. One hour pumping in a day is
sufficient to work. It is also taken to vegetation. A sump and
stone wall will be made near the outlet before it is let to the
vegetation. Size of sump will be 3m x 3m x 1m. Stone wall
will be 3m x 1m x 0.8m in size. Considering less quantity of
water these dimensions are reasonable.

8. Conclusion
The data collection in the process the EIA is the crucial
factor to be included in the project management plan. It will
save the time, any complications with the government
authorities and the local crowd, helps in right investment at
right time, makes mining environment salubrious and most
important helps to conserve the environmental factors
nearby. Database management software systems can help
collect and arrange the data as well as for the computation
purposes to get most efficiency out of the management plan.
Not only are the factors mentioned in this paper included in
EIA, but also other important factors like economic state of
the mining company and the strategies implemented by
them. EIA is a vast concept and data factors are of iterating

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public perception of major industrial projects", Wat Sci
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[2] Lerman, P, "Boken om MKB", Boverket, Karlskrona
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[3] Lindskog, R "From conflict to communication? Public
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[4] Morgan, R K "Environmental Impact Assessment"
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[5] RRV (Riksrevisionsverket)
Miljökonsekvensbeskrivningar i praktiken , RRV
1996:39, Stockholm 1996 (In Swedish)

Volume 4 Issue 8, August 2015
Paper ID: SUB157565 1276
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY

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