Topic 1
Topic 1
Topic 1
Course Learning Outcomes 1
Examine fundamental concept, procedure and sourcing of procurement in
logistics and supply chain area. (C3, PLO 1, CLS 1)
Quiz 1
C3 : Application
PLO 1 : Apply fundamental principles of logistics and supply chain management and other related area.
CLS 1 : Knowledge and Understanding
Objective of this chapter
1’st : Procurement is the business management function that ensures identification, sourcing, access and
management of the external resources that an organisation needs or may need to fulfil its strategic objectives.
2’nd : Procurement exists to explore supply market opportunities and to implement resourcing strategies that
deliver the best possible supply outcome to the organisation, its stakeholders and customers.
3’rd : Procurement applies the science and art of external resource and supply management through a body of
knowledge interpreted by competent practitioners and professionals.
4’th : Management control point where all significant purchased are monitored for the right authorization of the
What is the differences between Procurement vs Purchasing?
Procurement Purchasing
Refers to the process of receiving goods and services from an Activities related to the buying of goods and services from an
external supplier external supplier
Includes everything that happens before, during and after Only details how to the goods and services are bought
receiving the goods and services
An internal process used in production environment An external process used primarily in wholesale environments
The item’s value is more important than the cost The item’s cost is frequently more important than its value
The process aims to identify and fulfil specific needs Limited only to the activity of buying the goods and services
The process includes identifying needs, sourcing and closing The process includes ordering the goods or services,
contracts expediting and fulfilling payment
Proactively identifies and fulfils needs A reaction to internal needs
Focuses on building long term relationships with vendors Focuses on the transaction rather than the creation of a
relationship with the vendor
The Objectives of a Procurement
Appraising and
Monthly reports and Expediting Negotiating and cost
short listing
records deliveries saving
Purchase requisition are documents used when team members need to make a purchase on behalf of
their organization.
A purchase requisition is an official order used to inform department managers or purchasing officers
about a decision to make a purchase. This induce the purchasing department to start the purchasing
process. The finance team will also use this document to coordinate reporting procedures with the
accounting department as well.
What is Purchases Requisition Form?
A purchase requisition form is an internal document that employees use to request the purchase of
a specific item.
The purchase requisition form is submitted to the purchase department for approval which is the
Once the purchase requisition is approved by the relevant department, a purchase order is issued
The original P.O. is sent to the vendor and two copies of the P.O. are sent to the requisitioning department.
This legally-binding document outlines exactly what the organization intends to purchase.
When is it sent? When an employee sees a demand for goods or When an order needs to be placed for goods
services and/or services
What info does it Date requisition is created, Requisition number, Date PO is created, PO number, Name of buyer,
contain? Name of employee making requisition, Description of items or service being purchased,
Description of items needed, Number of items Number of items and price, Payment terms,
and price– Suggested vendor information. Billing and shipping addresses and Delivery date
What is Blanket Order ?
A blanket purchase order also known as a standing purchase order is a long-term contract between an
organization and a supplier to supply products or services at a fixed price regularly for a certain amount of
A blanket purchase order, a long-term contract with a specific supplier, helps businesses efficiently order the
same shipment of goods from a single vendor at regular intervals.
Such an order greatly simplifies logistics and planning for both companies, as multiple invoices can be
categorized under a single blanket PO.
The result is less invoice processing time and a more consistent delivery schedule.
For example, a construction company with regular scheduled work must order the same raw materials every
so often, or an office building might need cleaning services every few weeks.
What’s Included in a Blanket Purchase Order?
A BPO must naturally define several contract terms:-
III) The contract periods in which the bulk purchases are made (i.e. start and end dates)
1) When large amounts of the same goods or services are required over a long period, usually a year.
2) When the unit cost is well-defined and specific information may be provided.
3) When a single client can fulfill the contract’s requirements for the whole duration of the contract.
4) When you purchase in bulk, you may take advantage of better contract conditions, including bulk discounts.
5) Stocking risk and expenditures are reduced when supplies are staggered.
Pros Cons
Contract request
Department create BPO create and sent to
reviewed and
contract request supplier
Department received
Supplier create and
invoice and
Invoice paid send invoice basing
on BPO
Repeating invoicing,
receiving and payment
until zero balance on BPO
Blanket Purchase Order Process Flow
Step 1: The very first step is to set up the order based on what the company’s departments need and plan. Before
deciding the order type, it is also important to consider whether it should be a blanket order or a standard order.
Step 2: The next step is to get the order request reviewed and approved. You are only obtaining approval to
spend up to that amount of money with a blanket order, and you may not end up spending the entire amount.
Sometimes, you may go over your estimate in some circumstances, in which case the amount will need to be
changed later.
Step 3: After the request has been approved and BPO is created. It is sent to your vendor for checking and
Step 4: Vendor then creates an invoice in advance or after each delivery based on the agreement between two
The vendor will keep invoicing for the next delivery and get paid until the BPO finishes.
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
The Electronic Data Exchange or EDI is a technology that helps trading organizations and partners get more
done faster by speeding up logistics timelines and eliminating manual errors through business to business
communication automation.
EDI allows organizations that produce, ship, purchase, and sell goods or provide services such as retailers,
manufacturers, insurers, health care providers, airlines and more.
EDI is an automated computer-to-computer exchange of standard electronic business documents that occurs
between business partners over a standardized and secure connection.
With computer to computer communications, there is no need to rely on manual options such as email, facts,
and postal mail. Documents move directly from the sender’s computer application to the receiver’s computer
For example, a buyer can send over a purchase order and the supplier will automatically send over an invoice.
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) in Procurement
EDI is the electronic exchange of business information—purchase orders, invoices, bills of lading, inventory
data, and various types of confirmations—between organizations or trading partners in standardized formats.
EDI also is used within individual organizations to transfer data between different divisions or departments,
such as finance, purchasing, and shipping.
In minutes the vendor’s sales order system, using EDI software, receives the EDI PO.
The supplier’s system automatically notifies their shipping department to send goods.
Once the goods are packed and ready to ship, the shipping system generates and Advanced Ship Notices
(ASN) to send to the buyer’s receiving department.
The vendor’s ERP system then generates an EDI invoice to transmit to the buyer’s account payable system.
The entire EDI process can be completed in an hour.
Traditional Process in Procurement Workflows
The buyer either receives a notification in his or her system to place an order or after querying the inventory,
determines he needs to place an order.
The buyer enters data onto the screen of a purchasing system to create the PO, prints and mails it or email it to the
The vendor receives the PO, either days later or via email (along with a long list of other communication) and manually
enters in into the sales order system.
The vendor prints an invoice and encloses it with the shipment and/or sends it separately by mail or email.
The buyer manually enters the invoice into the accounts payable system.
Benefits of EDI in Procurement
1. Speed
-system can lead the data move directly out of one computer system and into another with little delay.
2. Accuracy
-The errors are reduced because data is not being re-keying.
3. Simplicity
-EDI standard specify how data will be formatted and where it can be found.
4. Security
- Less likely to lose information transmitted through EDI.
- Accessed only by authorized users, and then there are audits trails and archives of data.
Benefits of EDI in Procurement
5. Instant Exchange of Documents / Real-time Transactions.
• Information can be exchanged and transactions executed in real-time between trading partners,
eliminating redundant, time-consuming, and error-prone tasks from the equation.
Definition 1: procurement means ordering goods from a supplier when they are needed – just before they run
out. This is possible if the goods are DELIVERED QUICKLY.
Definition 2: JIT define as all materials and products become available at the very moment when they are
needed in the production process, not sooner and not later, but exactly on time and in exactly the right
JIT Purchasing is Directed Toward the Reduction
• Waste (that is present at incoming inspection, excess inventory and poor quality)
• Delay
• To reduce all Non-value-added activities
• Elimination of In plant inventory
• Elimination of In transit inventory
• Quality & reliability improvement
Change of orders Delivery time and specifications fixed, quantities are adjusted within predetermined
margins if necessary.
Follow-up of orders Few delivery problems thanks to sound agreements; quality and delivery problems
Supplier assessment Deviations are not accepted; price is fixed based on open calculation.
Change of orders Delivery time and specifications often changed at the last moment
• Type of sourcing
– materials & parts are usually bought from a single source. opposed to purchasing from multiple sources under traditional
purchasing activities.
• Close relationship with supplier
- dealing with fewer supplier for particular time contributed to establishing a long term, stable & satisfactory relationship.
• Material quality
-achieving product quality through a long – term contract at a fair price receives the highest priority.
• Supplier evaluation method
- supplier evaluation based on product quality, delivery performance and price. supplying defective items is not tolerated.
• Purchased quantities
- products are produced in small lot sizes when needed, and in turn materials and parts are frequently delivered in small lots.
• Rapidly order
- the average monthly frequency of deliveries increases to 6.9 from 2.8 under traditional purchasing.
Procurement General Process/Procedures
Review and
communicate with Follow up or
discrepancies and Placing the order
supplier at regular expediting the order