Mnemonics - DDX
Mnemonics - DDX
Mnemonics - DDX
3. TB/Trachoma 5. HSV/HZO
4. Lyme/Leprosy 6. Leishmaniasis
*classically most common cause = syphilis, nowadays most common cause = HSV by far
7) Drug-Induced cataracts
1. Corticosteroids ( PSCC 30% - 80%, higher with higher doses, sometimes reversible in kids)
2. Amiodarone (ASCC + pigmentation)
3. Miotics (20% Pilo, 60% Phospholine iodide, over 5 years)
4. Phenothiazines (esp chlorpromazine, ASCC + pigmentation)
3. Ehlers-Danlos (blue sclera, angioid streaks, risk of RRD and corneal rupture)
4. Marfan’s syndrome (AD inher, chrom #15, 50-80% get lens dislocation, due to defect in fibrillin, tall,
arachnodactyly, scoliosis, chest-wall defects, dilated aortic root and dissection common; also get high myopia,
risk of RRD and vitreous loss during surgery; RX = cardiology referral, dilated exam, oral Abx prior to sx to
prevent endocarditis)
5. Aniridia (2/3 AD inher, 1/3 sporadic and assoc’d with Wilm’s tumour, GU defects, and retardation ; chrom #11
PAX-6 gene)
6. Hyperlysinemia (rare; high serum lysine with retardation + hypotonia)
7. Ectopia lentis et pupillae (AR inher; oval/slit pupils bilaterally; cataracts + glaucoma)
8. Weill-Marchesani (AR inher; 90% get lens dislocation, usually forward, ‘anti-Marfan’s’ = short stature,
stubby fingers, broad hands, poor joint flexibility, microspherophakia + high myopia + glaucoma; RX =
cyclopegics + laser PI)
9. Idiopathic
10. Glaucoma (both congenital and PXFG)
11. Trauma
1) Types of esodeviations
1. Pseudo-ET (wide flat nasal bridge, small IPD, epicanthal folds)
2. Accomodative acquired (refractive, non-refractive high AC/A, mixed)
3. Non-accomodative acquired (see below = “A,B,C,D’ S”)
4. Incommitent (CN VI palsy, Duane’s, Moebius, orbital #, cong fibrosis syndrome, Graves, MG)
5. Congenital
Von-Hippel Lindau Disease: AD inher, chrom #3, Dx: retinal capillary hemangiomas (bil in
50%), cerebellar hemangiomas (in 25%), reanl cysts, renal cell ca, pheochromocytoma, spinal chord
syrinx eye findings: retinal capillary hemangiomas, often multiple & bilateral
Sturge Weber syndrome: sporadic non-inher; Dx: cutaneous facial angioma over V1-3,
hemifacial hypertrophy, ipsilateral leptomeningeal vascular malformation, seizures, mental retardation
(uncommon); eye findings: thickened lids, dilated conj vessels, enlarged cornea, heterochromia,
glaucoma (~1/3), diffuse choroidal hemangioma, at risk for massive choroidal hemorrhage in surgery
Wyburn-Mason syndrome: sporadic non- inher; Dx: AVM of retina + brain; eye findings:
closed-loop vascular malformation without intervening capillary bed; CT head to R/O intracranial AVM
Ataxia telangiectasia: AR inher; chrom #11; defect in ability to repair DNA; Dx: recurrent
pulmonary infections, progressive clumsiness in childhood, poor motor control, low T-cells and IgG,
susceptibility to lymphoma/leukemia, extra-sensitive to radiation, telangiectasias on skin of face & neck;
eye findings: dilated conj vessels, inability to initiate saccades
7) Ddx of headache
1. IIH 6. Tumour
2. Meningitis 7. Hemorrhage
3. Migraine 8. ENT problem
4. Eye problem 9. Arteritic (GCA)
5. Aneurysm 10. Different type of headache (icepick, tic dolereux, cluster, etc.)
28) DDx of three-level hemorrhages (subretinal, retinal, and pre-retinal +/- VH)
1. Diabetes 5. Macroaneurysm
2. PVD 6. Leukemia
3. Valsalva 7. Terson’s syndrome
4. Trauma 8. Shaken baby
5. TRD
6. Dislocated lens/Dropped nucleus
7. ERM
8. Macular hole
9. Endoretinal biopsy
10. Aphakic CME/ Aphakic vitreal-corneal touch
Vision is LP or worse, then perform immediate PPV (3X more likely to get BCVA
> 20/40, 2X more likely to get BCVA > 20/100, severe visual loss reduced by 50%)