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AD 370
Weld design for beam end plate
connections in accordance with SCI P358
This Advisory Desk Note provides “See Appendix C for more details design of partial depth end-plate Step 3
guidance on (1) the design of beam about the weld requirements”; this in shear suggests that the effects To allow for the effect of the
to end plate welds and (2) the was intended to offer guidance on of the ‘coexisting moment’ can ‘coexisting bending’, increase the
“Alternative weld design” noted in determining smaller weld sizes in be accounted for by reducing the weld size by the factor 1.27.
Appendix C of P358, when the shear situations where the shear force is shear resistance of the end-plate a2 = a1 × 1.27 but a2 ≤ a
force in the connection is modest less than the shear resistance of the by a factor of 1.27. Based on those This value of weld size is the
and the designer wishes to provide a beam web (determined over the recommendations, the following minimum size of web to end-plate
weld that is less than ‘full strength’. length of the weld to the end plate). pragmatic approach can be used to weld needed to support the design
The SCI Publication Joints in Appendix C.4 of P358 simply determine the minimum required shear with ‘coexistent bending’. It
Steel Construction: Simple Joints to notes that designing for the size of the beam web to end-plate should be noted that this approach
Eurocode 3 (P358) includes guidance minimum sizes (given by Check weld: has not been verified by test and is
for the design of partial depth 2) might be “too conservative” based on the simplifications given in
and full depth flexible end plate and that the connection could be Step 1 P358 for estimating the effect of the
connections. In P358, Check 2, on designed in accordance with BS EN Use Check 2 to determine the ‘coexisting moment’.
pages 16 and 74 respectively for 1993-1-8 “accounting for the vertical minimum throat size of web to end- If the tying force is greater than
the two types of connection, gives shear and the inevitable coexisting plate weld “a” for an ‘effective full the shear force then the adequacy
the requirements for sizing the weld moment in the connection”. Neither strength’ connection. of the weld should be demonstrated
between the end plate and the the Standard nor P358 define the in accordance with clause
beam. The recommended weld size ‘coexisting moment’ or how to Step 2 or of BS EN 1993-1-8:2005,
is “effectively a full strength weld”, calculate it. Determine the size of weld required replacing γM2.with γMu (=1.1).
as explained in Appendix C. This Guidance on the coexisting for the actual design value of shear For practical reasons and for
was considered by the by ECCS/ moment can be taken from Check force, VEd : compliance with the requirements
TC10 committee to be sufficient 8 (page 21 or 76) in P358, where a1 = a × VEd / Vc,Rd of clause 4.5.2 (2) of BS EN 1993-1-8,
to ensure that the weld would not the procedure for design of the bolt where Vc,Rd is the design shear the throat thickness of the fillet weld
fracture prematurely (although group uses a reduction factor of 0.8 resistance of the length of web should not be less than 3 mm.
the reduction factor mentioned on the shear resistance of the bolt to attached to the end plate
in Section C.2 was not included allow for the presence of tension in (see Check 4 (page 17 or 75) Contact: Abdul Malik
in the recommendations in their the bolts, and from Check 9 (page in P358) Tel: 01344 636525
publication). Check 2 also comments 23) where the procedure for the Email: [email protected]
36 Sept/Oct 12