Maptek Vulcan Brochure
Maptek Vulcan Brochure
Maptek Vulcan Brochure
Maptek Vulcan plays a critical role from the very start of the mining process -
commencing with exploration and geological modelling, ranging through mine
design and scheduling to rehabilitation.
Powerful block modelling and integrated tools for survey, drill and blast, grade control,
geotechnical analysis, geostatistics, scheduling and optimisation make Vulcan the
complete mining software package.
Vulcan can manage and visualise very large and complex data sets, process the
information and rapidly generate models. Sophisticated algorithms and fast processing
allow virtually instant validation of data for building and maintaining up-to-date models
of a deposit.
Vulcan provides an intuitive environment for visualising designs and models in 3D.
Running animations and exploring alternative scenarios based on various resource and
economic values is the most productive approach to developing practical mine plans
that maximise resource recovery.
Vulcan provides a common platform for geological, geotechnical and engineering
teams. Reliable, repeatable results are derived from running multiple scenarios for
streamlined translation into safe and economical mine plans.
Whether developing day-to-day or long term mine plans, operations need to know
where and when to mine. Vulcan provides the tools to model the resource and design
the mine, dynamically updating plans as data changes. Interpretations and results can
be shared with confidence that they reliably guide productive and profitable mining.
The Maptek Workbench supports all Vulcan functionality as well as ready access to
database, text, scripting and spreadsheet applications. It provides a common platform
for Maptek software products.
Exploration & Vulcan offers an interactive 3D visualisation and modelling environment to create and
test exploration models. Users can manage and validate drillhole, assay, geophysical,
Resource Evaluation lithological and analytical data.
Implicit modelling tools provide RBF and uncertainty modelling regimes for working
with complex geological domains. Users can maximise the use of all historical, drilling
and assay data to run different scenarios for efficiently assessing the potential grade
and tonnage of a resource.
Vulcan Data Analyser presents a streamlined interface that integrates variogram
analysis with tools for handling structural and grade based anisotropy. Calculations are
easily set up and fast to run, allowing users to gain a clear understanding of geological
data. Multiple models can be displayed concurrently for real-time comparisons.
Dedicated stratigraphic tools facilitate modelling and interpretation of coal projects.
A hybrid modelling approach allows all available data - survey pickups, seismic
interpretations and crop lines - to be included with any or all horizons.
• Tailored pit and dump design tools, • Haulage profile uses information from
including ramp design block models, considering bench
• Automated pit design geometry for accurate route planning
• Smooth transition between varying • Refine stope access based on
batters and berms (face angle and strings and cost information
bench width) • Automatically generate decline
• Pit optimisation (including Push and based on user-defined constraints
Relabel) combined with powerful • Run multiple scenarios and generate
analysis tools mineable shapes with underground
• Run optimisations on sub-block stope optimiser
models without regularisation • Easily determine dump (or angle)
• Apply multiple batter angles, bench and number of ring sections
heights and berm widths
• Design declines with intermediate
access points with automatic ramp
Mine Operations Developing an operational mine is a costly and complex process. Vulcan assists in
refining geology and resource models, calculating reserves, developing short and long
term plans and scheduling operations.
Are you sure which material is ore and which is waste? Accurate grade control data
helps ensure that the right areas are mined to maximise profit and minimise waste.
Vulcan allows a better understanding of factors which contribute to dilution and
improves confidence in resource classification. A robust, streamlined grade control
process logs data rules and grade block calculations for auditing.
The 3D geological capabilities in Vulcan can be effectively applied to optimise a mine
plan. Advanced grid, block modelling and grade estimation tools provide an integrated
approach to successful mine development.
Slope Monitoring
Geological Modelling
Geotechnical Analysis
Mine QC
Mine Design
Grade Control
Optimisation & Integrated mine design and scheduling is critical for ensuring that schedules are
configured using the latest data. Maptek scheduling tools feature a user-friendly
Scheduling interface to streamline the setup and configuration of schedules. Preview, animation
and reporting options allow plans to be clearly presented.
Vulcan pit optimisation tools make it easy to achieve the optimum mine plan.
Operations can be optimised based on commodity prices. Designs can be validated
and mining scenarios tested on the desktop before mining begins.
Automated Pit Designer automates the creation of mineable pit shells after the
optimisation process has been completed. Optimised block model results are quickly
transformed into realistic mine design contours. These contours serve as a base for
further design work or to generate pit-by-pit graphs and long term schedules. Multiple
scheduling options can be reviewed, and different design parameters evaluated for
their impact on the plan.
Interactive block planner cuts bench polygons into period-based polygons, reserving
target tonnage against a block model as cuts are made. Reserves are defined by a
schedule of cut polygons, then accumulated and sub-totalled by bench, material type,
grade and period for reporting.
Maptek Evolution produces medium, long term and strategic life of mine schedules.
Operating costs are reduced and net present value optimised using grade cut-off
techniques. Processing schedules within a single solution as well as in the cloud is 10
times faster than traditional methods.
Gantt Scheduler is a resource and activity based scheduling module. Users can
create, sequence, allocate resources, animate scenarios and report activities efficiently
and transparently directly from design data.
Add on Modules
• Automated Pit Designer • Gantt Scheduler • Open Cut Drill and Blast
• Base Geostatistics • Gaussian Simulation • Open Cut Mine Design
• Block Modelling • Geology • Pit Optimiser
• Channel Sampling • Geotechnical Toolbox • Short Term Planner
• Coal Washability • Grade Control • Stope Optimiser
• Cutoff Grade Optimiser • Haulage Profile • Survey
• Data Analyser • Implicit Modeller • Underground Drill and Blast
• Dragline • Interactive Road Design • Underground Mine Design
• Drill & Blast Design • Level Designer
• ESRI ArcGis Interface • Monitoring
Maptek, Vulcan, I-Site, BRAZIL +55 31 3224 4888 AUSTRALIA
BlastLogic, Eureka,
PerfectDig, Evolution, Sentry, CANADA ADELAIDE +61 8 8338 9222
CaveLogic, PointStudio and MONTRÉAL +1 514 700 7203 BRISBANE +61 7 3316 2800
the stylised Maptek M are
registered and unregistered VANCOUVER +1 604 299 7613 PERTH +61 8 6211 0000
trademarks of Maptek Pty Ltd; CHILE +56 32 269 0683 SYDNEY +61 2 9957 5554
Maptek Computación Chile
Ltda; Maptek Computación MEXICO +52 55 5250 8028
Chile Ltda, Sucursal Perú; PERU +51 1 476 0077
Maptek S de RL de CV;
Maptek Informática do Brasil SOUTH AFRICA +27 11 750 9660 [email protected]
Ltda and KRJA Systems, Inc.
UK +44 131 225 8447
© 2018 Maptek 1118 USA +1 303 763 4919
Maptek Vulcan Overview