Ipe 270
Ipe 270
Ipe 270
IPE 270
Depth h 270.0 mm
IPE 270
Width b 135.0 mm
British Steel
Web thickness tw 6.6 mm 135.0
Inner depth between flanges hi 249.6 mm 15.0
Sectional Area y
Area moment of inertia about y-axis Iy 5790.00 cm
Area moment of inertia about z-axis Iz 420.00 cm
Polar area moment of inertia Ip 6210.00 cm
Radius of gyration about y-axis iy 112.0 mm
Shear area in y-direction Ay 23.11 cm
Shear area in z-direction Az 16.46 cm
Torsional constant It 15.90 cm
Secondary torsional constant It,s 3879.87 cm
Section modulus for torsion Wt 15.59 cm
Warping ordinate with respect to shear center max ω 87.68 cm
Warping constant with respect to shear center Iω 70600.00 cm
Warping radius of gyration with respect to shear center iω 33.7 mm
Plastic section modulus about y-axis W pl,y 484.13 cm
Plastic section modulus about z-axis W pl,z 96.95 cm
Plastic warping section modulus with respect to shear center W pl,ω 1207.39 cm
Plastic section modulus of webs about y-axis W pl,y,webs 102.80 cm
Plastic section modulus of flanges about z-axis W pl,z,flanges 92.95 cm
Plastic shape factor about y-axis αpl,y 1.129 --
Ultimate resistance to axial force Nu 1079.975 kN
Weight G 36.0 kg/m
Surface area per unit length Am 1.041 m /m
Volume V 4590.00 cm /m
Section factor Am/V 226.808 1/m