Test Review: Know: What They Are, What Order, Be Able To Describe Them Media Concentration
Test Review: Know: What They Are, What Order, Be Able To Describe Them Media Concentration
Test Review: Know: What They Are, What Order, Be Able To Describe Them Media Concentration
11/1/2011 12:49:00 PM
Know: what they are, what order, be able to describe them Media Concentration Media conglomerates and consolidates Magazines online Advantages: More organized Can easily recognize brand Disadvantages: Taking away competition o Disney owning ABC etc. Might have bias if company owns a lot of media outlets Driven by $ and not the need to tell news or what the public wants Gatekeeper: what will be allowed to be shared in the media and what isnt Changing w/ social media o Produsers: you are a producer and a consumer Newspapers 1. Colonial- hobby a. Targeted upper class 2. Partisan- political parties a. Product of the Revolution 3. Penny press a. Targeted average person; middle class b. Cost 1 penny 4. Yellow journalism a. Targeted lower class b. Ads developed, supporting the newspaper now as opposed to subscribers 5 Characteristics: 1. Scare headlines 2. Use of pictures or imaginary drawings 3. Use of fake interviews, misleading headlines
4. Emphasis on full color Sunday supplements- comic strips 5. Dramatic sympathy towards the underdog (lower class) History of Funding Media 1. Hobby- sideline, for fun, not as employment 2. Partisan 3. Subscriber funded (penny press) 4. Advertising (YJ) 5. Citizen supported- PBS and NPR (call in and donate $) Magazines Farmer- Ladies Home Journal Demassification: fragmenting of the audience- you can find very specific magazines dealing 1.Consumer magazines: womens magazines Targeted general homemaker 2. Trade magazines Music Sheet music- 19th century Phonograph Radio communications Records (replaced sheet music publishers)- 20th century Major Music Issues 1. Internet copyright on downloads, ringtones, file sharing 2. Royalties- who should get paid when your music is used 3. Radio Royalties- should you get played every time your song is played on a station? Radio 5 Radio Acts (know dates!!!) 1. Wireless Ship Act of 1910 a. Demonstrates govt.s desire to regulate air waves b. Ships w/ 50+ people had to carry a radio that could reach 100+ mi. 2. Radio Act of 1912 a. 29 nations met in London Titanic
b. c. 3. Radio a. b.
2 radio operators/ship Assigned call letters, based on where you are Act of 1927 established govt. oversight in the Federal Radio Commission (FRC) public owns the airwaves, but the govt. has the right to say what you put on the airwaves c. need license to use radio transmitters d. too much interference on each station 4. Communications Act of 1933 a. Established FCC (FCC as a permanent body, abolished FCR) b. Regulated between wire and cable airwaves i. Radio, telephone, TV, cable, c. PICN: Public Interest Convenience and Necessity: what you can put on the airwaves, est. localism d. Govt. allocated what amount of wattage each station could broadcast at 5. Telecommunications Act of 1996 a. Internet added to the mix of regulating broadcast, internet, cable, etc. b. Est. AM (mostly news) and FM (mostly music) ** Magic-bullet theory: (aka hypodermic needle theory) broadcast media directly shaped the opinions and actions of the viewer powerful effect on you information is fired or injected into the viewer guides their actions is a legacy theory because its no longer in practice o now know that human behavior is guided by more o now we can recognize when theres a bias; filter how it comes into us o it only contributes to, it doesnt necessarily guide your actions 6 Major Changes Caused by TV 1. Changes to Media Radio lost programming TV
fragmentation of different shows o soap operas, comedy, 2. Advertising Radio was mostly made of sponsorships (1 show sponsored by 1 company), different companies could now buy advertising time Now show a story, not just points about a product 3. Architectural Change Face fireplace face TV 4. Entertainment Industry Change Movie industry change Movies now on TV Now: Pay Per View, FF commercials on TV 5. Civil Rights or Cultural Changes TV has abilty to reveal problems of o Vietnam War: Americans could see what was going on in more of a revolution against fighting there 6. Change in Politics need that dominant TV presence can get you more emotionally involved in their campaign o Reagan: Morning in America?? Movie Era 1. Silent Era Shorter (15-20 min.) Music- piano or organ player was live People start to become concerned about morals Late 1800s-1920s Hays Code: 1920s-1968 2. Studio Giants Hays Code Studios would contract their actors/actresses Late 1920sWWII o Propaganda spans both wars 3. Golden Age Artwork of film o Hitchcock- shadows, different lighting techniques
Actors/actresses start to move out of just one 1945-mid 1950s started playing w/ 3D 4. Widescreen and Color Rating system replaces Hays Code Color was really $$$ monopolized o Monopoly broken up more affordable 1955-mid or late 1970s 5. Resurgence and Blockbuster movies in summer late 1970s-2000 George Lucas and Steven Spielburg Merchandising Rights- Star Wars o Making more $ from stuff about a movie than the movie itself 6. Change & Innovation New distribution o DVDs, downloads, online 3D more apparent now happening now dont know a lot about it Elements of Propaganda: 1. Repetition 2. Simplicity- everyone can understand it 3. Imagery- watching it has a bigger impact that hearing it 4. Sentiment- need emotion behind it to make to you feel a certain way Payne Fund Studies: end of Silent Era 1929-1932 measured emotional stimulation and behavior influence: videos kids 13 kids kids who went to movies more frequently more violent, did worse in school than those who didnt Conclusion: media has powerful effects Short-term
Modeling theory: people are going to copy the behavior that they see from a live model, applying to Power Rangers Studies: Kids 7x more likely to act violently after it 1- Live model people you can actually see 2- Instructional or verbal model modeling things after instruction, not a person 3- Symbolic model movies: not real things, its just the symbol theyre modeling things after power rangers: fictional, but kids still copy them
5 Ways Social Media Changes Society 1. Choice There are more ways, or choices, you can get the word out Options that are available to communicate w/ people 2. Conversation Reputations- can be made or ruined 3. Curration If you put something out there, its there to stay 4. Creation It doesnt take as long to create things We are the creators, producers, and consumers o This didnt happened in traditional media 5. Collaboration Lines between work and home are blurred Work w/ companies to put something online o Like FB