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Bastion is an Easy level WIndows box which contains a VHD ( Virtual Hard Disk ) image from
which credentials can be extracted. After logging in, the software MRemoteNG is found to be
installed which stores passwords insecurely, and from which credentials can be extracted.
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ports=$(nmap -p- --min-rate=1000 -T4 | grep ^[0-9] | cut -d
'/' -f 1 | tr '\n' ',' | sed s/,$//)
nmap -p$ports -sC -sV -T4
Let’s check if there are any open shares on SMB using null bind.
smbclient -N -L //
We notice a share named Backups which isn’t common. Let’s check its contents.
smbclient -N //
VHD files are backups of the filesystem of Physical or Virtual machines. As the file size is
considerably large we’ll have to shift to Windows to browse it remotely.
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On a Windows VM establish a VPN connection and connect to the share. Make sure you have
7-zip installed.
Navigate to the VHD file > Right click > 7 zip and click open here. The process could take a while
to complete.
The SAM ( Security Account Manager ) file on Windows is used as a database to store the hashes
for the users on Windows. We can extract hashes from it and attempt to crack them.
To crack the DB we need the SAM and SYSTEM hives. They are located at
C:\WIndows\System32\config\SAM and C:\Windows\System32\config\SYSTEM. Once the archive
opens navigate to the config folder.
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Right-click on the SAM and SYSTEM files > Copy to > Select a location on local disk and then
copy it. Once it’s copied transfer the files to Linux and crack them using samdump2.
We obtained the NTLM hash for user l4mpje and the other disabled accounts. Let’s copy the NT
hash to a file and crack on HashKiller.
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Using the credentials l4mpje / bureaulampje we can now login via SSH.
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cd C:\Progra~2
cd mRemoteNG
We find mRemoteNG to be installed. A quick google search about it says that it’s a remote
connection manager and stores credentials too.
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mRemoteNG uses insecure storage methods making is vulnerable to credential disclosure. From
the changelog.txt we know that the fix wasn’t made in the older versions. So we can possibly
decrypt the credentials.
We can decrypt them using the program, first download it from
and then grab then configuration file.
We see that the file does exist. Let’s transfer it using SCP.
[email protected]:\users\l4mpje\AppData\Roaming\mRemoteNG\confCons.xml
Now open up the application and Right Click on Connections, then select import then select
"Import from File".
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Now navigate to the confCons.xml file and import it. Once it’s imported go to Tools > External
Tools. Then right-click in the white space and choose New External Tool. Next, in the External
Tools Properties, fill in a Display Name, Filename and some arguments, with Password lookup,
Now right click on DC and click on Tools > New External Tool name.
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We obtain the password as thXLHM96BeKL0ER2. We can now SSH in as the Administrator.
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