#1formation Controll-Multiple Robots
#1formation Controll-Multiple Robots
#1formation Controll-Multiple Robots
ISA Transactions
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Research article
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Article history: In this paper, a formation controller for leader–follower mobile robots is presented based on reinforce-
Received 15 September 2022 ment learning and the Fourier series expansion. The controller is designed based on the dynamical
Received in revised form 9 March 2023 model in which permanent magnet direct-current (DC) motors are included as actuator. Thus, motor
Accepted 9 March 2023
voltages are the control signals and are designed based on the actor–critic strategy which is a well-
Available online 23 March 2023
known approach in the field of reinforcement learning. Stability analysis of formation control of
Keywords: leader–follower mobile robots using the proposed controller verifies that the closed-loop system is
Formation control globally asymptotically stable. Due to the existence of sinusoidal terms in the model of mobile robots,
Reinforcement learning the Fourier series expansion has been selected to construct the actor and critic, while previous related
Actor–critic strategy works utilized neural networks in actor and critic. In comparison with neural networks, the Fourier
The Fourier series expansion
series expansion is simpler and involves the designer in fewer tuning parameters. In simulation studies,
Leader–follower mobile robots
it has been assumed that some follower robots can play the role of leader for the other follower robots
behind it. Simulation results show that there is no need to use large number of the sinusoidal terms
in the Fourier series expansion and just the first three terms can overcome uncertainties. In addition,
the proposed controller reduced the performance index of tracking errors considerably in comparison
with radial basis function neural networks (RBFNN).
© 2023 ISA. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0019-0578/© 2023 ISA. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
G. Khodamipour, S. Khorashadizadeh and M. Farshad ISA Transactions 138 (2023) 63–73
The mobile robot, due to the nonholonomic constraints, can where Jm is the motor shaft inertia diagonal matrix, θm ∈ ℜn
only move in directions normal to the driving wheel axis [27]. is the motors angular position vector (θm = r−1 θw ), Bm is the
Therefore, damping, r is the reduction gear, τ is the electromagnetics torque,
km denotes the diagonal matrix of torque constant and Ia is the
ẏc cos θ − ẋc sin θ − dθ̇ = 0 (5) motor current vector. Also, by (8) it can be shown that
The kinematic equation for the front of the mobile robot can be θ̇w =J(q)† q̇ (16)
obtained as:
ẋ cos θ −d sin θ
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
cos θ sin θ
[ ]
⎥ v v v1
[ ] [ ] [ ]
1 Rw
† T −1 T
q̇ = ⎣ẏ ⎦ = ⎣sin θ d cos θ ⎦ = Sv , v = = J(q) = [J(q) J(q)] J(q) = (17)
⎢ ⎥ ⎢
ω ω v2 rw cos θ sin θ −Rw
θ̇ 0 1
The derivative of (16) can be computed as
θ̈w =J̇(q)† q̇ + J(q)† q̈ (18)
In the rest of this paper, the notations v1 and v2 are used to
show the linear (v ) and angular velocity (ω) of the mobile robot, where
respectively. It is be assumed that − sin θ cos θ
[ ]
† θ̇ 0
J̇(q) = (19)
|v1 | ≤ Vmax rw − sin θ cos θ 0
|v2 | ≤ Wmax The electrical equation of permanent magnet DC motors is given
The relationship between motor angular speeds and Cartesian by
speeds is given by: RIa + La İa + kb θ̇m = u (t ) (20)
q̇=J(q)θ̇w (8) n
in which u ∈ ℜ denotes the vector of motor voltages, θm ∈
where θ̇w = θ̇wr
[ ]T
θ̇wl is the angular speeds of right and left ℜn is angular positions and we have θm = r−1 q, and R, La , kb
motors and the Jacobian matrix J(q) is in the form of are diagonal matrices of resistance, inductance and back electro-
motive force (EMF), respectively. Substituting Ia from (15) into
cos θ cos θ
⎡ ⎤
(20) and using (16) and (18) result in
rw ⎢ −1
J(q) = ⎣ sin θ sin θ ⎦ (9) u(t) = Rkm −1 (Jm r−1 J(q)† S + r B M)v̇
1/Rw −1/Rw +Rkm −1
(Jm r −1
J(q) Ṡ + Jm r −1
J̇(q)† S
−1 (21)
In this paper, due to the horizontal frame and mobile trajectory, +Bm r−1 J(q)† S + rB Vm )v
the gravitational vector is zeros, i.e., G = 0, and the matrices in −1
dynamical model of mobile robot in (1) are as follows +Rkm −1 r B (F + τ d ) + La İa + kb r−1 J(q)† Sv
m 0 md sin θ
⎡ ⎤
mdθ̇ 2 cos θ Eq. (21) can be simplified to
⎡ ⎤
M=⎣ 0 m −md cos θ ⎦ , V = ⎣ mdθ̇ 2 sin θ ⎦ D (q) v̇ + N (q, q̇) v + H (q) + vL = u
⎢ ⎥
md sin θ −md cos θ I where
cos θ cos θ − sin θ
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
τ1 D (q) = Rkm −1 (Jm r−1 J(q)† S + r B
[ ]
1 ⎢ M) (23)
⎣sin θ sin θ ⎦ , τ = , A = ⎣cos θ ⎦ ,
⎥ ⎢ ⎥
† †
rw τ2 N (q, q̇) = Rkm −1
(Jm r −1
J(q) Ṡ + Jm r −1
J̇(q) S
Rw −Rw −d −1
−1 †
+ Bm r J(q) S + rB Vm ) + kb r J(q)† S −1
λ = −m(ẋc cos θ + ẏc sin θ )θ̇ −1
H (q) = Rkm −1
rB (F + τ d ) (25)
In order to find a proper velocity controller, the dynamic Eq. (1) in which vL = La İa is considered as unmodeled dynamic.
is rewritten as
3. The fourier series expansion
ST MSv̇ + ST (MṠ + Vm S)v + F + τ d = ST Bτ (11)
According to [28], the non-periodic function f (t ) defined on
in which the transformation (4) has been used. According to (11), [t1 , t2 ] can be expressed as
2nπ t 2nπ t
∑ ( ) ( )
Mv̇ + Vm v + F + τ d = Bτ (12) f (t ) = a0 + an cos + bn sin (26)
in which
where T = t2 − t1 . Considering the first m + 1 harmonics, (26)
M = ST MS, Vm = ST (MṠ + Vm S) (13) can be rewritten as
τ = Bτ, B = ST B (14) m
2nπ t 2nπ t
∑ ( ) ( )
f (t ) = a0 + an cos + bn sin + εm
Now, to have a complete model of mobile robot including the DC T T
motors as its actuators, the dynamic equations of DC motors are
= ϕf T ωf + εm (27)
introduced. For the torques in permanent magnet DC motors, we
have in which
ej3 θjr − θj
where θij = θi − θj . Due to the constraint of nonholonomic
mobile robots [26], the orientation of each robot in the formation
problem will not be equal so it is not θjr = θi for each robot.
However, the reference of the follower ‘‘j’’ is chosen such that
Fig. 2. Separation bearing formation control problem. θ̇jr = (v2i Lijd cos(ψijd + θij ) + v1i sin θij + kj2 ej2 ) (37)
)]T where v1j , v2j , v1i and v2i are the linear and angular velocities
2π t 2π t 2mπ t 2mπ t
[ ( ) ( ) ( ) (
ϕf (t) = 1 cos sin ... cos sin of follower and leader robot, respectively. Using (6) it can be
T T T T computed that [30]
L̇ij = v1j cos(ψij + θij ) − v1i cos ψij + dj v2j sin(ψij + θij )
where εm denotes approximation error, ωf is unknown weight
vector, and ϕf is the regressor vector. ψ̇ij = (v1i sin ψij − v1j sin(ψijd + θij )
It is assumed that Lijd and ψijd are held constant. By the deriva-
4.1. Back stepping control design tion of (36) and using (38), the error dynamics can be written
In this section an RL controller is proposed to solve the leader– ⎡ ⎤
−v1j + v1i cos θij + v2j ej2 − v2i Lijd sin(ψijd + θij )
follower formation control of mobile robots. In the rest of this
⎣ėj2 ⎦ = ⎣ −v2j ej1 + v1i sin θij − dj v2j + v2i Lijd cos(ψijd + θij ) ⎦
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
paper, indexes ‘‘i’’ denotes the leader robot and ‘‘j’’ denotes the ėj = ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
follower one. The introduced controller, due to the voltage control
ėj3 (v2i Lijd cos(ψijd + θij ) + v1i sin θij + kj2 ej2 )/dj − v2j
strategy [29], produced voltage of DC motors to achieve
lim (Lijd − Lij ) = 0
t →∞
(30) Following velocity control inputs is used to stabilize the kine-
lim (ψijd − ψij ) = 0 matic of follower to achieve the desired separation and bearing
t →∞
where Lij and Lijd are the measured and desired separation of
the follower ‘‘j’’ with respect to leader ‘‘i’’, ψij and ψijd are the v1i cos θij + kj1 ej1 − v2i Lijd sin(ψijd + θij )
⎡ ⎤
[ ]
measured and desired bearing of the follower ‘‘j’’ with respect to vjc = =⎣1
(v2i Lijd cos(ψijd + θij ) + v1i sin θij + kj2 ej2 + kj3 ej3 )
leader ‘‘i’’. Eq. (30) shows that the separation and bearing errors vjc2 dj
of the formation control will be zero as t → ∞. Fig. 2 shows
an example of leader–follower mobile robot in formation control
problem. where kj1 , kj2 and kj3 are controller positive design constant which
Define the tracking controller error for the follower ‘‘j’’ as: will be chosen by Lyapunov methods in stability section. Now, the
error of velocity tracking can be defined as
ej1 cos θj sin θj 0 xjr − xj
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤⎡ ⎤
vjc1 v1j
[ ] [ ] [ ]
ej = Tej (qjr − qj ) = ⎣ej2 ⎦ = ⎣− sin θj cos θj 0⎦ ⎣yjr − yj ⎦ = vjc − vj =
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥
ejc = − (41)
ej5 vjc2 v2j
ej3 0 0 1 θjr − θj
where vj = vjc − ejc . Therefore, Eq. (39) can be rewritten as
ėj1 −kj1 ej1 + v2j ej2 + ej4
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
θ̇jr , ẏjr = v1jr sin θjr , ẋjr = v1jr cos θjr ,
q̇jr = ẋjr ẏjr ėj = ⎣ėj2 ⎦ = ⎣−kj2 ej2 − kj3 ej3 − v2j ej1 + dj ej5 ⎦
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
θ̇jr = v2jr
ėj3 −kj3 ej3 /dj + ej5
G. Khodamipour, S. Khorashadizadeh and M. Farshad ISA Transactions 138 (2023) 63–73
Considering the tracking error for leader and its derivative, the where ĝj and ω̂aj are the Fourier series approximation of the gj
velocity control inputs for leaders are found as below: and ω∗ aj , respectively.
The control voltage for the follower robot is designed as:
ei1 cos θi sin θi 0 xr − xi
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤⎡ ⎤
uj = Kj4 ejc + ĝj = Kj4 ejc + ϕj ω̂aj + uraj (54)
ei = ⎣ei2 ⎦ = ⎣− sin θi cos θi 0⎦ ⎣yr − yi ⎦ (43)
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥
where uraj is the robust term and index aj denotes the actor part
ei3 0 0 1 θr − θi
of RL controller of jth follower. Substituting the proposed control
Therefore, we have voltage (54) into dynamic (51), the close loop dynamic of robot
⎡ ⎤ ⎡
−v1i + vir cos ei3 + v2i ei2
⎤ could be written as
Dj ėjc = −Kj4 ejc + g̃j = −Kj4 ejc + ϕj ω̃aj + εaj − uraj (55)
ėi = ⎣ėi2 ⎦ = ⎣ −v2i ei1 + v1ir sin ei3 ⎦ (44)
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
where g̃j = gj − ĝj is the Fourier series approximation error
ėi3 v2ir − v2i
and similarly ω̃j = ωj − ω̂j . In critic part of RL controller, the
The control velocity for the leader ‘‘i’’ can be defined as reinforcement signal (long-term cost function) is produced. This
critic network signal is defined as [31]
vic1 v1ir cos ei3 + ki1 ei1
[ ] [ ]
vic = = (45) Jj = ejc + ejc ω̂cj T ϕj T
vic2 v2ir + ki2 v1ir ei2 + ki3 ki2 sin ei3
Similar to the follower and Eq. (41), the error of velocity tracking in which ω̂cj is estimation of ωcj ∈ ℜ ∗ 2m+1
. The long-term strategic
utility function is usually defined as Q} (k) = min α N p(k + 1)
for the leader robot can be defined as
+α N −1 p(k + 2) + · · · + α k+1 p(N) + · · · where 0 < α < 1 is
vic1 v1i
[ ] [ ] [ ]
eic = = vic − v i = − (46) the discount factor and N is the horizon index and p(k) is the
ei5 vic2 v2i utility function [32]. It should be noted that Q (k) is not available
where v i = vic − eic . Therefore, Eq. (44) can be rewritten as and should be approximated [32]. The term ϕj ω̂cj in (34) repre-
sents this estimation. For the ith leader mobile robot, similar to
ėi1 −ki1 ei1 + v2i ei2 + ei4
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
(51), (54), (56), dynamic equation, control law and critic network
ėi = ⎣ėi2 ⎦ = ⎣
⎢ ⎥ ⎢
−v2i ei1 + v1ir sin ei3
(47) signal can be written similar to (51), (54), (56) in the form of
ėi3 −ki2 v1ir ei2 − ki3 ki2 sin ei3 + ei5 Di ėic = −Ni eic + fi + Hi + vLi − ui (57)
ui = Ki4 eic + ĝi = Ki4 eic + ϕi ω̂ai + urai (58)
4.2. RL controller
Ji = eic + ∥eic ∥ ω̂ci ϕi
Eq. (22) explains the complete dynamics of mobile robot. The
5. Stability analysis
actor–critic RL controller structure is designed similar to the one
introduced in [11]. By adding and subtracting Dj v̇jc and Nj vjc in
Two theorems are needed to complete the stability analysis.
(22) for jth follower, the Eq. (22) can be rewritten as
The first theorem relates to the follower robot and the second
Dj v̇j − Dj v̇jc + Dj v̇jc + Nj vj − Nj vjc + Nj vjc + Hj + vLj = uj (48) theorem discusses the leader robot and convergence analysis
of the whole closed-loop system of leader–follower formation
Now, (48) can be simplified as control.
−Dj ėjc + Dj v̇jc − Nj ejc + Nj vjc + Hj + vLj = uj (49)
Theorem 1 (Stability Analysis for Followers). The signals in the
And (49) can be written as closed-loop system consisted of the system (51) and controller (54)
are bounded and the tracking error ejc asymptotically converges to
Dj ėjc = Dj v̇jc − Nj ejc + Nj vjc + Hj + vLj − uj (50)
zero if the following adaptation laws in actor and critic parts are
If fj = Dj v̇jc + Nj vjc , then (50) changed to hold
ω̂˙ aj = Kcj JjT ϕj − ηj Kcj ejc ω̂aj T
Dj ėjc = −Nj ejc + fj + Hj + vLj − uj (51) (60)
ω̂˙ cj = −Kωj ejc ω̂aj T ϕj T ϕj − ηj Kωj ejc ω̂cj T
where uj denotes the vector of motor voltages as the input of jth (61)
follower mobile robot.
in which Kcj , Kωj and ηj are designed positive constant scalars. In fact,
it is assumed that ωaj ∗
and ωcj∗ are unknown. Consider the following
Assumption 1. lets the Fourier series approximation property
robust term.
hold for the function gj = −Nj ejc + fj + Hj + vLj with accuracy εaj
for all followers j, in the compact set Sj . (δj + βj )(δj + βj )ejc
uraj = (62)
ejc T (δj + βj )
Table 1
Robot parameters.
d (m) r (m) R (m) I (kg2 ) m (kg)
0.1 0.02 0.1 0.1 1
Table 2
Motor parameters.
kb km rg Ra La Bm Jm
0.5 0.5 0.5 1 0.00021 0.001 0.002
Table 3
Initial position of mobile robots.
θ Y X Positions
0 0 0 Position of leader
0 −0.86 −0.5 Position of first follower
0 −1.72 −1 Position of second follower
0 0.86 −0.5 Position of third follower
10.4116 The proposed method: RL FF-RL
ω̂˙ ai = Kci JiT ϕi − ηi Kci ∥eic ∥ ω̂aiT (63) based on Fourier series
15.2798 Neural networks NN
ω̂˙ ci T = −Kωi ∥eic ∥ ω̂aiT ϕi T ϕi − ηi Kωi ∥eic ∥ ω̂ci T (64)
in which Kci , Kωi and ηi are positive constant scalars.
the voltage of DC motors to achieve the desired formation. There-
Assumption 4. Assume that ai and ci areupper bounds of the fore, the dynamics of DC motors is considered. The proposed
weight matrix ωai
and ωci∗ , respectively, i.e., ωai
≤ ai , ωci∗ ≤ ci . controller is designed using actor–critic approach based on the
Consider the following robust term. Fourier series. In this simulation, four robots by the formation
(δi + βi )(δi + βi )eic structure of Fig. 3 and first non-zero error of tracking are con-
urai = (65) sidered.
eic T (δi + βi )
Fig. 4 shows the tracking performance and mobile robots in
The leader robots will be stable by following conditions, if the xy direction. Fig. 5 shows the error of formation control for all
controller gains are selected as ki1 > 12 , ki3 > 2k1 . Due to three follower robots. As it is obvious, the formation error will
the boundedness of eij and ėij , it can be shown that all the be bounded and converges to zero after a short time. The motor
errors will be zero as t → ∞. The proof of Theorem 2 is given voltages as the inputs of the mobile robots are shown in Fig. 6.
in Appendix. These voltages are bounded and smooth. The reason of high
voltages in initial times of simulation is large initial errors in the
6. Simulation results tracking errors presented in Fig. 6. In order to reduce the tracking
errors as fast as possible, the control gains have been selected
In this section, the performance of the proposed controller is large that results in large initial control signals. In the rest of this
considered. Formation control problem of leader–follower mobile section, to show the superiority of the proposed method, another
robot using the RL controller with actor critic approach based controller is simulated. In the second simulation, the parameters
on the Fourier series expansion is simulated as the introduced of mobile robots and their motors will be the same.
method. In addition, this method is based on the voltage control NN controller:
strategy. Therefore, DC motors as the actuators of mobile robot In this subsection, an NN controller is simulated to control
are considered. The desired formation structure of the mobile the formation of the leader–follower mobile robots. To have a
robots in the simulation is chosen as Fig. 3. This structure is fare comparison with the proposed controller, the initial positions
organized by four robots including one leader and three follow- of robots are chosen the same. The formation errors of follower
ers. The leader robot must track the desired trajectory given in robots are shown in Fig. 7.
Fig. 4 and other robots must track the leader with the desired Due to the results of the above simulations, the proposed
separation and bearing to have the desired formation of Fig. 3. controller is superior. Table 4 compares these methods. Table 4
Due to the sinusoidal terms in the dynamics of mobile robots, shows that the formation error in proposed method is much less
the Fourier series is utilized in the controller design to decrease than the NN one. Also, the computational complexity due to the
the computational complexity. This simulation is done in two use of Fourier series is very low.
approaches, at the first step, the proposed controller is simulated
and then to have a proper comparison, the Neural Network con-
7. Conclusion
troller is simulated [6]. The mobile robot parameters and motor
parameters are shown in Tables 1 and 2. Also, the initial position
In this paper, a complete model for mobile robots using DC
of each robot is shown in Table 3.
motors is introduced. Also, an RL controller for a formation con-
RL controller: trol problem is designed. Due to the sinusoidal terms in the
In this subsection, the RL controller by the voltage control dynamics of mobile robots, the Fourier series is utilized to design
strategy approach will be simulated. So, the controller produces the proposed controller. The stability of the proposed controller is
G. Khodamipour, S. Khorashadizadeh and M. Farshad ISA Transactions 138 (2023) 63–73
G. Khodamipour, S. Khorashadizadeh and M. Farshad ISA Transactions 138 (2023) 63–73
+ηj ejc ω̂aj T ω̃aj + ejc ω̂aj T ϕj T ϕj ω̃cj + ηj ejc ω̂cj T ω̃cj
Proof of Theorem 1. Consider the Lyapunov function
Fig. 7. Separation and bearing error of NN compared with the desired controller.
V̇j2 = −ejc T Kj4 ejc + ejc T (εaj − uraj ) − ejc ω̂cj T ϕj T ϕj ω̃aj
+ ω̂cj ϕj T ϕj aj + ω̂cj ϕj T ϕj ω̂aj
V̇j2 ≤ −ejc T Kj4 ejc + ejc T (εaj − uraj ) The time-varying term βj can be simplified to
Due to (66), (70) and (82), and complete squares, it can be shown Due to (85), (90) and (93), and complete squares, it can be shown
that: that:
1 dj dj 1 1 1 1 2
V̇j ≤ −kj4 kj2 (kj1 − )e2j1 − kj4 kj2 (kj2 − )e2j2 − kj4 kj3 (kj3 − )e2j3 V̇i ≤ ki4 [−(ki1 − )e2i1 − (ki3 − ) sin2 ei3 − ( + )e
2 2 2 2 ki2 2 ki2 i4
1 1 2 1 1
kj2 2 dj 2 − (1 + )e2 + e − ( √ ei1 + √ ei4 )2 (94)
−kj4 ( + dj (kj2 + kj3 ))ej4 − kj4 (kj2 + (kj2 + kj3 ))ej5 2ki2 i5 2ki2 i5 2 2
2 2 1 1
kj4 kj2 2 dj kj4 kj2 2 − (√ ei5 + √ sin ei3 )2 ]
− (ej1 − ej4 ) − (ej2 − ej5 ) 2ki2 2ki2
2 2
dj kj4 kj3 Since −( √1 ei1 + √1 ei4 )2 and −( √1 ei5 + √1 sin ei3 )2 are non-
− (ej3 − ej5 )2 2 2 2ki2 2ki2
2 positive, Eq. (94) can be rewritten as:
1 1 1 1
V̇i ≤ ki4 [−(ki1 − )e2i1 − (ki3 − ) sin2 ei3 − ( + )e2i4
Examining (83), it can be concluded that V̇j ≤ 0 if the controller 2 ki2 2 ki2
dj dj
gains are selected as: kj1 > 1
, kj2 > and kj3 > . Therefore, 1 1
2 2 2 − (1 + )e2i5 + e2i5 ] (95)
the position tracking errors ej and the velocity tracking errors ejc 2ki2 2ki2
converge to zero as well as the
gain matrix
is bounded. Examining (95), it can be concluded that V̇i ≤ 0 if the controller
Due to the boundedness of ej , ejc , ėj , and ėjc for follower gains are selected as: ki1 > 21 , ki3 > 2k1 . Therefore, the position
j, it can be shown that V̈j ≤ ∞, therefore, using Barbalat’s tracking errors ei and the velocity tracking errors eic converge to
Lemma, V̇j → 0. Thus, ej → 0 and ejc → 0 as t → ∞. As a zero as well as the weight gain matrix is bounded. Also, it can be
result, the tracking errors of position, orientation and velocity are concluded that V̇ij ≤ 0, so the position, orientation and velocity
asymptotically stable. tracking errors for formation
are bounded. Due
This completes the proof of Theorem 1. to the boundedness of eij and ėij for the leader i and its
followers, it can be shown that V̈ij ≤ ∞ and V̇j is uniformly
Proof of Theorem 2. Consider the Lyapunov function continuous, therefore, using Barbalat’s Lemma, V̇ij → 0. Thus,
∑ ej → 0, ejc → 0, ei1 → 0, ei3 → 0 and eic → 0 as t → ∞. Using
Vij′ = V ′ j + Vi (84) (47), it can verify that ei2 → 0 as t → ∞. Therefore, asymptotical
1 stability is verified. This completes the proof of Theorem 2.
where Vj is defined by (66) and is as Vi below:
Remark 1. In the case when the follower j is a leader for fol-
Vi = ki4 Vi1 + (1 + 1/ki2 )Vi2 (85) lower j + 1, the global asymptotic stability of this formation
control problem is similar to Theorem 1. In this case, the radially
where unbounded Lyapunov candidate set as:
1 1 j+1
Vi1 = (e2i1 + e2i2 ) + (1 − cos ei3 ) (86) ∑
2 ki2 V ′′ j = Vj (96)
1 1 1 where Vj is defined by (66). Now, follower j makes a reference
Vi2 = eic T Di eic + ω̃ai T ω̃ai + ω̃ci T ω̃ci (87) for follower j + 1 in formation control problem. Due to using the
2 2Kci 2Kωi
same dynamics for jth follower robot (dynamics of follower j is
The time derivation of Vi1 is given by incorporates the dynamics of leader i), so the proof of stability
1 will be the same when the follower j is being considered as leader
V̇i1 = ei1 ėi1 + ei2 ėi2 + sin ei3 ėi3 (88) for follower j + 1.
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