MDM Chatgpt

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Exercice 2 (20 pts)

made ofa are connected and placed between

Two bars, each different

two walls when the temperature is T

= 10'C.Determine the force exerted on the
supports when the temperature becomes T2 = 20C. The material

properties and area of each bar are given in the figure 2.



Et=200 GPa
Ey =100 GPa
Gg= 12(10-C =490 Tmm
Ag- 200 mm

-300 m -300 nam

Figur 2
Exercice 4(20 pts)

The state of strain at the point on the leafof the caster assembly has
components of:

&, =-400 (10),&,= 860 (10), and Yxy =375 (10").

Use the strain-transformation equations to determine the equivalent in-plane
strains on an element oriented at an angle of =30° counterclockwise fromthe
position. Sketch the deformed element due to these stráins within the x-y


Exercice 5(10 pts)

A spherical gas tank has an inner radius of r= 1.5 m. If is subjected

it to an

pressure of p = 300 KPa, determine its required

thickness if the
maximum normal stress i not to Sxceed 12 MPa.
19 Exercise 3 [20 pts]
The principal strain components are given for a point in a body in. 3-D such as:
Ey= 1000 x 10-6;y =-200 ×10-6 and when e, is to determine,

The material characteristics as E 200 Gla,and v= 0,3.
Determine the stress components a,; dy; o,; Ty i Trg i tyz and eat the point in two
a) plane stress,
b) In plane strain.

J Exercise 4 [10pts)

A rigid bar of negligible weight is subjected to load W= 80 KN as shown in Fig3.

Steel A =1300 mm
L15 m E 83 GPa
A.m 320 mn
E 200 GPa

2.5 m

Figure 3
Determine the temperature change (AT) applied in
two rods that will cause the stress
in the steel rod to be 55 MPa

Assume the coefficients of lihear expansion (a)are 11.7 x 10°c* for steel and 18.9
x 10 °c² for bronze.

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