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Micro Project Report on

“Interviewing Any Successful Person in Your Locality”

Submitted by
Pranav Kathe (19) Siddharth Kute
Tanishka Khare (20) Amol Malode (23)
Kshitij Gavali (21) Atharva M(24)

Guided by

Lecturer in English Department of Mechanical Engineering .

Academic Year 2022-23

MET’s Institute of Technology - Polytechnic

Bhujbal Knowledge City,
Adgaon, Nashik

Bhujbal Knowledge City,

Adgaon, Nashik-422203

Tel.: ( 0253)2303515, 2303267, 2303268 Telefax : ( 0253 )230330


This is to certify that

Mr. – 1. Pranav Kathe - ROLL NO. - 19

Mr. - 2. Tanishka Khare - ROLL NO. - 20

Mr. – 3. Kshitij Gavali - ROLL NO. – 21

Mr. – 4. Siddharth Kute - ROLL NO. - 22

Mr. – 5. Amol Malode - ROLL NO. – 23

Mr. – 6. Atharva Manjare - ROLL NO. - 24

Of first semester ME II of Institute of Technology polytechnic (code - 0776) have successfully completed the
microproject on (Interviewing Any Successful Person in Your Locality) in English (22101) for the
academic year 2021 to 2022 as per prescribed in curriculum.

Prof. G.A.Parbhane Prof. M.A.Sonnis Dr. R.S.Narkhede

Head of Department (Project Guide) Principal


We take this opportunity to express our deepest sense of gratitude and sincere thanks to
those who have helped us in completing this task.

We express our sincere thanks to our Project Guide Prof. M.S.Sonnis, English
Department, who has given us excellent guidance, continuous Encouragement for the
completion of this work. His kind assistance and constant inspiration will always help
us in our future also.

We are very thankful to Principal. Dr. R.S.Narkhede, for encouraging us undertake this
microproject and he has taken keen interest in preparing the microproject report absolutely
flawless. We are very thankful to Prof. M.S.Sonnis for encouraging us undertake this
microproject and he has taken keen interest in making the microproject report absolutely.

❖ Resource Required:
Sr. No. Name of Resource/material Specifications Qty. Remarks

1. www.google.com Google 01 OK

2. Magazine Internet 01 OK

3. Computer System Microsoft Word 2013 01 OK


• Conclusion

A successful person is someone who sets and achieves goals. Some people may define success as
being happy and fulfilled, while others may define it as having status and accomplishments. Often
when talking about success, all of these elements are relevant.

❖ Skilled Developed / Learning out of this Micro-project:-

While becoming a successful entrepreneur is natural for some, others require certain
essential skills to start and lead a business to success. These skills determine your
entrepreneurial success. Successful entrepreneurs have mastery over both hard and soft skills.
Hard skills like accounting, marketing and financial planning are critical for running and
managing a business and soft skills like communication, problem-solving and decision making
help you scale up your business. Mastery of entrepreneur skills requires practice and a dedicated
learning plan.

Annexure - 1A
Semester - I

Micro- Project On

Interviewing Any Successful Person in Your Locality

1.0 Action Plan:

S.N. Details of Activity Start Date Finish Name of Responsible Team

Date Members
1. Collecting information from
Textbooks, Internet, Reference Atharva and Tanishka
Paper, etc.

2. Kshitij Gavali

collecting information of
dialogues .

3. Sorting the information required for

report. Pranav Kathe

4. To prepare final report

Kshitij and Siddharth

1. Introduction

A successful person is someone who sets and achieves goals. Some people may define success as being
happy and fulfilled, while others may define it as having status and accomplishments. Often when talking
about success, all of these elements are relevant.

2.0 Aim of the Micro- Project:

The micro project aims at:
● Interviewing Any Successful Person in Your Locality.
3.0 Actual Procedure Followed
1. Kshitij Gavali (21): Select the topic for the micro project.
2. Kshitij Gavali (21): Performed: Performed the research work (Content and
Images) andpassed on the Data to Siddharth Kute (22).
3. Atharva Manjare (24), Tanishka Khare (20): Collect the data and information related to
4. Kshitij Gavali (21) : He compiled all the collected dataunder one Microsoft
word document.
5. Kshitij Gavali (21), Pranav Kathe (19): They did the job of formatting the document
and made it presentable.
6. Pranav Kathe (19), Siddharth Kute (22): They analysed the final Micro-
Project and afterconsulting our Guide and she passed on the final Micro-
Project for Printing.
7. Atharva Manjare (24) : He printed the Final Micro-Project.
8. All Group Student_: Done the submission of the micro project
expect Amol Malode (23)

❖ Prepare a booklet of the interviewing Any Successful Person

in your Locality in context with his life journey, inspiration,
social contribution, role model and keys to success
Interviewer - Kshitij
Interviewee - Vidit

Kshitij - So hey guys welcome back, today we are gonna conduct an interview with Vidit Gujrathi.
So let’s ------------welcome him with an round of applause.

Vidit – Hello everyone! It’s an great occasion today that I’ll be interviewed today and I will make

sure to
---------answer to all your questions wisely
Kshitij – So before heading further, the people who don’t know him let us introduce you to them

Vidit – Yes that makes sense
Kshitij – Vidit Santosh Gujrathi is an Indian chess grandmaster, now let’s begin with the interview.

So Vidit ------------tell us something about you.

Vidit – So myself Vidit and I am the 30th player from India to get the title of grandmaster

Kshitij – That’s a great thing! We would also like to know about your inspiration

Vidit – To be honest it’s not any single person but they are PEOPLE who inspired me all through

Kshitij – Vidit has also done various social contribution. Even if those aren’t by the means of

money but has -----------socially contributed a lot of MOTIVATION among the generation
Vidit – No no! Enough of all this credit kinda things.

Kshitij – You should get what you deserve and you have also became an role model for the young

chess --------------players
Vidit – That’s an great thing which sometimes make me Pof myself

Kshitij – So it’s time up now, just one last question then we can call it an off. So according to you

what are -------------the KEYS OF SUCCESS?

Vidit – Basically it’s not fix but I’ll say the keys can be named as

Kshitij – That’s quite informative. So now let’s end this session. Thank you Vidit for your


Teacher Evaluation Sheet

Name of Student: Pranav Kuthe Enrollment No: 2207760222

Name of Programme: Mechanical Engineering Semester: ME2I
Course Title: English Code: 22102

Title of the Micro-Project: Interviewing Any Successful Person in Your Locality

Course Outcomes Achieved :

● To learn about the different situational conversation

Evaluation as per Suggested Rubric for Assessment of Micro Project

Sr. Characteristic to be assessed Poor (Marks Average (Marks Good Excellent

No. 1-3) 4-5) (Marks 6-8) (Marks 9-10)

1 Relevance to the course

2 Literature Survey / Information

3 Project Proposal

4 Completion of the Target as per

project proposal
5 Analysis of Data and representation

6 Quality of Prototype/Model

7 Report Preparation
8 Presentation

9 Defense

Teacher Evaluation Sheet

Name of Student: Tanishka Khare Enrollment No: 2207760248

Name of Programme: Mechanical Engineering Semester: ME2I Course
Title: English Code: 22102
● Title of the Micro-Project: Interviewing Any Successful Person in Your Locality

Course Outcomes Achieved:


• To learn about an biography of an successful person

• , Background to learn about the to learn about his Birth, Family, Career,
Development etc.

Evaluation as per Suggested Rubric for Assessment of Micro Project

Sr. Characteristic to be assessed Poor (Marks Average ( Good Excellent

No. 1-3) Marks 4-5) (Marks 6 - 8) (Marks 9- 10)

1 Relevance to the course

2 Literature Survey / Information
3 Project Proposal

4 Completion of the Target as per

project proposal
5 Analysis of Data and representation

6 Quality of Prototype/Model

7 Report Preparation
8 Presentation

9 Defense

Teacher Evaluation Sheet

Name of Student: Kshitij Gavali Enrollment No: 2207760242

Name of Programme: Mechanical Engineering Semester: ME2
Course Title: English Code: 22102
Title of the Micro-Project: Interviewing Any Successful Person in Your Locality

Course Outcomes Achieved:

• To learn about an biography of an successful person
• , Background to learn about the to learn about his Birth, Family, Career,
Development etc.

Evaluation as per Suggested Rubric for Assessment of Micro Project

Sr. Characteristic to be assessed Poor (Marks Average (Marks Good Excellent

No. 1-3) 4 -5) ( Marks 6 - 8) (Marks 9- 10)

1 Relevance to the course

2 Literature Survey / Information

3 Project Proposal

4 Completion of the Target as per

project proposal
5 Analysis of Data and representation

6 Quality of Prototype/Model

7 Report Preparation
8 Presentation

9 Defense

Teacher Evaluation Sheet


Name of Student: Siddharth Kute Enrollment No: 2207760211

Name of Programme: Mechanical Engineering Semester: ME 2
CourseTitle English Code: 22102
Title of the Micro-Project Interviewing Any Successful Person in Your Locality

Course Outcomes Achieved:

• To learn about an biography of an successful person
• , Background to learn about the to learn about his Birth, Family, Career,
Development etc.

Evaluation as per Suggested Rubric for Assessment of Micro Project

Sr. Characteristic to be assessed Poor (Marks Average Good Excellent

No. 1-3) (Marks 4-5) (Marks 6-8) (Marks 9-10)

1 Relevance to the course

2 Literature Survey / Information

3 Project Proposal

4 Completion of the Target as per

project proposal
5 Analysis of Data and representation

6 Quality of Prototype/Model

7 Report Preparation
8 Presentation

9 Defense

Teacher Evaluation Sheet

Name of Student: Amol Malode Enrollment No: 2207760267

Name of Programme: Mechanical Engineering Semester: ME2
CourseTitle: English Code: 22102
Title of the Micro-Project: Interviewing Any Successful Person in Your Locality

Course Outcomes Achieved :

• To learn about an biography of an successful person
• , Background to learn about the to learn about his Birth, Family, Career,
Development etc.

Evaluation as per Suggested Rubric for Assessment of Micro Project

Sr. Characteristic to be assessed Poor (Marks Average Good Excellent

No. 1-3) (Marks 4-5) (Marks 6-8) (Marks 9-10)

1 Relevance to the course

2 Literature Survey / Information

3 Project Proposal

4 Completion of the Target as per

project proposal
5 Analysis of Data and representation

6 Quality of Prototype/Model

7 Report Preparation
8 Presentation

9 Defense

Teacher Evaluation Sheet

Name of Student: Atharva Manjare Enrollment No: 2207760285

Name of Programme: Mechanical Engineering Semester: ME2
Course Title: English Code: 22102
Title of the Micro-Project: Interviewing Any Successful Person in Your Locality

Course Outcomes Achieved :

• To learn about an biography of an successful person
• , Background to learn about the to learn about his Birth, Family, Career,
Development etc.

Evaluation as per Suggested Rubric for Assessment of Micro Project

Sr. Characteristic to be assessed Poor (Marks Average Good Excellent

No. 1-3) (Marks 4-5) (Marks 6-8) (Marks 9-10)

1 Relevance to the course

2 Literature Survey / Information

3 Project Proposal

4 Completion of the Target as per

project proposal
5 Analysis of Data and representation

6 Quality of Prototype/Model

7 Report Preparation
8 Presentation

9 Defense

Micro-Project Evaluation Sheet

Process Assessment Product Assessment Total

Part A - Project Project Methodology (2 Part - Project individual Marks
Proposal (2 marks) marks) Report/Working Model Presentation/Viva (4
(2 marks) marks) 10

Every course teacher is expected to assign marks for group evolution in first 3 columns & individual
evaluation in 4TH columns for each group of students as per rubrics.

Comments/Suggestions about team work/leadership/inter-personal communication (if any)


Any Other Comment:


Name and designation of the Faculty Member

Prof. D.B. Aher



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