Microbial Spoilage of Vegetables 1
Microbial Spoilage of Vegetables 1
Microbial Spoilage of Vegetables 1
Vegetables form an integral part of diet due to their role in providing various
types of vital nutrients such as carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, roughage etc.
Vegetables being a part of fresh produce, contain high moisture which makes
them highly perishable foods and hence more prone to spoilage.
Microorganisms gain entry into vegetables from various sources. These sources
• Soil
• Water
• Diseased plant
• Harvesting and processing equipments
• Handlers
• Packaging and packing material
• Contact with spoiled vegetables
The conditions in which vegetables are stored and transported after harvesting
also contribute to rate of spoilage. Other than microbial, sources, the spoilage of
vegetables can also occur due to the activity of native enzymes.
There are certain secondary invaders which may enter the healthy food or grow
after growth of pathogens. It is well known that plant diseases are mostly caused
by fungi. Thus most of the spoilage causing pathogens in vegetables is fungi.
Fungi have specific characteristics when spoiling food as it leads to mushy areas
which may be water soaked. The fungi produce characteristic spores which may
be pigmented. The pigmentation helps in identification of the type of spoilage
by fungi. The bacterial diseases too cause spoilage of vegetables but to a lesser
Fruits are natural sources of minerals, vitamins besides
carbohydrates and other essential substances. Naturally fresh fruits and
juices made out of them contain high amount of water thereby making
them highly prone to attack by microorganisms. While most of the fruits
are naturally provided with coatings and coverings in the form of skins, but
these are fragile enough to be easily disturbed by various biological and
mechanical factors. Like vegetables, fruits being produce of plants get
contaminated through different sources by a variety of microorganisms
which may play significant role in their spoilage. These are soil, water,
diseased plant, harvesting and processing equipments, handlers, packaging and
packing material and contact with spoiled fruits.