12 Quick Tips For Conquering Large Group Photography

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12 Quick Tips for

Conquering Large Group


Does large group photography scare you?! Here’s why it shouldn’t!

Large group photography isn’t just for wedding parties. Any photographer should be prepared to photograph large
groups. Family sessions, corporate sessions, prom pictures, and sports teams all require a knowledge of
photographing big goups.

Large group photography seems intimidating, but when you break it down, it’s much easier than you think! If you go in
prepared, it can even take LESS time than a regular family session.

Here are 12 tips and tricks for mastering large group photography!

1. Lens Choice for Group Photos

When it comes to larger groups, choosing a wider lens is a must. The best versatile lens for both portraits AND large
groups is a 35mm. This gives you the ability to capture a larger group without the use of rows. You could also use a
lens like the 24mm or the 24-70mm.

The photo below (32 people) was used with a Canon 5D Mark III, 35mm lens, ISO 100 at f/10, and a shu$er speed of
1/200th. I used both a tripod and ladder to shoot at a slight angle.

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2. Settings for Large Group Photography

In large group photography, your aperture is going to be the most critical se$ing! We want to keep it above f/5.6 and
go up from there. If you are snapping shots of a six-person bridal party lined up in one row, you can probably get away
with f/4, but make sure they are on the same plane of focus (basically make sure that all of their toes are lined up on
an imaginary line). For groups larger than 6, you start having to use rows, meaning your aperture needs to narrow to
make sure you get all rows in focus. Large group photos should realistically range from f/8-f/10.

Shutter Speed
As a general rule, your shu$er speed needs to be at least double the focal length of your camera. So if you’re using
a 35mm lens, your shu$er speed should be a minimum of 1/70th. I always tend to bump it up a tad JUST to make sure
that I don’t get any motion blur (especially if there are kids in the shot). As a safe bet, I keep my shu$er around 200-
250 and use a tripod to reduce shake as much as possible.

If there is motion in the shot, you’ll want to increase your shu$er to “freeze” the motion!

Another tip: ALWAYS check the back of your camera. When you’re in between shots, zoom in on your LCD screen and
make sure everyone is in focus. It’s worth the extra e%ort, I promise!

Set your ISO as you usually would be based on the light in your particular situation. Outside shots on a sunny day will
usually start at ISO 100-200. If it’s a tad on the cloudy side, maybe increase it to ISO 400. If you are photographing in
an o%ice without artificial light, you may need to increase this. Make sure to ask if these group photos will be printed!
We’d like to reduce grain as much as possible when it comes to printing, so it’s always a good idea to know what the
photo will be used for. If it’s a company brochure you can probably get away with a higher ISO and the use of a
“grain/noise reducer,” but if it’s for a large wall portrait, you may want to encourage your clients to move outside.

3. Large Group Lighting

Lighting can be di%icult with large group photos, especially if you plan to do them outside! If you’re only using natural
light, remember that light ALWAYS beats location (I know this can’t always be negotiated). If you CAN, ask the
universe for a few clouds. Ok, ok, I know that doesn’t always work.

If you’re shooting on a sunny day, try to find a large patch of shade. If the shade isn’t possible, put their backs to the
sun and make sure they are facing their shadows. This means when they are standing, their shadows should be
directly in front of them. Doing this will help eliminate harsh shadows on their faces.

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4. Make Sure Your Clients Can See You

This seems obvious, but if someone can’t see you, you won’t be able to see them. This is my caveat for the next tip…

5. Embrace giving direction!

I know! This is a hard one for some of us. Now is not the time to be shy, unfortunately. Sometimes we do have to fake
it until we make it! Your clients are looking to you as the professional, so you need to have an idea and convey it with
confidence! You can ask if they have any ideas, but taking control of the situation and making adjustments is why
they are paying you! Tell them what you want, and direct them to make any changes that you deem necessary for a
be$er shot. They will thank you for it!

6. How to Nail Focus in Large Group Photos

So where do you put your focal point? Well, that depends on the number of rows. If it’s one single row, making sure
they are all on the same focal plane is very important. If someone in the line is standing just a tad in front or behind,
and your aperture is too low, you’ll notice that part of the photo will fall out of focus. Remember that focus falls back
more than it falls forward. If you’re photographing a large group with multiple rows, choose to focus on someone in
the first or second row in the middle. For more on aperture and how it works, read this tutorial.

7. Creating a Connection in Posing

If you are photographing a large family, create connection through touch. You can ask families to put their hands on
one another, or their arms around each other in a non-distracting way. Obviously if you are photographing a large
group that’s not related, touching may not be your go-to pose. Instead, take the serious shots, but then ask them to
look at each other and laugh. Then give them your best cheesy joke. Laughing is contagious, so in a large group, it will
spread quickly. The photo below was the group’s favorite photo in this series.

8. Use a Tripod for Large Group Photos

If you don’t own a tripod, now may be the time to invest in one. They can be relatively inexpensive, but I would advise
not to go with the cheapest option. You want something sturdy! Tripods are helpful when it comes to large group
shots is because they allow you to set your camera up, set your se$ings, and then be able to move around and pose
your clients without compromising the composition.

You can also bring a step stool or ladder for huge group shots. This gives you the ability to shoot at a higher angle and
the potential to get more people in the frame.

9. Snap a Series of Photos

A trick that helps in large group shots is to take a series of shots in a row. For those posed shots, you can explain to
the group that you will count to three and then ask them to “HOLD” in that pose for five seconds. This allows you to
get 5-6 of the same shot and eliminates some closed eyes or silly expressions. Be sure to get a fast SD or CF card if
you want to take a few shots quickly (this can drastically reduce lag time while your camera processes the images)!
Multiple shots can also be useful for any head swaps, like this one here (which are super simple to do)!

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10. Get as Close as Possible

While we love to get those epic scenic shots with those gorgeous mountains or the incredible iconic lake, we want to
make sure that we see the faces of all the people in the group. This can be tough when you are talking 30+ people,
but try to crop in on at least a few shots (especially those heirloom family photos that will end up on the wall or in an

11. Eliminate Distractions

Whenever possible, try and eliminate distracting elements such as a busy background. We want the family/group to
be the center of a$ention in their photo, not the parked cars. When shooting a large group, shoot either above or
below the horizon line to keep people’s faces the focus of the photo. Just be mindful of the background as much as

12. Pay Attention to Details

Just as you would in any regular photo session, try and pay a$ention to the li$le details. Set your camera and have
everyone posed, walk back and forth and make sure everyone’s necklaces are straight and shirts are properly placed.
This will save you a LOT of time in post-processing!

The last tip for large group photography is TO HAVE FUN. Be cheerful, smile and go with the flow. You want your
clients to be happy, to make it as painless as possible, and for them to give you that killer smile we all want. You can
do it! If you implement these quick tips for large group photography, you’ll be well on your way to enjoying a new
photography challenge!

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