Major Regions of The World and Tribes

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Major Natural Regions of The World

A region is a homogenous area with respect to climate, soil and vegetation. The
boundaries of natural region are permanent Following are the major natural
regions of world,

1. Equatorial Rain Forest Region

• Extension extending between 0-10° North and South of equator. Its greatest
extent is found in Amazon basin Central Africa (Congo basin), Malaysia and
• Climate Annual range of temperature 50-10°C.
• Cloudiness, heavy precipitation through conventional currents and throughout
the year.
Species A great variety of vegetation is found like Mahogany, ebony, climbing
plants, lion as, epiphytic and parasitic plants.
• Tribes Sponse population, tribes found here, Indian tribe in Amazon basin,
Pygmies in Congo basin, Orang Asli in Malaysia etc.
2. Tropical Monsoon Region
Areas: Found in Indian sub-continent, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia,
parts of Vietnam, South China and Northern Australia.
• Climate Monsoon lands experience on shore wet monsoon in the summer and
off shore dry monsoon in winter.
• In Indian sub-continent the North-East monsoon (winter) brings little or no rain.
However a little
amount of rainfalls in the Punjab plains due to cyclonic waves caused by western
.. When the North-East monsoon passes over the Bay of Bengal it absorbs
moisture and thus brings rain to South-Eastern tip of Indian Peninsula (Tamil
• Species Trees are normally deciduous. Tropical monsoon forest produce
valuable timber. Teak, Sal,
Eucalyptus, Bamboo are the best known.
• Shifting cultivation is widely practised in tropical monsoon forests.
3. Savanna/Sudan/Tropical Grassland Region
• Extending between 50-20° N. & S in both the hemispheres, best developed in
Sudan (Africa)
• Climate is found in Africa, South America, Australia.
• Areas In South America Savanna region is known as Lianos and Campos, the
Australian Savanna is
situated South of the monsoon strip running from West to East, North of Tropic of
• Climate This type of region has the feature of alternate hot rainy season and
cool dry season
temperature 20035° C.
• Species This region is famous for tall grasses and short trees, it is sometimes
termed as 'park land or
bush veld'.
• The Savanna particularly in Africa is the home of wild animals, it is known as
the 'big game country'.

4. Hot Desert Region

Extension located on Western Coast of the continents between latitudes 15-30°
in both the hemispheres.
• Climate Excess heat and scanty rainfall. The aridity of hot deserts are mainly
due to effect of offshore trade winds.
• Areas Sahara desert, Great Australian desert, Arabian desert, Thar desert
(India), Kalahari desert (Africa), Mojave and Mexican desert (North America).
• Diurnal range of temperature is very high. Days are hot while nights are quite
• Intense isolation in day time and rapid radiation in the night due to cloudless sky
are causes of variation of temperature
Vegetation Xerophytic e.g., bulbous cacti, thorny bushes, long rooted wirey
grass, dwarf acacia, date
palms etc.
• Tribes Bedouin : Arabian desert : Bushmen: Kalahari desert, Bindibu: Australian

5.The Warm Temperate Western Margin/Mediterranean

Extension 30°-45° latitudes in both the hemispheres on the Western side of each
continent. The basic cause of this type of climate is the shifting of the pressure
and wind belts. It has great extent around
Mediterranean sea, so it is popularly known as Mediterranean region,
• Areas South-West Africa (cape region), around the shores of Mediterranean
sea, Central Chile (South America) Central California (USA) and Adelaide to
Melbourne in Southern Australia,
• Climate Rainfall occurs in winter under the influence of on-shore westerlies and
a dry, warm summer.
• Species Mediterranean lands are noted for orchard farming and also known as
the 'worlds orchard lands'. A wide range of cities fruits are grown in which
viiculture (grape farming) is pre-dominant.

6. The Warm Temperate Eastern Margin Region-China

Extension Found on the eastern margins of continents between 30°-45° latitudes
in both the hemispheres.
• Areas Central China, South Japan, South East USA, Eastern Argentina, South
Brazil, SE Africa and Australia as well as Northern New Zealand.
• Climate Warm moist summer and cool dry winter. Rainfall mainly in summer.
Species These regions are the homes of a number of valuable timber species.
Eucalyptus, quebracho or axe breaker, yerba mate (Brazil & Argentina), palm
trees, oak, camphor, camelia etc.
• Famous for Sericulture.
7. The Cool Temperate Western Margin-British Type
• Exention Found between 40°-65° latitude in both the hemispheres.
• Areas It includes British Isles, North-West Europe, Belgium, Netherlands,
Denmark, West Coast of Canada.
• In Southern hemisphere Southern Chile, Tasmania and most part of New
Zealand (Particularly Southern Island).
Climate No dry season as the westerly winds blow from the Ocean throughout
the year.
Vegetation Deciduous trees e.g., oak, elm, ash, birch etc.

8. The Cool Temperate Eastern Margin Region-

Lauretian Type
• Extension Found on the Eastern margins of continents between 40°-65°
latitudes of Northern
hemisphere. It is absent in Southern hemisphere because only a small section of
Southern continent extends to the South of 40°S latitude.
• Areas In North America-North-East USA and eastern Canada, In Asia-Eastern
Siberia, North China,
Manchuria, Korea and Northern Japan.
• Climate Cold dry winter and warm wet summers. Winter is dry and cold
because the winds are dry
blowing from the interior.
Vegetation Coniferous trees, Yumbering and its associated timber, paper and
pulp industries are the most important economic avtivities
Agriculture is less important due to long and severe winters.

9. The Temperate Continental Region—Steppe Region

• Extension Located in the interior of the continents Siberia - Russia, Northern
Climate Summers are warm with a temperature over 20C while winter are very
cold well below freezing point.
• In Eurasia, temperate grasslands are called Steppes, Pustaz-Hungary, Prairies-
North America, Pampas Argentina, Downs - Australia, Veld - South Africa.
The grasslands have been ploughed up for extensive wheat cultivation and are
famous as the "granaries of the world". Besides wheat, maize is increasingly
cultivated here.

10. The Cool Temperate Continental Region-

Suberian/Taiga Region
• Extension Found in Northern hemisphere where the continents within the high
latitudes have a broad East-West spread. Usually between 45N - 70N. The Taiga
region has the stretchs from Alaska to Newfoundland in North America and
Norway toKamchatka in Eurasia.
• Climate Long cold, dry winter and cool short summer. Annual precipitation
ranges between 35-60 cm.
Vegetation Taiga conifers - Pine, fir, spruce, larch.
• The Taiga coniferous belts are richest source of soft wood for use in building

11. The Arctic or Tundra Region

America and Eurasia, coastal tract of Iceland and Greenland.
Climate Warmest month temperature is below 10°C but more than 0°C.
Precipitation is mainly in the form of snow in winter.
• Vegetation Mosses, lichens, sedges etc.

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