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EEE Syllabus - SE Mechanical Engineering - 2019 Course

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Savitribai Phule Pune University

Faculty of Science & Technology

Second Year
Bachelor of Engineering
(Choice Based Credit System)
Mechanical Engineering and Automobile Engineering
(2019 Course)

Board of Studies - Automobile and Mechanical Engineering

(With Effect from Academic Year 2020-21)
Savitribai Phule Pune University
Board of Studies - Automobile and Mechanical Engineering
Undergraduate Program - Automobile Engineering & Mechanical Engineering (2019 pattern)
Scheme Examination Scheme
(Hours/ Credit
and Marks
Course Week)
Course Name







202041 Solid Mechanics 4 2 - 30 70 - 50 - 150 4 1 - 5
202042 Solid Modeling and Drafting 3 2 - 30 70 - 50 - 150 3 1 - 4
202043 Engineering Thermodynamics 3 2 - 30 70 - - 25 125 3 1 - 4
202044 Engineering Materials and Metallurgy 3 2 - 30 70 25 - - 125 3 1 - 4
203156 Electrical and Electronics Engineering 3 2 - 30 70 25 - - 125 3 1 - 4
202045 Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing Lab - 2 - - - 25 - - 25 - 1 - 1
202046 Audit Course - III - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Total 16 12 - 150 350 75 100 25 700 16 6 - 22

207002 Engineering Mathematics - III 3 - 1 30 70 25 - - 125 3 - 1 4
202047 Kinematics of Machinery 3 2 - 30 70 - - 25 125 3 1 - 4
202048 Applied Thermodynamics 3 2 - 30 70 - - 25 125 3 1 - 4
202049 Fluid Mechanics 3 2 - 30 70 - - 25 125 3 1 - 4
202050 Manufacturing Processes 3 - - 30 70 - - - 100 3 - - 3
202051 Machine Shop - 2 - - - 50 - - 50 - 1 - 1
202052 Project Based Learning - II - 4 - - - 50 - - 50 - 2 2
202053 Audit Course - IV - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Total 15 12 1 150 350 125 - 75 700 15 6 1 22
Abbreviations: TH: Theory, PR: Practical, TUT: Tutorial, ISE: In-Semester Exam, ESE: End-
Semester Exam,TW: Term Work, OR: Oral
Note: Interested students of SE (Automobile Engineering and Mechanical Engineering) can opt for
any one of the audit course from the list of audit courses prescribed by BoS (Automobile and
Mechanical Engineering)
 Practical/Tutorial must be conducted in three batches per division only.
 Minimum number of required Experiments/Assignments in PR/ Tutorial shall be carried out as
mentioned in the syllabi of respective subjects.
 Assessment of tutorial work has to be carried out as a term-work examination. Term-work
Examination at second year of engineering course shall be internal continuous assessment only.
 Project based learning (PBL) requires continuous mentoring by faculty throughout the semester
for successful completion of the tasks selected by the students per batch. While assigning the
teaching workload of 2 Hrs/week/batch needs to be considered for the faculty involved. The
Batch needs to be divided into sub-groups of 5 to 6 students. Assignments / activities / models/
projects etc. under project based learning is carried throughout semester and Credit for PBL has
to be awarded on the basis of internal continuous assessment and evaluation at the end of
 Audit course is mandatory but non-credit course. Examination has to be conducted at the end of
Semesters for award of grade at institute level. Grade awarded for audit course shall not be
calculated for grade point & CGPA.
203156 - Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Teaching Scheme Credits Examination Scheme
Theory : 03 Hr./Week 04 In-Semester : 30 Marks
Practical : 02 Hr./Week Theory : 03 End-Semester : 70 Marks
Practical : 01 Term Work : 25 Marks
Prerequisite Courses
Basic Electrical Engineering, Basic Electronics Engineering, Systems in Mechanical Engineering
Course Objectives
1. To understand Arduino IDE; an open source platform and its basic programming features
2. To interface Atmega328 based Arduino board with different devices and sensors
3. To study principle of operation of DC machines and speed control of DC motors
4. To know about three phase induction motor working and its applications
5. To get acquainted with Electric Vehicle (EV) technology and subsystems
6. To get familiar with various energy storage devices and electrical drives
Course Outcomes
On completion of the course, learner will be able to
CO1. APPLY programming concepts to UNDERSTAND role of Microprocessor and
Microcontroller in embedded systems
CO2. DEVELOP interfacing of different types of sensors and other hardware devices with
Atmega328 based Arduino Board
CO3. UNDERSTAND the operation of DC motor, its speed control methods and braking
CO4. DISTINGUISH between types of three phase induction motor and its characteristic features
CO5. EXPLAIN about emerging technology of Electric Vehicle (EV) and its modular subsystems
CO6. CHOOSE energy storage devices and electrical drives for EVs
Course Contents
Unit I Introduction to Arduino [08 Hr.]
Introduction to microcontroller and microprocessors, role of embedded systems, open source
embedded platforms, Introduction to Arduino IDE- features, IDE overview, Programming concepts:
variables, functions, conditional statements, Concept of GPIO in Atmega328 based Arduino board,
digital input and output
Unit II Peripheral Interface [07 Hr.]
Interfacing of Atmega328 based Arduino board with LED and LCD/serial monitor, serial
communication using Arduino IDE, Concept of ADC in Atmega328 based Arduino board,
interfacing of Atmega328 based Arduino board with temperature sensor (LM35), LVDT, strain
Unit III DC Machines [08 Hr.]
Generating and motoring action, Constructional features of a DC machine, EMF equation of DC
machine and its significance in motor
Concept of torque developed by motor and it’s equation, Concept of load torque, Types of loads and
dynamics of motor and load combination, Characteristics of DC shunt motor, Speed control methods
of DC shunt motor, Reversal of direction of rotation of DC motor, Braking in DC motor and its
types, Regenerative braking in DC shunt motor
Unit IV Three Phase Induction Motors [07 Hr.]
Constructional features, working principle of three phase induction motor, types, torque equation,
torque-slip characteristics, effect of rotor resistance on characteristics, modification in squirrel cage
motor with deep bar rotor construction
Power stages, efficiency, starters (DOL starter and Star Delta starter), Methods of speed control-
voltage and frequency control, variable frequency drive, applications
Unit V Electric Vehicle (EV) Technology [08 Hr.]
Brief history of Electric Vehicle (EV), Components of EV, Benefits of EV
Types of EVs such as Battery EV, Hybrid EV, Plug-in EV, Fuel Cell EV and their comparison,
Challenges faced by EV technology
Subsystems and configurations of EV, Subsystems of Hybrid EV, Configurations of series, parallel
and series-parallel Hybrid EV
Impact of EV on grid, Vehicle to grid technology- block diagram
Unit VI Energy Storage Devices and Electric Drives [07 Hr.]
Storage Devices: Cell construction and working of batteries like Lithium- Iron Phosphate (LFP),
Lithium Nickel-Manganese-Cobalt (NMC) and Lithium- Manganese Oxide (LMO), Voltage,
Impedance, Ah and Wh Capacity, Cycle Life, Energy density, Power, C-rate and safety aspects
Use of supercapacitor and hydrogen fuel cell in EVs- necessity, advantages and specifications
Factors used in selection of energy storage device in case of EVs, Vehicle Battery Management
System - block diagram
Electric Drives: Factors used for selection of the electric motor in EVs
BLDC hub motor drive for EVs, characteristics and speed control of BLDC motor, three phase
induction motor drive for EVs
Books & Other Resources
Text Books
1. Barret Steven F, “Arduino Microcontroller Processing for Everyone!”, 3rd Ed, Morgan and
Claypool Publishers
2. Michael Margolis, “Arduino Cookbook”, 2nd Ed, O'Reilly Media
3. Hughes Edward, “Electrical and Electronic Technology”, Pearson Education
4. Ashfaq Husain, “Electric Machines”, 3rd Ed, Dhanpat Rai & Sons
5. Bhattacharya S. K., “Electrical Machine”, 3rd Ed, Tata McGraw Hill
6. Nagrath & Kothari, “Electrical Machines”, Tata McGraw Hill
7. Iqbal Hussein, “Electric and Hybrid Vehicles: Design Fundamentals”, CRC Press
8. Mehrdad Ehsani, Yimi Gao, Sebastian E. Gay, Ali Emadi, “Modern Electric, Hybrid Electric and
Fuel Cell Vehicles: Fundamentals, Theory and Design”, 2nd Ed, CRC Press
Reference Books
1. Deshmukh Ajay, “Microcontrollers Theory and Applications”, Tata McGraw Hill
2. Massimo Banzi, “Getting Started with Arduino”, 2nd Ed, Maker Media, Inc.
3. Brad Kendall, “Getting Started With Arduino: A Beginner's Guide”, Justin Pot and Angela
Alcorn (Editors)
4. Lowe, “Electrical Machines”, Nelson Publications
5. [A.E. Fitzgerald, Charles Kingsley, Stephen D. Umans, “Electrical Machines”, 5th Ed, Tata
McGraw Hill
6. Pillai S. K., “A First Course on Electrical Drives”, New Age International (P) Ltd.
7. James Larminie, John Lowry, , “Electric Vehicle Technology Explained”, Wiley
8. Dhameja Sandeep, “Electric Vehicle Battery Systems”, Newnes
9. R. Krishnan,“Permanent Magnet Synchronous and Brushless DC Motor Drives”, CRC Press
Web References
1. www.arduino.cc (for downloading Arduino IDE and information)
2. www.alldatasheet.com (for datasheets of components)
3. https://spoken-tutorial.org/tutorial-search/ (for video tutorials on Arduino)
4. https://swayam.gov.in/NPTEL (for e-learning courses and video lectures)
Guidelines for Laboratory Conduction
The student shall complete the following activity as a Term Work
Total 10 experiments from the following list must be performed. Term Work of the Student is
evaluated based on the completion of Practical, Assignments using Virtual Laboratory & Detailed
Industrial Visit Report and Group Assignment using Case Study/Product Survey.
Practical - Electronics Engineering Laboratory (Any four experiments to be performed)
Atmega328 based Arduino board can be used for following interfaces:
1. Interfacing of LED to blink after every 1 sec
2. Display data using serial communication with PC
3. Interfacing of LCD to display given message
4. Interfacing of temperature sensor (LM35) and display output on LCD/serial monitor
5. Interfacing of strain gauge sensor to measure parameters like pressure, weight, etc., and display
the measured value
6. Interfacing of LVDT sensor to measure the displacement and display the measured value
Practical - Electrical Engineering Laboratory (Any four experiments to be performed)
7. Demonstration of use of starters for DC motor and three phase induction motor along with
understanding of specifications on name plates of these machines
8. Brake test on DC shunt motor
9. Study of power electronic converter based DC motor drive
10. Study of electrical braking of DC shunt motor (Rheostatic/ Plugging/regenerative)
11. Load test on three phase induction motor
12. Torque- speed characteristics of three phase induction motor
Assignments using Virtual Laboratory
Virtual Labs project is an initiative of the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD),
Government of India under the aegis of National Mission on Education through Information and
Communication Technology (NMEICT). Please visit the following link for exploring experiments on
Electrical Machines: http://www.vlab.co.in/broad-area-electrical-engineering
Assign following experiments by applying Virtual Labs:
1. Speed control of DC shunt motor by armature and field resistance control
2. Speed control of slip ring induction motor by rotor resistance control
Please refer http://vlabs.iitb.ac.in/vlabs-dev/vlab_bootcamp/bootcamp/Sadhya/experimentlist.html
Assignments using Case Study/Product Survey
Each group consisting of maximum five number of students should carry out a case study/product
survey focused on various EVs available in Indian market. Forming groups and allotment of specific
task to the students group should be done at the beginning of semester so that students get sufficient
time to carry out the survey and prepare a presentation.
Students must
 Compare various models in each class.
 Study various main components of EVs
 A formal presentation on case study/product survey must be arranged before class/batch.
Industrial Visits
An industrial visit must be arranged to one of the following establishments during the semester.
The Industrial Visit must be preferably to
 Automation/Manufacturing industries
 Battery/EV Charging Stations
 Retro-fitting Workshops of ICE vehicle to EVs
 EV Service Stations
Student must submit properly documented Detailed Industrial Visit Report in his/her own words.
Instructions for Laboratory Conduction
Electronics Engineering Laboratory
1. The instructor is expected to shortlist necessary experiments from the suggested list of
2. During the practical session the instructor may divide the total students in groups of 4 to 5
students and assign them different experiments.
3. Each student in the group is supposed to execute the program.
4. The faculty should check the result of all the groups.
Electrical Engineering Laboratory
1. Check whether the MCB / ELCB / main switch is off while preparing the set-up.
2. Make connections as per circuit diagram. Use flexible wire for connection of voltmeter and
pressure coil connection of wattmeter. For the rest of the connections, use thick wires. Do not
keep the connections loose. Get it checked by the faculty / Lab Assistant.
3. Perform the experiment only in presence of faculty or Lab Assistant.
4. Do the calculations and get these checked from the faculty.
5. After completion of experiment, switch off the MCB / ELCB / main switch.
6. Write the experiment in the journal and get it checked regularly after conducting
Guidelines for Instructor’s Manual
The Instructor’s Manual should contain following related to every experiment:
1. Brief theory related to the experiment.
2. Connection diagram /circuit diagram
3. Observation table
4. Sample calculations for one reading
5. Result table
6. Graph and Conclusions.
7. Data sheets of the ICs used( if any)
Guidelines for Student’s Lab Journal
Electronics Engineering Laboratory
1. Title of the program should be mentioned
2. The algorithm of the program must be written
3. Flow Chart for each program has to be drawn on separate page
4. Input data has to be specified
5. Result of the program should be highlighted
Electrical Engineering Laboratory
1. Lab journal should be hand written
2. Circuit diagrams can be drawn on graph paper
3. Specifications of the instruments/machines used for conduction of practical should be mentioned
in respective write-up
4. Conclusion of each experiment should be written by student at the end
Guidelines for Lab/TW/PR Assessment
1. Continuous assessment should be carried out time to time.
2. During assessment, faculty should put the remark by writing the word “Complete” and not
simply “C”. Put the signature along with the date at the end of experiment and also in the index.
3. Assess each laboratory experiment/virtual lab assignment/report of industrial visit/case study for
10 marks each as per following details:
Attendance in practical - 02 marks
Timely completion of journal -03 marks
Presentation of write-up and results - 02 marks
Depth of understanding - 03 marks
4. Maintain a continuous assessment sheet on the basis of which final TW marks can be offered.

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