Littelfuse - LV MOV Design - Guide

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LV UltraMOV™ Low Voltage, High Surge Current

Varistor Design Guide (Preliminary Version)

© 2013 Littelfuse, Inc.

Specifications descriptions and illustrative material in this literature are as accurate as known at
the time of publication, but are subject to changes without notice. Visit for more



CURRENT VARISTOR SERIES…………………………………………………………….3



APPLICATION EXAMPLES……………………………………………………… ……..…9




VARISTOR BASICS……………………………………………………………………..….23





The LV UltraMOV™ Low Voltage, High Surge Current Varistor Series provides an ideal
circuit protection solution for lower DC voltage applications by offering a superior surge
rating in a smaller disc size. The maximum peak surge current rating can reach up to
8KA (8/20 µs pulse) to protect against high peak surges, including lightning strike
interference, electrical fast transients on power lines, and inductive spikes in industrial

These devices are available in the following sizes and voltage ranges:

 Disc Diameter: 5mm, 7mm, 10mm, 14mm and 20mm

 Maximum Continuous Voltage (Vdc): 14V to 56V

 Varistor Voltage (Vnom) at 1mA: 18V to 68V

The following excerpt is from the LV UltraMOV™ Series datasheet. There is also a
comparison of specifications for the LV UltraMOV™ Series vs. the Littelfuse ZA Series
and another well-known MOV supplier.

Max. peak
Max. Max. current Energy Typical
continuous Varistor Voltage at Clamping (8x20μs, 1 Rating (2ms, Capacitance
Model Number voltage 1mA Voltage pulse) 1pulse) f=1MHz

Number Size Vrms Vdc Min Nom Max Vc Ipk
(Base part) Branding (mm) (V) (V) (V) (V) (V) (V) (A) (A) (J) (pF)

V05E17 5E17 5 17 22 24.3 27.0 29.7 53 1 500 3 920

V07E17 7E17 7 17 22 24.3 27.0 29.7 53 2.5 1000 6 2200

V10E40 10E40 10 40 56 61.2 68.0 74.8 135 5 2000 28 1850

V14E40 14E40 14 40 56 61.2 68.0 74.8 135 10 4000 65 3870

V20E40 20E40 20 40 56 61.2 68.0 74.8 135 20 8000 150 9000

Supplier X Littelfuse Littelfuse

Standard Series ZA Series LV UltraMOV™ Series
diameter VRMS VDC Imax WMax Imax Imax Wmax
(mm) (V) (V) (8/20)(A) (2ms)(J) (8/20)(A) (8/20)(A) (2ms)(J)
5 11~40 14~56 100 0.3~1.3 100 500 2~5
7 11~40 14~56 250 0.8~3.0 250 1000 4~10
10 11~40 14~56 500 1.7~6.4 500 2000 8~28
14 11~40 14~56 1000 3.2~13 1000 4000 22~65
20 11~40 14~56 2000 10~37 8000 35~150

LV UltraMOV™ Series Features

 Breakthrough in low voltage varistor design provides high peak surge current rating
 Reduced footprint and volume required for surge protection
 High energy absorption capability
 High resistance to temperature cycling
 Optional phenolic coating
 Lead-free, halogen-free, and RoHS compliant


 Increased long-term reliability due to the ability to handle higher surges over the end
product's lifetime
 More board space is available for higher value functional components
 Lower weight and cost for end product from use of a smaller disc
 Higher surge handling density in critical surge protection device module solutions.
 Higher operating temperature range—up to 125C
 Environmentally friendly product

Enhanced protection level—Higher surge withstanding and longer life

An LV UltraMOV™ Varistor can withstand higher surge current/energy and more surge
strikes than the same size varistor from the standard Littelfuse series. For example, a
new 10mm LV UltraMOV™ Varistor is rated at 2000A max. surge current, which is four
times higher than a standard one. The higher surge rating also can provide longer life
and reliability because there will be less degradation of the MOV over its lifetime.

Reduced component size—More compact designs

An LV UltraMOV™ Varistor is smaller than a standard Littelfuse varistor with the same
surge capability. This reduces both PCB space requirements and component height.
For example, an ordinary 10mm MOV capable of 500A max. surge current could be
replaced by a new 5mm LV UltraMOV™ Varistor with the same 500A surge rating; MOV
size is reduced from 10mm to 5mm and mounting height is reduced from 14mm to

Higher operation temperature range

The new series can be operated in environments up to 125°C with the Phenolic coating
option, so they can be used in more severe conditions like industrial applications.

Part Number Cross Reference

Supplier X Supplier Y Littelfuse
Standard Series Standard Series LV UltraMOV™ Series
diameter VRMS VDC P/N Imax Wmax P/N Imax Wmax (Max. OP (Max. OP Imax Wmax
(mm) (V) (V) (SIOV-) (8/20)(A) (2ms)(J) (ERZV-) (8/20)(A) (2ms)(J) Temp. 85°C) Temp. 125°C) (8/20)(A) (2ms)(J)
5 11 14 S05K11 100 0.3 ERZV05D180 250 0.4 V05E11P V05P11P 500 2
7 11 14 S07K11 250 0.8 ERZV07D180 500 0.9 V07E11P V07P11P 1000 4
10 11 14 S10K11 500 1.7 ERZV10D180 1000 2.2 V10E11P V10P11P 2000 8
14 11 14 S14K11 1000 3.2 ERZV14D180 2000 4.3 V14E11P V14P11P 4000 22
20 11 14 S20K11 2000 10 ERZV20D180 3000 12 V20E11P V20P11P 8000 35

5 14 18 S05K14 100 0.4 ERZV05D220 250 0.5 V05E14P V05P14P 500 2.5
7 14 18 S07K14 250 0.9 ERZV07D220 500 1.1 V07E14P V07P14P 1000 5
10 14 18 S10K14 500 2 ERZV10D220 1000 2.6 V10E14P V10P14P 2000 20
14 14 18 S14K14 1000 4 ERZV14D220 2000 5.3 V14E14P V14P14P 4000 40
20 14 18 S20K14 2000 12 ERZV20D220 3000 14 V20E14P V20P14P 8000 80

5 17 22 S05K17 100 0.5 ERZV05D270 250 0.7 V05E17P V05P17P 500 3

7 17 22 S07K17 250 1.1 ERZV07D270 500 1.3 V07E17P V07P17P 1000 6
10 17 22 S10K17 500 2.5 ERZV10D270 1000 3.2 V10E17P V10P17P 2000 23
14 17 22 S14K17 1000 5 ERZV14D270 2000 6.5 V14E17P V14P17P 4000 50
20 17 22 S20K17 2000 14 ERZV20D270 3000 17 V20E17P V20P17P 8000 100

5 20 26 S05K20 100 0.6 ERZV05D330 250 0.8 V05E20P V05P20P 500 3

7 20 26 S07K20 250 1.3 ERZV07D330 500 1.6 V07E20P V07P20P 1000 6
10 20 26 S10K20 500 3.1 ERZV10D330 1000 4 V10E20P V10P20P 2000 23
14 20 26 S14K20 1000 6 ERZV14D330 2000 7.9 V14E20P V14P20P 4000 50
20 20 26 S20K20 2000 18 ERZV20D330 3000 21 V20E20P V20P20P 8000 100

5 23 28 - V05E23P V05P23P 500 3.2

7 23 28 - V07E23P V07P23P 1000 6.5
10 23 28 - V10E23P V10P23P 2000 24
14 23 28 - V14E23P V14P23P 4000 52
20 23 28 - V20E23P V20P23P 8000 110

5 25 31 S05K25 100 0.7 ERZV05D390 250 0.9 V05E25P V05P25P 500 3.5
7 25 31 S07K25 250 1.6 ERZV07D390 500 1.9 V07E25P V07P25P 1000 7
10 25 31 S10K25 500 3.7 ERZV10D390 1000 4.7 V10E25P V10P25P 2000 25
14 25 31 S14K25 1000 7 ERZV14D390 2000 9.4 V14E25P V14P25P 4000 55
20 25 31 S20K25 2000 22 ERZV20D390 3000 25 V20E25P V20P25P 8000 120

5 30 38 S05K30 100 0.9 ERZV05D470 250 1.1 V05E30P V05P30P 500 4

7 30 38 S07K30 250 2 ERZV07D470 500 2.3 V07E30P V07P30P 1000 8
10 30 38 S10K30 500 4.4 ERZV10D470 1000 5.6 V10E30P V10P30P 2000 26
14 30 38 S14K30 1000 9 ERZV14D470 2000 11 V14E30P V14P30P 4000 60
20 30 38 S20K30 2000 26 ERZV20D470 3000 30 V20E30P V20P30P 8000 130

5 35 45 S05K35 100 1.1 ERZV05D560 250 1.3 V05E35P V05P35P 500 4.5
7 35 45 S07K35 250 2.5 ERZV07D560 500 2.7 V07E35P V07P35P 1000 9
10 35 45 S10K35 500 5.4 ERZV10D560 1000 6.7 V10E35P V10P35P 2000 27
14 35 45 S14K35 1000 10 ERZV14D560 2000 13 V14E35P V14P35P 4000 62
20 35 45 S20K35 2000 33 ERZV20D560 3000 36 V20E35P V20P35P 8000 135

5 40 56 S05K40 100 1.3 ERZV05D680 250 1.6 V05E40P V05P40P 500 5

7 40 56 S07K40 250 3 ERZV07D680 500 3.3 V07E40P V07P40P 1000 10
10 40 56 S10K40 500 6.4 ERZV10D680 1000 8.2 V10E40P V10P40P 2000 28
14 40 56 S14K40 1000 13 ERZV14D680 2000 16 V14E40P V14P40P 4000 65
20 40 56 S20K40 2000 37 ERZV20D680 3000 44 V20E40P V20P40P 8000 150

Cross Reference (By Imax)

Supplier X Supplier Y Littelfuse
Standard series Standard series LV UltraMOV™ Series
Imax diamete Wmax diamete P/N P/N
(8/20)(A VRMS VDC r P/N Wmax diameter P/N (2ms)(J r (Max. OP Temp. (Max. OP Wmax
) (V) (V) (mm) (SIOV-) (2ms)(J) (mm) (ERZV-) ) (mm) 85°C) Temp. 125°C) (2ms)(J)
11 14 S05K11 0.3
14 18 S05K14 0.4
17 22 S05K17 0.5
20 26 S05K20 0.6
100 5
25 31 S05K25 0.7
30 38 S05K30 0.9
35 45 S05K35 1.1
40 56 S05K40 1.3

11 14 S07K11 0.8 ERZV05D180 0.4

14 18 S07K14 0.9 ERZV05D220 0.5
17 22 S07K17 1.1 ERZV05D270 0.7
20 26 S07K20 1.3 ERZV05D330 0.8
250 7 5
25 31 S07K25 1.6 ERZV05D390 0.9
30 38 S07K30 2 ERZV05D470 1.1
35 45 S07K35 2.5 ERZV05D560 1.3
40 56 S07K40 3 ERZV05D680 1.6

11 14 S10K11 1.7 ERZV07D180 0.9 V05E11P V05P11P 2

14 18 S10K14 2 ERZV07D220 1.1 V05E14P V05P14P 2.5
17 22 S10K17 2.5 ERZV07D270 1.3 V05E17P V05P17P 3
20 26 S10K20 3.1 ERZV07D330 1.6 V05E20P V05P20P 3
500 23 28 10 - 7 - 5 V05E23P V05P23P 3.2
25 31 S10K25 3.7 ERZV07D390 1.9 V05E25P V05P25P 3.5
30 38 S10K30 4.4 ERZV07D470 2.3 V05E30P V05P30P 4
35 45 S10K35 5.4 ERZV07D560 2.7 V05E35P V05P35P 4.5
40 56 S10K40 6.4 ERZV07D680 3.3 V05E40P V05P40P 5

11 14 S14K11 3.2 ERZV10D180 2.2 V07E11P V07P11P 4

14 18 S14K14 4 ERZV10D220 2.6 V07E14P V07P14P 5
17 22 S14K17 5 ERZV10D270 3.2 V07E17P V07P17P 6
20 26 S14K20 6 ERZV10D330 4 V07E20P V07P20P 6
1000 23 28 14 - 10 - 7 V07E23P V07P23P 6.5
25 31 S14K25 7 ERZV10D390 4.7 V07E25P V07P25P 7
30 38 S14K30 9 ERZV10D470 5.6 V07E30P V07P30P 8
35 45 S14K35 10 ERZV10D560 6.7 V07E35P V07P35P 9
40 56 S14K40 13 ERZV10D680 8.2 V07E40P V07P40P 10


How to Connect a Littelfuse Varistor

Transient suppressors can be exposed to high

currents for short durations (in the range of
nanoseconds to milliseconds).

Littelfuse varistors are connected in parallel to

the load, and any voltage drop in the leads to
the varistor will reduce its effectiveness. Best
results are obtained by using short leads to
reduce induced voltages.

DC Applications

DC applications require connection between

plus and minus or plus and ground and minus
and ground.

For example, if a transient towards ground

exists on all three phases (common mode
transients), only transient suppressors
connected phase to ground would absorb
energy. Transient suppressors connected
phase to phase would not be effective.

MOV General Applications

 Metal Oxide Varistors (MOVs) are commonly used to suppress transients in many
applications, such as Surge Protection Devices (SPD), Uninterruptible Power
Supplies (UPSs), AC Power Taps, AC Power Meters or other products.

 Lightning, inductive load switching, or capacitor bank switching are often the sources
of these overvoltage transients.

 Under normal operating conditions, the AC line voltage applied to an MOV is not
expected to exceed the MOV’s Maximum ACRMS Voltage Rating or Maximum
Continuous Operating Voltage (MCOV).

 Occasionally, overvoltage transients that exceed these limits may occur. These
transients are clamped to a suitable voltage level by the MOV provided that the
transient energy does not exceed the MOV’s maximum rating.



Threats on Low Voltage Line

12VDC–48VDC circuits are used in a

variety of applications, including telecom
power, sensing, automation, control, and
security systems. Transients on these
lines can be caused by lightning
interference, inductive spikes from power
switching, and fast transients from induced
power line fluctuations. For example, a
relay switching on/off can cause a
magnetic transient in the coil inductance,
which produces a high voltage spike.

Compared with the other clamping and

crowbar technologies that are used for
voltage suppression, varistor technology is
still one of the most cost-effective ways to
protect against high energy surges on
these 12VDC–48VDC lines.

Typical Applications

MOVs are widely used in a number of application areas:

Telecom 48VDC 48VDC Telecom Power Protection

Telecom Power Supply Units (PSU)

typically range from 36VDC to 72VDC on
the high end voltage range. The LV
UltraMOV™ can be used for applications
where the voltage is less than 56VDC.

SPD SPD Application

Low Voltage Surge Protective Device

(SPD) modules are used in industrial
applications to provide module-based
surge protection of complete systems.
These SPDs are typically Din Rail
modules. The high surge density gained
by using the LV UltraMOV™ Series inside
these SPDs can offer significant

Security System

Security Apparatus Protection

12VAC/DC and 24VAC/VDC are the

common voltages used for security
systems components such as:

1. Motion sensors

2. IP cameras

3. DVRs

LED Lighting LED Protection

The desire to save energy drives the

adoption of LED lighting. LED light bulbs
with 24V power lines are widely used for
home and commercial applications. The
use of an MOV at the input circuit will
enhance the surge capability and hence
the life of the LED light.

Industrial Control Contact Relay Relay Protection

Typical relays for industrial automation and

motor control circuits use MOVs on the
secondary side to extend the life of the
relay. The MOVs clamp down transient
voltages and prevent arcing during the
switching of the relay contacts. The MOV
will absorb the arcing energy from the
energy released from the magnetic fields
of the relay.

MOV with Inductive Loads Solenoid Protection

Solenoids are widely used in the gas and

water valves for the process control

The MOV is connected to help dissipate

the energy stored in the magnetic field
when the solenoid is activated. This will
help protect the power transistors that are
used in the circuit.


Example of MOV selection process for surge protection:

Circuit conditions and requirements:

 24VDC circuit

 Current waveform for surge is 8x20μs;

voltage is 1.2x50μs

 Peak current during the surge is 1,000A

 Requirement is to survive 40 surges

 Other components (control IC, etc.) are

rated to withstand 300V maximum.

Approach to finding a solution:

To find the voltage rating of the MOV, allow

for 20% headroom to account for voltage
swell and power supply tolerances.

 24VDC x 1.2 = 28.8VDC

 So look at 31VDC rated MOVs

 Determine which MOV disc size to use

– identify those that minimally meet the
1,000A surge requirement.

- Use the Pulse Rating Curves in the

LV UltraMOV™ Series datasheet to
determine pulse capabilities of each
series per the 40 pulses @ 1,000A

- Use V-I Curve in the datasheet of

the selected MOV to verify that the
peak voltage will be below the
1,000V ceiling.

 Determine the LV UltraMOV™ Varistor disc size needed by confirming the surge
rating will meet the application requirement. In the following table, we have selected
a 14mm MOV with a 31VDC max continuous voltage rating as a possible solution to
meet our need. Then, we will use the Pulse Rating curves and V-I curves to verify
that the selected MOV p/n can meet the requirements.

LV MOV Varistor Electrical Characteristics Table

(Epoxy Coated Models for 85ºC; Phenolic Coated Models for 125ºC Ambient)
Max. Energ
peak y
Max. current Rating
Max. Clampin (8x20μs (2ms, Typical
Epoxy Coated Phenolic Coated continuous Varistor Voltage g ,1 1pulse Capacitanc
Models Models voltage at 1mA Voltage pulse) ) e f=1MHz

Part Part
Number Number Size Vd No
(Base (Base (mm Vrm c Min m Max Vc Ipk
part) Branding part) Branding ) s (V) (V) (V) (V) (V) (V) (A) (A) (J) (pF)

V14E23 P14E2 V14P23 P14P2 32. 36. 39.

P 3 P 3 14 23 28 4 0 6 71 10 4000 52 8000

V05E25 V05P25 35. 39. 42.

P P5E25 P P5P25 5 25 31 1 0 9 77 1 500 3.5 675

V07E25 V07P25 35. 39. 42.

P P7E25 P P7P25 7 25 31 1 0 9 77 2.5 1000 7 1350

V10E25 P10E2 V10P25 P10P2 35. 39. 42.

P 5 P 5 10 25 31 1 0 9 77 5 2000 25 3600

V14E25P P14E25 V14P25P P14P25 14 25 31 35.1 39.0 42.9 77 10 4000 55 7000

V20E25P P20E25 V20P25P P20P25 20 25 31 35.1 39.0 42.9 77 20 8000 120 12000

V10E30P P10E30 V10P30P P10P30 10 30 38 42.3 47.0 51.7 93 5 2000 26 2590

V14E30P P14E30 V14P30P P14P30 14 30 38 42.3 47.0 51.7 93 10 4000 60 6000

V20E30P P20E30 V20P30P P20P30 20 30 38 42.3 47.0 51.7 93 20 8000 130 11000

Pulse Rating Curves:

14MM V14x11P ‐ V14x40P 20MM V20x11P ‐ V20x40P

10000 10000
1x 1x
Surge current (A)

Surge current (A)

1000 2x 1000 2x
10x 10x
100 100
100x 100x
10 1000x 10 1000x
10000x 10000x
1 1
100000x 100000x
10 100 1000 10000 10 100 1000 10000
Impulse duration (us) 1000000x Impulse duration (us) 1000000x

Fig 1 Fig 2

Determine if the 14mm LV UltraMOV™ Surge Rating is sufficient to meet the


1. Using the Repetitive Surge Capability (Pulse Rating) Curves in the LV UltraMOV™
datasheet, locate the pulse with (20µs) on the x-axis (see Fig 1 for 14mm MOV and
Fig 2 for 20mm MOV). This signifies a 8x20usec waveform shape.

2. Find where the vertical line intercepts the 1,000A point, which is our required surge
rating for 40 hits.

3. In this case, we find that the LV UltraMOV™ 14mm can only survive a little more
than 10 hits. However, the 20mm choice can survive 100 pulses. Therefore, we
select the more conservative choice, which is the 20mm MOV (p/n V20E25P).

Determine if the 20mm LV

MOV is suitable to meet the
clamping requirements:

1. Locate the peak current on

the X-axis (1000A) in the LV
UltraMOV™ V-I curve.

2. Find where it intercepts the

curve for the V20E25P

3. In this case, the maximum

clamping voltage is at 130V,
which is beneath the 300V
damage threshold for the
sensitive components in the
circuit. Our MOV selection will
protect us to the correct level.


The V20E25P can meet the 24V DC, 1000A, 40-hit 8x20µs surge requirement with
clamping voltage at 130V.


Overvoltage transients can damage integrated circuits

(ICs) or other sensitive devices, as well as cause
interruptions in service or loss of data. They may even
pose a threat to the user of an electronic device. (See
”The Impact of Overvoltage Transients” for further
details.) To suppress these transients, circuit designers
typically incorporate some type of shunt element that
acts as a clamp (such as a Metal Oxide Varistor or

The Impact of Overvoltage Transients

• 75 percent of field equipment failures are due to Electrical Over-Stress (EOS).

• Modern semiconductor devices are increasingly intolerant of voltage transients.

• Even a lightning strike that occurs several miles away can induce transients in

• Power distribution transformers that are susceptible to overvoltage transients

introduce noise into the power line, which may create “dirty power” problems.

Voltage Transient Events

Voltage transients are short-duration surges or spikes. If left unsuppressed, they may
damage circuits and components, and result in complete system failure. Here are some
common types of voltage transients and technologies designed to reduce their effects:

 Inductive Load Switching: Switching of inductive loads, such as those that occur
with transformers, generators, motors and relays, can create transients up to
hundreds of volts and amps, and can last as long as 400 milliseconds, affecting both
AC and DC circuits. Commonly used suppressor devices for these applications
include Metal Oxide Varistors (MOVs), Gas Discharge Tubes (GDTs), and Transient
Voltage Suppression (TVS) Diodes.

 Lightning Induced Transients: Most transients induced by nearby lightning strikes

result in an electromagnetic disturbance on electrical and communication lines
connected to electronic equipment. Devices intended to protect against these
transients must have a fast response time and be able to dissipate a large amount of
energy. Littelfuse MOVs, TVS Diodes, and GDTs are often used to protect against
these events. Littelfuse SIDACtor® and TVS Diode Array products are well-suited for
telecom/datacom applications.
 Automotive Load Dump: Load dump is what happens to the supply voltage in a
vehicle when a load is removed. If a load is removed rapidly (such as when the
battery is disconnected while the engine is running), the voltage may spike before
stabilizing, which can damage electronic components. In a typical 12V circuit, load
dump can rise as high as 120V and take as long as 400 milliseconds to decay─more
than enough time to cause serious damage. Littelfuse offers a wide range of TVS
Diodes and Multilayer Varistors (MLVs) designed to protect against these types of

The Transient Environments

The yearly rates at which surges occur
vary widely, depending on the specific
power system. These transients are
difficult to deal with due to their amplitude,
duration and energy level. The figure
shown here is based on data collected
from many independent sources. The low
exposure portion of the graph is derived
from low lightning activity, with little load
switching activity. Medium exposure
systems are geographical areas known for
high lightning activity, with frequent and
severe switching transients. High exposure
areas are rare, but real systems supplied

by long overhead lines are subject to

voltage reflections at line termination.

Typical Transient Models

The majority of the surges that occur in
indoor low voltage power systems can be
modeled as an oscillatory waveform (see
Figure 2) per ANSI/IEEE C62.41. A surge
impinging on the system excites the
natural resonant frequencies of the
conductor system. As a result, not only are
the surges oscillatory, but they may have
different amplitudes and waveshapes at
different locations in the system. These
oscillatory frequencies range from 5kHz to
500kHz but most frequently are around

In outdoor situations, the surge waveforms

recorded have been categorized based on
the energy content associated with them.
These waveshapes involve greater energy
than those associated with the indoor
environment and were found to be
unidirectional in nature (see Figure 3).

Some transients may be generated in the

circuit itself due to inductive load switching,
commutation voltage spikes, etc.

Transient Energy and Source Impedance


The information in Table 1 can be useful in the

selection of surge suppression devices because it
is very difficult to select a specific value of source

Category A covers outlets and long branch circuits

and all outlets more than 30 feet from Category B
and all outlets more than 60 feet from Category C.

Category B is for major feeders and short branch

circuits from the electrical entrance. Examples at
this location are bus and feeder systems in
industrial plants, distribution panel devices, and
lighting systems in commercial buildings.

Category C applies to outdoor locations and the

electrical service entrance. It covers the service
drop from pole to building entrance, the run
between meter and the distribution panel, the
overhead line to detached buildings and

underground lines to well pumps.



There are two different approaches to suppressing transients: attenuation and diversion.
Attenuation techniques are based on filtering the transient, thus preventing their
propagation into the sensitive circuit; diversion techniques redirect the transient away
from sensitive loads and thereby limit the residual voltages.

Clamping- and crowbar-type devices are often used to divert a transient:

 Crowbar devices, primarily gas tubes or protection thyristors, are widely used in the
communication field where power-follow current is less of a problem than in power
circuits. These types of devices employ a switching action to divert the transient and
reduce voltage below line condition by starving the circuit of power. These devices
require auto resetting.

 Clamping devices are components with a variable impedance that depends on the
voltage across the terminal. These devices exhibit a nonlinear impedance
characteristic. The variation of the impedance is continuous. A clamping device is
designed to maintain “normal” line conditions. It typically dissipates some energy
within the body of the device.

Overvoltage Suppression Comparison

The most suitable type of transient suppressor depends on the intended application; in
addition, some applications require the use of both primary and secondary protection
devices. The function of the transient suppressor is to limit the maximum instantaneous
voltage that can develop across the protected loads in one way or another. The choice
depends on various factors but ultimately comes down to a trade-off between the cost of
the suppressor and the level of protection needed.

When it’s used to protect sensitive circuits, the length of time a transient suppressor
requires to begin functioning is extremely important. If the suppressor is slow acting and
a fast-rising transient spike appears on the system, the voltage across the protected
load can rise to damaging levels before suppression kicks in. On power lines, a Metal

Oxide Varistor is usually the best type of suppression device. TVS Diodes and Gas
Discharge Tubes are also used occasionally.


Varistors are voltage dependent, nonlinear devices

that behave electrically similar to back-to back
Zener diodes. The symmetrical, sharp breakdown
characteristics shown here enable the varistor to
provide excellent transient suppression
performance. When exposed to high voltage
transients, the varistor impedance changes many
orders of magnitude—from a near open circuit to a
highly conductive level—thereby clamping the
transient voltage to a safe level. The potentially
destructive energy of the incoming transient pulse
is absorbed by the varistor, thereby protecting
vulnerable circuit components.

Physical Properties

An attractive property of the metal oxide varistor,

fabricated from zinc oxide (ZnO) is that the
electrical characteristics are related to the bulk of
the device. Each ZnO grain of the ceramic acts as
if it has a semiconductor junction at the grain
boundary. A cross-section of the material is shown
here, which illustrates the ceramic micro structure.
The ZnO grain boundaries can be clearly observed.
The varistor can be considered a “multi-junction”
device composed of many series and parallel
connections of grain boundaries. Grain size plays a
major role in electrical behavior.

Varistor Microstructure

A fundamental property of the ZnO varistor is that

the voltage drop across a single interface “junction”
between grains is nearly constant. Observations
over a range of compositional variations and
processing conditions show a fixed voltage drop of
about 2V-3V per grain boundary junction. It follows
that the varistor voltage will be determined by the
thickness of the material and the size of the ZnO

The varistor voltage (VN) is defined as the voltage

across a varistor at the point on its V-I
characteristic where the transition is complete from
the low-level linear region to the highly nonlinear
region. For standard measurement purposes, it is
arbitrarily defined as the voltage at a current of

Speed of Response

The varistor action depends on a conduction

mechanism similar to that of other semiconductor
devices. For this reason, conduction occurs very
rapidly, with no apparent time lag – even into the
nanosecond range. This graph shows a composite
photograph of two voltage traces with and without a
varistor inserted in a very low inductance impulse
generator. The second trace (which is not
synchronized with the first but merely
superimposed on the oscilloscope) shows that the
voltage clamping effect of the varistor occurs in
less than one nanosecond.

Terminology Used in Varistor Specifications



In most cases, a designer can select a varistor that meets the desired voltage ratings
from the standard models listed in the catalog. Occasionally, however, the standard
catalog models do not fit the requirements of the application, either due to voltage
ratings or energy/current ratings. When this happens, two options are available:
varistors can be arranged in series or parallel to make up the desired ratings or a
"special” can be requested from the factory to meet the unique requirements of the

Series Operation of Varistors

Varistors are applied in series for one of two reasons: to provide voltage ratings higher
than those available or to provide a voltage rating between the standard model
voltages. As a side benefit, higher energy ratings can be achieved with series
connected varistors over an equivalent single device. For instance, assume the
application calls for a radial leaded varistor with a VDC rating of 75VDC and an ITM peak
current capability of 4000A. The designer would like to have the varistor size fixed at
14mm. When we examine the LV UltraMOV™ Varistor series voltage ratings for 14mm
size discs, p/n V14E35P has a maximum voltage of 45VDC. In order to support a
75VDC requirement, we will need to place two MOVs in series. In this basic example,
we would have the additive effects of both varistors to get a total stand-off voltage of
45V + 45V = 90VDC. Therefore, we get greater than 20% tolerance headroom over
75VDC, so this solution should be okay. The clamping voltage (VC) is now the sum of
the individual varistor clamping voltages or 220V at 10A. The peak current capability is
still 4000A because the surge current will be conducted through both varistors in series

Parallel Operation of Varistors

Application requirements may necessitate higher peak currents and energy dissipation
than the high energy series of varistors can supply individually. When this occurs, the
logical alternative is to examine the possibility of configuring varistors in parallel.
Fortunately, all Littelfuse Varistors have a property at high current levels that makes this

feasible. This property is the varistor's series-resistance, which is prominent during the
“upturn region” of the V-I characteristic. This upturn is due to the inherent linear
resistance component of the varistor characteristic. It acts as a series balancing (or
ballasting) impedance to force a degree of sharing that is not possible at lower current

For example, at a clamp voltage of 600V, the difference in current between a maximum
specified sample unit and a hypothetical 20% lower bound sample would be more than
20 to 1. Therefore, there is almost no current sharing and only a single varistor carries
the current. Of course, at low current levels in the range of 10A–100A, this may well be

At high current levels

exceeding 1000A, the upturn
region is reached and current
sharing improves markedly.
For instance, at a clamp
voltage of 900V, the varistors’
currents, for the same example
varistor, are 2500A and 6000A,
respectively. Although far from
ideal sharing, this illustration
shows the feasibility of
paralleling to achieve higher
currents and energy than
achievable with a single model

Practically, varistors must be matched by means of high current pulse tests to make
parallel operation feasible.

Pulse testing should be in the range of >1kA, using an 8/20μs or similar pulse. Peak
voltages must be read and recorded. High current characteristics could then be
extrapolated in the range of 100A–10,000A. This is done by using the measured data

points to plot curves parallel to the data sheet curves.

With this technique, current sharing can be considerably improved from the near worst-
case conditions of the hypothetical example given in Figure 22.

In summary, varistors can be paralleled, but good current sharing is only possible if the
devices are matched over the total range of the voltage-current characteristic.

In applications requiring paralleling, Littelfuse should be consulted. Table 3 offers some

guidelines for series and parallel operation of varistors.

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