J TCB 2020 02 007
J TCB 2020 02 007
J TCB 2020 02 007
of Pages 15
Lysosomes are of major importance for the regulation of cellular cholesterol ho- Highlights
meostasis. Food-derived cholesterol and cholesterol esters contained within li- Cholesterol is delivered to lysosomes by
poproteins are delivered to lysosomes by endocytosis. From the lysosomal receptor-mediated delivery of low den-
sity lipoproteins (LDLs) from the extracel-
lumen, cholesterol is transported to the inner surface of the lysosomal membrane
lular space.
through the glycocalyx; this shuttling requires Niemann–Pick C (NPC) 1 and
NPC2 proteins. The lysosomal membrane proteins lysosomal-associated mem- In lysosomes, cholesterol esters are hy-
brane protein (LAMP)-2 and lysosomal integral membrane protein (LIMP)-2/ drolyzed and subject to binding to spe-
cialized proteins such as NPC2.
SCARB2 also bind cholesterol. LAMP-2 may serve as a cholesterol reservoir,
whereas LIMP-2, like NPC1, is able to transport cholesterol through a The transport of cholesterol to the limiting
transglycocalyx tunnel. Contact sites and fusion events between lysosomes membrane of the lysosome requires that
and other organelles mediate the distribution of cholesterol. Lysosomal choles- the dense layer of carbohydrates has to
be overcome by hydrophobic tunnel sys-
terol content is sensed thereby regulating mammalian target of rapamycin com- tems found in NPC1 as well as in LIMP-
plex (mTORC)-dependent signaling. This review summarizes our understanding 2/SCARB2.
of the major steps in cholesterol handling from the moment it enters the lyso-
some until it leaves this compartment. At the cytosolic side of the limiting mem-
brane of the lysosome, protein interac-
tions between lysosomal membrane
Lysosomes Control Cholesterol Homeostasis proteins and organelle membrane pro-
Lysosomes are cellular organelles involved in degradation processes, membrane flow, and teins mediate membrane contact sites
and transfer of cholesterol.
cell signaling [1,2]. Deficiency of lysosomal proteins is associated with human diseases af-
fecting the visceral and nervous systems. In many cases, storage of undigested or improp- The lysosomal cholesterol efflux is
erly transported substrates causes tissue dysfunction and cell death [3]. Niemann–Pick sensed and translated to the regulation
type C disease (NPCD) (Box 1) is an example of such a fatal disorder associated with a of cell proliferation and autophagy.
Lysosomal lipid handling and more specifically the efflux machinery of cholesterol in this compart-
ment are key to the understanding of the regulation of endogenous cholesterol synthesis and ex-
ogenous cholesterol uptake. In lysosomes the LDL-derived cholesteryl ester and triglycerides are
hydrolyzed to cholesterol and fatty acids by lysosomal acid lipase (LAL) [17]. Macroautophagy
is an independent cellular pathway that can also deliver endogenous cholesterol from cellular
membranes to lysosomes through fusion with autophagosomes. The endocytic delivery and au-
tophagy pathway generate intraluminal membrane-rich vesicles from where lipids, including cho-
lesterol, require transport to the limiting membrane of the lysosome. It is important to note that
cholesterol can not only immediately be subject to the mentioned lysosomal egress pathway: it
may be modified in the lysosomal lumen by the acid hydrolase β-glucocerebrosidase, which
can also act as a glucosyltransferase. Although the (patho)physiological relevance of such
G H+
M H+
S2P H+
Figure 1. The Endocytic Pathway Delivers Cholesterol to Lysosomes. Cholesterol derived from nutritional sources is
found in lipoproteins, which include low-density lipoproteins (LDLs). They are recognized in the majority of cell types by LDL
receptors (LDLRs) triggering endocytosis and formation of early endosomes (EEs), from where LDLR is recycled to the
plasma membrane. After maturation into late endosomes (LEs), acidification and further maturation into lysosomes, LDL is
degraded and cholesteryl esters are found in the lumen of the lysosome (LY). Acid lipase (LAL) hydrolyzes these esters
and generates free cholesterol. After binding to lysosomal-associated membrane protein 2 (LAMP-2), Niemann–Pick C2
(NPC2), or possibly saposins (Saps), it can be transferred to NPC1 and lysosomal integral membrane protein 2 (LIMP-2),
respectively. Transfer of cholesterol through hydrophobic tunnel cavities spanning the glycocalyx facilitates delivery of the
lipid to the lysosomal-limiting membrane. Membrane contact sites mediate cholesterol delivery to other organelles
including the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and peroxisomes (P). Through the activity of acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase 1
(ACAT1), cholesterol esters are formed and stored in lipid droplets (LDs). At the ER, cholesterol is sensed by the sterol
regulatory element-binding protein cleavage-activating protein (SCAP) and the insulin-induced gene protein (INSIG),
leading to transport of sterol regulatory element-binding protein (SREBP2) to the cis-Golgi (G) where it is processed by
Site1 and Site2 proteases (S1P and S2P), which lead to the liberation of the nuclear (n) fragment of SREBP2 activating
nuclear gene expression of the LDLR and the 3-hydoxy-3-methylglataryl-coenzyme-A reductase (HMGCR). The turnover
of intracellular membranes by autophagy also leads to delivery of cholesterol to lysosomes. For reasons of clarity this
figure only illustrates possible distribution routes of cholesterol after export from LYs as indicated by green arrows. Thus, it
may appear that this is an unidirectional pathway, however it should be noted that the flux of cholesterol is multidirectional.
Dashed arrows indicate possible (but not yet validated) links. Abbreviations: M, mitochondrion; Nu, nucleus
glucosylated cholesterol and its cellular transport pathways have not yet been documented, its
occurrence in mammalian cells and lysosomes has been unequivocally demonstrated [18,19].
Table 1. Selected and Commonly Used Biochemical and Cell-Based Assays to Monitor Intracellular Cholesterol Distribution and Cellular Cholesterol
Homeostasis [84,95,96, and references therein].
Type of assay Principle Advantage and disadvantage Refs
Filipin staining Polyene antibiotic as a fluorescent detergent binds Advantage: [85]
selectively to free cholesterol (not to cholesterol esters); has Can be used for qualitative assays to monitor free
also been used in electron microscopy; used to study cholesterol distribution; can be seen in
lysosomal storage disorders freeze-fracture micrographs
May also bind to gangliosides; not necessarily a
quantitative method; cholesterol may redistribute
during long incubations, easily bleached
Dehydroergosterol (DHE) Fluorescent naturally occurring derivative of cholesterol Advantage: [86]
used for fluorescence microscopy and trafficking studies in Similar distribution in cells; can be used in
mammalian cells. different types of imaging and live cell microscopy
Quantitative differences in the transport of DHE,
fluorescence dependent on microenvironment;
bleaching and low brightness
Cholestatrienol The closest fluorescent derivative of cholesterol used for Advantage: [87]
trafficking studies and in the study of membrane Incorporated and transported similar to
biophysics cholesterol
Easily bleached
Bacterial toxins (e.g., Used for electron microscopy and light microscopy Advantage: [88]
perfringolysin O) conjugated Well suited for state-of-the art microscopy as well
with fluorophore as live cell imaging
No binding to cholesterol esters, not good to
analyze interorganellar dynamics. Binds only to
cholesterol-rich membranes.
BODIPY–cholesterol Fluorescent derivative of cholesterol used in cellular Advantage: [84,89,90]
trafficking studies Brightness and good resolution in microscopy,
can be used to follow lysosome delivery of
Partial mistargeting in cells
NBD-cholesterol (esters) Fluorescent derivative of cholesterol used in biophysical Advantage: [91]
assays and trafficking studies Use in fluorescence microscopy
Bleaching, different membrane orientation
TLC, cholesterol oxidase Classical density enrichment or immunoisolation of Advantage: [92–94]
assays and mass organelles followed by biochemical assays Quantitative readout
spectrometric detection of
cholesterol after subcellular Disadvantage:
fractionation Organelles usually not pure and cholesterol
cannot be followed dynamically
SREBP2-nuclear fragment SREBP2 is liberated after cholesterol depletion and Advantage: [10]
detection activates transcription of sterol responsive Allows to study overall effect in cellular cholesterol
genes like LDLR and HMG-CoA reductase. Immunoblot sensing/regulation after genetic and
analysis of SREBP2 nuclear fragment in the pharmacological interventions
presence/absence of LDL-cholesterol
Does not measure cholesterol levels directly, but
indicates free cholesterol levels in ER
soluble proteins
Figure 2. Niemann–Pick C (NPC) 1 Protein, Lysosome Integral Membrane Protein 2 (LIMP-2), and Protein
Patched Homolog 1 (PTCH1) Are Cholesterol Transporters. Surface representations of the tunnels of NPC1,
LIMP-2 luminal domain, and PTCH1 are presented as a longitudinal cut through the body of the protein (sliced solid
shown in pink). The ribbon representations are also shown for reference. Cholesterol molecules present in the tunnels of
LIMP-2 luminal domain and PTCH1 are shown in blue. The lipid bilayer is schematically illustrated in grey colors. NPC2
and saposin A (SapA) are also depicted to illustrate their role in handing over cholesterol to the transmembrane proteins.
The biophysical properties of the virtually water-insoluble cholesterol molecule make it necessary
for the lipid released inside the lysosome to be either: (i) quickly incorporated into pre-existing
membranes; (ii) immediately engaged by specific proteins with hydrophobic sterol-binding do-
mains; or (iii) derivatized to more water-soluble compounds such as glucosyl-β-D-cholesterol
(GlcChol). Using liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC-MS)/MS and 13C-labeled
GlcChol as an internal standard, lysosomal cholesterol was quickly glucosylated into GlcChol
by acid β-glucocerebrosidase and this reaction was dependent on the availability of local choles-
terol acceptors [18]. The cholesterol glucosylation changes its physicochemical properties by
making it more water soluble and possibly favoring the formation of GlcChol micelles. GlcChol
may be, although less abundant, better suited for transport and an attractive intermediate in
the transport pathway. After transport GlcChol may be reconverted back to inert cholesterol [18].
However, most of the free cholesterol is immediately bound by proteins with hydrophobic sterol-
binding domains to help transport it out of lysosomes. NPC2, a small, 132-amino-acid soluble
lysosome luminal protein plays a critical role in lysosomal cholesterol egress via its cholesterol-
binding pocket [22]. NPC2 deficiency leads to lysosomal cholesterol accumulation, causing
NPC2 disease, a fatal neurovisceral disorder. X-ray crystallographic studies revealed the struc-
ture of NPC2 in complex with cholesterol sulfate, an analog that binds with greater apparent af-
finity than cholesterol. Interestingly, a lysosomal sulfohydrolase isolated from lysosomal
membranes of human placenta was described to cleave cholesterol sulfate. Although the phys-
iological role of cholesterol sulfate is still enigmatic, a contribution to lysosomal export processes
was speculated [23].
Lately, other proteins have been shown to play a role in the regulation of lysosomal cholesterol
export, such as the abundant and ubiquitous LAMP-1 and 2. Notably, yeast do not have
LAMP proteins. LAMP-1/2 are type 1 transmembrane proteins with a large, heavily glycosylated
luminal domain, a transmembrane domain, and a C-terminal cytoplasmic tail. LAMP proteins
were shown to bind cholesterol directly with high affinity, in a manner similar to NPC1, that buries
the cholesterol 3β-hydroxyl group within their luminal domain [24,25]. Furthermore, LAMP pro-
teins have been shown to be involved in the LEL cholesterol egress pathway [26,27]. Cells lacking
LAMP-1/2, as well as LAMP-2-deficient mouse liver, showed prominent storage of lysosomal
cholesterol [26]. This finding seems somewhat surprising given the fact that the glycosylation of
LAMPs contributes to the dense carbohydrate layer at the inner surface of lysosomes, possibly
allowing cholesterol to freely diffuse to the limiting membrane. However, it has been realized
that other lysosomal membrane proteins carry extensive glycosylation which still maintain a sig-
nificant barrier.
Recently, a role in lysosomal cholesterol egress was also suggested for saposin A (Figure 2), a
member of the lysosomal saposin family of small, nonenzymatic sphingolipid-activator proteins
(SAPs, saposins A, B, C, and D), which possess strong lipid binding/solubilizing properties
(i.e., cholesterol). SAPs are lysosomal cofactors that work together with hydrolases, playing sig-
nificant roles in sphingolipid catabolism. Saposin A forms lipoprotein complexes that share some
similarities with high-density lipoprotein (HDL) particles, although they are significantly smaller
[28]. Experiments have demonstrated that they can associate with the luminal domain of LIMP-
2 (also known as SCARB2) – another abundant integral protein of the limiting membrane of
lysosomes – (Figure 3) to deliver cholesterol to the hydrophobic tunnel of LIMP-2 [8]. These
new findings, which are explained in more detail below, reveal that LIMP-2 works in parallel
with NPC proteins to mediate a slower mode of lysosomal cholesterol export [8].
NPC1, a multimembrane-spanning protein, is at the center of this transfer process. NPC1 defi-
ciency or its functional impairment leads to a dramatic lysosomal build-up of unesterified choles-
terol (among other lipids, such as glycolipids) in multiple tissues including the central nervous
5 1
4 3 EV71/CVA16
EE/LE 1 LE Phosphatidylserine
containing vesicle
LY 2 Phosphatidylserine
2 1
LIMP-2 LDL particle
H+ 2 Cholesterol
Figure 3. Lysosome Integral Membrane Protein 2 (LIMP-2): a Multifunctional and Abundant Membrane Protein
of the Lysosomal Membrane. LIMP-2 resides in the limiting membrane of lysosomes. It plays important roles in the
trafficking of β-glucocerebrosidase (βGC), lipid uptake, and lysosomal cholesterol export: (1) adaptor protein 3 (AP3)
trafficking route of LIMP-2 to lysosomes. The delivery of LIMP-2 to lysosomes (in part via the plasma membrane) is
mediated by AP3, which binds to the C terminal of LIMP-2. (2) LIMP-2 binds βGC in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and
directs it to the lysosome where receptor and ligand dissociate. (3) The binding of lipids to a LIMP-2 monomer promotes
the formation of LIMP-2 dimer which interacts at the cell membrane with extracellular lipid vesicles. The hydrophobic
cavities within the LIMP-2 ectodomain dimer tether the bound lipid vesicles and cell membrane and facilitate lipid
exchange. (4) LIMP-2 also acts as a cellular receptor for enterovirus 71 (EV71) and coxsackievirus A16 (CVA16). EV71 and
CVA16 are pathogens in humans causing hand, foot, and mouth disease. (5) LIMP-2 acts as a cholesterol transporter
mediating the cholesterol transport out of the lysosome through its hydrophobic tunnel. Abbreviations: EE, early
endosome; LD, lipid droplet; LE, late endosome; LY, lysosome.
system, liver, and spleen [30,31] (Box 1). In recent years, the structure of human NPC1 has been
gradually revealed by the work of several groups who crystallized either the full length or different
fragments of the protein [24,32,33]. The middle one of the three luminally oriented domains
termed MLD of NPC1 was demonstrated to interact with NPC2, allowing the latter to participate
in the ‘hydrophobic hand-off’ of cholesterol to the NTD of NPC1 [33]. From there, cholesterol is
thought to be delivered to the sterol-sensing domain (SSD) of NPC1, which consists of trans-
membrane domains 3–7 [32,34]. The overall domain architecture of NPC1 is shared by members
of the Patched protein family. Crystal structures of Patched recently revealed a hydrophobic SSD
within the protein that might serve to transport lipids [35,36] (Figure 2).
How cholesterol is then delivered to either the luminal or cytosolic face of the lysosomal mem-
brane remains unclear. Li and colleagues speculated that the sterol molecule is transferred to
the luminal leaflet of the membrane and is flipped to the cytoplasmic leaflet thereafter, either
with the assistance of NPC1 or spontaneously [33]. Recently, new insight was gained regarding
the mechanisms by which NPC1 is able to transfer cholesterol through the glycocalyx and into the
limiting membrane. Using single-particle cryoelectron microscopy and crystallography, Winkler
and coworkers determined the structure of the yeast counterparts Ncr1 and Npc2 [7]. The Ncr1
protein contains an intramolecular tunnel that connects the different domains of the protein,
namely the NTD and the SSD. Using sterol transfer assays, the authors elucidated the specific
roles of each domain in the transfer of cholesterol. In agreement with previous reports [29],
Winkler and colleagues [7] described how the N-terminal domain of the Ncr1 protein accepts
cholesterol from Npc2, from where it is shuttled to the membrane-embedded tunnel
consisting of the C-terminal (CTD) and MLD domains, finally arriving at the SSD shelf, thereby en-
abling the lipid to bypass the glycocalyx. While it could be envisaged that the sterol passes through
the tunnel by passive diffusion, the data from Winkler et al. [7] pointed towards an active transport
mechanism. Intriguingly, the driving force behind this translocation was proposed to consist of a
proton-relay network leading to pincer-like movement of the sterol through the tunnel, based on
the proximity of two likely protonated, conserved acidic amino acids at positions Asp631 and
Glu1068 as well as His1072. Mutational studies revealed significantly reduced cholesterol transfer
efficiency when these amino acids were substituted [7]. Intriguingly, other members of the re-
sistance-nodulation-division (RND) superfamily, like MmpL3 and HpnN, also utilize proton
relay networks for active transport of hopanoid molecules, trehalose monomycolate, and phos-
phatidylethanolamine and tuberculosis drug targets, respectively [37–39].
Li and Pfeffer showed that the luminal domain of LAMPs also tightly binds to the NPC1 NTD and
NPC2 proteins, suggesting that these abundant lysosome membrane proteins may also accept
cholesterol from NPC2 and subsequently deliver it to NPC1. While there is no evidence for a direct
lipid export function of LAMPs, it has been suggested that they serve as a reservoir on the limiting
lysosome membrane for cholesterol extracted from intralysosomal membranes prior to NPC1-
mediated export [24]. A future challenge will be to determine exactly how and when cholesterol
is delivered to LAMP-2 or NPC1, and to establish whether cholesterol binding interferes with
the other reported roles of LAMP proteins, such as chaperone-mediated autophagy, fusion of ly-
sosomes with phagosomes and autophagosomes, and lysosomal stability [1].
Surprisingly, another player emerged recently on the cholesterol-export stage. Two independent
crystal structures of LIMP-2 – one in complex with cholesterol – revealed a hydrophobic tunnel
within the luminal domain that traverses the entire length of the elongated region of the protein
that resides in the lysosomal lumen [40,41] (Figure 2) that has been also found in the other mem-
bers of class B scavenger receptors, CD36 and SR-B1 [40,42,43]. In the case of SR-B1, this tun-
nel is used to deliver cholesterol from HDL to the plasma membrane (PM) [40,44]. The CD36
tunnel is needed for steroid pheromone detection by their receptors in olfactory cilia delivery in
flies [45]. These observations strongly suggest that LIMP-2 could participate in lysosomal choles-
terol egress. In vitro studies using cross-clickable lipid probes have suggested that LIMP-2 pref-
erentially binds cholesterol. Besides, LIMP-2 sterol transport ability was shown by using the
purified LIMP-2 luminal domain tethered to liposomes, and by using cells expressing a PM-
targeted LIMP-2 chimera. Endogenous LIMP-2's role in lysosomal cholesterol egress was dem-
onstrated by following the trafficking of LDL-derived BODIPY–cholesterol to lipid droplets, as well
as analyzing the processing of the sterol-regulatory transcription factor SREBP2. These experi-
ments revealed a defect in LDL-derived cholesterol homeostasis and trafficking in absence of
LIMP-2 or when its tunnel is blocked [8]. The biochemical assessment of the cholesterol esterifi-
cation in the presence or absence of LIMP-2 confirmed the role of LIMP-2 in cholesterol transport.
This newly discovered route of lysosomal cholesterol egress seems to operate independently of
the NPC1 pathway [8]. However, both pathways share the ability to transfer the hydrophobic cho-
lesterol molecule through the lysosomal glycocalyx (Figure 2). It remains to be elucidated whether
the LIMP-2 pathway specifically serves to support lysosomal cholesterol export in specialized cell
types, such as Schwann cells, or under certain nutrient situations, since it is striking that the rate
of cholesterol export by LIMP-2 is markedly slower than that of NPC1 [8]. It also remains an open
question if the function of LIMP-2 as a chaperone for the acid glucocerebrosidase (Figure 3) is
coupled with its sterol transport function. In this regard, glucosylated cholesterol may be a prod-
uct of glucocerebrosidase activity, in which case glucosylated cholesterol could possibly be a
more natural substrate for the LIMP-2 tunnel.
From the Lysosomal Membrane to the Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) and Other
It is now becoming clear that many, possibly all, organelles communicate by means of interorganellar
tethering, thereby maintaining proximity between apposing membranes to ensure cell homeostasis.
Membrane contact sites (MCSs), domains of close membrane connections, play important roles in
cell physiology, since these membrane junctions execute a multitude of functions in lipid synthesis,
interorganellar lipid transport, calcium regulation, signaling, autophagy, endosome fission, mitochon-
drial scission, retrograde transport from endosomes to the Golgi, and sorting and degradation of at
least one endocytic cargo (epidermal growth factor receptor; EGFR) [46–49]. The MCSs between
the endosomes and other organelles including the ER, peroxisomes, and PM, are conduits of bidirec-
tional sterol exchange, which can vary depending on the cell type and physiological state [47,50].
Thus, exogenous cholesterol carried by LDL (Figure 1) is rapidly removed from the lysosome and is
found in several acceptor compartments (i.e., PM, ER, and Golgi) that require the putative cholesterol
carriers, NPC1 and LIMP-2 [8]. Disruption or inhibition of these MCSs leads to cholesterol accumula-
tion in LELs, which is associated with neurological diseases [51,52]. Due to their frequent, transient
and dynamic nature, the molecular composition of the MCS along the endocytic pathway remains
poorly characterized. Yet, it has been shown that EGFR-negative populations of MCSs are tethered
to the ER by VAMP-associated proteins (VAPs), whereas EGFR-containing multivesicular
endosomes/bodies (MVBs) are tethered by annexin-A1 and its calcium-dependent ligand
S100A11 [53]. Important components of these MCSs are members of the highly conserved
oxysterol-binding proteins (OSBP/ORP; OSBP1L, ORP5, and ORP6), steroidogenic acute regulatory
protein (StAR)-related lipid-transfer proteins (START) protein superfamily (STARD3), and LAMs family
of lipid transporters (GRAMD1B), which can mediate cholesterol transfer and hence regulate choles-
terol homeostasis [54]. OSBP/ORPs contain a conserved oxysterol-binding-related domain (ORD),
two phenylalanines-in-an-acid tract (FFAT) motifs and pleckstrin-homology (PH) domains, which
can bind to phosphatidylinositol polyphosphates (PIPs). STARD3 contains a MLN64 N-terminal
(MENTAL) domain, an FFAT-like motif, and a C-terminal START domain. LAM proteins contain a
GRAM domain and a StART-like domain [55]. OSBP-related protein 1L (ORP1L), OSBP, ORP5,
ORP6, and GRAMD1B together with NPC1 and NPC2 and LIMP-2 contribute to the LDL–cholesterol
egress from endocytic organelles to the ER. Under low-cholesterol conditions, cholesterol can be
moved from ER to LELs via distinct MCSs formed by ORP1L, OSBP, and STARD3 interaction with
the conserved ER membrane VAPs through their FFAT motifs [50].
NPC1 Peroxisome
NPC1 Lysosome
VAPB Mitochondrion
Figure 4. Lysosome–Organelle Contact Sites Mediate Intracellular Cholesterol Transfer. Contact sites of
lysosome with the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) are conduits of cholesterol transfer to and from lysosomes. The lysosomal
cholesterol egress is likely mediated by oxysterol-binding protein (OSBP)–VAMP-associated protein (VAP) [in exchange
with phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PI4P), OSBP-related protein 1L (ORP1L)–VAP, ORP5–Niemann–Pick (NP)C1, and
GRAM domain containing 1B (GRAMD1B)–NPC1]. By contrast, StAR-related lipid transfer domain-3 (STARD3)–VAP can
mediate ER to lysosome cholesterol transport. The role of lysosome integral membrane protein 2 (LIMP-2) in establishing
membrane contact sites is still unclear. Contacts with peroxisomes via synaptotagmin VII (SYT7) and phosphatidylinositol
4,5-bisphosphate [PtdIns(4,5)P2] mediate NPC1-dependent cholesterol transfer. Also, lysosomal cholesterol can be
delivered to the mitochondrion via STARD3. Within the lysosome saposins or NPC2 can be involved in binding and the
transfer of cholesterol to NPC1 or LIMP-2.
LELs accumulate in the perinuclear region of cells. By contrast, when cellular cholesterol levels are
low, LELs accumulate at the cell periphery [58]. This LEL redistribution is controlled by the
cholesterol-sensing protein ORP1L, a key regulator of endosomal transport and maturation,
which can undergo cholesterol-dependent conformational changes and hence form
cholesterol-dependent interactions between endosomes and the ER or microtubule network.
ORP1L localizes at the LELs and contains an ORD that has been shown to be capable of binding
oxysterols, cholesterol, and phospholipids in vitro. In high cholesterol conditions, ORP1L
changes its conformation, allowing it to interact with RAB7 by virtue of its N-terminal ankyrin mo-
tifs [59]. The subsequent association of ORP1L, RAB7, and RILP (RAB7-interacting lysosomal
protein) with dynactin subunit p150Glued and βIII-spectrin [58] on LELs ultimately results in fur-
ther dynein motor recruitment and hence increased perinuclear accumulation of tethered LELs.
In low-cholesterol conditions, ORP1L acquires a conformation such that its FFAT domain can
freely interact with the ER VAPs, resulting in its dissociation from the dynein motor complex,
thus reducing centripetal motion [60].
Besides regulating vesicle trafficking, ORP1L has been implicated in the bidirectional transfer of cho-
lesterol from ER to LELs and vice versa [53,61]. Using ORP1L knockout or NPC1-inhibited cells, it
was shown that LDL–cholesterol egresses from LELs to the ER through an ORP1L-mediated mech-
anism that requires its sterol-, phospholipid-, and VAP-binding activities. Subsequently, it was
shown that this process is also dependent on PI(4,5)P2/PI(3,4)P2-phosphoinositides [53]. By
contrast, in conditions of low-cholesterol levels, de novo synthesized cholesterol is imported to
the LELs via ORP1L–VAP at specialized MCSs [61]. A rare heterozygous truncation mutant of
ORP1L in humans causes low circulating HDL levels, which in turn leads to a reduction of the
cholesterol efflux from the cell in order to maintain essential membrane functions [62].
OSBP was previously shown to be localized at the ER and at the trans-Golgi where it is thought to
transfer ER-derived cholesterol to the Golgi in exchange for phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate
(PtdIns4P) [63,64], and was recently implicated at contacts between the ER and LEL as well
[65]. At the contact sites between the ER and LELs, OSBP together with VAPA and VAPB deliver
cholesterol from ER to lysosomes in exchange for PtdIns4P. This exchange can affect their actin-
dependent motility [66]. In addition, the OSBP–VAP tethering complex is unique among VAP-
interacting proteins, which is necessary for mTORC1 activation under low-cholesterol
conditions [65].
By contrast, other family members such as ORP5 and ORP6 have been implicated only in LEL to
ER cholesterol transport. The ER tail-anchored protein ORP5 mediates cholesterol efflux to the
ER in a NPC1-dependent manner [67]. Immunoprecipitation experiments have revealed that
ORP5 interacts with NPC1. Consequently, ORP5 depletion results in cholesterol accumulation
in LELs, consistent with an NPC-like phenotype [67].
Overexpression of ORP6 results in its association with the early endolysosomal network and ER,
which depends on its FFAT motif and PH domain. Silencing of ORP6 leads to increased filipin
staining and a fused endocytic network, indicating a role of ORP6 in the organization of early
endosomes and cholesterol delivery to the ER [68].
transport of cholesterol to the ER. The cholesterol transport function of GRAMD1B may involve
phosphoinositides as a counter substrate, as it was described for OSBP at the ER-Golgi
The START-domain protein STARD3 mediates cholesterol transfer from ER to LELs. STARD3
overexpression is known to promote the formation of MCS at the ER-endocytic organelle. As a
result, endosomes are covered by the ER where the distance between the ER and endosome
membranes is less than 10 nm [69,70]. Besides, overexpression of STARD3 in CHO and HeLa
cells results in accumulation of unesterified cholesterol in endosomes at the expense of PM cho-
lesterol, which is dependent on its FFAT motif and START domain [70]. However, the more phys-
iologically relevant function might be to support intraluminal vesicle formation since STARD3 was
shown to be required for the biogenesis of intraluminal vesicles, in a manner analogous to MCS
mediated by ORP1L and annexin A1 [47].
known as cholesterol recognition amino acid consensus (CRAC) and the inverse motif, known as Outstanding Questions
CARC [79]. Under low-cholesterol conditions, mTORC1 cannot interact with the Rag GTPases Are other lipids (such as fatty acids,
and remains inactive in the cytosol [50]. By contrast, the lysosomal recruitment of mTORC1 – in- sphingosins) present in lipoproteins
dependently of the acute mTORC1 in response to amino acids – can be induced under some cir- and ending up in lysosomes also
specifically transported and how are
cumstances (e.g., in cells treated with LDL–cholesterol) by a Rag-GTPase-dependent these further utilized or sensed by the
mechanism which involves both cholesterol-binding NPC1 and OSBP [65]. This has been ele- cell?
gantly shown in NPC1-deficient cells where OSBP drives aberrant accumulation of cholesterol
Is there an involvement of LIMP-2/
in LELs [65]. This, in turn, contributes to dysregulated mTORC1 signaling and autophagy,
SCARB2 in establishing and maintain-
which can be suppressed by genetic and chemical inhibition of OSBP. Thus, through their ability ing lysosome/organelle contact sites?
to exchange cholesterol, ER–lysosome MCSs arise as signaling nodes that coordinately regulate Does ER stress, lipid loading, or lyso-
mTORC1 signaling and autophagy [50]. somal dysfunction modulate these
contact sites and the transfer of lipids
between them?
Concluding Remarks and Future Perspectives How does cholesterol pass through
Having in part resolved the cellular regulation of cholesterol homeostasis during the last two de- the hydrophobic tunnel of LIMP-2? Is
a gradient involved similar to SR-BI or
cades, it is becoming increasingly clear that lysosomes are at the center of this important regula- are amino acids within the tunnel re-
tory network. This is illustrated by human diseases where lysosomal cholesterol handling and quired for transport?
export are deficient. Research studying the pathophysiology of these diseases – but also recent
How are lysosomal cholesterol and
protein crystallization studies – have demonstrated an important role of the multispanning lyso-
lipid processes regulated in specific
somal membrane NPC1 in the transport of cholesterol from the lumen of the lysosome to its lim- tissues and cell types? Is the
iting membrane. Only recently, the functions of other lysosomal membrane proteins such as lysosomal lipid transport pathway
LAMPs and LIMP-2/SCARB2 in mediating sterol transport out of lysosomes were revealed. different if, for example, brain and liver
are being compared?
How these processes are regulated and (whether they) communicate with each other, and in
which cells and tissue they are of importance is still an open question. It has, however, been re- How is cholesterol (and other lipids)
solved that the dense layer of carbohydrates at the inner surface of the lysosomal membrane can handled in lysosome-related organ-
be bridged by the elongated hydrophobic intramolecular cavities within NPC1 and LIMP-2. Once elles such as melanosomes?
cholesterol or cholesterol derivatives reach the outer leaflet of the limiting lysosomal membrane a How far are lysosomal cholesterol export
complex cytosolic machinery of cholesterol-binding proteins, lysosomal proteins, and organellar- pathways involved in plasma membrane
resident membrane proteins mediate the contact of lysosomes with other organelles, thereby repair mediated by lysosomes and in
the repair of damaged lysosomes?
possibly contributing to the transfer of cholesterol between their respective membranes. Similar
to the situation of amino acid export from lysosomes, lysosomal cholesterol export is sensed How are cholesterol derivatives
by the transmembrane protein, SLC38A9 [11] and the intraluminal cholesterol status is thereby transported and what is their (patho)
translated into activation of the mTORC pathway and control of cell proliferation and autophagy. physiological role?
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