CLCY-4-06 Cell Block Preparation
CLCY-4-06 Cell Block Preparation
CLCY-4-06 Cell Block Preparation
Simulated Health
Network Cell Block Preparation CLCY-4-06
1.0 Purpose:
Cell block preparation is the concentration of cells or small tissue fragments from a
cytology specimen. It is prepared for tissue processing and embedding in Histology.
Cell block slide preparations accompany the cytology case, with further material
available for ancillary techniques.
2.0 Scope:
This procedure is predominantly used in cellular body cavity fluids, FNA’s or any fluid
specimen where the volume is enough to produce a pellet or sediment. The principle
for cell block is the same for centrifugation. The centrifuge concentrates cells and
separates the cells from the fluid.
3.0 Definitions:
Centrifugation: using centrifugal force to separate substances of different density or
particle size, when suspended in a fluid, by spinning them about an axis.
6.1 Getting 1. Treat all samples as if they were infectious.
started 2. Wear appropriate PPE’s.
3. Turn on Biological safety cabinet and allow air to
stabilize for 5 minutes.
4. Take samples from refrigerator/designated area and place
in Biological Safety cabinet after they are accessioned.
5. Gather all supplies into hood.
6. Label tissue cassette with accession number.
7. Label two appropriate centrifuge tubes with accession
number of specimen. One tube will be for the direct
smear preparation for cytology.
6.2 Centrifugation 8. Decant specimen into the appropriate centrifuge tubes.
9. Be sure to balance the amount of specimen in each of the The cell block
tubes (same approximate weight in each). preparation
allows for
10. Make sure lids are secure on each tube. ancillary
11. Place centrifuge tubes in rotor (bucket) and be sure to techniques.
balance the rotor (all spaces need not be filled but The cell block
opposite spaces must be the same weight – either filled or slide should
empty). accompany
the cytology
12. Make sure rotor lid is secure. case for
13. Centrifuge the sample for 5 minutes at 2500 RPMs diagnosis.
(rotations per minute).
14. When the centrifuge comes to a complete stop, remove
the centrifuge tubes and place in the appropriate sized
tube rack in the biological safety cabinet.
15. Allow the cell sample to settle prior to removing
centrifuge tube lid.
16. Decant supernatant using a disposable pipette or pour off
the supernatant.
6.3 Preparing the 17. The sediment/cell button is concentrated in the bottom of
cell block. the tube.
18. The sample from one tube will be used to make direct
smears. The sample from the other tube of the same case,
will be used to make the cell block by following steps 19
through 25.
7.0 Documentation:
File requisitions in appropriate lab binder.
Enter data into Laboratory Daily Log Book.
8.0 References:
BS 7687 1993 section 2.20 specification for lab. centrifuges.
Beckman. Principles and Practices of centrifugation (video).
Bibbo M., Wilbur D., Comprehensive Cytopathology, 3rd ed., Elsevier Inc, 2008
QMPLS, Preparation, Fixation and Staining of Cell Blocks in Cytology Laboratories-
2005 ,