Griha Rating Report
Griha Rating Report
Griha Rating Report
Criterion 01 :
Green Infrastructure :
Intent :
The intent of this criterion is to ensure that the site complies with the relevant master
plan/local development plans and guidelines. This makes sure that the necessary
compliance requirements for the building projects along with the applicable building
regulatory requirements are adhered to. Additionally, it emphasizes on enhancing
natural biodiversity through preservation and plantation of native vegetation. This
criterion further intends to assess proximity to different nodal transport and amenities
to manage last mile connectivity as well as reduce dependence on personal motorized
vehicles. It also incentivizes land use optimization, which is a pressing concern in
densely populated urban areas.
Maximum Points: 5
1.1 Appraisals :
1.1.1 Ensure that the site plan is in conformity with the development plan/master
plan/Urban and Regional Development Plans Formulation and Implementation
(URDPFI) guidelines. This should comply with the provisions of eco-sensitive zone
regulations, coastal zone regulations, heritage areas (identified in the master plan or
issued separately as specific guidelines), waterbody zones (in such zones, no
construction is permitted in the waterspread and buffer belt of minimum 30m around
the full tank level), various hazardprone area regulations, and others if the site falls
under any such area. Furthermore, any other relevant legal approval pertaining to the
project for clearance from the necessary government authority has to be compliant
(refer to GRIHA V2019, Volume 2, Section 1.3, Table 1.4c).
— Mandatory
1.1.2 Demonstrate that the project team implements tree preservation measures as per
the alternatives mentioned below:
Applicability check: If there are no existing mature trees on-site, the project is
exempted from Appraisal 1.1.2. To exempt the project from Appraisal 1.1.2, please
submit the following:
• Site survey plan along with Google Earth images of the site over the previous years.
1.1.3 Ensure that a minimum of one tree 2 for every 80m2 of site area (within GRIHA
project boundary) is planted and maintained in order to increase vegetation on the site.
The existing preserved mature trees within the site premises should be considered in
the calculation.
—1 Point
1.1.4 Ensure that per capita gross area 3 benchmark is maintained as prescribed in
Table 1.1c for optimum land utilization.
—1 Point
1.1.5 Ensure that the average distance4 to at least five basic public amenities/services
as per the building typology (defined in Appendix 1A, Table 1.1A and 1.2A, Volume
2) from the main entrance of the project is less than the GRIHA base case 5 as per
Table 1.2c.
—2 Points
1.1.6. Adopt any one strategy from the list, as given below, to promote sustainable
transportation within the site premises.
—1 Point
Strategy 1: Provide at least four designated parking spaces for informal modes of
transport within the site premises.
Strategy 2: Non-motorized transport/E vehicles
Part A: Provide E-vehicle parking facility for at least 5% of the total four-wheeler
parking space along with charging facility for E-vehicles and adequate signage.
Part B: Additionally provide designated vehicular tracks for NMT vehicles for site
areas >50,000 m2 .
Strategy 3: Provide bicycle users with at least 5% of the total four-wheeler parking
space designated to them along with changing rooms, showers, and lockers as per
Table 1.3c within the site premises with adequate signage.
Criterion 02 :
Low-Impact Design Strategies :
Intent :
The intent of this criterion is to promote design strategies that enable the project to
factor in ways by which natural site features (topographical/microclimatic) can be
protected and/or incorporated into the project design.
Maximum Points: 5
2.1 Appraisals
2.1.1 Demonstrate reduction in environmental impact by adoption of various low-
impact planning and design strategies as per Table 2.1c. Different strategies are listed
for reference under GRIHA V 2019, Volume 2, Section 2.3, Table 2.2c to 2.6c.
Criterion 03 :
Design to Mitigate UHIE :
Intent :
The intent of this criterion is to ensure incorporation of design strategies that will aid
in the reduction of UHIE.
Maximum Points: 5
3.1 Appraisals
3.1.1 Demonstrate the temperature reduction (in °C) from the GRIHA base case as per
the alternatives mentioned below.
–2 Points
Alternative 2: Demonstrate that the difference in peak air temperature has been
achieved through dynamic UHIE simulation from the GRIHA base case as per Table
Criterion 04 :
Air and Soil Pollution Control :
Intent :
The intent of this criterion is to minimize air and soil pollution due to construction
Maximum Point: 1
4.1 Appraisals
4.1.1 Adopt at least six measures to minimize air and soil pollution during
construction, with the first three strategies being mandatory.
• Provide 3m high continuous barricading along the site boundary/virtual boundary.
• Provide wheel washing facility/gravel bed at all vehicular entrances and exits of the
• Ensure DG sets have an exhaust with stack height of at least 2m from the top of the
generator with a cowl.
• Ensure DGs are in compliance with CPCB norms.
• Implement a spill prevention plan for storage of diesel, admixtures, curing
compounds, bitumen, and other hazardous materials.
• Ensure that fine aggregate, excavated earth, and other construction materials with a
tendency to get airborne are covered or are sprinkled regularly with non-potable
• Ensure sprinkling of water on unpaved pathways on the site with non-potable water.
• Limit the speed of vehicular movement on-site to 10km/h.
• Ensure that vehicles carrying waste materials out of the site are covered
4.1.2 Ensure that the soil erosion channels are constructed and they are connected to a
sedimentation tank in order to reduce movement of soil outside the site throughout the
construction phase of the project.
Point: 1
Top soil Preservation :
Intent: The intent of this criterion is to ensure the preservation of available fertile soil
on-site and avoid its degradation during the process of construction.
5.1 Appraisals
5.1.1 Ensure that topsoil from disturbed areas on the site is preserved, stabilized, and
its fertility is maintained throughout the construction period. Additionally, ensure that
100% of the soil requirement for landscaping including roof garden(s) is met through
this preserved soil.
Point: 1
Area of Preservation of Topsoil
Construction Management Practices :
Energy Optimization :
Intent: The intent of this criterion is to ensure that the projects are made energy
efficient by enhancing the envelope performance while also reducing energy
consumption through installation of efficient equipment and lighting fixtures.
7.1 Appraisals
7.1.1 Ensure that the project demonstrates compliance with the mandatory
requirements of ECBC 2017 as per Table 7.5c, Details to Appraisals, Volume 3. –
7.1.2 Ensure that the heat gain through the building envelope below the GRIHA
threshold for peak heat gain as per Table 7.1c. –2 Points
7.1.3 Demonstrate that 100% of exterior lighting fixtures7 (lamp + ballast) meet the
luminous efficacy of 80lm/W.
Point: 1
7.1.4 Ensure that the project demonstrates reduction from the GRIHA benchmark for
EPI as per Table 7.2c. Additional reduction in EPI will be awarded points as
mentioned in Table 7.3c.
Mandatory +8 Points
7.1.5 Ensure that the equipment installed within the project (whichever applicable as
per Table 7.4c) is either BEE star labelled or of equivalent performance.
Mandatory + 1 point
Renewable Energy Utilization :
Intent: The intent of this criterion is to promote the use of RE in the projects and,
thereby, reduce the project’s dependency on fuels derived from conventional sources.
8.1 Appraisals
Alternate 1 (Onsite/Onsite and offsite combination renewable energy system)
8.1.1 Ensure installation of on-site and off-site RE system to offset a part of the
annual energy consumption of internal artificial lighting, HVAC, and domestic hot
water systems as mentioned in Table 8.1c.
Alternate 2 (Off-site renewable energy system)
8.1.1 Demonstrate that 100% of the annual energy consumption of internal artificial
lighting, HVAC, and domestic hot water systems is offset through off-site RE
systems. - Mandatory + 5 Points
8.2 Appraisals
8.2.1 Submit calculations indicating the energy required for heating water for
domestic purposes as per Table 8.2c.
Daily Occupancy At Proposed Dholera International Airpport : 30,970 (Peak Day)
Hot water consumption : 15,485 lpcd
Low ODP and GWP Materials :
Intent: The intent of this criterion is to ensure the use of materials with low GWP and
ODP in building insulation, HVAC, refrigeration equipment, and firefighting systems.
9.1 Appraisals
9.1.1 Ensure that all the insulation used in the building envelope and for HVAC
systems are CFC and HCFC free. – Mandatory
9.1.2 Ensure that the refrigerant used in the HVAC systems and refrigeration
equipment is CFC and HCFC free. – Mandatory
9.1.3 Ensure that the fire suppression systems and fire extinguishers installed in the
project are halon free. – Mandatory
9.1.4 Ensure that all the insulation used in the building envelope and for HVAC
systems; refrigerant used in the HVAC systems and refrigeration equipment are HFC
free. – 1 Point
Visual Comfort :
Intent: The intent of this criterion is to ensure that visual comfort (day lighting and
artificial lighting) is provided to the building occupants through the integration of
active and passive design measures.
10.1 Appraisals
Alternative 1
10.1.1 Demonstrate through simulation that mean DA requirement (300lux) is met for
the annual analysis hours as listed in Table 10.1c for 100% of the regularly occupied
10.1.2 Demonstrate through simulation that mean DA requirement (>300lux) is met
for the annual analysis hours as listed in Table 10.1c for 100% of the regularly
occupied areas.
Thermal and Acoustic Comfort :
Maximum Points: 2
Intent :
The intent of this criterion is to ensure that occupants of the building are thermally
and acoustically comfortable through compliance with relevant standards and
intelligent design features.
11.1.1 Demonstrate that the project meets the thermal comfort requirements for all
regularly occupied spaces as specified below:
Indoor Air Quality :
Maximum Points: 6
Intent : This criterion ensures design and monitoring of ventilation systems such that
IAQ meets the minimum requirement as recommended by the relevant standards.
12.1 Appraisals
12.1.1 Ensure that the minimum requirements of CPCB (National Ambient Air
Quality Standards [NAAQS]) for assessing the quality of fresh air are fulfilled.
–1 point
The following methods of abatement will be employed for the air pollution
control at the source level during operation phase of proposed airport :
Height of the stack for DG sets will be kept as per CPCB guidelines;
Proper car parking facilities and traffic flow to avoid traffic congestion.
Providing suitable green belt to reduce the impact of air pollution; and
Water Demand Reduction :
Maximum Points: 4
Intent : The intent of this criterion is to reduce overall building and landscape water
demand of the project.
13.1 Appraisals
13.1.1 Demonstrate reduction in building water demand from the GRIHA base case as
per Table 13.1c.
Waste Water Treatment :
Maximum Points: 2
Intent : The intent of this criterion is to promote grey-water and black-water
segregation and further treat them onsite to reduce the project’s dependency on
14.1 Appraisal :
14.1.1 Ensure that 100% of wastewater generated on-site is treated through either a
chemicalbased or a natural wastewater treatment system.
–1 Point
14.1.2 Ensure that 100% of wastewater is segregated (into greywater and blackwater)
and treated independently on-site.
–1 Point
Total sewage generation will be about 196 m3 / day and the same will be treated
in a well designed Sewage Treatment Plant (STP). Treated wastewater from the
STP will be reused for flushing of toilets (70 m3 / day) and
horticulture/landscaping (40 m 3 / day);
Rainwater Management :
Maximum Points: 5
Intent : The intent of this criterion is to manage rainwater efficiently to minimise run-
off generated from the project.
15.1 Appraisal :
15.1.1 Demonstrate that the post-construction stormwater runoff from the site is being
managed within the GRIHA project boundary as per Table 15.1c based on the peak
hourly rainfall (mm/h).
The rainwater harvesting system will be provided at the proposed Dholera airport.
As per discussions with Ground Water Department and ground water analysis
carried in the area, shallow aquifers near airport are saline. Therefore, rainwater
harvesting through recharge pit will not be useful. It is proposed that rainwater
during rains will be accumulated.
Five nos. of covered underground tanks of 150 kl capacity each will be
constructed for accumulation of rain-water during rains. Accumulated rainwater
will be used for green belt development purpose at the proposed airport.
Water Quality and Self-Sufficiency :
Intent : The intent of this criterion is to evaluate both the quality and the quantity of
water available for a project to push it towards becoming self-sufficient (net zero) and
reduce dependency on municipal or ground water sources.
Maximum Points: 5
16.1 Appraisal :
16.1.1 Ensure that the project meets water quality norms for drinking/domestic use as
per BIS 10 500 : 2012 and treated water for irrigation and discharge should be as per
the CPCB (refer to Table 16.2c -16.9c, Volume 4)
Ground water resources in the study area were not found fit for drinking purpose.
The TDS and chloride content in ground water sample were found above the
permissible limit in the absence of alternate source of water.
Impact on water quality during construction phase may be due to sewage and
wastes generated from the construction site. The wastewater (sewage) generated
during construction phase will be mainly from domestic activities.
Waste Management - Post Occupancy :
Maximum Points: 4
Intent : The intent of this criterion is to provide the necessary infrastructure to future
occupants of the project so that they can sustainably manage on-site solid waste
during the operation phase and comply with the statutory norms for disposal in a way
that augments resource recovery.
17.1. Appraisal :
17.1.1 Demonstrate compliance with all relevant government-notified waste
management rules.19
Organic Waste Treatment :
Maximum Points: 2
Intent : The intent of this criterion is to divert organic waste from landfill sites by
adopting strategies for treating it (preferably onsite otherwise offsite) and thereby
mitigating its adverse effects on the surrounding environment.
18.1. Appraisal :
Ensure that the organic waste generated onsite from the building (as per Criterion 17)
and landscape areas is quantified, and adopt strategies to treat 100% organic waste
onsite/ offsite to convert it into usable resources (manure, biogas, etc.).
Utilization of Alternative Materials in Building :
Intent : The intent of this criterion is to encourage use of alternative materials, which
minimize the detrimental impact of construction on environment by conserving
natural resources, further minimizing the use of virgin materials and diverting usable
(as per industry standards) wastes from the landfills to the construction industry.
Maximum Points: 5
19.1 Appraisals :
Structural system
19.1.1 Ensure minimum replacement of Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) with the
Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) recommended waste materials by weight of cement
used in structural concrete as per Table 19.1c.
19.1.3 Ensure that all internal and external, load-bearing, non-load-bearing and
partition walls are constructed with any, or combination of the below listed,
alternative materials:
–1 Point
» Concrete blocks (hollow/solid/AAC) with minimum 40% fly ash content by weight
» Hollow clay blocks
» Adobe bricks/stabilized adobe/CSEB/stabilized mud blocks
» Rammed earth walls
» Stones from India (not including stone cladding)
» Bamboo/any other rapidly renewable material (not including bamboo cladding)
Reduction in Global Warming Potential through
Life Cycle Assessment :
Intent : The intent of this criterion is to reduce the impact of material selection on the
environment and encourage the project to optimize construction product consumption
efficiency by selecting low GWP (kgCO2 eq) products through LCA of the building.
Maximum Points: 5
20.1 Appraisals :
20.1.1 Demonstrate reduction in the GWP value of the building superstructure as per
the LCA benchmarks mentioned in Table 20.1c.
20.1.2 Demonstrate reduction in the GWP value of the building interiors and finishes
as per the LCA benchmarks mentioned in Table 20.2c.