109) Set 20
109) Set 20
109) Set 20
Man worked with his small tools until the
advent of modern machinery (1) by steam and
electricity. The small tools (2) defeat from the
big machines as (3) hands had (4) to the hands Cloze Test 2
(5) with tools. These machines operate only The (a) of energy of India are met from both
over large (6) of land and considerable (7) are commercial and non-commercial sources. The
needed for their procurement and use. But if most (b) sources of energy today are coal and
therefore we give up all (8) saying that our natural gas, hydro electricity and nuclear
peasantry cannot (9) them, it will simply mean power. On the other hand, firewood, cow-
(10) trouble. dung cakes and vegetable waste etc. (c) non-
1. a. driven b. moved commercial forms of energy. While non-
commercial forms of energy (d) demands, coal
c. worked d. controlled
is the (e) source of commercial energy of
2. a. agreed b. acknowledged India.
c. allowed d. permitted (a) 1.requirements 2.sources
3.availability 4.lessen
3. a. free b. weak
(b) 1.vital 2.insignificant
c. bare d. strong
3.important 4.expensive
4. a. succeeded b. produced
(c) 1.constitute 2.combines
c. yielded d. created 3.mixes 4.collaborates
5. a. full b. equipped (d) 1.need 2.meet
c. covered d. painted 3.shed 4.rests
6. a. bits b. pieces (e) 1.smallest 2.hardest
c. tracts d. divisions 3.largest 4.heaviest
7. a. sums b. moneys
c. funds d. costs Sentence Arrangement