BASF TechBulletin Pristine Grape Med Res
BASF TechBulletin Pristine Grape Med Res
BASF TechBulletin Pristine Grape Med Res
* Source: Fungicides, Bactericides and Biologicals for Deciduous Tree Fruit, Nut,
Strawberry and Vine Crops – 2012 (5/1/2012 Updated)
Source: Efficacy and Timing of Fungicides, Bactericides and Biologicals for Deciduous Tree Fruit, Nut, Strawberry and Vine Crops – 2012 (5/1/2012 Updated)
Only make application if rain is forecasted 3
10 gallons lime sulfur in at least 100 gallons water
10 gallons lime sulfur in at least 100 gallons water 5
Apply as needed (use disease risk assessment model for prediction)
Use labeled rates—for strobilurins use upper label rates. Target Diseases
Limit total number of applications—limit any single-site n Powdery Mildew n Summer Bunch Rot
mode of action fungicide class to one or two per season. n Phomopsis n Botrytis Bunch Rot
Educate yourself about fungicide activity, mode of action, Recommended Rate/Acre: 10-12.8 oz,
and class—as well as resistance management practices. 18.5-23 oz (Botrytis Bunch Rot)
Start a fungicide program with multi-site mode of action Maximum Rate/acre: 23.5 oz
materials if possible. Reduce pathogen population size Pre-Harvest Interval: 14 days
that is exposed to subsequent treatments. Probability of Re-entry Interval: 12 hours (except when performing
selecting for resistance is reduced. cane tying, cane turning or cane girdling, then the REI
is 5 days)
Maximum Sequential Sprays of Pristine: 2
Total Application/Season: 5