Lesson 5 The Fundamental Unit of Life NEW Questions
Lesson 5 The Fundamental Unit of Life NEW Questions
Lesson 5 The Fundamental Unit of Life NEW Questions
(Structural and functional unit of life)
Discovery of cell and Cell Theory Shape and Type of Cells Movement of substances in
its components size and out of the cell
All living organisms The cell is the basic All cells arise from
Purkinja (1839) Coined the
are made up of one structural and functional pre-existing cells
term ‘protoplasm’
or more cells unit in all organism
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Animals Plants
Structure :
Structure : Structure : Structure : Dense, spherical
Large network of membrane A set of membrane-bound Membrane-bound vesicular and granular
bound tubes and sheets extending smooth, flattened structures in the particles which
from outer nuclear membrane to cisternae, have small fluid- cytoplasm. occur freely and
the plasma membrane filled vesicles. They have Functions: also remain
Functions : their own DNA and - Destroy any foreign attached to ER..
- Gives mechanical support to the ribosomes. material which enters the Functions:
cell Function: cell (like bacteria, virus) Sites of protein
- Serves as a channel for the Storage, modification and - Removes dead and worn synthesis
transport of materials packaging of products in out cell organelles by
(especially proteins) vesicles. digesting them
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Movement of Substances in
and out of the cell
It is a process where new cells are produced from the existing ones in order to help in
growth, replacement, repair and reproduction in all living organisms.
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Important Diagrams
1. 2.
3. 4.
7. 8.
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9. 10.
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Activity/Project 1:
Procedure : 1. The worksheet with the diagram of plant and animal cell
is given to the students.
Instructions : Given below are the diagrams representing plant cell and an animal
cell, Label any five organelles common in plant cell and animal cell.
Activity/Project 2 :
Recognize the structure and location of organelles in plant cell and animal cell,
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2. The students will be given the worksheet with flowchart of
cell organelles. The students will fill up the plank spaces in the
Some boxes / spaces in the flow – chart have been left blank.
where required.
…………………… ……………………
Produces Produces
…………………… ……………………
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Objective Type Questions
1. The structure / organelle of a cell that functions as a passage for intracellular transport as
well as a manufacturing surface, is.
a) Ribosome b. endoplasmic reticulum
b) Plastids d. plasma membrane
3. Analyse the statements and pick up the right one regarding mitochondrial membrane
from the following :
c) Both the inner and the outer membranes are almost equal I length
4. The cell organelles (outer than the nucleus) which contain DNA are.
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8. A prokaryotic cell does not possess
14. The statement ‘cells arise only from pre-existing cells’ was given by
c) cytoplasm d) vacuole
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19. Lysosomes are formed by
20. Most of the substances in the living world are transported across the cell
membrane by the process of
21. The proteins and lipids, essential for building the cell membrane, are manufactured
23. The cell organelle involved in forming complex sugars from simple sugars are
c) nucleus d) mitochondria
c) mitochondria d) lysosome
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28. Kitchen of the cells
33. The basic building units of an onion bulb, are called ________.
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35. _________ are sites of protein synthesis
I. True of False
38. The folds of inner membrane of mitochondria increase the area for ATP generating
chemical reactions.
Direction (Q41- to Q 43) : In the following Questions, the Assertion and Reason have
been put forward. Read the statements carefully and choose the correct alternative
from the following:
a) Both the Assertion and the Reason are correct and the Reason is the correct
explanation of the Assertion.
b) The Assertion and the Reason are correct but the Reason is not the correct
explanation of the Assertion.
41. Assertion : In both plant and animal cells, the main area of cellular activities is
Reason : Various chemical reactions occur in cytoplasm to keep the cell in living
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b)The Assertion and the Reason are correct but the Reason is not the correct
explanation of the Assertion.
42. Assertion : Living organisms are composed of cells and products of cells.
b) The Assertion and the Reason are correct but the Reason is not the correct
explanation of the Assertion.
43. Assertion : Plant cells contain two types of plastids, chromoplasts and leucoplasts.
44. Name the cell organelle which is termed as powerhouse of the cell
45. Which part of the plant cell permits it to withstand very dilute external medium
without bursting?
Cell wall permits cells to withstand very dilute external medium without bursting.
The basic functions of a cell are respiration nutrition, reproduction, etc, which are
essential for survival.
48. When a living plant cell loses water through osmosis, there is contraction of the
contents of the cell away from the cell wall. What is this phenomenon called?
50. Name the process in which diffusion take place through a selectively permeable
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51. Define diffusion
Shape of the cell depends upon functional adaptations and viscosity of the protoplasm.
53. What is the chemical composition of cell wall in plants and fungi?
55. Name the functional unit of DNA that carries genetic information.
The nucleus controls and coordinates all the metabolic functions of the cell.
58. Name two cell organelles that have their own genetic material.
Two cell organelles that have their own genetic material are mitochondria and plastids.
59. Name the cell organelle which is able to destroy a damaged cell.
iii) Cell without membrane bound nucleus iv) An organelle with cristae.
61. Name the process by which unicellular freshwater organisms and most plant cells
fend to gain water
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62. In which parts of the plant are chromoplasts found?
63. Which cell organelle is responsible for the release of energy as ATP?
66. Name the substance which gives green colour to the leaves of plants
68. ‘Every multicellular organism has arisen from the single cell’. Justify this
Cells divide to produce cells of their own kind. Thus, all cells come from preexisting cells
and hence every multi cellular organism has arisen from a single cell.
69. The shape and size of cells are related to the specific function they perform.
Justify given statement with a suitable example.
Nerve cell is elongated and has a typical shape to suit its function of transmission of
Thus, shape and size of cells are related to the specific function they perform.
When a living plant cell is kept in a hypertonic solution, it loses water through osmosis,
there is shrinkage or contraction of the content of the cell away from the cell wall. This
phenomenon is known as plasmolysis.
71. What would happen, if there is an absence of cell wall in a plant cell?
Plant cell wall is made up of cellulose which provides strength. In the absence of cell
wall the plant will not have this structural strength.
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72. Give a reason why plastids are able to make their own protein
Plastids have their own DNA and hence can make their own protein.
75. Give two examples of organisms in which a single cell performs all the functions.
Name two unicellular organisms
It is a process where new cells are produced from the pre-existing ones I order to
growth, replacement of dead cells and for forming gametes for reproduction.
77. Can you think as to why the chromosome number has reduced to half in during
daughter cells during meiosis?
Meiosis is a process of cell division in which the parent cell undergoes two successive cell
division forming four daughter cells each containing half the number of chromosomes
(haploid-n) of the parent cell (diploid – 2n)
78. Draw a diagram of animal cell and label centriole and mitochondria on it.
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81. What are the various functions performed by cell?
Cells perform various functions like synthesis of substances (e.g. proteins), secretion of
enzymes, digestion to generate energy ( in the form of ATP), etc.
Nucleus Nucleoid
Nucleus is the largest cell Nucleoid is the part of a
structure which is spherical or bacterium having undefined
oval, usually located in the centre nuclear region containing only
of the cell nucleic acids.
Centrosome helps in cell division. They form asters at poles during cell division.
Golgi body is the secretory organelle of the cell. It is involved in the formation of
lpysosomes and peroxisomes.
85. In which form does the mitochondria release energy? Write its full form
86. The inner membrane of mitochondria is deeply folded. What is the advantage of
these folds?
These folds create a large surface area for ATP generating chemical reactions.
87. Name the cell organelle in which the following structures are present:
88. With the help of self explanatory diagram discuss the process of mitosis.
It is the division of a cell into two identical daughter cells with each cell having the same
number of chromosomes as in the parent cell. It occurs in somatic (body) cells. Thus, it is also
called equational cell division.
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89. With the help of self explanatory diagram, discuss the process of meiosis.
It is the kind of cell division that occurs in the reproductive cells to produce the
gametes. The number of chromosomes is reduced to half. Thus, it is also called reductional
division. It occurs in reproductive cells or germ cells
I. Short answer
90. Draw a neat and well labelled diagram of a typical prokaryotic cell.
91. Draw the diagram of a plant cell and label any three parts which make it different
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92. Distinguish between hypotonic solution, isotonic solution and hypertonic solution.
Hypotonic Solution : If the medium surrounding the cell has a higher water concentration than
the cell, i,e, if the solution is very dilute, the cell will gain water by osmosis. Such a dilute
Isotonic Solution: If the medium has exactly the same water concentration as the cell, there
will be no net movement of water across the cell membrane. Such a solution is known as an
isotonic solution.
Hypertonic Solution : If the medium surrounding the cell has a lower concentration of water
than the cell, i.e., if it is a very concentrated solution the cell will lost water by osmosis. Such
93. What are the main functional regions of a cell? Explain with the help of a diagram.
There are three main functional regions of a cell, as shown in the diagram
consists of proteins and lipids which surrounds the cell and is semipermeable in
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c) Nucleus : It is centrally located, sphericalprominent organelle surrounded by two
unit membranes, which is responsible for controlling all vitas activities of a cell. It
celled and they are called as unicellular organisms such as Amoeba and Paramecium.
Some organisms have many cells in their structure. They are called as multicellular
95. What is the difference between plasma membrane and cell wall? Give the functions
of each one.
i. It is present in plant cells only i. It is present in both animal and plant cells
plasma membrane
96. a) Write two points of difference between nuclear region of a bacterial cell and
b) Which structure present in the nuclear region of a living cell bear genes?
a) Difference
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Nuclear region of a bacterial Nuclear region of an animal cell
cell (Prokaryotic Cell) (Eukaryotic Cell)
i) Nuclear region is poorly i) Nuclear regions is well-defined
defined due to the absence of and surrounded by a nuclear
membrane, and known as membrane
ii) Nucleolus is absent ii) Nucleolus is present
97. Which organelle is the most prominent and important structure in a cell, and also acts
The most important and prominent structure in a cell, which also acts as the control
centre is nucleus. It is so called because it contains genetic material which is responsible for
carrying hereditary information from the generation to antother. Besides this, it also regulates
Protoplasm: It refers to the living substance present in the living cells consisting of
Cytoplasm : It is a part of protoplasm filled within the space between nuclear membrane
and cell membrane having cell organelles. It is viscous and homogenous containing water,
Nucleoplasm: The space between the nuclear membrane and nucleolus is filled with a
transparent semi- fluid substance called nucleoplasm. It consists of nucleic acids, basic and
99. Name the cell organelles which are called ‘suicide bags’ and ‘power-house’ of the cell
Lysosomes are called ‘suicide bags’ of the cell as they can diges the entire damaged or
Mtochondria are called ‘power house’ of the cell as they are sites for synthesis of energy
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100. What are lysosomes, peroxisomes and centrosomes? Write their functions.
cytoplasm of all the eukaryotic cells except mammalian RBC’s . They contain enzymes and are
Functions : They are involved in intracellular digestion of foreign food or microbes and
are also involved in autolysis or self-digestion of cells or self-digestion of cells after their
Peroxisomes : They are found in photosynthetic cells of plants, liver and kidney cells of
the vertebrates and contain two types of oxidative enzymes: oxidase and catalase, bounded by a
unit membrane.
centrospheres. It lies near the nucleus and is commonly called cell centre.
Functions : Centrosome helps in cell division in animal cells. They also help in the
101. Name the different living and non-living parts of a cell or cell organelles.
The different living and non-living parts of a cell or cell organelles are:
ii. Mitochondria
iv. Ribosomes
v. Lysosomes
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102. What will happen if we put an animal ell or a plant cell into a solution of sugar in
If we put an animal cell into a solution of sugar, one of the following three things may
i. If the medium surrounding the cell has higher water concentration that the
ii. If the medium has exactly the same water concentration as the cell, there will be no
iii. If the medium has a lower concentration of water than the cell, then the cell
103. Grass looks green, papaya appears yellow, which cell organelie is responsible for this.
These are found in plant cells only, Plastids are the major cell organelles in plants. On
the basis of pigments present in plastids, they are divided into two types (i) the colourless
leucoplasts and (ii) the pigmented chromoplasts. The colourless leucoplasts store starch, oil and
protein granules whereas the pigmented chromoplasts have different colours and can be of
several types. The most important ones are those containing the pigment chlorophyll, known as
chromoplasts contain non-green pigments, which are responsible for the characteristic colours
104. Where are chromosomes located? What are they composed of ? What is
chromatin material and how does it change just before the cell divides?
They are composed of DNA and protein. Chromatin material is entangled mass of thread
– like structures. The chromatin materials gets organised into chromosomes just before the cell
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105. What does DNA molecule contain? Name the functional segment of DNA. In which
form is the DNA present in a cell when the cell is not dividing?
DNA molecules contain the informations necessary for construction and organisation of
Functional segments of DNA are called genes. In a cell which is not dividing. DNA is
Diffusion Osmosis
i. Diffusion takes place in any medium i) Osmosis occurs only in liquid medium
ii. It is the movement of a substance from ii) It is the movement of water from the
the area of its higher concentration to the area of its higher water concentration to
membrane. membrane
Each cell has specific cell organelle to perform various functions. Some cell organelle
makes new materials in the cell, some clears waste material from cell and so on. These
organelles together constitute the basic unit called cell. A cell is able to live and perform all its
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109. Differential between the cell division process of mitosis and meiosis
Mitosis Meiosis
b) The daughter cells contain same b) The daughter cells have half the
c) Two daughter cells are formed c) Four daughter cells are formed
110. Given below is a diagrammatic sketch of electron microscopic view of an animal cell:
a) 1. Cell membrane
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b) It is an animal cell because :
ii) It has no definite shape but with prominent ans well-developed Golgi bodies.
b) Is i t a plant cell or an animal cell? Give two reasons in support of your answer.
a) 1. - Chloroplast 2 - Vacuole
3 - Mitochondrion 4. - Cytoplasm
5 – Nucleolus 5 - Nucleolus
c) Functions:
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1 - Chloroplast : They synthesise food by trapping solar energy so they are called “
6 – Nucleus: It controls all thee activities of the cell so it is called “control centre of
the cell”
8 - Cell wall: It protects the plasma membrane and internal structures of the cell and
112. What are the main functions of each of the following cell components?
c) Lysosomes d) Ribosomes
e) Nucleus f) Mitochondria
i) Chloroplast j) Peroxisomes
b) Chromosomes : They carry hereditary characters from parents to off springs, i.e. from
c) Lysosomes : They act as ;digestive bags’ which fight against any infection inside the
f) Mitochondria : It is the ‘power – house’ of the cell which stores and releases energy in
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j) Peroxisomes : It carries out oxidative reactions, which also remove the toxic
Robert Brown in 1831 discoverd the nucleus in the cell. Nucleus is the largest cell
in the centre of the cell. Nucleus has the following important parts.
Structure of a Nucleus
i) Nuclear membrane: It is a double alyered membrane, which separates nucleus from the
ii) Nucleplasm : It is a homogeneous and granular dense fluid present inside the nucleus, In
iii) Chromatin material : It consists of long coiled network of thread-like structures. The
chromatin material is made up of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) which is responsible for storing
and transmitting the herediatary information from one generation to the other. It condenses
into compact rod-like bodies called chromosomes at the time of cell division.
iv) Nucleolus: It is more or less round structure found inside the nucleus. The nucleolus
contains RNA (ribonucleic acid) and proteins. RNA is helpful in protein synthesis in the
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114. How many membranes are present in mitochondria? Give the characteristic
A mitochondrion contains outer and inner membranes. The two membranes have
different properties.
Characteristic feature :
Outer membrane : The outer mitochondrial membrane , which encloses the entire organelle is
60 to 75 angstrom thick. It contains large numbers of porins which allow smaller molecules to
diffuse from one side of the membrane to the other. Disruption of the outer. Disruption of
the outer membrane permits proteins in the intermembrane space to leak into the cytosol,
leading to certain cell death. The mitochondrial outer membrane can associate with the
endoplasmic reticulum(ER)
Inner membrane: : I has a very high protein to p-phospholipid ratio. The inner membrane is
home to around 1/5 of the total protein in a mitochondrion. In adition the inner membrane is
rich in cardiolipin. It makes inner membrane impermeable. All ions and molecules require
Advantages: Mitcochonria are shaped perfectly to maximize their productivity. The folding of
the inner membrane increases the surface area inside the organelle. Since many of the
chemical reactions happen on the inner membrane, the increased surface area creates more
115. Why is mitochondria called ‘Power – house of cell’? Give three similarities and one
Mitochondria is called the ‘Power-house of cell’ because energy required by various chemical
activities needed for life is released by mitochondria in the form of ATP. Body uses energy
stored in ATP for making new chemical compounds and for mechanical work.
i. both mitochondira and plastids have their own DNA and ribosomes.
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iii. both mitochondria and plastids have more than one membrance layer.
One difference between mitochondria and plastids is that mitochondria are present in both
plant and animal cell whereas plastids are present only in plant cell.
Cell division is necessary for the formation of new cells which helps in performing the
(a) Growth of Body: Both plants and animals life begin with a single cell known as zygote.
Zygote undergoes cell division to form large number of cells of different shape and size to
form tissues and organs to perform different functions in the organisms. Hence, cell division is
(b) Replacing the dead worn-out cells: About 3 billion cells in our body are destroyed
every minute. The same number of cells are replaced by new cells which are produced by cell
division in the same period to replace the dead or worn-out cells for survival.
(c) Replacement: Apart from normal wounds or wear and tear of the tissues in our body,
there can be accidental injuries or fracture of bones. The cells which undergoes cell division
helps to cover up the gaps and join the broken ends which helps in repairing of such injuries.
(d) For forming gametes for reproduction: Cell division take place during the formation
of gametes. It take place inside the reproductive organs of male and female in animals to
produce sperms and ova whereas in flowering plants, it take place in anthers to produce pollen
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