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1 1 adversity a difficult or unpleasant situation 2 respite a short break or escape from something difficult or unpleasant 3 resilient able to feel better quickly after something unpleasant such as shock, injury, etc. 4 proximity the state of being near somebody/something in time or distance 5 procrastinate to delay sth that you should do, usually because you do not want to do it 6 fleeting lasting only a short time 7 latent existing, but not yet very noticeable, active or well developed 8 ingenious having a lot of clever new ideas and good at inventing things; very suitable for a particular purpose and resulting from clever new ideas 9 integrity the quality of being honest and having trong moral principles that you refuse to change 10 judious careful and sensible; show good judgement 11 constraint a thing that limits or restricts something, or your freedom to do something 12 mutable that can change; likely to change 13 myriad extremely large in number 14 notorious well known for being bad 15 novice a person who is new and has little experience in a skill, job or situation 16 oblivious not aware of something 17 mundane not interesting or exciting 18 lethal causing or able to cause death 19 suppress to prevent yourself from having or expressing a feeling or an emotion 20 versatile able to do many different things 21 whim a sudden wish to do or have something, especially when it is something unusual or unnecessary 22 stringent (of a law, rule, regulation, etc.) very strict and that must be obeyed 23 trivial not important or serious; not worth considering 24 teeming present in large numbers; full of people, animals, etc. that are moving around 25 sporadic happening only occasionally or at intervals that are not regular 26 consensus an opinion that all members of a group agree with 27 condemn to express very strong disapproval of somebody/something, usually for moral reasons 28 compatible able to exist, live together, or work successfully with something or someone else 29 immaculate extremely clean and tidy 30 impeccable without mistakes or faults 31 indigenous belonging to a particular place rather than coming to it from somewhere else (= native) 32 jargon words or expressions that are used by a particular profession or group of people, and are difficult for others to understand 33 perverse showing deliberate determination to behave in a way that most people think is wrong, unacceptable or unreasonable (cố ý làm điều xấu) 34 refute to prove that something is wrong, not true or fair 35 presumption something that is thought to be true or probable 36 bizzare very strange or unusual 37 intuitive obtained by using your feelings rather than by considering the facts 38 sway to persuade somebody to believe something or do something 39 pervasive existing in all parts of a place or thing; spreading gradually to affect all parts of a place or thing 40 apprehensive worried or frightened that something unpleasant may happen 41 prognosticate to predict, to forecast 42 provisonal arranged for the present time only and likely to be changed in the future 43 radical concerning the most basic and important parts of something; thorough and complete 44 prelude an action or event that happens before another more important one and forms an introduction to it 45 exotic from or in another country, especially a tropical one; seeming exciting and unusual because it is connected with foreign countries 46 facade the front of a building 47 erratic not happening at regular times; not following any plan or regular pattern; that you cannot rely on (= unpredictable) 48 laze to relax and enjoy yourself, doing very little 49 hoax an act intended to make somebody believe something that is not true, especially something unpleasant 50 gregarious liking to be with other people (= sociable) 51 slender thin in an attractive or elegant way; small in amount or size and hardly enough 52 flaunt to show something you are proud of to other people, in order to impress them 53 platitude a comment or statement that has been made very often before and is therefore not interesting 54 petrify to make somebody feel extremely frightened 55 tangible that can be clearly seen to exist 56 spurn to reject or refuse somebody/something, especially in a proud way 57 sordid immoral or dishonest; very dirty and unpleasant 58 obsolete no longer used because something new has been invented 59 obtrusive noticeable in an unpleasant way 60 ludicrous unreasonable; that you cannot take seriously (= absurd, ridiculous) 61 mediocre not very good; of only average standard 62 impervious not affected or influenced by something 63 implicit suggested without being directly expressed 64 reminisce to talk or write about past experiences that you remember with pleasure 65 chronic lasting for a long time; difficult to cure or get rid of 66 collusion secret agreement especially in order to do something dishonest or to trick people 67 complacent too satisfied with yourself or with a situation, so that you do not feel that any change is necessary 68 incarcerate to put somebody in prison or in another place from which they cannot escape 69 accelerate to happen or to make something happen faster or earlier than expected 70 dominant more important, powerful or noticeable than other things 71 vicinity (noun)the area around a particular place 72 retrieve to bring or get something back, especially from a place where it should not be 73 prestige the respect and admiration that somebody/something has because of their social position, or what they have done 74 malicious having or showing hatred and a desire to harm somebody or hurt their feelings 75 flatter to praise someone in order to make them feel attractive or important, sometimes in a way that is not sincere 76 inundate to give or send somebody so many things that they cannot deal with them all 77 artful clever at getting what you want, sometimes by not telling the truth 78 coalition a group formed by people from several different groups, especially political ones, agreeing to work together for a particular purpose 79 condole to show sympathy and sadness for the family or friends of a person who has recently died 80 discrete independent of other things of the same type 81 diverse very different from each other and of various kinds 82 feasible that is possible and likely to be achieved 83 edible fit or suitable to be eaten; not poisonous 84 baffle to confuse somebody completely 85 extinct no longer in existence 86 increment an increase in a number or an amount 87 denounce to strongly criticize somebody/something that you think is wrong, illegal, etc. 88 tantamount having the same bad effect as something else 89 odour a smell, especially one that is unpleasant 90 allure the quality of being attractive and exciting 91 flawed not perfect, or containing mistakes 92 onset the beginning of something, especially something unpleasant 93 subtle not very noticeable or obvious 94 perennial lasting a very long time, or happening repeatedly or all the time 95 harmony a situation in which people are peaceful and agree with each other, or when things seem right or suitable together 96 rigid very strict and difficult to change 97 restrain to stop somebody/something from doing something, especially by using physical force 98 shrink to become or to make something smaller in size or amount 99 predecesor a person who did a job before somebody else 100 intensify to increase in degree or strength; to make something increase in degree or strength 101 primitive belonging to a very simple society with no industry, etc. 102 grudge a feeling of anger or dislike towards somebody because of something bad they have done to you in the past 103 masculine having the qualities or appearance considered to be typical of men; connected with or like men 104 scarce not easy to find or get 105 recession a difficult time for the economy of a country, when there is less trade and industrial activity than usual and more people are unemployed 106 oblige to force somebody to do something, by law, because it is a duty, etc. 107 adjacent (of an area, a building, a room, etc.) next to or near something 108 shelter the fact of having a place to live or stay, considered as a basic human need 109 subsistence the state of having just enough money or food to stay alive 110 underpin to support or form the basis of an argument, a claim, etc. 111 ruin to damage something so badly that it loses all its value, pleasure, etc.; to spoil something 112 vanish to disappear suddenly and/or in a way that you cannot explain 113 deplete to reduce something by a large amount so that there is not enough left 114 avert to prevent something bad or dangerous from happening 115 insatiable always wanting more of something; not able to be satisfied 116 enviable something that is ____ is the sort of thing that is good and that other people want to have too 117 manipulate to control or influence somebody/something, often in a dishonest way so that they do not realize it 118 viable that can be done; that will be successful (=feasible) 119 cease to stop happening or existing; to stop something from happening or existing 120 plague any infectious disease that kills a lot of people 121 prevail to exist or be very common at a particular time or in a particular place 122 territory an area that one person, group, animal, etc. considers as their own and defends against others who try to enter it 123 heterodox not following the usual or accepted beliefs and opinions 124 elusive difficult to find, define or achieve 125 assimilate to become part of a group, country, society, etc., or to make someone or something become part of a group, country, society, etc. 126 attainment success in achieving something 127 reckless showing a lack of care about danger and the possible results of your actions 128 peril serious danger 129 forage to search for food 130 elaborate to explain or describe something in a more detailed way 131 assault the crime of attacking somebody physically 132 particle a very small piece of something 133 diapidated (of furniture and buildings) old and in very bad condition 134 nocturnal (of furniture and buildings) old and in very bad condition 135 pitfall a danger or difficulty, especially one that is hidden or not obvious at first 136 repository a place where things are stored and can be found 137 shun to avoid somebody/something 138 ruin to spoil or destroy something completely 139 mortgage the sum of money that you borrow from the bank 140 spiral to increase rapidly 141 impair destroy, damage 142 quest a long search for something, especially for some quality such as happiness 143 cling a long search for something, especially for some quality such as happiness 144 arduous involving a lot of effort and energy, especially over a period of time 145 extemporise to speak or perform without preparing or practising 146 nebulous not clear 147 acme the highest stage of development or the most excellent example of something 148 sanction to give permission for something to take place 149 frugal using only as much money or food as is necessary 150 paragon a person who is perfect or who is a perfect example of a particular good quality 151 ornament an object that is used as decoration in a room, garden/yard, etc. rather than for a particular purpose 152 immune not affected by something 153 tenous so weak or uncertain that it hardly exists 154 inhibit to prevent something from happening or make it happen more slowly or less frequently than normal 155 obsession the state in which a person’s mind is completely filled with thoughts of one particular thing or person in a way that is not normal 156 jeopardy in a dangerous position or situation and likely to be lost or harmed 157 collide (especially of moving objects) to hit something violently 158 intiative a new plan for dealing with a particular problem or for achieving a particular purpose; the ability to decide and act on your own without waiting for somebody to tell you what to do 159 promulgate to announce a new law or system officially or publicly 160 divulge to give somebody information that is supposed to be secret 161 expedition an organized journey with a particular purpose, especially to find out about a place that is not well known 162 dilemma a situation which makes problems, often one in which you have to make a very difficult choice between things of equal importance 163 bolster to support or improve something or make it stronger (củng cố) 164 resolution a firm decision to do or not to do something 165 curtail to limit something or make it last for a shorter time 166 tentative not definite or certain because you may want to change it later 167 tenacious that does not stop holding something or give up something easily; determined 168 abstemious not allowing yourself to have much food or alcohol, or to do things that are enjoyable 169 hasten to make something happen sooner or more quickly 170 receptive willing to listen to or to accept new ideas or suggestions 171 decoy a thing or a person that is used to trick somebody into doing what you want them to do, going where you want them to go, etc. 172 rife full of something bad or unpleasant; very common 173 asthetic concerned with beauty and art and the understanding of beautiful things 174 untangible to make something that is complicated or confusing easier to deal with or understand 175 potable (of water) safe to drink 176 ominious suggesting that something bad is going to happen in the future 177 subservient too willing to obey other people 178 pragmatic solving problems in a practical and sensible way rather than by having fixed ideas or theories; realistic 179 illuminate to shine light on something 180 malady a serious problem 181 unprecedente that has never happened, been done or been known d before 182 proclivity a natural tendency to do something or to feel something, often something bad 183 diligent careful and using a lot of effort 184 skeptical having doubts that a claim or statement is true or that something will happen 185 appalling shocking; extremely bad 186 roam to walk or travel around an area without any definite aim or direction 187 meagre small in quantity and poor in quality 188 innate (of a quality, feeling, etc.) that you have when you are born 189 prudent sensible and careful when you make judgements and decisions; avoiding unnecessary risks 190 futile having no purpose because there is no chance of success 191 ramble to walk for pleasure, especially in the countryside; to talk about somebody/something in a confused way, especially for a long time 192 volatile changing easily from one mood to another; likely to change suddenly; easily becoming dangerous 193 dexterity skill in using your hands or your mind 194 belittle to make somebody or the things that somebody does seem unimportant 195 rigorous done carefully and with a lot of attention to detail 196 exorbitant very expensive 197 obscure to make it difficult to see, hear or understand something 198 adamant determined not to change your mind or to be persuaded about something 199 retention the action of keeping something rather than losing it or stopping it 200 adept good at doing something that is quite difficult
2 20 breach an action that breaks an agreement to behave in a 1 particular way acquisition something that somebody buys to add to what they 20 already own, usually something valuable; the act of 2 getting something, especially knowledge, a skill, etc. 20 allocate to give something officially to somebody/something for 3 a particular purpose (phân bổ) 20 covey to make ideas, feelings, etc. known to somebody 4 20 acute very serious or severe 5 hypothesis an idea or explanation of something that is based on a 20 few known facts but that has not yet been proved to 6 be true or correct 20 codemn to express very strong disapproval of 7 somebody/something, usually for moral reasons 20 assert to state clearly and firmly that something is true 8 hierarchy a system, especially in a society or an organization, in 20 which people are organized into different levels of 9 importance from highest to lowest 21 coup a sudden change of government that is illegal and often 0 violent concession something that you allow or do, or allow somebody to 21 have, in order to end an argument or to make a 1 situation less difficult 21 advocate a person who supports or speaks in favour of 2 somebody or of a public plan or action 21 sanction to give permission for something to take place 3 21 unquenchable that cannot be satisfied 4 21 tempt to attract somebody or make somebody want to do or 5 have something, even if they know it is wrong 21 arouse to wake somebody from sleep 6 21 submission the act of accepting that somebody has defeated you 7 and that you must obey them bias a strong feeling in favour of or against one group of 21 people, or one side in an argument, often not based on 8 fair judgement 21 compliance the practice of obeying rules or requests made by 9 people in authority 22 sacred connected with God or a god; considered to be holy 0 22 aspiration a strong desire to have or do something 1 22 competent having enough skill or knowledge to do something well 2 or to the necessary standard; fit 22 decisive very important for the final result of a particular 3 situation 22 aesthetic concerned with beauty and art and the understanding 4 of beautiful things 22 static lacking in motion; not moving, changing or developing 5 formidable causing you to have fear or respect for something or 22 someone because that thing or person is large, 6 powerful, or difficult 22 arbitrary not seeming to be based on a reason, system or plan 7 and sometimes seeming unfair 22 monarch a person who rules a country, for example a king or a 8 queen 22 maxim a short statement of a general truth, principle, or rule 9 for behaviour 23 prose written language in its ordinary form rather than 0 poetry 23 affinity a strong feeling that you understand 1 somebody/something and like them or it 23 articulate good at expressing ideas or feelings clearly in words 2 23 coronation a ceremony at which a crown is formally placed on the 3 head of a new king or queen 23 cultivate to try to develop and improve something 4 23 forge to shape metal by heating it in a fire and hitting it with 5 a hammer (rèn) wary careful when dealing with somebody/something 23 because you think that there may be a danger or 6 problem 23 allegiance loyalty and support for a ruler, country, group, or belief 7 23 preside to lead or be in charge of a meeting, ceremony, etc. 8 23 humble showing you do not think that you are as important as 9 other people 24 assay the testing of metals and chemicals for quality 0 24 cynical believing that people only do things to help themselves 1 rather than for good or honest reasons 24 unification the forming of a single thing by bringing together 2 separateparts 24 paradigm a typical example or pattern of something 3 24 sinister seeming evil or dangerous; making you think 4 something bad will happen 24 preclude to prevent something from happening or somebody 5 from doing something; to make something impossible diversion something that takes your attention away from 24 somebody/something while something else is 6 happening 24 finite having a definite limit or fixed size 7 24 implicate to show or suggest that somebody is involved in 8 something bad or criminal 24 temporal connected with or limited by time 9 25 eccentric considered by other people to be strange or unusual 0 25 turmoil a state of great anxiety and confusion 1 25 menace a person or thing that causes, or may cause, serious 2 damage, harm or danger 25 obscure difficult to understand 3 25 conventional customary; of, sanctioned by, or growing out of custom 4 or usage 25 comprehensive covering completely or broadly; of large scope 5 25 comprise to include; contain 6 25 unity oneness; singleness 7 25 conviction a strong belief 8 25 medieval characteristic of the Middle Ages 9 26 consensus an opinion held by all or most 0 26 delegate a representative; a person authorized to act on behalf 1 of another 26 constituent component; a necessary part or element 2 26 conjunction a joining together or being joined together 3 26 commodity anything bought and sold 4 26 diverse different; dissimilar 5 26 dwindle to become gradually less or smaller 6 26 metaphor a figure of speech containing an implied comparison 7 26 orthodox strictly conforming to the traditional 8 26 compatible work well together, get along well together, combine 9 27 coherent clearly articulated; capable of intelligible speech and 0 thought 27 analogy drawing a comparison in order to show a similarity in 1 some respect 27 methodology system of procedures 2 27 magnitude greatness of rank, size, extent, or influence 3 27 bourgeois middle-class 4 27 critique a critical analysis or evaluation 5 27 peripheral outer; external; lying at the outside 6 27 denounce to condemn strongly 7 27 ambiguous not clear; having two or more possible meanings 8 27 pragmatic dealing with facts or actual occurrences; practical 9 28 paradox a statement or fact that seems contradictory 0 28 apprentice novice; any learner or beginner 1 28 cumulative accumulated; increasing in effect, size, quantity, etc. 2 28 demise a ceasing to exist; death 3 28 novice apprentice; beginner 4 28 dubious feeling doubt; hesitating; of questionable character 5 28 famine extreme shortage of food, accompanied by increase in 6 death rates 28 latent potential but undeveloped; dormant 7 28 legion a large number; multitude; a military unit 8 28 suffice to meet present needs; to be sufficient; to be equal to 9 a task 29 curator a person in charge of a museum, library , etc. 0 29 discrepancy difference; inconsistency 1 29 exacerbate aggravate; to make worse 2 29 ratify approve or confirm 3 29 devastate to make helpless; overwhelm; destroy 4 29 tangible having actual form and substance 5 29 repellent very unpleasant; causing strong dislike 6 29 commend praise; to express approval of 7 29 alleviate to reduce or decrease; lighten or relieve 8 29 catalyst a person or thing acting as the stimulus in bringing 9 about a result 30 paramount of chief concern or importance; supreme in rank, 0 power or authority
3 30 conformity behaviour or actions that follow the accepted rules of 1 society 30 remand to send someone accused of committing a crime away 2 from court until their trial begins assimilate to become part of a group, country, society, etc., or to 30 make someone or something become part of a 3 group,country, society, etc. 30 adorn to add something decorative to a person or thing 4 30 compelling that makes you pay attention to it because it is so 5 interesting and exciting 30 anecdote a short, interesting or amusing story about a real 6 person or event 30 procure to obtain something, especially with difficulty 7 dissident a person who strongly disagrees with and criticizes 30 their government, especially in a country where this 8 kind of action is dangerous 30 compulsion a strong desire to do something, especially something 9 that is wrong, silly or dangerous 31 indignation anger about a situation that you think is wrong or 0 notfair 31 barren (of land or soil) not good enough for plants to grow on 1 it 31 treacherous that cannot be trusted; intending to harm you 2 31 engender to make people have a particular feeling or make 3 asituation start to exist 31 expatriate someone who does not live in their own country 4 31 propagate (of a plant or animal) to produce youngplants or 5 animals 31 impart to pass information, knowledge, etc. to other people 6 31 rogue a person who behaves badly, but in a harmless way 7 31 bolster to support or improve something or make it stronger 8 31 impede to delay or stop the progress of something (= hinder, 9 hamper) 32 abide to stay or live in a place 0 32 futile having no purpose because there is no chance of 1 success 32 provocative intended to make people angry or upset; intended to 2 make people argue about something 32 hypocrisy behaviour in which somebody pretends to have moral 3 standards or opinions that they do not actually have 32 covert secret or hidden, making it difficult to notice 4 32 divergence the process or fact of separating or becoming different 5 32 zeal great energy or enthusiasm connected with something 6 that you feel strongly about yearn to want something very much, especially when it is 32 very difficult to get 7 32 fraught causing or feeling worry and anxiety 8 32 blatant (of actions that are considered bad) done in an obvious 9 and open way without caring if people are shocked 33 pantomime the use of movement and the expression of your face 0 to communicate something or to tell a story 33 incumbent necessary as part of somebody’s duties 1 33 terrestrial connected with the planet Earth 2 dogma a belief or set of beliefs held by a group or 33 organization, which others are expected to accept 3 without argument 33 deference behaviour that shows that you respect 4 somebody/something 33 vanguard the leaders of a movement in society, for example in 5 politics, art, industry, etc. 33 defiance open, bold resistance to authority or opposition 6 33 efficacy power to produce desired effect 7 33 volatile evaporating readily; tending to violence; inconstant 8 33 homogeneous of the same race or kind 9 34 relinquish give up; abandon 0 34 augment enlarge; to make greater, as in size, quantity, or 1 strength 34 discern make out clearly 2 34 stringent vigorous; rigid; binding 3 34 nostalgia longing for things of the past 4 34 eminent of high rank; outstanding; distinguished 5 34 emulate imitate 6 34 cerebral intellectual; appealing to the intellect rather than the 7 emotions 34 contentious argumentative; quarrelsome; disagreeing violently 8 34 endow provide with some talent or quality 9 35 remuneration reward; pay; compensation 0 35 benign pleasant; innocent; non-malignant 1 35 heroin woman noted for courage and daring; female 2 protagonist 35 barrage a heavy, prolonged attack of words or blows 3 35 catastrophe any great and sudden disaster or misfortune 4 35 immaculate perfectly clean; unsoiled 5 35 indispensable absolutely necessary or required 6 35 eradicate wipe out; destroy; to get rid of 7 35 witty cleverly amusing 8 35 peril exposure to harm or injury; danger 9 36 caption a heading or title, as of an article 0 36 innate natural rather than acquired 1 36 wrench to twist or turn suddenly; to remove forcibly 2 36 hindsight ability to see, after the event, what should have been 3 done 36 hybrid of mixed origin; of unlike parts 4 36 cadet a student at a military school; younger son or brother 5 36 prolific productive; bearing in abundance 6 36 haste the act of hurrying; quickness of motion 7 36 postulate claim; demand; require 8 36 transcend exceed; surpass; excel 9 37 cunning skillful or clever 0 37 relegate exile or banish 1 37 affluent possessing a large amount of money or land 2 37 vengeance revenge 3 37 artisan craftsman; a worker in a skilled trade 4 37 ballad a romantic or sentimental song 5 37 ubiquitous being everywhere; omnipresent 6 37 malignant showing great malevolence; pernicious; virulent, 7 cancerous 37 adversary opponent; a person who opposes or fights against 8 another 37 hegemony dominance especially of one nation over another 9 38 conspire to plan and act together secretly 0 38 complacency a feeling of contentment or self-satisfaction, especially 1 when unaware of danger, trouble or controversy 38 hue a particular shade or tint of a given color 2 38 sporadic occasional; not constant or regular 3 38 wrath intense anger; rage; fury 4 38 afflict to cause pain or suffering to; distress very much 5 38 atrocity a terrible act or situation; a displeasing or tasteless 6 thing 38 obsolete no longer in use or practice 7 38 ominious threatening; sinister 8 38 salient standing out conspicuously; prominent 9 39 arid dry and barren; lacking enough water for things to 0 grow 39 myriad many; indefinitely large number 1 39 combustion the process of burning 2 39 amenable willing to follow advice or suggestion 3 39 pathology the science of diseases 4 39 remedial providing a remedy 5 39 ornate heavily ornamented or adorned 6 39 defer to postpone or delay; withhold until a future date 7 39 soluble can be dissolved 8 39 liturgy ritual for public worship 9 40 alloy a mixture of two metals 0
4 40 dormant not active or growing now but able to become active or 1 to grow in the future 40 punitive intended as punishment 2 40 anomalous different from what is normal or expected 3 40 waning becoming gradually weaker or less important 4 40 poignant having a strong effect on your feelings, especially in a 5 way that makes you feel sad 40 enigmatic mysterious and difficult to understand 6 40 veer to change direction suddenly 7 defuse to stop a possibly dangerous or difficult situation from 40 developing, especially by making people less angry or 8 nervous 40 empathy the ability to understand another person’s feelings, 9 experience, etc. 41 pervade to be prevalent throughout; to permeate (lan toả) 0 41 anarchy a situation in a country, an organization, etc. in which 1 there is no government, order or control 41 unequivocal expressing your opinion or intention very clearly and 2 firmly; obvious 41 craven very cowardly; abjectly afraid; lacking courage 3 41 degenerate having low standards of behaviour 4 41 piety the state of having or showing a deep respect for 5 somebody/something, especially for God and religion 41 enigma a person, thing or situation that is mysterious and 6 difficult to understand 41 tenuous so weak or uncertain that it hardly exists 7 41 appraise to consider or examine somebody/something and form 8 an opinion about them or it 41 euphoria an extremely strong feeling of happiness and 9 excitement that usually lasts only a short time 42 astute very clever and quick at seeing what to do in a 0 particular situation, especially how to get an advantage 42 bask to enjoy sitting or lying in the heat or light of 1 something, especially the sun 42 kernel the most central part; the inner part of a nut or seed 2 42 sardonic showing that you think that you are better than other 3 people and do not take them seriously 42 confisacte to officially take something away from somebody, 4 especially as a punishment 42 amalgamate to put two or more things together so that they form 5 one 42 wither shrivel; wilt (khô héo) 6 42 onerous needing great effort; causing trouble or worry 7 42 contemptuos feeling or showing that you have no respect for 8 somebody/something 42 embodiment someone or something that represents a quality or an 9 idea exactly 43 quell to stop or reduce strong or unpleasant feelings 0 43 uncanny strange and difficult to explain 1 43 bovine resembling a cow; placid or dull (ngu như bò) 2 43 unscrupulous without moral principles; not honest or fair 3 43 signatory someone who signs a document 4 43 absurdity something or someone uproariously funny or absurd; 5 foolish behavior 43 culmination climax; the highest point 6 43 devious not straightforward or frank 7 43 tranquil calm, serene, peaceful 8 43 aggregation a grouping or clustering of separate elements 9 44 endemic prevailing among a specific group 0 44 aromatic smelling sweet or spicy; fragrant or pungent 1 44 chassis framework, typically of an automobile 2 44 disparate basically different; unrelated 3 44 austere forbidding; having a severe or stern look or manner 4 44 lament mourn; grieve 5 44 tyranny very cruel and unjust use of power or authority 6 44 parody a usually amusing caricature of another; a false or 7 derisive imitation 44 impinge to collide or strike; to encroach; to trespass 8 44 boon blessing; welcome benefit 9 45 heed take careful notice of 0 45 mitigate to moderate or minimize 1 45 meticulous extremely careful about details 2 45 obliterate to destroy all traces of; to remove entirely 3 45 vocation a regular occupation, especially one for which a person 4 is particularly suited or qualified; a calling 45 amiable good-natured; having a pleasant and friendly 5 disposition 45 espouse support or advocate 6 45 discursive rambling; passing from one topic to another 7 45 concise brief and to the point; short and clear 8 45 improvise perform without preparation 9 46 spurious not true or genuine; false 0 46 stigma mark or sign indicating something not considered 1 normal or standard 46 buttress a projecting structure built against a wall to support or 2 reinforce it 46 computation calculation; a method of computing 3 46 acclaim to greet with loud applause or approval 4 46 collusion conspiring in a fraudulent scheme 5 46 allude to refer in a casual or indirect way 6 46 contentment the state of being satisfied 7 46 distraught extremely troubled 8 46 exemplary serving as a model or example 9 47 impeccable without defect or error; flawless 0 47 utilitarian practical; stressing utility over other values 1 47 ambivalence conflicting feelings toward a person or thing 2 47 abduction kidnapping 3 47 arduous difficult to do; laborious; onerous 4 47 anthology a collection of poems, stories, songs, or excerpts 5 47 tenet principle, doctrine, or belief held as a truth 6 47 espionage spying 7 47 erroneous mistaken; wrong 8 47 eschew to shun or avoid 9 48 utopia an ideally perfect place, especially in its social, political 0 and moral aspects 48 mythical of or existing in myth; imaginary or fictitious 1 48 animosity hostility; a feeling of strong dislike or hatred 2 48 zenith highest point; peak 3 48 extant still existing; not extinct 4 48 superfluous excessive 5 48 intelligible clear; comprehensible 6 48 eccentricity irregularity; oddity; whimsicality 7 48 nuance a slight or delicate variation 8 48 mercenary motivated by a desire for money or other gain 9 49 throng crowd 0 49 bequeath to hand down; pass on 1 49 stint an unbroken period of time during which you do 2 something 49 rasp rough, grating tone 3 49 reprieve temporary relief or escape from trouble or pain 4 49 circumvent to avoid or try to avoid 5 49 shroud a cloth used to wrap a body for burial; something that 6 conceals, protects, or screens 49 esoteric beyond the understanding of the average mind; 7 intended for or understood by only a particular group 49 intractable difficult to manage or govern; stubborn 8 49 vestige a trace of something that once existed; a remnant 9 50 translucent partially transparent or clear 0
5 50 Sseminal very important and having a strong influence on later 1 developments 50 flout to show that you have no respect for a law, etc. by 2 openly not obeying it 50 abate to become less strong; to make something less strong 3 50 treachery behaviour that involves not being loyal to somebody 4 who trusts you 50 occult connected with magic powers and things that cannot 5 be explained by reason or science pundit a person who knows a lot about a particular subject 50 and who often talks about it in public (chuyên gia, bình 6 luận viên) 50 caustic corrosive; able to destroy or dissolve other substances 7 50 adjunct something added to another thing but not an essential 8 part of it 50 indiscriminate done without thought about what the result may be 9 51 waft to move, or make something move, gently through the 0 air 51 exhort to try hard to persuade somebody to do something 1 51 conciliatory having the intention or effect of making angry people 2 calm 51 duress threats or force that are used to make somebody do 3 something 51 litigant a person who is making or defending a claim in court 4 51 fissure a long deep crack in something, especially in rock or in 5 the earth 51 forlorn appearing lonely and unhappy; unlikely to succeed 6 51 aberration a fact, an action or a way of behaving that is not usual, 7 and that may be unacceptable 51 coutenance a person’s face or their expression 8 51 epitome a perfect example of something 9 52 callous not caring about other people’s feelings or suffering 0 pernicious having a very harmful effect on somebody/something, 52 especially in a way that is gradual and not easily 1 noticed 52 belated coming or happening late 2 52 enroach to begin to affect or use up too much of somebody’s 3 time, rights, personal life, etc. 52 appease to make somebody calmer or less angry by giving them 4 what they want 52 innocuous not harmful or dangerous 5 52 inexorable that cannot be stopped or changed, relentless 6 52 recalcitrant unwilling to obey rules or follow instructions; difficult 7 to control 52 obviate to remove a problem or the need for something 8 52 extrapolate to guess or think about what might happen using 9 information that is already known maverick a person who thinks and acts in an independent way, 53 often behaving differently from the expected or usual 0 way 53 delineate to describe, draw or explain something in detail 1 consecrate to state officially in a religious ceremony that 53 something is holy and can be used for religious 2 purposes 53 eclectic not following one style or set of ideas but choosing 3 from or using a wide variety 53 anathema a thing or an idea which you hate because it is the 4 opposite of what you believe 53 reciprocate to behave or feel towards somebody in the same way 5 as they behave or feel towards you 53 stealth the fact of doing something in a quiet or secret way 6 abstinence the practice of not allowing yourself something, 53 especially food, alcoholic drinks or sex, for moral, 7 religious or health reasons 53 banal very ordinary and containing nothing that is interesting 8 or important 53 cliche a phrase or an idea that has been used so often that it 9 no longer has much meaning and is not interesting 54 dogmatic relating to or characteristic of dogma; dictatorial 0 54 kinetic characterized by motion 1 54 amorphous shapeless; formless; of no particular type 2 54 serene calm, peaceful, tranquil 3 54 conduit a pipe or tunnel for water or wires 4 54 lucid easily understood; intelligible; sane or rational 5 54 fortify strengthen 6 54 proliferate to quickly reproduce or spread 7 54 negate make ineffective; to rule out, deny 8 54 antidote a remedy to counteract a poison 9 55 din loud confusing noise 0 55 grouse complain; grumble 1 55 propriety the quality of being proper; suitableness, 2 appropriateness 55 plethora many; overabundance; excess 3 55 condone to forgive, pardon, or overlook 4 55 consternation great fear or shock that makes one feel helpless or 5 bewildered 55 forage search for food or provisions 6 55 prudence the quality of being prudent; careful management 7 55 restitution return to a former condition or situation 8 55 veritable actual; being truly so 9 56 venerable regarded with reverential respect 0 56 cryptic having a hidden or ambiguous meaning; brief 1 56 hapless unfortunate; unlucky; luckless 2 56 insidious deceitful; treacherous 3 56 nomad one with no permanent home, but moving about 4 constantly 56 clandestine kept secret or hidden 5 56 copious plentiful; abundant 6 56 undulating moving with a wavelike motion; rolling; wavy 7 56 antipathy strong or deep-rooted dislike 8 56 viscous having a relatively high resistance to flow; sticky 9 57 forthright straightforward; direct; frank 0 57 fervent showing great emotion or zeal; extremely hot 1 57 vagrant a person with no established residence or visible 2 means of support 57 catapult a slingshot or type of launcher 3 57 credence belief, especially in the reports or testimony of another 4 57 reparation the act or process of repairing; the act or process of 5 making amends 57 amble to go easily and unhurriedly 6 57 monolithic massive, solid and uniform; acting as a single, uniform 7 whole 57 prodigious impressively great in size or force, enormous; 8 extraordinary, marvelous 57 amicable peaceable; showing good will 9 58 incongruous lacking harmony or agreement 0 58 frieze ornamental band formed by a series of decorations 1 58 pungent stinging; sharp in taste; caustic 2 58 requiem A religious or musical service for the dead 3 58 incursion a raid or invasion; the act of entering another's 4 territory or domain 58 decipher to read or interpret; convert from a code; decrypt 5 58 limerick nonsense poem of five lines 6 58 placate stop from being angry; appease 7 58 penchant strong liking or fondness 8 58 genial cheerful, friendly, and sympathetic 9 59 vociferous loud, noisy, boisterous 0 59 emissary a person sent on a specific mission 1 59 salutary having a good effect on somebody/something, though 2 often seeming unpleasant 59 valiant brave; valorous 3 59 avid eager and enthusiastic 4 59 embellish decorate by adding detail; ornament 5 59 pecuniary of or pertaining to money 6 59 assail assault; to attack physically and violently 7 59 exasperate irritate or annoy very much; aggravate 8 59 incipient become apparent; beginning to exist or appear 9 60 coerce persuade with force or pressure 0
6 60 defunct no longer in effect/use, not operating/functioning 1 60 oscillating vacillating; moving back and forth 2 60 cursory hasty; done without care 3 60 goad to spur, push, impel 4 60 impervious not affected 5 60 discord disagreement; conflict 6 60 languid without vigor or vitality; drooping; weak 7 60 extol praise highly 8 60 squalid foul or unclean 9 61 implacable cannot be appeased or pacified; relentless 0 61 indemnify make secure against loss 1 61 absolve acquit; to pronounce free from guilt or blame 2 61 attenuation a diminution of thickness or intensity 3 61 indignity unworthiness or disgrace 4 61 abyss chasm; a deep fissure in the earth 5 61 chide to scold 6 61 ephemeral fleeting; short-lived 7 61 infallible incapable of error; never wrong 8 61 untenable unjustifiable 9 62 juxtapose place side by side 0 62 polemic controversy; argument in support of a point of view 1 62 diminutive very small; tiny 2 62 tortuous winding; full of curves 3 62 ambient surrounding 4 62 notoriety the state, quality, or character of being notorious or 5 widely known 62 raucous loud and rowdy 6 62 trepidation fearful uncertainty; anxiety 7 62 variegated varied; diversified 8 62 castigate to punish or rebuke severely 9 63 evocation calling forth 0 63 incisive sharply expressive 1 63 tactile perceived by touch 2 63 tenacity holding fast; persistent; stubborn 3 63 debacle an overwhelming defeat 4 63 incessant continual; never ceasing 5 63 prosaic matter of fact; ordinary 6 63 accretion growth in size by addition or accumulation 7 63 detonate to explode violently and noisily 8 63 exuberance showing high spirits 9 64 solace comfort; consolation; relief 0 64 voluminous large; bulky; full 1 64 annexation the action of appending, adding on or attaching 2 64 gratuitous given freely; unwarranted 3 64 tome a book, esp. a very heavy, large, or learned book 4 64 untoward inappropriate; improper 5 64 compliant yielding; submissive 6 64 derision ridicule 7 64 philistine a person smugly narrow and indifferent to art and 8 culture 64 transcendent exceeding usual limits; incomparable; beyond ordinary 9 existence 65 commensurate proportionate; corresponding in extent or degree 0 65 concoct to devise, invent, or plan 1 65 palpable readily or plainly seen, heard, perceived, etc.; obvious; 2 evident 65 candid honest or frank 3 65 cleave split; to divide by a blow 4 65 disaffection the feeling of being alienated from other people 5 65 obstinate stubborn 6 65 wanton excessively merry; frolicsome; having no regard for 7 others 65 scrupulous having principles; extremely conscientious 8 65 boisterous rowdy; noisy and unruly 9 66 calamity disaster; deep trouble or misery 0 66 hone to perfect; sharpen; yearn 1 66 industrious diligent; skillful 2 66 reticent habitually silent; reserved 3 66 intrepid brave 4 66 crescendo any gradual increase in force, intensity 5 66 enmity hostility; antagonism 6 66 idiosyncrasy personal peculiarity or mannerism 7 66 sanguine of ruddy complexion; cheerful; hopeful 8 66 brevity the quality of being brief 9 67 enumerate count; determine the number of 0 67 germinate start developing or growing 1 67 circumscribe limit 2 67 destitute living in complete poverty 3 67 nadir lowest point 4 67 astound amaze; to bewilder with sudden surprise 5 67 denigrate blacken someone's reputation or character 6 67 orator eloquent public speaker 7 67 paucity scarcity 8 67 tedium tediousness 9 68 ameliorate improve; to make or become better 0 68 assuage lessen; soothe 1 68 benevolent characterized by concern for others, kindness, doing 2 good deeds 68 jettison throw overboard 3 68 opulent possessing or exhibiting great wealth; affluent 4 68 coalesce to grow together; to unite or merge 5 68 decimate destroy a great number 6 68 dearth any scarcity or lack 7 68 fortuitous accidental; by chance 8 68 dissonance lack of harmony or agreement 9 69 zealot fanatic 0 69 florid highly decorated; gaudy; showy; ornate 1 69 idealist visionary or dreamer 2 69 morose ill-tempered; gloomy 3 69 nexus a connected group or series; the center 4 69 predilection preconceived liking; partiality or preference 5 69 epithet a descriptive name or title 6 69 livid extremely angry 7 69 quiescent at rest; dormant; temporarily inactive 8 69 caprious erratic; tending to change abruptly 9 70 condolence expression of sympathy with another in grief 0
7 70 conviction a strong opinion or belief 1 70 veracity the quality of being true; the habit of telling the truth 2 70 endure to suffer something difficult, unpleasant, or painful 3 70 exclusive only to be used by one particular person or group; only 4 given to one particular person or group 70 prototype the first design of something from which other forms 5 are copied or developed 70 ruminate to think deeply about something 6 70 evaporate if a liquid evaporates or if something evaporates it, it 7 changes into a gas, especially steam 70 deviate to be different from something; to do something in a 8 different way from what is usual or expected 70 empirical based on experiments or experience rather than ideas 9 or theories 71 inextricable unable to be separated, released, or escaped from 0 71 conceive to imagine something 1 71 rage to speak very angrily to someone 2 71 contingent depending on something that may or may not happen 3 71 deprecate to not approve of something or say that you do not 4 approve of something 71 incentive something that encourages a person to do something 5 71 tenet one of the principles or beliefs that a theory or larger 6 set of beliefs is based on 71 retain to keep something; to continue to have something 7 71 constituent one of the parts of something that combine to form the 8 whole 71 pertain to relate to or have a connection with something 9 72 hostile very unfriendly or aggressive and ready to argue or 0 fight 72 patrol to go around an area or a building at regular times to 1 check that it is safe and that there is no trouble 72 drastic extreme in a way that has a sudden, serious or violent 2 effect on something 72 erroneous not correct; based on wrong information 3 72 proliferate to increase rapidly in number or amount 4 72 intrigue to make somebody very interested and want to know 5 more about something 72 amorphous having no definite shape, form or structure 6 72 penchant a special liking for something 7 72 fervent having or showing very strong and sincere feelings 8 about something 72 conceal to hide somebody/something 9 73 duress threats or force that are used to make somebody do 0 something 73 spot to see or notice a person or thing, especially suddenly 1 or when it is not easy to do so 73 treachery behaviour that involves not being loyal to somebody 2 who trusts you 73 distill to get the essential meaning or ideas from thoughts, 3 information, experiences, etc. 73 ravages the destruction caused by something 4 73 pungent having a strong taste or smell 5 73 stealth the fact of doing something in a quiet or secret way 6 pernicious having a very harmful effect on somebody/something, 73 especially in a way that is gradual and not easily 7 noticed 73 extrapolate to guess or think about what might happen using 8 information that is already known 73 fortify to make something stronger, especially in order to 9 protect it 74 kinetic of or produced by movement 0 74 anomalous different from what is normal or expected 1 74 extant (of something very old) still in existence 2 74 prosaic without interest, imagination, and excitement 3 74 appraise to examine someone or something in order to judge 4 theirqualities, success, or needs 74 abduction the act of taking somebody away illegally, especially 5 using force 74 astute able to understand a situation quickly and see how to 6 take advantage of it 74 mercenary interested only in the amount of money that you can 7 get from a situation 74 meticulous very careful and with great attention to every detail 8 74 utopia an imaginary place or state in which everything is 9 perfect 75 unequivocal expressing your opinion or intention very clearly and 0 firmly 75 dormant Something that is dormant is not active or growing but 1 has the ability to be active at a later time 75 espouse to support an idea, belief etc, especially a political one 2 75 cerebral relating to the mind rather than the feelings 3 75 benign pleasant and kind 4 75 vanguard the part of an army, etc. that is at the front when 5 moving forward to attack the enemy 75 famine a lack of food during a long period of time in a region 6 75 peripheral a piece of equipment that is connected to a computer 7 and used with it, for example a printer 75 articulate to express thoughts and feelings easily and clearly, or 8 showing this quality 75 defunct no longer existing, operating or being used 9 76 ameliorate to make a bad or unpleasant situation better or less 0 harmful 76 incessant never stopping, especially in an annoying or unpleasant 1 way 76 assail to attack someone violently or criticize someone 2 strongly 76 intricate having a lot of different parts and small details that fit 3 together 76 disparage to suggest that somebody/something is not important 4 or valuable 76 contemplate to think deeply about something for a long time 5 76 cripple to injure someone so that they are unable to walk or 6 move in a normal way 76 entail to make something necessary, or to involve something 7 76 berate to criticize or speak in an angry manner to someone 8 76 impending (usually of an unpleasant event) that is going to happen 9 very soon 77 hostile very unfriendly or aggressive and ready to argue or 0 fight 77 enthralling keeping someone's interest and attention completely 1 77 loath not willing to do something 2 lure to persuade someone to do something, especially 77 something wrong or dangerous, by making it seem 3 attractive or exciting 77 meld to combine with something else; to make something 4 combine with something else 77 climax the most important or exciting point in a story or 5 situation, especially when this happens near the end 77 unravel to explain something that is difficult to understand or is 6 mysterious; to become clearer or easier to understand 77 ruminate to think deeply about something 7 77 aloof not friendly or interested in other people 8 dogma a belief or set of beliefs held by a group or 77 organization, which others are expected to accept 9 without argument 78 pliant willing to accept change; easy to influence or control 0 78 retort to answer someone quickly in an angry or funny way 1 78 delusion a false belief or opinion about yourself or your 2 situation 78 clandestine done secretly or kept secret 3 78 tacit understood without being expressed directly 4 78 abet to help or encourage somebody to do something 5 wrong 78 impetuous acting or done quickly and without thinking carefully 6 about the results 78 assuage to make an unpleasant feeling less severe/strong 7 78 cursory done quickly and without giving enough attention to 8 details vacillate to keep changing your opinion or thoughts about 78 something, especially in a way that annoys other 9 people 79 reconcile to find an acceptable way of dealing with two or more 0 ideas 79 lethargy the state of not having any energy or enthusiasm for 1 doing things 79 loathe to dislike somebody/something very much 2 79 juxtapose to put people or things together, especially in order to 3 show a contrast or a new relationship between them 79 castigate to criticize somebody/something/yourself severely 4 79 goad to keep irritating or annoying somebody/something 5 until they react 79 imperative very important and needing immediate attention or 6 action 79 clog to block something or to become blocked 7 improvise to invent or make something, such as a speech or a 79 device, at the time when it is needed without already 8 having planned it 79 reservoir a large amount of something that is available to be 9 used 80 carnal connected with the body or with sex (xác thịt) 0