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Argaman 1984

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Water Res. Vol. 18, No. 12, pp. 1493-1500, 1984 0043-1354/84 $3.00+ 0.

Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved Copyright © 1984 Pergamon Press Ltd


Department of Civil Engineering, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel

(Received June 1983)

AImtrlct--Activated sludge systems of the oxidation ditch configuration are uniquely suitable for the
single-sludge nitrification and denitrification process. This is due to the high recycle flow generated by the
aeration system. Existing systems, originally designed for carbonaceous organic removal and nitrification,
can be modified to the complete nitrogen removal mode, through the control of oxygen supply. This paper
discusses the conditions required for such modification along with the necessary calculation procedures.
A case study of a full-scale industrial plant is presented. Calculations based on the principles outlined
herein illustrate the capability of the existing system to operate successfully under the single-sludge mode.
Actual data over a 15 months period support these results.

Key words--wastewater treatment, nitrogen removal, nitrification, denitrification, single-sludge, oxidation

ditch, case study

INTRODUCTION role of the two basins, i.e. anoxic or aerobic, alternate

thus simulating a recycle effect. Tholander (1977)
The single-sludge system for biological removal of described the design of a full-scale plant using this
nitrogen is based on alternating exposure of the approach and presented data showing 90% removal
wastewater to aerobic and anoxic environments. Or- of nitrogen from a blend of domestic and industrial
ganic and ammonia nitrogen are converted to nitrates wastewater.
through hydrolysis and nitrification in the aerobic The oxidation ditch is an alternative configuration
zone, and the nitrate is subsequently converted to in which the single-sludge process can be accom-
nitrogen gas by denitrification in the anoxic zone. A plished taking full advantage of the aforementioned
basic feature of the single-sludge process is the utili- energy saving. In this system both the recycle flow
zation of wastewater carbonaceous organics as the and the mixing are obtained through the aeration
hydrogen acceptor ("carbon source") in the device, normally a brush type aerator.
denitrification stage. This has the 2-fold advantage of Oxidation ditches have been used successfully in
eliminating the need for an external carbon source, Europe for over 50 years, and are gaining popularity
and utilization of the nitrate as an oxygen substitute in the U.S. and other parts of the world. These
thus reducing the energy requirements for the aerobic systems were used mainly for the treatment of
degradation of organic matter. Under certain condi- domestic and trade wastes from small and medium
tions, i.e. with high ammonia and low buffer capacity sized communities. More recently they have been
in the raw wastewater, pH adjustment chemicals may used in larger installations. In most applications the
also be saved by the retrieval in the denitrification oxidation ditches were designed and operated as
stage of part of the alkalinity destroyed in the totally aerobic basins for the oxidation of carbo-
nitrification stage. naceous organics with or without nitrification.
The single-sludge process can be accomplished in a Applegate et al. (1980) described a full-scale multi-
two-basin system where nitrified effluent is recycled channel oxidation ditch system where up to 91% of
from the aerobic basin to a n anoxic basin for total nitrogen removal from domestic wastewater was
denitrification. Recycle is the key element in such achieved. However, the author reported uniform DO
systems since it is the only way internal carbon source distributions within each channel and speculated that
can be utilized for denitrification. Such systems were denitrification occurred in the anoxic interior of
described by Barnard (1974), Argaman (1981) and biological flocs. Use of the oxidation ditch type
Sutton et al. (1980, 1981). In this configuration part activated sludge system for nitrogen removal through
of the energy saved by reduced aeration is lost in high the creation of aerobic and anoxic zones within the
pumping rates for recycle or in mixing power within channel was described by Matsche and Spatziemer
the anoxic zone. To avoid these high pumping costs, (1975) and by Matsche 0980).
Henze Christensen (1975) has used a two basin The objective of this paper is to illustrate how an
system operated in an alternating mode. The two- oxidation ditch system, existing or new, can be
basins were connected in series, the first being anoxic utilized for complete nitrogen removal with the added
and the second aerobic. The direction of flow and the benefits of a better effluent and cost saving.

PROCESS DESCRIPTION AND REQUIREMENTS pair will be considered (as shown in Fig. I) although
the principles apply to any number of such pairs,
The oxidation ditch is an activated sludge biologi- Process formulation and design procedures which,
cal treatment process which can be operated at with appropriate modifications, may be utilized for
standard rate or in the extended aeration mode, The such systems have been presented by Barnard (1974),
typical system consists of a closed loop channel as Argaman and Miller (1979) and Argaman t1981,
shown in Fig. 1, or is shaped like a race track. The 1982). In general, the system design and operation
wastewater is aerated using mechanical aerators must meet the following requirements:
mounted across the channel. Horizontal brush, cage
or disc-type aerators are typically used. The aerator, (1) The solids retention time (SRT) must exceed the
apart from transfering atmospheric oxygen to the minimum required for nitrification in the aerobic
wastewater, provides mixing and circulation thus zone.
maintaining the biomass in suspension. Mixed liquor (2) The anoxic zone must have adequate residence
from the ditch is passed to a secondary clarifier of time and biomass concentration to allow for
conventional design. The clarifier's underflow is split denitrification.
into two parts, one returned to the ditch the other (3) The oxygen supply system must deliver ade-
carrying the excess sludge. Unlike conventional com- quate oxygen for both the carbonaceous and nitrog-
pletely mixed aeration basins the dissolved oxygen enous demand, yet assuring the absence of oxygen in
(DO) concentration in the ditch is not uniform. the anoxic zone.
Normally the highest DO levels are found just below (4) The influent carbon/nitrogen ratio must be
the aerators, and the concentration drops gradually within an appropriate range.
as the liquid moves along the channel. The DO levels (5) Flow in the ditch must generate adequate
depend on the oxygen transfer capability of the recycle rate.
aerators and the oxygen demand exerted by the (6) Appropriate environmental conditions, condu-
biochemical reaction. If the oxygen demand exceeds cive to nitrification and denitrification must exist in
the aerators maximum oxygen transfer capacity, the system.
zones of anaerobic or anoxic conditions will develop. These requirements will be discussed in more detail.
Oxygen demand in an oxidation ditch consists of
that which is utilized for carbonaceous B a D removal Solids retention time
and, in many cases, for nitrification. Nitrification is In a single stage activated sludge system the min-
often required by regulatory agencies in order to imum SRT required in order to avoid washout of
reduce toxicity and oxygen demand in receiving nitrifiers is given by
waters. Yet in other instances nitrification occurs
unintentionally as the sysem is operated under low SRT~i. = / J I (1)
organic loading for complete carbonaceous B a D where:
removal. If complete nitrogen removal is required by
SRT'min = minimum SRT required lbr
regulatory agencies, nitrate removal must also be
nitrification in a single stage activated
provided. As will be shown subsequently, the ox-
sludge (day)
idation ditch sysem is uniquely suitable lbr a com-
fi = maximum growth rate of nitrifiers
bined nitrification and denitrification process regard-
(day 1).
less of whether or not denitrification is required. As
long as nitrification occurs, it is advantageous to In deriving equation (1), it was asssumed that the
operate the system for complete nitrogen removal. nitrifier's actual specific growth rate is at its max-
This can be done at the original design phase or by imum value and that the decay rate approaches zero.
modifying the operation of an existing system. Since in reality neither of these assumptions is true,
The key to such operation is adjustment of the it is common to apply a safety factor for selecting the
aeration system so that one or more pairs of aerobic design SRT. This safety factor typically ranges from
and anoxic zones are created. In this paper, a single 2to3.

Standby aerator
Influent /
end return sludge/f

A e r o b i c zone
D o probe

To clarifier Operating

Fig. 1. Aeration basin at the Catania plant.

Single sludge nitrogen removal in an oxidation ditch 1495

The nitrifiers maximum growth rate is temperature organics and the environmental condition to which
dependent and can be expressed by the biomass is exposed. Values reported in the litera-
ture vary from less than 1.0 day -1 for poorly de-
fz (T) = ~ (To)exp[Os(T - T0)l (2)
gradable industrial wastes to over 20.0 day -1 for
where: highly degradable organics.
The reported values of a range from 0.4 to 0.7 (g
/~ (T) a n d / i (To) are the nitrifiers maximum growth
VSS) (g BOD) -l and b from 0.02 to 0.05 day -1.
rates at temperatures T°C and
Equation (4) is based on an apparent first order
T0°C, respectively (day -1)
reaction law as suggested by Adams et al. (1975). The
0N = temperature coefficient for
overall nominal hydraulic residence time required for
nitrifiers growth rate.
nitrification in an aerobic/anoxic system can be calcu-
Values of /~ (T) vary over a wide range, mainly lated from equation (4) using the design SRT, i.e.
because of variations in environmental factors. In the (SRT)mi, multiplied by a safety factor.
absence of experimental data the value can be se- The reaction rate coefficient k is also temperature
lected from the reported range of 0.21-1.44 day -1 at dependent. Thus:
temperatures ranging from 8 to 25°C. (U.S. EPA,
k ( T ) = k(To)O r - ro (5)
1975). Reported values of 0N are less scattered and
vary from 0.069 to 0.116 (U.S. EPA, 1975). where:
In an aerobic/anoxic oxidation ditch nitrifying
k ( T ) and k(To)are the rate coefficient at tem-
microorganisms grow in the aerobic zone only. Hence
perature T and To, respectively
it can be shown that the minimum SRT required for
nitrification should be
0 = temperature coefficient for carbo-
(SRT)m,n = ~t-1 (SRT)~, (3) naceous organics removal rate.
where: Typical values of 0 range from 1.03 to 1.07.
(SRT)min = minimum SRT required for nitrifi- Anoxic zone
cation in an aerobic/anoxic system
The volume and biomass concentration in the
anoxic zone must be such that complete denitrific-
ct = aerobic volume fraction
ation can be achieved. The rate of denitrification
Since ~t is always less than 1.0 the minimum SRT depends primarily on the rate of organic removal
required for nitrification in an aerobic/anoxic system which, in turn, depends on the nature of the organics,
is always higher than in a single stage activated sludge temperature and other environmental factors.
system. Although the exact expression for the
Under most circumstances encountered in practice denitrification rate is given by a multi substrate
the concentration of carbonaceous organics in the Monod equation, under many situations the concen-
raw wastewater greatly exceeds that of nitrogenous trations of both nitrates and BOD in the anoxic zone
matter. Moreover, the cellular yield and growth rate allow a zero order approximation (Beccari et al.,
of heterotrophic microorganisms is considerably 1983). Thus, for adequate denitrification the biomass
higher than the corresponding values for the auto- concentration and the nominal hydraulic residence
trophs. Thus the design and operation parameters time in the anoxic zone must satisfy the following
required for maintaining a desired SRT are con- condition:
trolled by the heterotrophic biomass characteristics
Xvto >1A N o k ~ I (6)
and the carbonaceous organic removal kinetics.
Assuming that the rate of organic removal, micro- where:
organism decay and cellular yield are the same in
tD = nominal hydraulic residence time in the
both the aerobic and anoxic zones, the hydraulic
anoxic zone (day)
residence time can be related to the SRT through
AN D = denitrified nitrogen concentration (rag 1-1)
t = So(ak SRT - b SRT - 1)[kXv(1 + b SRT)] -1 (4) kz~ = zero order denitrification rate coefficient,
[(rag NOa-N ) (rag VSS) -t day-I].
t = nominal hydraulic residence time (day) Reported values of ko, summarized by Eckenfelder
So = influent concentration of BOD (mg 1-1) and Argaman (1978) range from 0.03 to 0.60 (mg
a = sludge yield coefficient [(g VSS)(g BOD) -I] NO3-N) (mg VSS)- i day- 1. Values in the lower range
k = organic removal rate coefficient (day -I) refer to endogenous denitrification with domestic
b = endogenous decay rate coefficient (day -I) sewage whereas the high rates were derived from
Xv = active biomass concentration in the system denitrification systems using methanol or other
(mg 1-~). readily degradable carbon sources. The temperature
dependence of ko is similar to that of k, thus equation
The rate coefficient k depends on the nature of the (5) applies to the denitrification rate coefficient too.

Oxygen requirements equivalent" of nitrate nitrogen as 2.86 (g 05) (g

In an aerobic/anoxic oxidation ditch oxygen is NO3-N) -t the amount of BOD utilized for
consumed for the oxidation of carbonaceous organics denitrification ranges from 1.1 to 1.4 (g BOD) (g
and ammonia as well as for microbial endogenous NO3-N) -~. Thus, if all the influent BOD is removed
respiration. Part of the oxygen requirement is sup- in the denitrification zone, and all inftuent ammonia
plied by the denitrification reaction where nitrate is denitrified, the upper limit of the ammonia/BOD
serves as the electron acceptor in place of molecular ratio would be 0.71-0.91 (g NH 3 N) (g BOD) ~. This
oxygen. Thus the overall net oxygen requirement may calculation overestimates the upper ammonia/BOD
be expressed by limit since part of the BOD is certainly removed in
the aerobic zone. This error is partially offset by the
U =a'sr+a"Ar+b'X,.t -a"AN o (7) assumption that no nitrogen is consumed through
where: assimilation.
In summary it can be stated that for complete BOD
U = overall net oxygen requirements (mg 1- ~) and nitrogen removal the influent ammonia/BOD
a ' = oxygen utilization coefficient for carbo- ratio must range approximately from a minimum of
naceous organic removal [(mg 02) (mg 0.018-0.048 to a maximum of 0.71-0.91 (g NH3-N)
BOD)- '] (g BOD) i.
a" = oxygen utilization coefficient for ammonia
removal [(mg 02) (mg NH3-N)-'] Flow in the ditch
a " = oxygen equivalent of denitrified nitrate
nitrogen [(mg 02) (mg N O 3 - N ) - I ] For effective nitrogen removal in a single sludge
S t = BOD removal (nag 1-') system, nitrified wastewater must be recycled to the
Ar = ammonia nitrogen nitrified (mg 1-j) anoxic zone at an appropriate rate. It has been shown
b ' = oxygen utilization coefficient in endo- that the overall recycle ratio is determined by the
genous respiration [(g 02) (g VSS)-' desired effluent nitrate concentration as expressed by
day ']. the following approximation (Argaman, 1981):

The values of a' normally ranges from 0.5 to 0.7 (g A0

R = ~-- 1 (8)
O2) (g BOD)-' while b' varies between 0.024).05 (g
Oz) (g VSS)-' day-'. The oxygen required for the where:
oxidation of ammonia, a", is 4.2 (g O2) (g NH3-N) '
and the oxygen equivalent of nitrate, a", is 2.86 (g 02) R = overall recycle ratio
(g NO3-N)-'. A0 = influent ammonia (mg 1-~ as N)
N e = effluent nitrate (mg 1-~ as N).

Nitrogen/carbon ratio In deriving this equation it was assumed that the

nitrification and denitrification reactions go to com-
The interrelationship between carbonaceous and
pletion in the anoxic and aerobic zones, respectively.
nitrogenous removal reactions requires that the
The overall recycle flow is composed of the mixed
influent nitrogen/carbon ratio be within a certain
liquor recycle flow and the sludge recycle flow. The
range. This ratio is normally expressed in terms of
latter rate depends on the settling characteristics of
(influent NH3-N) (influent BOD)-~.
the sludge and is usually varying from 30 to 100~ of
The lower limit of this ratio is derived from the
the through flow. The mixed liquor recycle flow is
minimum nitrogen requirements for cell synthesis, in
considerably higher and constitutes the bulk of the
a system where all nitrogen removal is through
recycle flow. In an oxidation ditch this flow generally
assimilation. Since the net specific cellular yield and
originates from the same mechanism which provides
thus the nitrogen requirements depend on the organic
oxygen to the biological reaction. This flow must also
loading rate the minimum ammonia/BOD ratio is not
generate sufficiently high velocity in the ditch in order
a constant. Using a net yield coefficient range of
to avoid settling of the biomass. The minimum flow
0.15--0.40 (g VSS) (g BOD) -~ and assuming 12~o
velocity required for the latter purpose is approx.
nitrogen in dry cells the minimum ammonia/BOD
0.5 m s -t. The flow velocity can be estimated from the
ratio will range from 0.018 to 0.048 (g NH3-N ) (g
following hydraulic relationship neglecting local
headlosses (Argaman and Spivak, 1974):
The upper limit of the ammonia/BOD ratio is
established by the need for a carbon source in the L~ = ( ~ p r 4 / 3 ) i / 3 ( p g V n 2 ) - i/3 (9)
denitrification reaction. In this reaction nitrate nitro-
gen is utilized as the electron acceptor in lieu of
molecular oxygen. Hence, like oxygen utilization in v= flow velocity in the channel (m s -~)
aerobic systems, the nitrate requirements per unit of P = total power of aerators (W)
BOD removed depend on the organic loading. Using r = hydraulic radius of channel (m)
a typical range of net oxygen utilization between 2.0 n = Manning's coefficient (s m--v3)
and 2.5 (gO2) (g BOD) -I and taking the "oxygen t/= efficiency
Single sludge nitrogen removal in an oxidation ditch 1497

p = water density (kg m - a ) Table 1. Aeration system dimensions and capacity

g = acceleration of gravity (m s -2) Aeration ditch
V -- volume of ditch (m3). Effective length (m) 108
Width (m) 6.8
A major difficulty in using equation (9) arises in Depth (m) 3.0
Volume (m 3) 2200
estimating the efficiency of an aerator as a flow Aerators
generating device. Such data are scarce. In one study No. of aerators 2
Length (m) 6.0
using a cage rotor the efficiency ranged from 4 to 11% Diameter (m) 1.0
at various rotational speeds and levels of sub- Submersion (cm) 10-26
mergence (Argaman and Spivak, 1974). Rotation velocity (rpm) 72
Power consumption* (kW) 10.5-24.9
Standard oxygenation
Environmental conditions capacity* (kg day - ~) 454-1123
The physical and chemical conditions in all parts of *Varying with submergence; data from manu-
the oxidation ditch must be maintained in a range facturer's chart.
which is conducive to microbial growth. Although
the optimal levels of some environmental parameters The system was used successfully in the past for
for nitrification are not the same as for BOD removal and nitrification. Both aerators were
denitrification, the system can be operated with both operated continuously maintaining high levels of DO
zones functioning effectively. Temperatures in the throughout the basin. Concern over the high nitrate
ditch should ideally be maintained above 10°C and levels in the effluent prompted plant management in
not over 35°C. The pH should be in the neutral range, mid 1979 to consider alternative modifications to
preferably between 6.5-7.5. Adjustment of pH may alleviate this problem. Analysis of the raw waste
sometimes be required. Particularly if high ammonia composition and the system's capacity suggested that
and low alkalinity wastewaters are encountered. In- the existing facility could achieve both nitrification
hibitory compounds such as heavy metals, organic and denitrification with the added benefit of a saving
toxicants or high salinity should be avoided. in energy by creating an anoxic zone in part of the
basin through the control of oxygen input. The
analysis indicated that under the conditions normally
Operation of an activated sludge system to achieve encountered, a single aerator could supply the entire
complete nitrogen removal in accordance with the oxygen demand while part of the BOD is utilized for
principles discussed herein is described subsequently. denitrification in the anoxic zone. Under very high
The system is located at the Cyanamid Italia S.p.A. load conditions both aerators could be used creating
plant in Catania, Italy. a pair of aerobic/anoxic zones. The alternative solu-
tion called for the construction of an additional basin
Description of facilities to be used as a separate denitrification stage down-
Industrial wastewater at the Cyanamid plant orig- stream of the existing system with methanol as a
inate from the production of antibiotic drugs of the carbon source. The economic advantages of the
tetracycline group. These wastewater, containing car- single-sludge solution in this case are obvious.
bonaceous BOD, organic nitrogen and ammonia, are
treated biologically in an activated sludge system. System operation and performance parameters
The aeration basin (as shown in Fig. 1) is a closed- A summary of the operation and performance
loop channel equipped with two horizontally moun- parameters for the 15 months period starting October
ted aerators. A summary of the main features and 1981 is presented in Table 2. These are monthly
dimensions of the system is presented in Table 1. average values for each of the 15 months except for

Table 2. Summary of average operation and performance parameters

Influent Effluent Aeration basin
BOD TKN BOD NH3-N NO~--N MLVSS Res. time Temp.
Month (mg l -t) (rag l -I) (mg l -I) (mg 1-1) (mg l -t) (mg 1 t) (day) (°C) pH
Oct. (1981) 970 370 < 10 <2 15.3 8125 3.85 25 7.2
Nov. 736 315 < 10 <2 14.9 9180 3.45 22 7.2
Dec. 557 327 < 10 <2 16.3 9180 3.81 20 7.3
Jan. (1982) 750 334 < 10 <2 9.7 8160 3.96 19 7.2
Feb. 625 200 < 10 <2 12.8 6930 4.07 17 7.0
March 712 342 < 10 <2 15.3 7800 4.29 19 7.2
April 566 270 < 10 <2 17.9 7995 4.27 22 6.8
May 398 228 < 10 <2 15.6 7345 4.46 25 6.8
June 488 253 < 10 <2 17.4 6820 4.10 29 7.0
July 140 125 < 10 <2 22.2 5700 4.42 28 7.2
Aug. 70 -- < I0 <2 -- 5310 8.00 26 7.5
Sept. 325 235 < 10 <2 19.6 5510 3.96 27 7.4
Oct. 490 280 < 10 <2 16.8 6696 3.34 25 7.2
Nov. 700 265 < 10 3.5 13.2 7458 3.67 23 7.0
Dec. 770 264 22 <2 17.1 7956 3.80 20 6.8

Table 3. Kinetic coefficients

Coefficient Units Range Selected value
a (g VSS) (g BOD) ' 0.4~0.7 0.5
" lg O,) (g BOD) ~ 0.5 0 7 0.6
a" (g 0 2) ( g N H ~ N) I 4.2 4.2
a"' (g 02) (g NO~ N ) ' 2.86 2.86
h day t 0 . 0 2 0.05 0.02
b' (g O2) (g VSS) ~ day t 0.02 0.05 0,05
k (20~C) day ~ < 1.0 >20.0 1.0
Ko (20"C) day ~ 0.03-6.0 0.10
n ~ m =~ 0.015 0.020 0.020
q "~i 4 . 0 I 1.0 4.0
0 ND* 1.03 1.07 1.035
0~ ND 0.069-0. l 16 0.11
,fi day ~ 0.21-1.44 0.25

August 82 when production dropped markedly due difference between influent TKN and effluent nitrate,
to summer vacation. The data of Table 2 indicate subtracting the nitrogen used for assimilation. The
almost complete removal of BOD and ammonia latter value was estimated at 2.5~ of the removed
nitrogen. Nitrates were reduced to less than 20 mg l- BOD. Excluding the month of July 82 the calculated
in all but one month (July 82). Examination of the anoxic residence time ranged from 0.77 to 1.32 day
daily data during the month of July 82 shows very with an average of 0.99 day. For the month of July
low influent BOD ( < 1 0 0 m g l -~) and very high 82 with its unusually low influent concentration, the
effluent nitrate ( > 60 mg 1- ~) towards the end of the required anoxic residence time was 0.44 day.
month. During this period the influent BOD was
below the carbon requirements for denitrification, Overall residence time
The required overall residence time was estimated
Comparison of actual and required values
using equations (1)-(4). A safety factor of 2.5 was
The observed values of various operation parame- applied in calculating the minimum required SRT to
ters were compared to those required according to the be substituted in equation (4). A trial and error
principles outlined in the preceding presentation. solution was used since the aerobic volume fraction,
Values of the various coefficients were selected from ~, must be specified in order to calculate SRTm~n in
the literature. Where a range of values is given in the equation (3). Hence a value of ~ was assumed, the
literature, the typical, or more conservative numbers overall residence time was calculated, and the re-
were selected, as shown in Table 3. suiting 7 was compared with the assumed one. This
sequence was repeated until the two values agreed to
Anoxic residence time within 10~°/o. The resulting values of ~ ranged from
The required residence time in the anoxic zone was 0.23 to 0.58 with an average of 0.39, again excluding
calculated using equation (6). Since the system was the month of July 82. The required overall residence
operated at very low organic loading it was assumed time is compared to the actual residence time in Fig.
that the fraction of the biomass is 0.3. Thus, only 30~ 2. As can be seen the actual residence time was always
of the MLVSS of Table 2 was substituted for Xv in considerably higher than the calculated minimum
equation (6). The value of ANo was calculated as the requirement.


o 4.0 r
¢) ij .
~. 3.0
Minimum required ['equations(I)-(4)]

"~ 2 . 0
1 , [___ J
o6 1.0

! I I I. I l I I I
1981 1982 Month

Fig. 2. A c t u a l a n d r e q u i r e d o v e r a l l r e s i d e n c e t i m e .
Single sludge nitrogen removal in an oxidation ditch 1499

1ZOO 1 assuming 80% mechanical efficiency, i.e. 8.4 and

19.9kW for the minimum and maximum sub-
I=., 1000 mergence, respectively. The calculated flow velocities
Available at maximum submergence
were 0.40 and 0.54ms -~ for the two extreme sub-
.~ 800 aria mergence values. These flow rates result in a recycle
ratio of over 1200 compared to the required range of
"~ 600 20--50.
g 4oo
---~ Activated sludge systems of the oxidation ditch
Available at m i n i m u m submergence configuration are uniquely suitable for the single-
sludge nitrogen removal process. This is due to the
I I I I I I I I I I I [ I I I high recycle flow created by the aeration equipment.
X XI XII I II III IV V Vl VII VIII IX X Xl Xll Existing systems, which were originally designed for
1981 1982 Month
BOD removal and nitrification, can be readily
Fig. 3. Available and required oxygenation capacity. modified to the single-sludge nitrogen removal pro-
cess. This is achieved through the control of oxygen
Oxygenation capacity supply, creating anoxic zones in parts of the aeration
Available and required oxygenation capacities are basin. Certain conditions must be met with regard to
compared in Fig. 3. The available capacity was raw wastewater composition, oxygen supply, solids
derived from the manufacturer's charts. It was as- retention time and flow in the ditch.
sumed that the average field capacity is 75~ of the The full-scale plant described herein illustrates a
standard. Hence the values of Table 1 were multiplied successful application of these principles. The calcu-
by 0.75 for these calculations. The data of Fig. 3 lations suggest that the system should be capable of
indicate that the available oxygenation capacity of a operating in the single-sludge nitrogen removal
single aerator exceeds the requirements during most mode. The performance data provide an experi-
of the time. Occasionally, additional oxygenation mental confirmation thereof.
capacity is required which can readily be supplied by The plant was capable of complete BOD removal
the second aerator. Plant personnel reported the and nitrification as evidenced by the very low concen-
average usage of the second aerator to be 2600 h yr trations of BOD and ammonia nitrogen in the
or approx. 30% of the time. effluent. Due to denitrification in the anoxic zone
over 90% nitrogen removal was achieved. However,
Influent composition the effluent nitrate nitrogen ranged from 10 to
20 mg 1-t. These results, as well as the calculations,
The actual influent TKN/BOD ratio is compared
suggest that the system's anoxic capacity is the lim-
to the required values in Fig. 4. The data indicate that
iting factor. This can be attributed to excess oxygen,
most of the time the actual ratio is well within the
reduced rate of denitrification due to low BOD or a
required range. One exception is the month of July
1982, when the ratio was very near the maximum combination of both.
range. As mentioned before, there was a shortage of Acknowledgement--The author wishes to thank Mr
carbon source for denitrification during the latter Antonino Torre of Cyanamid Italia S.p.A. for supplying the
part of this month, resulting in poor denitrification. operation and performance data which were used in this
Recycle ratio
Flow velocity in the ditch was calculated using
A d a m s C. E. Jr, Eckenfelder W. W. Jr and Hovious J.
equation (9). The power input was taken from Table
(1975) A kinetic model for design of completely mixed
activated sludge treating variable strength industrial
wastewater. Water Res. 9, 37-42.
Applegate S. C., Wilder B. and De Shaw J. R. 0980) Total
nitrogen removal in a multi-channel oxidation system. J.
.R 0.8 Wat. Pollut. Control Fed. 52, 568-577.

0 0.6

v o.4
_fL LI_._ Argaman Y. (1981) Design and performance charts for
single sludge nitrogen removal systems. Water Res. 15,
Argaman Y. (1982) Single sludge nitrogen removal from
industrial wastewater. Wat. Sci. Technol. 14, 7-20.
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