Seafdec - Nursery and Grow Out Operation For Tilapia and Carp

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Nursery and grow-out operation for tilapia and carp

Carlos, Manuel H. & Santiago, Corazon B.

Date published: 1988

To cite this document : Carlos, M. H., & Santiago, C. B. (1988). Nursery and grow-out operation for
tilapia and carp. In J. V. Juario & L. V. Benitez (Eds.), Perspectives in Aquaculture Development
in Southeast Asia and Japan: Contributions of the SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department.
Proceedings of the Seminar on Aquaculture Development in Southeast Asia, 8-12 September
1987, Iloilo City, Philippines. (pp. 281-292). Tigbauan, Iloilo, Philippines: SEAFDEC, Aquaculture

Keywords : Stocking density, Food organisms, Induced breeding, Freshwater fish, Biological
fertilization, Fish larvae, Sex hormones, Brood stocks, Hatching, Fish culture, Aquaculture
techniques, Seed (aquaculture), Feed, Sex ratio, Fry, Husbandry diseases, Pond culture,
Polyculture, Spawning, Seed production, Monoculture, Rearing, Aquaculture facilities, Water
hardness, Sexual maturity, Cage culture, Feeding experiments, Freshwater aquaculture,
Oscillatoria quadripunctulata, Aristichtys nobilis, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix, Cyprinus
carpio, Navicula notha, Oreochromis mossambicus, Brachionus plicatilis, Euglena, Chroococcus
dispersus, Moina macropa, Oreochromis niloticus, Philippines, Luzon I., Laguna de Bay L.

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Manuel H. Carlos
Corazon B. Santiago
Aquaculture Department
Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center
Tigbauan, Iloilo, Philippines


Most researches conducted at the Binangonan Freshwater Station

of the SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department were directed toward en-
hancing growth and survival of the young tilapia and carp in the nursery
as well as increasing yields in grow-out cages, pens, and ponds. Studies
included the culture and evaluation of phytoplankton and zooplankton
as feeds of the tilapia and carp fry to fingerlings; determination of pro-
tein and amino acid requirements of young Nile tilapia; development of
practical dry diets; evaluation of feeding regimes, feeding rates, and
feeding frequencies ; and the use of fertilizers in nursery ponds.

For the grow-out aspect, one of the earliest studies demonstrated

the profitability of the monoculture of tilapia in cages which triggered
the initial proliferation of tilapia cage culture by the private sector in
areas near the Station. Subsequently, supplemental feeds were de-
veloped and evaluated; non-conventional feedstuffs were tested as feeds
or feed components; and the growth rates of Nile tilapia fingerlings in
cages at varying stocking densities were evaluated at three distinct
rearing periods covering one year.

Prior to the successful mass production of bighead carp finger-

lings at the Station, studies on polyculture of tilapia, milk fish, and dif-
ferent species of carp were conducted in cages and pens with remark-
able results. This led to the technology-verification projects on poly-
culture at various areas in Laguna Lake. With the availability of fresh-
water fishponds for research purposes, studies on polyculture in ponds
were also conducted.


The Indo-Pacific Region produced as of 1983 about 8 3 % of the

world aquaculture production of 10.5 billion mt (FAO 1985). The
largest contribution came from China (56%), India and Japan (11%
each). Korea (6.1%), Philippines (4.2%), and Indonesia (1.9%) have
also contributed significantly.
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On the basis of production, the Chinese carps are the most im-
portant food fishes in Asia followed by the Indian carps, tilapias, milk-
fish, catfishes, and gouramis (Guerrero 1986 and 1987). In terms of
distribution, tilapia ranks first followed by common carp (Cyprinus
carpio, bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis), and silver carp (Hypoph-
thalmichthys molitrix) consecutively. The estimated tilapia and carp
production in Southeast Asia from 1976 to 1984 showed an increasing
trend (BFAR 1980 and 1984) which may also reflect the increasing de-
mand for fingerlings of both groups.

Tilapia culture in the Philippines started when Tilapia mossambica

(Oreochromis mossambicus) from Thailand was introduced in the
country in 1950. However, it was the impressive performance in terms
of growth and consumer acceptance of the Nile tilapia (O. niloticus),
introduced in 1972, which led to the development of tilapia farming in
the country. Culture of Nile tilapia in cages in the Philippines was first
done in 1974 (Delmendo and Baguilat 1974). Although Indian carps
and some species of Chinese carps became available in 1966 through the
Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) (Reyes 1972,
Chaudhuri 1979), only the Chinese carps are being commercially pro-
duced to date.

The SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department, through the Binangonan

Freshwater Station (BFS) which was established in 1976, developed
various techniques for tilapia culture which were readily accepted by
the fish farmers in the vicinity and eventually in other areas. In 1983,
the Aquaculture Department also succeeded in the large-scale produc-
tion of bighead carp fingerlings.

This paper presents studies conducted at the BFS concerning

tilapia and carp nursery and grow-out operations.



The tilapia and carp fry are reared in tanks, cages, or ponds. For
experiments, size of rearing facilities is influenced by construction cost
and availability of experimental fish for a given number of treatments.
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Net cages of various meshes (fine-meshed net, 0.30 cm or A-net, and

0.40 cm or B-net) are used in the lake. The dimensions are 1 × 1 × 1 m,
l × l × l . 5 m, 3 × 1.5 × 1 m. Cages are usually covered with the same
netting material used for the other sides. Oval fiberglass tanks (1.3-ton
capacity) coated with white epoxy paint and concrete tanks
(1 × 2 × 1 m) are used for land-based studies. In 1985, nursery ponds
(5 × 10 m) were available for fry to fingerling production.

Grow-Out Facilities

For rearing tilapia fingerlings to marketable size under experi-

mental conditions, cages (1 × 1 × 1 m, 2.5 × 2.5 × 2.5 m, and 5 × 10 ×
1.5 m) and fishpens (40 × 20 m) have been used.
The grow-out facilities for carp consisted of pens (10 × 50 m)
and cages measuring 5 × 10 × 1.5 m and 5 × 20 × 1.5 m. Nets for
the cages or pens have mesh sizes of 0.40 cm (B-net), 0.50 cm
(CC-net # 22), 0.70 cm (CC-net # 17), and 1.5 cm (CC-net # 8).

Grow-out as well as nursery cages recommended for commercial

operations are usually larger and their actual size is determined primari-
ly by the ease of management and the financial capability of the fish



A study showed that sustained supply of phytoplankton as feed

for Nile tilapia fry produced higher growth and survival compared to
rice bran alone (Pantastico et al 1982). Growth of fry was also en-
hanced when phytoplankton concentration in the rearing medium was
increased from low to moderate (90-120 × 10 3 cells/ml) and high
(150-175 × 10 3 cells/ml). The acceptability of five species of fresh

water algae was tested and it was found that Navicula notha (a diatom)
and Chroococcus dispersus (a unicellular cyanophyte) as feeds resulted
in highest growth and survival of the tilapia (Pantastico et al 1985).
Oscillatoria quadripunctulata, a filamentous cyanophyte, has limited
acceptability to tilapia fry probably because of its larger size compared
to Chroococcus. In terms of assimilation of 1 4 C-labelled algae, the
highest assimilation rates were obtained in fry fed with Navicula and
Chroococcus, whereas only negligible amounts of Chlorella, Euglena,
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and Oscillatoria were assimilated by the fry. Another study showed the
poor performance of Nile tilapia fry fed with Chlorella but it also de-
monstrated the suitability of Moina macrocopa (a cladoceran) as feed
for the fry (Baldia 1984). Thus, although phytoplankton in general
enhances the growth of young Nile tilapia, some algal species have
higher nutritional value.

Cannibalism among the different sizes of tilapia fry and fingerlings

has been recognized as a factor that decreases recovery of fish in
nurseries. It was observed that cannibalism became more intense as the
difference in sizes of fish increased (Pantastico et al 1987). However,
feeding with phytoplankton, particularly the blue-geen alga, Spirulina,
proved effective in reducing cannibalism.

Because tilapias readily take artificial feeds from the first feeding
up to adult stage, studies on certain aspects of feeding Nile tilapia
with prepared feeds have been undertaken. The protein requirement
of Nile tilapia fry was determined under laboratory conditions to
be 3 5 % of the diet (Santiago et al 1982). This supplements what was
earlier known about the protein requirements of older Nile tilapia
and the juveniles of other mouth-brooding tilapia. Subsequently,
it was shown that the optimum daily feeding rate for Nile tilapia fry
stocked at 5 fry/1 was 30-45% of the fish biomass when a formulated
dry diet was the only feed for the fry (Santiago et al 1987a). Moreover,
survival rate was higher when the fry were fed with dry pellet crumbles
rather than an unpelleted diet of the same formulation.

In the formulation of practical fish diets the quality of protein

as reflected by its essential amino acid components is as important as
the quantity of protein required by the fish. Recently, the essential
amino acid requirements of the Nile tilapia fry were quantified
(Santiago 1985). As in other fishes studied so far, the essential amino
acid requirement pattern for the Nile tilapia was highly correlated with
the essential amino acid pattern of the muscle of the fish.

Stocking rate of 5 fry/1 is used under laboratory conditions. Water

in the rearing containers is partially replaced daily to maintain good
water quality. Natural food is given ad libitum while artificial feeds are
given three times a day. In nursery cages, stocking rate of 300 to 500
fry/m2 is recommended (Bautista 1987). The fry are initially placed in
fine-meshed net cages, then transferred to A-net and B-net cages as the
fish grow. Supplemental feeds are given when supply of natural food is
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Silver carp and bighead carp fry are usually stocked in tanks at
500/m 3 with the water replaced daily. The combination of an artifi-
cial diet having a crude protein level of 40% and the zooplankton,
Brachionus and Moina given ad libitum, was found best for the carp fry
(Fermin 1985, Anon. 1985). With an artificial diet alone given 1-3
times/day (Table 1), the suitable daily feeding rate is 30% of the fish
body weight (Carlos 1985). On the other hand, the cyanophyte,
Spirulina platensis, seemed to be the most promising natural food for
very young silver carp (Pantastico et al 1986a). Based on assimilation
rates of 14C-labelled live food organisms, acceptability of specific
phytoplankton to bighead carp fry occurred at a later stage (Baldia et
al l985).

Table 1. Percent composition of formulated feeds for carp larvae/fry

Ingredients g/100 diet

Fishmeal 56.6
Soybean meal 11.4
Shrimp meal 9.0
Rice bran 10.7
Oil 5.0
Starch 3.0
Vitamin-mineral premix 4.3
Estimated crude protein 40.0

The initial stocking rate in fine-meshed nursery cages (hapas) is

1500-3000 carp fry/m 2 . It is reduced to 750-1500/m 2 in A-net cages
after two weeks, then to 400-800/m 2 in B-net cages (Fermin pers.
comm. 1987). In ponds, the normal stocking rate is 35 fry/m 2 . Pond
water is fertilized to enhance natural food production by using chicken
manure at 60 kg/ha/2 weeks, or an inorganic fertilizer, ammophous

(16-20-0), at 20 kg/ha/2 weeks and Sesbania at 60 kg/ha/2 weeks

(Anon. 1985).

Studies on tilapia culture were both monoculture and polyculture

while carp researches were mainly polyculture with tilapia, milkfish,
and sea bass.

The first tilapia species used for cage culture was O. mossambicus.
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The fish, 10 g each, were stocked in B-net cages at 75 pieces/m 2 and

were given the combination of rice bran, fish meal and ipil-ipil (Leu-
caena leucocephala) leaf meal (60:20:20), or the combination of rice
bran and chopped snails (70:30) as supplemental feed. Results showed
that fish given supplemental feeds had much higher growth compared
to the controls (Pantastico et al 1979). The feasibility of using ipil-ipil
leaf meal as a low-cost feed ingredient was also demonstrated. Sub-
sequently, O. niloticus fingerlings, stocked at a density of 1 5 0 / m 2 ,
were given supplemental feeds consisting of ipil-ipil leaf meal and rice
bran in varying proportions: I – 33.3% ipil-ipil: 66.7% rice bran;
II – 66.7% ipil-ipil: 33.3% rice bran; III – 100% ipil-ipil; and IV –
100% rice bran. Fish given ipil-ipil leaf meal at varying dietary levels
grew faster compared to those given rice bran alone (Pantastico et al
1980). Fresh Azolla pinnata, a tiny aquatic fern, was also an effec-
tive supplemental feed for tilapia fingerlings in cages, particularly when
the primary productivity of the Lake was low (Anon. 1980, Pan-
tastico et al 1986b) while dried and finely ground A. pinnata was
desirable component of feeds for Nile tilapia fry (Santiago et al 1987b).
Within a range of protein required by Nile tilapia fingerlings, practical
diets with higher protein content did not necessarily produce better
growth than those with lower protein level (Santiago et al 1986).
Furthermore, diets with fish meal (18%) resulted in higher weight in-
creases compared to those containing 0 or 5% fish meal.

The growth of Nile tilapia in cages is greatly influenced by the

seasonality of natural food and water temperature. Tilapia fingerlings
reared in cages in Laguna Lake at different months of the year showed
marked differences in growth and survival (Basiao and San Antonio
1987). Fish reared in April-July had much higher growth than those
reared in August-December or December-April. Without supplemental
feeding, fish stocked at 50 and 100 fingerlings/m 2 in April-July
attained a marketable size of over 100 g during harvest. At 150 and
200 fingerlings/m 2 growth was much lower. Information from this
study has guided fish farmers as to the time of stocking and the stock-
ing rates of young Nile tilapia in cages in the Lake.

In 1984, an experiment on pen culture of Nile tilapia compared

the growth rates of fish at different stocking densities ( 5 / m 2 , 1 0 / m 2 ,
and 1 5 / m 2 ) (Anon. 1984). Results showed an inverse relationship
between stocking rate and mean weight of tilapia. At 5 / m 2 , mean body
weight after 4 months was 161.35 g. Net yield was only 0.188 kg/m 2
based on a recovery rate of 23%. Better harvesting technique for
tilapias in pens has to be developed.
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As part of the limnological project at BFS, fish growth was

monitored in March-August 1984 (Anon. 1984). Hapa net cages
(1 × 1 × 1 m) were installed in the West Cove of Laguna Lake and
stocked with 10 fish/cage. After five months, tilapia (O. niloticus) at-
tained a mean weight of 145 g. Net yield was 1.4 k g / m 2 .

In collaboration with two private fish cage operators in Bo. Kali-

nawan, Binangonan, Rizal, two stations were established in 1985 at
the West Bay of Laguna Lake. Station 1 was inshore and Station 2 was
offshore. Tilapia fingerlings with mean initial weight of 0.55 g were
stocked in B-net cages (50 m 2 ) at 1 6 / m 2 . After six months (May to
October) without feeding, mean weight of 43.4 g was attained by the
tilapia reared in cages in Station 2 compared to only 28.5 g by those in
cages in Station 1.

Polyculture of carps with other fish species was done in 1980

using a stocking rate of 6.6 pieces/m 2 at three varying stocking ratios
(Castro et al 1980a, Castro et al 1980b). All species reached market-
able size after 3 to 4 months. Final mean weights of milkfish and silver
carps as the major species were highest at a stocking density of 4 . 5 / m 2 ,
followed by 3/m 2 , and 5 / m 2 . Fastest growth rate was exhibited by big-
head carp, followed by silver carp, milkfish, tilapia, and common carp.
With milkfish as the primary species, highest average net production of
558.16 kg/500 m 2 was obtained at a ratio of 4.5 milkfish:0.5
tilapia:0.1 bighead:0.5 common carp/m 2 . With silver carp, the highest
average net production obtained was 1218.85 kg/pen at a ratio of 5
silver:l tilapia:0.1 bighead:0.5 common carp/m 2 . The two studies de-
monstrated locally that polyculture of fish species with complementary
feeding habits is an effective means of increasing fish yield per unit area
of cage or pen.

Another polyculture was undertaken in 1984, this time in seven

areas representing the four distinct areas of Laguna Lake:Central Bay,
West Bay, East Bay, and South Bay (Anon. 1984, Lijauco and Paraan
1984). Tilapia were grown with silver, bighead, and common carps at

13/m 2 and at a stocking ratio of 10 tilapia:2 common carp:0.5 big-

head: 0.5 silver. Mean final weight of tilapia in the various bays was
63-181 g after six months of culture. There was not much difference
in the mean final weight of common carp but the mean weight of big-
head carp ranged from 699-1600 g while that of silver carp was
325-525 g. Tilapia from the southwestern part of the West Bay had
the highest mean final weight of 181 g. Growth of tilapia as well as
that of bighead, silver, and common carps in the South, East, and
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Central Bays was high.

Two technology verification projects were pursued in 1985 to

determine the areas in Laguna Lake suitable for polyculture. Tilapia
and bighead carps were stocked in CC-net cages (50 m 2 ) at 10 tilapia:
6 bighead carp/m 2 in the first project (Anon. 1985). The mean final
weight of tilapia after 180 days (May to October) was 38.8 g and 41.4 g
for the West Bay (inshore) and West Bay (offshore), respectively, from
an initial weight of 0.55 g. Mean weight of tilapia from the South Bay
(177.5 g) was much higher. The same trend was observed on the
growth of bighead carp. Higher mean weight of 770 g was obtained in
the South Bay compared to 187 g and 4 2 2 g for the West Bay (inshore)
and West Bay (offshore), respectively. The second project was con-
ducted simultaneously with the first and fish farmer cooperatives
around Laguna Lake were involved in the implementation (Tabbu et al
1986). Bigger CC-net cages were used (200 m 2 and 100 m 2 ) . These
were stocked with 10 tilapia, 1.2 bighead carp and 0.6 common carp/m 2 .
Compared with the first project, higher mean weights of tilapia were
obtained: 66 g at West Bay, 108.3 g at South Bay, and 102 g at East Bay
Mean weights of bighead carp were: 1540 g (southwestern part of West
Bay), 1170 g (South Bay), and 1290 g (East Bay). From the two poly-
culture studies in 1985, highest fish yield was obtained in the South
Bay, followed by East Bay, and the southwestern part of West Bay.
Moreover, bigger cages allowed higher fish growth.

Additional researches were subsequently conducted in ponds.

Tilapia was cultured singly or in combination with bighead carp and sea
bass in cages installed in ponds. Results showed highest yield from
tilapia-carp-sea bass combination and tilapia-carp combination after six
months (Anon. 1986, Tabbu 1986). On the other hand, the effect of
different inorganic and organic fertilizers and their combinations on
fish yield was evaluated. A stocking density of 4.6/m 2 and a ratio of
2.5 tilapia and 2.1 bighead carp were used. Among the fertilizers used,
chicken dung alone or phosphorous (0-18-0) alone gave the highest
yields (Anon. 1986, Acosta 1986).


The Fish Health Laboratory at BFS has reported occurrence of

parasite infestation and diseases in tilapias and carp (Palisoc 1985).
Samples came from land-based hatcheries or nurseries as well as from
pens, cages, and open waters. Recommended treatments for affected
fish are presented in Table 2. It is impractical to treat infected or
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diseased fish in cages or pens in large bodies of water. However,

valuable fishes such as carp and tilapia broodstock may be harvested
and transferred to land-based facilities for treatment.

Table 2. Parasites and disease organisms of tilapia and carp and their treatment

Fish species organism Treatment Dosage Duration

T. nilotica Pseudomonas Oxytetracycline 7.5 g/100 kg 7-12 days

of fish/day

Trichodina Salt bath 1000-2000 ppm indefinite

Dactylogyrus Salt bath 1000-2000 ppm indefinite

Bighead Carp Trichodina Formalin 150 ppm 1 hour

Pseudomonas Oxytetracycline 7.5 g/100 kg 7-12 days

of fish/day

Silver Carp Aeromonas Oxytetracycline 7.5 g/100 kg 7-12 days

of fish/day

Citrobacter Oxytetracycline 7.5 g/100 kg 7-12 days

of fish/day

Micrococcus Oxytetracycline 7.5 g/100 kg 7-12 days

of fish/day

Lernaea Salt bath 1000-2000 ppm indefinite

Formalin 15-25 ppm indefinite



The main problem of tilapia and carp production is the insuffi-

cient supply of high quality fingerlings, particularly when these are
needed for stocking. Although many hatcheries exist, it is difficult to
obtain at one time the desired number and size of fish. For cage cul-
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ture of both species, poaching is a serious problem. Also, typhoons

cause destruction of cage and pen installations, loss of fish to open
waters, and fish mortality. Lack of technical knowhow by some fish
farmers also affect fish production.


Acosta BO. 1986. Comparative effects of organic and inorganic fertilizers on the growth of
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Baldia SF. 1984. Culture and utilization of Moina macrocopa Strauss as feed of tilapia (Oreo-
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