English - Foe Teacher Se
English - Foe Teacher Se
English - Foe Teacher Se
© 2019 Rwanda Education Board
All rights reserved.
This book is the property of Rwanda Education Board. Credit should
be given to REB when the source of this book is quoted.
How to use this book. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii
Section A Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Pedagogical approach of the new curriculum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Managing larger classrooms in learner-centred education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Inclusive education. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Content map. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Lesson plan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Glossary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
How to use this book
This Teacher’s Guide must be used with the English Learner’s Book for S4 level.
The book follows the Rwanda Education Board Ordinary Level English syllabus
for S4.
This provides a brief overview of some of the key features of the curriculum as
well as information about content, methodology and assessment.
The Content map provides a quick overview of each unit, which is useful for
planning purposes.
A sample of a lesson plan is provided to guide teachers on how to prepare their
own lesson plans.
Teaching guidelines
Lesson guidance, assessment and answers follow, which correspond to the
Learner’s Book pages. In these notes you will find:
• key competences
• learning objectives
• guidelines on how to teach the content
• suggestions on when individual, pair or group work is appropriate
• answers for activities
• assessment guidelines
• suggestions for language support, remedial and extension activities
• Lesson plan
• Rubrics for assessment
• Recording sheet for notes on each learner
ii Teaching in Rwanda
SECTION A Introduction
Pedagogical approach of the new curriculum
These notes will help you, the teacher, to familiarise yourself with key elements
of the new curriculum that focuses on learner-centred and active learning
Section A Introduction 1
these interests to plan lessons, children will be more likely to learn. They will be
naturally drawn to take part in activities and classroom processes if they are
interested in what is happening.
It is important to take steps to ensure your classroom is inclusive of all
children – regardless of ethnicity, gender or ability, for example by making sure
girls and boys are equally represented in teaching materials, and that no gender
is represented as less or more important in the texts you read. See the section of
this introduction, entitled ‘Inclusive education’, for further information.
The teacher is mediator
In a learner-centred school, teachers spend less time standing in front of the
class talking or reading, and more time helping learners while they work on
activities, either individually, in pairs or in groups. The process of helping
learners to learn has been called meditating learning. Teachers introduce tasks,
provide resources, ask questions and give suggestions to guide and encourage
the learners.
Mediating learning in this way lets the different learners in the class work at
their own pace towards a common set of learning objectives. This is where
understanding each child’s needs becomes important. In a large, inclusive
classroom, there will be learners with different abilities, and you will need to
include all of them in your teaching approach.
In a learner-centred approach to education, teachers play the critical role of
setting the necessary tasks and activities, and giving individual learners the
support they need to carry out the tasks and activities. Part of this role is making
sure that learners have access to accurate information that is relevant for the
subject. This information can be in a textbook they use, or in information that is
explained to them. The information can be demonstrated to the learners or
presented visually or verbally. It can also be information that learners find out
for themselves by conducting surveys, observing phenomena, or watching
particular activities around them.
The teacher is reflective
Teachers in learner-centred education also have to find ways to assess how well
the learners are learning. In learner-centred education, it is important that
teachers observe learners as they work, and decide whether the learning
experiences have been successful and whether learners have acquired the skills,
knowledge and attitudes that you intended.
As the mediator in the learner-centred classroom, you need to reflect on the
leaners and ask: Can you see this in the work they can now do? If the answer is
‘yes’, you will carry on to the next learning experience. If the answer is ‘no’, you
will think about how to fix this. (You can read more about how to measure
learners’ progress in the ‘Assessment’ section of this introduction.)
2 Section A Introduction
Section A
Section A Introduction 3
Work out what your
learners know/don’t
4 Section A Introduction
Section A
• Tactile – these are learners who love practical hands-on activities where they
can do things to help them learn. Experiments, project work, making notes or
even doodling will help these learners focus.
• Kinesthetic – these learners, like tactile learners, find hands-on work most
effective. They may have trouble staying seated for long periods, so will need
to move around or change focus during a lesson.
Providing a range of activities (or allowing learners to engage with the
information in different ways) during a unit of work means that you are able to
cater for different learning styles in any class. You will get to know your learners
(and what works for them) as you observe their participation and interaction
during activities or tasks. In this way, you will discover which types of activities
help individuals to learn best. Reflect on what you observe, and feed this into
your teaching practice so that you develop teaching techniques that benefit all
learners in the class.
In learner-centred teaching, it is also important to remember that learners
have varying abilities. In a class of different-ability learners, you will need to
provide some learners with appropriate learning support through adapted
teaching approaches, providing extra revision and practice activities, providing
extension work, and so on. There are some ideas for assistance from peers and
small-group teaching in the section that follows. Individual or small group
teaching may be necessary in some cases, for establishing new concepts or
difficult concepts.
Always remember to look out for ways to build each child’s self-esteem, as this
will have a direct impact on their confidence and ability to learn. Also encourage
and empower learners to take responsibility for their own learning – by building
practical life skills, such as note-taking, time management, organisational skills
and general coping skills.
Section A Introduction 5
Individual homework is also useful, as it allows learners to prepare work that
you can more formally assess to check their understanding of a particular piece
of work.
It is suggested that you vary the kinds of activities you do, and include pair-
work or group-work activities. If you combine a range of whole-class work,
individual work, pair work and group work, most learners respond well to the
variety. When you do group work, use different groups in different activities,
and do different kinds of group activities. You will find guidance about how to
manage group work below.
The following examples show typical group- or pair-work situations:
• discussion
• brainstorming
• sharing experiences
• planning
• identifying problems
• problem solving
• finding solutions.
Research activities are ideal for mixed individual, pair work and group work
where learners discuss an activity requiring research, divide the tasks up,
undertake different sections of work individually and then report back to the
group. They then work together on the presentation. This develops responsibility
and planning skills.
For pair work, you can pair up learners with similar abilities or mixed abilities.
Learners work well in pairs, as it is easier to concentrate than working in bigger
groups. In mixed-ability pairs, learners who understand the work more quickly
can help to explain concepts to another child. Peer learning develops social
skills, makes learning enjoyable and children usually enjoy working together in
this way.
It is important to assess individual contributions to pair work and group work
as well the way that a pair of learners or a group of learners work together to
make sure that everyone is actively participating in all activities. There is more
about this in the ‘Assessment’ section below.
Mixed-ability and same-ability groups
You should make use of mixed-ability groups and same-ability groups at
different times.
• In many situations, it works well to place learners in groups where there is a
mix of ability levels. Learners with greater ability can assist with facilitating the
activity if they take the lead with some aspects of the work, for example, by
reading out tasks, keeping the group focused, sharing ideas or explaining
concepts, commenting on suggestions and helping the group decide how to
prepare feedback. It is important, however, that these learners do not dominate
6 Section A Introduction
Section A
the groups and that they understand that everyone has a role to play in group
work. There is more about this in the ‘Group roles’ section below.
• At other times, you may want to split up learners into same-ability groups.
For example, you might want to give learners who have mastered a concept
time to extend their knowledge further through research or more complex
activities. You can use the extension activities in this book, or plan your own.
While the more able learners work independently on an additional task you
have explained, you can work with a group of learners who need more time
to understand the basics of a task or activity. See the section, ‘Removing
barriers to learning’, for more guidance on supporting learners who need
additional guidance.
Group roles
In a group, every member has a role – that is, they all need to take part actively
in the task they are working on. It is useful to introduce your class to the idea
that it helps if some individuals take on specific roles within the group, for
• someone to read out the activity
• someone to check that everything has been done
• someone to take notes
• someone to research a particular topic
• someone to report back to the class.
You might want to appoint a group leader, or someone to ensure that everyone
works peacefully and respectfully – a harmoniser, who is appointed to manage
disagreements and report to you if the group needs help. Establish the above
roles with learners when appropriate.
The value of group work
The following points identify why group work can be of value in a learner-
centred classroom.
• Group work prevents learners from being passive as they are put in a
situation where they need to actively engage in what is happening.
• Group work allows for a great variety of activities, and in that way meets the
needs of different learning styles and ability levels in the classroom.
• It allows learners to interact with others so that learners have the chance to
learn key social skills and interpersonal skills such as participation, sharing
ideas and communicating respectfully.
• It allows learners to understand how to work with a range of different
learners and manage differences of opinion.
• Shy children often find it easier to talk in a small group than in front of the
whole class.
Section A Introduction 7
• Group work allows children to work out things for themselves, without being
dominated by the teacher’s ideas.
• Group work also creates opportunities for the teacher to observe learners as
they interact in different ways and it creates opportunities for you to interact
with more learners – helping you to understand the learners better.
• Letting children move around and interact as they move into groups
energises learning both physically and psychologically.
• Group work allows learners to share resources, which is useful if there is a
shortage of any particular items in the classroom.
When learners undertake group work, it is important to stress life skills such as
good communication, honesty and responsibility to the learners as they
undertake any pair work or group work. The skills the learners acquire at school
will benefit them at home and in the community and help them to become
responsible citizens.
A practical approach to group work
The following hints and tips will help you when the learners do group work.
• Explain the activity clearly, and support your verbal instructions with written
instructions for them to refer to. The instructions can either be written on
chalk board or be found in a textbook.
• Break down long activities into short sections and let the learners work
through one section at a time.
• Decide beforehand if there will be a formal output of the activity – for
example, a poster, diagram, a piece of writing, role play or oral report – or
whether you will get quick verbal feedback by going around all the groups in
the class for a minute or two at the end of the lesson or task.
• Plan whether you want mixed-ability groups or same-ability groups and what
the group roles are.
• Tell the learners which groups they will be working in and give them
instructions on how to physically move into the group work space. This will
avoid confusion and allow learners to settle quickly into their groups.
• As the learners work, you need to actively facilitate what they are doing.
• Walk around and listen to what is happening. Use questions to encourage
learners to explain what they are doing and promote thinking about how
to solve problems that they encounter.
• Model ways for learners to participate in groups; for example, give
examples of questions they can ask each other, or give a few suggestions if
they are brainstorming ideas, then ask for more.
• Make links between what they already know and what they are now
exploring. Activating prior learning in this way will give the learners
confidence and encourage them all to participate in the group work.
8 Section A Introduction
Section A
• Make sure the learners know how they will be presenting their group work to
the class or to you. (Note that, whether learners work in groups or on their
own, they need to develop skills to present their work to the class or their
peers – for example, formal presentations, posters, role plays or in answers to
direct questions from the teacher.)
• While the learners work, and after presentations, ask them questions to help
them think about why they did what they did. Ask questions related to
methodology and process such as:
• What techniques did you use to do that sum?
• How did you decide how to divide up work?
• Was the reading list helpful?
• Why did you decide to ask that person for help?
• To build self-esteem, look out for ways to praise learners for their
• Where you want learners to look at alternative ways to do things, do this
tactfully – in other words, give them constructive feedback (feedback that
helps them to solve the problem) on their work, both during and after the
group activity.
The section below, ‘Managing larger classrooms in learner-centred education’,
gives some ideas for managing group work effectively.
Section A Introduction 9
flooding caused by global warming, and then brainstorm new ways to prevent
loss of crops.
• To learn to do research, learners need to do activities where they:
• use resources to find out information for themselves
• use research to answer a question that you, or they, have decided on.
An example of developing research skills would be when learners talk to
members of the community about traditions relating to marriage, and then use
the information to make a poster about it.
• To develop the competency of communication in official languages, learners
need to:
• actively participate in listening, reading and writing activities
• talk to peers as part of pair work and group work
• ask and answer questions in class
• present orals and provide feedback on their work.
• To develop co-operation, interpersonal management and life skills, learners
need to work on activities or projects that involve co-operation with others,
and also other activities and projects that require independence – in other
words, they will need to do activities requiring different kinds of interaction,
as individuals, in pairs, in groups and as a class.
10 Section A Introduction
Section A
Before you ask higher-level questions that require learners to apply, analyse
evaluate (compare), or before you ask them to create something new (requiring
synthesis, or open-ended critical thinking or problem solving), make sure that
learners remember and understand the basic information and facts they need to
apply for higher-level work. If learners are confident about their knowledge and
understanding, they are more able to succeed at the higher-level activities.
Assess the learners’ understanding of the core knowledge they need through
comprehension questions, short tests and simple practical exercises that test
their skills and knowledge. Here are some useful practices for developing the
higher level skills of application, analysis, evaluation or creativity:
1. Ensure that the basic reading, writing, research and communication skills are
in place – including visual literacy.
2. When you introduce new concepts, skills or knowledge, start by finding out
what learners already know.
• Ask questions that have correct and incorrect answers (use the question
words what, who, when and where).
• Set activities that learners know how to do or can already answer.
3. Then spend time helping learners to grasp the basics of new skills,
knowledge and concepts. As you teach, stop and ask quick recall questions,
or give quick written activities to check that the learners understand the
facts. Make sure you provide opportunities for learners to practise and
consolidate each time they engage with new skills, knowledge and content.
4. To encourage critical thinking, prompt the learners to think for themselves,
using questions to point them towards the answers to activities they do.
5. Open up the learners to the idea that there is a variety of knowledge and
voices in the world, and encourage them to use research as a tool for
6. Allow time for interactive work. As learners work in groups, allow them to
ask you questions or make comments, and stop the process to talk as a class
when needed.
7. Encourage discussion and debate, as these will both help learners engage
more deeply with topics and teach learners about tolerance of different
8. Encourage learners to think about how and what they are learning. If they are
faced with a difficult concept, be honest and tell them that it is challenging, and
ask them to let you know if they need help while they are working.
9. Before you set tasks or projects, make sure you have a clear sense of what you
are asking learners to achieve. Aim to challenge learners a little, but not to
frustrate them. Always grade the activities according to how complex they
10. Be aware that learners have varying abilities and consider this in your
teaching approach. Make sure you have planned how to both support and
Section A Introduction 11
extend learners, drawing on your own ideas. (One suggestion is to use
same-level groups or individual work for remedial and extension activities.)
12 Section A Introduction
Section A
Section A Introduction 13
Planning ahead
Planning is the key to a successful lesson and to achieve the most out of
activities and tasks that you set for the learners. The following hints may be
• Plan ahead of each lesson so that you can bring in resources (and assistants)
wherever necessary; for example, you may need to approach and recruit
parents, retired teachers, graduates, or skilled member of the community to
present and participate in the classroom activities when the syllabus or
specific tasks require it. (Be sure to check with the head teacher before you
ask anyone to come into the class.)
• Read up on the work you are presenting, so that you know it well.
• Prepare a formal lesson plan, including the objectives for the lesson. Use this
to organise yourself before the lesson, and then again after the lesson to
review what was achieved during the learning experiences.
• Plan one or two learning activities that you can present in a logical and
orderly manner per lesson. Make sure there is an activity where learners
apply what they have learnt in the lesson, and that there is a way to establish
whether learners have understood the work, for example, a quick quiz, a
report back discussion, or self- or peer marking of work. As part of your
lesson plan, identify what you will set as homework or an assessment
assignment to be completed at the end of the lesson.
• Plan in advance whether you will be using mixed-ability or same-ability
groups in the lesson, as well as where you can create opportunities for
extension or remedial activities.
• Decide how to present the instruction to the class, if and how to break up
classes into groups, how to hand out resources (including remedial and
extension activities) and how to manage any presentations or feedbacks. If
you work out in advance how to manage these details, you will benefit from
gaining as much teaching and learning time as possible during the lessons.
• You will need to pay particular attention to strategies for observing and
assessing each individual, as well as providing activities that support or
extend learners.
• Plan how to collect specific materials for particular lessons, tasks or projects.
Think of creative ways to find the materials you need, whether they be library
books, textbooks, poster-making material or equipment for practical
activities. If you plan in advance and let parents or the community know
what is needed, you will encourage parents to become more involved in their
children’s education; for example, they can help their children to bring in
resources from home for making crafts or doing a recycling project.
14 Section A Introduction
Section A
• Plan to make use of resources in the community and school in order to get
learners out of the classroom when appropriate; for example, visits to
libraries, places of work, collections of art, etc.
Inclusive education
The new curriculum states that all Rwandans have the right to access education
regardless of their different needs. What this means is that all children should
benefit from the education that is available. The inclusive approach means that
children with special education needs should be accommodated, as far as
possible, within mainstream schools.
There are many benefits to bringing learners with special education needs into
the mainstream classroom. Learners with special education needs are hugely
enabled by being included in mainstream education, as they are stimulated to
learn and interact by seeing what other children are doing. Learners with special
education needs feel respected and acknowledged when they are included in
mainstream education, and other children learn to respect and understand that
there are people with different needs. Ideally, children learn to respect and
Section A Introduction 15
embrace difference, rather than fear difference. They learn that there are
different approaches to doing things, and that we all contribute in different ways.
In this way, diversity is seen as a positive strength, rather than a problem.
Special education needs can be emotional, physical, sensory and intellectual
learning challenges. There is a wide range of special education needs and they
affect different learners in different ways. Teachers now need to consider these
special needs while developing lesson plans and teaching strategies. If children
with special needs are in the class, their needs must be met, to the best ability of
the teacher and school.
These needs will obviously differ from learner to learner and class to class, but
it is important that teachers know that they are able to draw on the support of
communities, other teachers, heads of school and the education officials, to
come up with strategies to include children with special needs in the
mainstream education system. As a teacher, it is important to assess whether you
are able to provide for the learners’ needs in your classroom on your own, or
whether you need classroom assistance with learners who need more dedicated
attention. Remedial education specialists will be able to assist your school in
making decisions, based on professional assessments of the learners concerned.
The guidelines below are very broad, and you will need to take time to
acquaint yourself with current approaches to the special needs of the children
you are actually working with.
16 Section A Introduction
Section A
Section A Introduction 17
learners are still given the opportunity to develop the same knowledge, skills and
attitudes as the other learners in the class.
Building self-esteem in children with special education needs
A child with special education needs who has good self-esteem will do better
than a child with special education needs who has low self-esteem. Here are
some practical ways to build self-esteem in all learners:
• Get to know what they do well by asking parents for advice and information
about their child’s interests and abilities.
• Point out their talents and abilities to them and raise this in class when it is
• Mention specific examples of things that they did well when you praise,
rather than generalising. For example, rather than saying, ‘Good work!’, say
instead, ‘Your handwriting was very neat and your vocabulary was good.’
• Encourage them to make a habit of praising themselves when they get small
things right. Teach them to celebrate their strengths and build on them.
• Like other learners, children with special education needs benefit from
knowing when the work they are doing is particularly hard or challenging,
and from having work broken down into small steps. It is also reassuring for
them to know that others also struggle with difficult work.
• Encourage them to make an effort to overcome challenges and frustrations.
Give them regular feedback so that they know you are concerned and
interested in how they are doing.
• Keep learning stimulating and active. Children with special education needs
will enjoy outings and activities that take them out to explore the wider
Identifying learners with a learning difficulty or learning disability
Learners with a learning difficulty or learning disability have the same
intellectual ability to understand content as other children in the class, but they
are not always able to express this ability as academic achievement because they
have difficulties in one or more of the following areas:
• reading
• comprehension
• listening
• spelling
• oral and written expression
• mathematical calculation
• reasoning.
These are some things you may notice in a learner with a learning difficulty or
• The learner gets frustrated easily.
18 Section A Introduction
Section A
Section A Introduction 19
• are curious and imaginative
• remember information well
• finish activities early
• can focus for longer
• extend their own work in creative ways
• are organised
• can work independently
• enjoy the challenge of complex tasks
• understand concepts quickly and thoroughly.
If you have learners with higher academic ability in your class, you will need to
prepare and provide extension activities for them. Put these learners together in
same-level ability groups for some activities, so that they can challenge each
other to go further. Other strategies for meeting their needs include the
• Encourage them to do additional reading and to use the library and read
• Encourage participation in appropriate extra-murals such as discussion
forums, current affairs societies, chess club, and so on.
• Give these learners open-ended extension activities that allow for problem
solving, and creative thinking, for example, ask them to research topics
further, work out how to apply something to their community, etc.
• Create opportunities for them to take on leadership roles, where appropriate.
• Watch out for social problems that may impact on the overall development of
these learners, for example, shyness, anxiety or feeling ‘different’.
• Create opportunities for the learners themselves to decide what they want to
learn about (beyond the curriculum), or what projects they would like to do.
• Do not typecast such learners, for example as ‘serious’ or ‘non-sporty’, and
give them opportunities to develop all facets of themselves.
It is critical to remember that inclusivity also includes being inclusive of gender
and ethnicity. Every child must feel equally valued, must be given an equal
chance to participate in education and must be given the same amount of
attention in class. Teaching materials need to be unbiased, and no gender or
ethnic group should be represented as less or more equal or able than another.
Teaching should encourage learners to feel that they all have potential and that it
will be recognised and developed to the best of the learners’ abilities.
Assessment is used for several purposes in this curriculum for learner-based
• Teachers observe and assess learners to see if they are achieving outcomes. (If
learners are successful in achieving outcomes, then the teaching strategies are
also successful.)
20 Section A Introduction
Section A
Formative assessment
Formative assessment is used to give both the learner and the teacher quick
feedback on how the learning process is going. This kind of assessment happens
at the time that learning is happening so that, if the process is not successful, the
teacher can then adapt learning activities and processes to address the problem.
Often, formative assessments are not graded, but simply give a sense of success
levels to help teachers make further decisions.
Different examples of formative assessment include:
• activities where groups provide feedback in class on what they are doing
• informal quizzes based on new content of knowledge
• checking how learners complete homework
• learners’ responses to your questions in class
• the type and level of questions learners ask you
• self-assessment or peer-assessment questions that ask learners to reflect on
what they have achieved at the end of a unit of work
• your observations of role plays, posters or demonstrations of new work
• your observations of pair work and group processes
• one-on-one meetings with learners where you discuss their work.
Recording formative assessment
Formative assessment is usually continuous because it happens on an ongoing
basis – every week, and after or during most activities. You will need to have a
system for recording your formative assessments of learners, especially in large
classes, as this is very useful information that you will want to be able to draw on
in your planning. You may want to keep dated notes on each learner, or use
recording sheets for keeping a record of your assessment of particular activities.
These are for your own use. See the recording sheet in the ‘Resources’ section for
an example.
Section A Introduction 21
Summative assessment
You use summative assessment once you feel that the learners have been given
sufficient opportunity to achieve an outcome, a skill or particular knowledge and
understanding. You then use summative assessment to formally evaluate the
level of the learner’s achievement. Summative assessments are scored in some
way and they are used as the basis for reporting back to the learners, parents,
school and department on learner achievement.
Rubrics are often used for summative assessment in a learner-centred system.
Rubrics contain graded statements about levels of learner achievement that you
can use as the criteria for assessment. They are often used for project work,
assignments, creative work, presentations, etc. Sharing the assessment rubric
with learners at the start of the assessment process ensures that assessment is
transparent and learners know how they are being assessed. It also means that
learners know what they are expected to do and can work towards it. Checklists
are another useful assessment tool. Examples of rubrics are provided in the
‘Resources’ section of this Teacher’s Guide.
End-of-term or end-of-year exams and tests are forms of summative
assessment, but summative assessment of particular outcomes can also take
place during the term, perhaps at the end of a unit of work. Summative
assessments therefore could include:
• tests and exams
• project work
• completed pieces of work (artwork, performances, demonstrations, creative
• term papers
• assignments that cover selected outcomes.
Summative assessments can also be used for formative assessment purposes, for
example when a learner’s marks in a mid-year exam suggest that they need to do
more revision before the end-of-year exam. Use suitable recording sheets for
collecting and reporting on results of summative assessment. See the examples
of recording sheets in the ‘Resources’ section.
22 Section A Introduction
Section A
criticism to their classmates so that their feedback will help their classmates
improve their skills. Feedback must always encourage further participation and
excellence in learning.
There is a generic template for a rubric that can be used for peer or teacher
assessment of group work in the ‘Resources’ section. Note that, if you use this
template, you will need to fill in the criteria for the particular activity you are doing.
Content map
PAGES 1-20
Number of periods 15 periods
Introduction Class discussion, use of opening picture, classroom display.
Classroom Class, groups, pairs and individual.
• Teacher’s Guide
• Learner’s Book
• maps
• diagrams
Equipment • photographs
required • pictures
• national flag
• dictionaries
• Internet access
• school or public library access
• Discussion in groups about the province using a map.
• Reading texts about the geography of Rwanda.
• Demonstrating understanding of paragraphs, headings and
• Interpreting a graph of temperature and rainfall.
• Writing about temperature and rainfall.
• Reading about agriculture in Rwanda.
• Discussing in groups about agriculture, paying attention to the
• Writing sentences about agriculture, paying attention to the passive.
• Listening to texts about population in Rwanda, focussing on
‘since’, with the present perfect.
• Writing sentences about population paying attention to ‘since’
with the present perfect.
• Read about Rwandan trade, focussing on the passive.
• Writing about trade in Rwanda paying attention to the passive voice.
• Planning texts about geography in Rwanda, with several sections.
• Writing and evaluating texts about geography, climate, agriculture
and population in Rwanda: showing paragraphs, headings and
numbering and paying attention to the present perfect tense and
the passive voice.
Section A Introduction 23
literacy, entrepreneurship and business development, critical
thinking, lifelong learning, creativity and innovation, communication
skills, co-operation
• Describing our province.
• Describing geography.
• Describing the climate.
Language practice
• Describing livestock, agriculture and fishery.
• Describing the population.
• Describing trade.
Recognise the use of the present perfect tense, passive and active
English voice with ‘since’.
Identify present simple), the use of paragraphs, headings and numbering.
Vocabulary Words about: physical geography, population, farming, trade, etc.
• Reading and understanding texts.
• Researching information.
Study skills
• Reading and interpreting graphs.
• Designing a leaflet.
Revision Revises prior knowledge
Assessments Activities, leaflet design, homework, formal assessment activity.
• Understand and describe the geography of the local province and
of Rwanda.
Learning • Describe the climate and population of Rwanda.
outcomes • Write a one page text about aspects of geographical features in
Rwanda climate, population, trade, showing textual organisation.
• Use the vocabulary of physical geography, population, farming, trade.
24 Section A Introduction
Section A
Section A Introduction 25
Number of periods 15 periods
Introduction Class discussion, use of opening picture.
Classroom Class, groups, pairs and individual.
• Teacher’s Guide
• Learner’s Book
• pictures
Equipment • diagrams
required • photographs
• dictionaries
• Internet access
• school or public library access
• Reading texts about the achievements of the Egyptians.
• Discussion in groups about the achievements of the Egyptians.
• Reading texts about Egyptians in prehistory, focussing on the past
perfect tense.
• Writing sentences focussing on the past perfect tense.
• Listening to texts about how the pyramids were built, with
diagrams, focussing on the past simple passive.
• Writing texts about a process paying attention to the past simple
• Reading texts about the knowledge and abilities of the Egyptians,
focussing on ‘could’ and on abstract nouns with ‘allowed them to’,
‘enabled them to’ and the third conditional.
• Discussing in groups the knowledge of the Egyptians, paying
attention to the third conditional.
• Writing a short text in the past tense about knowledge and its
advantages, paying attention to ‘could’ and to abstract nouns with
‘allowed to’, ‘enabled to’.
• Writing a short text about hypothetical situations in the past
paying attention to the third conditional.
literacy, numeracy, science and technology, critical thinking, lifelong
learning, creativity and innovation, communication skills, co-
• Describing Ancient Egypt.
• Using the habitual past with ‘used to’.
Language practice • Describing processes in the past.
• Describing ability in the past.
• Describing hypothetical situations in the past.
• Use the past simple, past perfect tenses, the passive voice.
English • State the vocabulary related to historical Ancient Egypt, prehistoric
Egypt the pyramids and expertise.
26 Section A Introduction
Section A
Section A Introduction 27
• Discussion in groups about a diagram of the soil.
• Reading texts about soil, focussing on the passive, and label a diagram.
• Writing a description of soil and its components and contents,
using gap- filling.
• Sequence pictures about soil erosion and match them with
Activities • Sequencing sentences.
• Discussion in groups about soil erosion.
• Reading texts about plants, focussing on the use of abstract nouns
to describe function, and label a diagram.
• Matching sentence beginnings and endings to describe function.
• Listening to texts classifying plants describing the characteristics
of each class; make notes in a table.
• Discussion about notes, and how to make simple notes, with a
group, the teacher.
• Discussion in groups, classifying a number of plants and justify the
Activities • Classifying a number of plants and justify the classification in
(continued) writing.
• Going into the school grounds, bring in a plant, draw it and label it.
• Conducting a survey of an area of vegetation and compiling a
table of the classes and species of plants seen.
• Talking and writing about the survey using percentages.
literacy, mathematics, critical thinking, lifelong learning, creativity
and innovation, communication skills, co-operation, science and
• Describing soil components and contents.
• Describing soil erosion.
Language practice • Describing plants.
• Talking about plant types.
• Conducting a plant survey.
• Use abstract nouns, the passive voice (present simple) and
English countable and uncountable nouns.
• State the vocabulary of plant types and parts of plants.
• Soil erosion: carry away, moving, topsoil, deposit, etc.
Vocabulary • Percentages and fractions: percent, two thirds, average, etc.
acquisition • Plant types: herb, tree, grass, shrub, etc.
• Plant parts: stem, leaf, root, flower, etc.
• Researching information.
• Reading and understanding texts.
• Conducting scientific research.
Study skills • Labelling diagrams.
• Analysing information.
• Labelling, interpreting and drawing diagram.
• Indentifying parts of a plant.
Revision Revises prior knowledge
28 Section A Introduction
Section A
Number of periods 15 periods
Introduction Class discussion, use of opening picture.
Classroom Class, groups, pairs and individual.
• Teacher’s Guide
• Learner’s Book
• pictures
• photographs
• dictionaries
• Listening to someone talking about a friend and making notes
about the person.
• Discussion in groups about friends, using a photo, and describing
them, using categories, of age, name, height, etc.
• Writing a description of a friend.
• Reading some reported speech and analysing in groups how the
grammar of reporting works.
• Writing a report of some direct speech.
Activities • Listening to someone talking about a planned event and reporting
their conversation in speech and writing.
• Listening to a dialogue between friends focusing on politeness,
offers, requests.
• Role play a dialogue with a friend being polite, making offers and
• Discussing in groups about what is good or not good in
relationships between the sexes.
• Writing a short text about relationships between the sexes.
literacy, science and technology (biology), critical thinking, lifelong
learning, creativity and innovation, communication skills,
Section A Introduction 29
• Describing friends.
• Recounting activities.
• Reporting speech.
Language practice
• Getting on with people
• Making offers and requests.
• Talking about boy- and girlfriends and safe sex.
• Use formal and informal language.
• State the vocabulary of politeness: describing people, safe sex.
• Politeness: may, can, could, kind, sure, etc.
• Describing people: honest, funny, tall, good at, etc.
• Safe sex: respect, attractive, condom, safe sex, faithful, etc.
• Researching information.
• Reading and understanding texts.
Study skills • Describing.
• Social skills.
• Making a plan.
Revision • Revises prior knowledge.
Activities, plan an outing, write a report, homework, formal
• Describe friends and friendship in speech and writing.
• Use reported speech in speech and writing.
• Express politeness, offers and requests in speech.
• Read texts about safe sex.
• Listen to texts about safe sex.
• Write about relationships between the sexes and about safe sex.
30 Section A Introduction
Section A
Section A Introduction 31
• Read an extract from a simplified work of literature.
• Work in groups and organise the work of the group.
• Plan a short text using notes.
• Write a short text and evaluate it from the viewpoint of grammar,
punctuation, spelling.
• Listen to and read a short text exemplifying a common school
language function.
• Write a short text demonstrating the use of a common school
language function.
32 Section A Introduction
Section A
Number of periods 15 periods
Introduction Class discussion, use of opening picture.
Classroom Class, groups, pairs and individual.
• Teacher’s Guide
• Learner’s Book
• resource person
• pictures
• photographs
• dictionaries
• examples of advertisements cut from magazines
• Internet access
• school or public library access
Section A Introduction 33
• Reading texts about entrepreneurship and make notes; comparing
notes with others.
• Discussion in groups about entrepreneurship, paying attention to
sentences with ‘if’... ‘not’, ‘unless’.
• Completing sentences with ‘if’ ... ‘not’, ‘unless’.
• Reading texts about running a business.
• Talking about the text in groups and look for all the terms which
explain and define (e.g. ‘are defined as’, ‘involves’, etc.)
• Listening to a business person talking about aspects of running a
• Reading about a small business in Rwanda and make notes.
Compare your notes with others.
• Writing a short summary of the text.
• Reading an interview with a businessperson, focusing on the third
Activities • Writing sentences about a business, paying attention to the third
(continued) conditional, with support, e.g. match main and subordinate
• Writing about a time or incident in the past and speculate, paying
attention to the third conditional.
literacy, entrepreneurship and business development, critical
thinking, lifelong learning, creativity and innovation, communication
skills, co-operation, mathematics
• Describing entrepreneurship, a business, production, marketing.
• Defining costs.
Language practice
• Making a business plan.
• Recounting the development of a business.
• Recognise the use of ‘if’, ‘unless’, ‘need to’, ‘be able to’, ‘have to’,
‘must’, the third conditional.
• List the vocabulary of entrepreneurship, costs, production,
marketing, defining.
• Entrepreneurship: risk, communicate, control, innovator, etc.
• Costs: utilities, rent, overheads, sale, etc.
• Production: schedule, supply, chain, production, etc.
• Marketing: brand, advertise, sponsor, online, etc.
• Defining: refers to, means, is defined as, involves, explains, etc.
• Researching information.
• Reading and understanding texts.
• Reading and completing case studies.
Study skills • Comprehension.
• Calculating and analysing financial costs.
• Drawing up a business plan.
• Group discussions.
34 Section A Introduction
Section A
Section A Introduction 35
Lesson plan
…… /……/ 20…… ….. …. …. … 1…. 40 mins ….
Type of Special Educational Needs and To be filled in by the teacher
number of learners
Topic area: Oral and written communication
Sub-topic area: N/A
Unit title Unit 1 Geography of Rwanda
Key Unit Competence: To use language in the context of geography of Rwanda
Title of the lesson Describing our province
Learning Objectives:
• Knowledge and .
Recognise the use of the present perfect tense passive
understanding: Appreciate and locate own community and province
Describe the geography of the local province and of Rwanda,
• Skills :
the climate and population of Rwanda.
• Attitude and values: Appreciate the beauty and physical features of Rwanda.
Plan for this Class Inside: allow for pairs and group work
(location: in / outside)
Learning Materials (for • Learner’s Book
all learners) • Dictionaries
• Dictionary
• Map of Rwanda
• Learner’s Book
• Teacher’s Guide
References • Maps
• Diagrams
• Photographs
• Pictures
• Picture of national flag
36 Section A Introduction
Section A
Section A Introduction 37
DEVELOPMENT OF Discuss the main Learners complete Knowledge:
THE LESSON features of your activities 1 and 2 Geography,
(30 mins) province with from the Learner’s language structure
learners and use the Book. They must use
board to a main heading and
demonstrate how to paragraphs in activity
literacy and
lay out a description 2. They must make
numeracy, identify
with headings and sure that they include
paragraphs. Leave the names of the Attitudes and
the plan on the province, the main values:
board to guide provincial town, the Appreciate Rwanda,
learners whilst they neighbouring be aware of its
undertake the provinces and any geography,
activity. mountains, lakes or application of verbal
rivers. skills.
Talk about using the Use the Learner’s Read about the
present perfect and Book page 3 to physical features of
complete an exercise explain the present Rwanda on pages
perfect tense to 3–4 and discuss in
learners. Give extra groups
examples to any
Explain activity 3 to
learners who
struggle with this
Set activity 3 for
Read the text pages
3–4 with learners.
Conclusion (5 min) Summary Knowledge:
Give the opportunity Learners to use the Use of the present
for learners to ask grammar structures perfect tense and
questions. they have learned by the active vice.
Ask them to look at talking about various
Skills: Discover, talk,
the map again and pictures of Rwanda
find various towns. that the teacher has
Learners should be placed round the
able to locate walls. Attitudes and
regions on the map Learners to construct Values: appreciate,
and use the present quiz questions about be aware of, national
perfect tense. Rwanda to ask each pride
Allow time for
learners to look at the
pictures on the walls.
38 Section A Introduction
Section A
Section A Introduction 39
SECTION B Teaching guidelines for syllabus
Homework: Complete all unfinished work, revise the readings individually and
research ecotourism.
1. Learners must look at the map and find the province that they live in.
2. Learners must name the main provincial town of the province that they live in.
3. In groups, learners must discuss the different provinces and share what they know
about them.
Learners must write a description of their province. They must use a main heading and
paragraphs. They must make sure that they include the names of the province, the main
provincial town, the neighbouring provinces and any mountains, lakes or rivers.
Learners must fill in the blanks in the sentences, using the present perfect tense.
1. Have you been to see the gorillas?
2. My cousin from America has visited Rwanda.
3. I have walked around Lake Kivu.
4. I have not yet visited Lake Rweru and Lake Ihema.
5. Sentwali thinks that he has taken/ has had a picture of the Karisimbi volcano.
1. Learners must write down two present perfect sentences from the passage in their
books that use ‘since’. Answers will vary. Example: Since 2002, the population
increased by 2% per annum.
2. Learners must write a sentence about the birth rate and death rate in Rwanda using
the present perfect tense with ‘since.’ Answers will vary. Example: Since the death rate
in Rwanda is lower than the birth rate, the population is increasing.
3. Learners must complete the sentences with their own words. Answers will vary. A
suggested answer is given below:
a) Since the population has become a united homogenous group, a group of
people with socio-cultural pride and self-esteem has been created.
b) The population of Rwanda has grown by 1.5 million since 2010.
4. Learners must write sentences of their own about the population of Rwanda using
‘since’ with the present perfect.
1. 20.5 °C
2. August
3. April
4. Months of the year
5. ‘Average temperature in °C’ and ‘Average precipitation in mm’
6. Learners must write a short paragraph about rainfall and temperature patterns at
Kigali. They should notice that there are two rainy seasons, in April and November,
and that the temperature is fairly constant all year round, with a slight decrease
between April and July.
1. Food products are imported into Rwanda.
2. Traditional farming methods are still used in Rwanda.
3. Some minerals, such as tin, are mined in Rwanda.
4. Rwanda has a small industrial sector.
5. Few natural resources are contained in Rwanda.
1. What is the main heading of the text? Read about the economy of Rwanda
2. Write out the subheadings of the text. Trade in Rwanda
Agriculture in Rwanda
Tourism in Rwanda
3. Identify the following information a) Mining is minimal.
about trade in Rwanda: b) Tin, tantalum and tungsten are mined.
a) The extent of natural resources in
b) The minerals mined in Rwanda.
4. Identify the following information a) Rwanda is a rural country with about
about agriculture in Rwanda: 90% of the population engaged in
a) The percentage of the population agriculture.
engaged in agriculture b) Coffee and tea.
b) The main cash crops exported c) Cattle are reared in the grasslands.
c) The main animals reared on the Other agricultural animals include goats,
grasslands sheep, pigs, chickens and rabbits.
d) Where fish are caught. d) Fish are caught in Lake Kivu.
landlocked surrounded by other countries with no access to the sea
ample plenty
diverse varied
cash crops crops raised to sell
minimal least amount
subsistence farming crops raised for personal consumption
homogeneity the state of being alike or the same
socio-cultural combining social and cultural factors
fertility rate the number of births per adult female of the population
1. In their groups, learners must find the NNP on a map, in the southwest corner.
2. Learners must see how many other Rwandan national parks they can find and name.
Examples are: Akagera National Park, Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, and
Volcanoes National Park.
3. Learners should be able to explain that funds generated through ecotourism benefit
the environment.
4. Encourage the learners to realise that ecotourism provides revenue that helps to
maintain wilderness areas. Learners must recognise that the money earned from
ecotourism helps to support conservation efforts and protect wildlife. It also provides
jobs in areas where there is often a high level of unemployment.
5. Learners must research and find out how ecotourism helps both the national
economy and local communities. Learners must recognise that the money earned
from ecotourism helps to support conservation efforts and protect wildlife. It also
provides jobs in areas where there are often high levels of unemployment. Tourists
spend money in Rwanda buying gifts and using hotels and other facilities.
Assessment LB page 12
1. Learners must choose the correct option to complete the sentences in the present
perfect tense.
a) He has passed his exam.
b) He hasn’t studied for the test. (2 × 1 = 2 marks)
2. Learners must fill in the missing word:
a) Carene has been a professional singer since 1989.
b) Joseph has been a learner here since March. (2 × 1 = 2 marks)
3. Learners must rewrite the sentences using the passive voice.
a) The table was set by us.
b) The letter is not written by you.
c) Is the thief caught by the police officer?
d) The door is opened by him. (4 × 1 = 4 marks)
4. Learners must rewrite the following using paragraphs, a main heading and subheadings.
Tours to Rwanda (main heading) ✓
The land of 1000 hills and home of the mountain gorillas. We offer the following three
tours to Rwanda’s national parks, where you can see Rwanda’s primates.
Mountain Gorilla Safari – 4 Days (subheading) ✓
This is our shortest safari and captures the essence of Rwanda. It includes a visit to the
mountain gorillas in Volcanoes National Park in northern Rwanda.
Rwanda Primate Explorer – 7 Days (subheading) ✓
This safari is a safari where you trek to the various primates found in Rwanda. You will
see the mighty mountain gorilla, chimpanzees, the golden monkeys and the colobus,
and there is a chance you will see even more species.
Rwanda Discoverer – 7 Days (subheading) ✓
This safari includes both a visit to the gorillas and the chimps, as well as a visit to the
savannahs of Akagera National Park in eastern Rwanda, where a large variety of
animals and birds are found.
(Plus 2 marks for paragraphs written correctly under each subheading.) (6 marks)
5. Learners must write a brief description of the beauty of Rwanda. Make sure they
describe its physical features. (6 marks)
Suggested mark allocation:
2 2 2 6
Total (20)
Divide learners into pairs. In pairs, learners must talk about their favourite school subjects.
Learners’ conversations will vary; however, they should resemble the one in their Learner’s
Learners must think the subjects they perform best in, and the subjects they enjoy the
most. They must make a list of these subjects and then compare their subjects to the
table in their books, to get ideas of the careers and career fields that might suit them.
Answers will vary. Examples of possible solutions:
1. If you work hard, you will do well at school.
2. If you invite her, she will come.
3. If I am late, I will apologise.
4. If I win first prize, I will be very happy.
5. If you need me, you can call me on the telephone.
Divide learners into groups and then get them to answer the questions. Allow time for
each group to complete the activity and then give feedback to the class.
1. In groups, learners must talk about their educational ambitions and career
opportunities. They must use the phrases ‘I’d like’, ‘I’m interested in’ and ‘If you want
to be a __________, you have to __________’.
2. Learners must write three sentences about their educational ambitions, using an ‘if’
clause. This can be done as an individual activity.
1. Learners must research and find out what people earn in the following occupations:
teacher, farmer, shop assistant, dentist.
2. Learners must make a table similar to the one in their books and fill it in with their
3. Learners must discuss different career options amongst themselves. Encourage them
to think creatively.
1. Extra activities are those activities that fall outside the realm of the normal curriculum.
2. Because they are not normal activities that are part of the syllabus and learners can
usually chose whether to take part in them or not.
3. Teaching new technologies has encroached on extra curricula time.
4. Because her parents persuaded her not to be.
5. Home management
6. Entrepreneurs are job creators. Technical and entrepreneurship skills are needed to be
a job creator.
7. Joan.
8. He means that they have very busy schedules and have to manage their time.
Answers will vary. Suggested answers below:
1. If I got a pay rise, I would be very happy.
2. If you left your job, you would miss it.
3. If you were nicer to him, you would be happier.
4. If we had gone out earlier, we would have missed the rain.
5. If I had revised, I would have done better in the test.
1. Answers may vary but most learners will agree that Nadege is suitably qualified.
2. Answers will vary. The job description should include the tasks that the teacher will
undertake, the subject to be taught and any extra-mural activities. The job
specification should include the qualifications required and number of years of
interest having a curiosity or a concern about something, or giving attention
to something
ability being able to do something; having a natural or acquired talent
botany the scientific study of plants
horticulture the science and art of growing fruit, vegetables and other plants
apiculture the science of beekeeping
floriculture the study of growing flowering plants
floral design the art of arranging flowers – a florist
vocational training directed at a particular occupation and its skills
enterprise a business
artisan a skilled craftsman
enhance to improve or enlarge
Answers will vary. This activity can form part of assessment marks. Suggested mark
allocation: 20.
Content well 1–4 5–7 8–10
written and well
Use of sentences 1–2 3–4 5
and paragraphs
Spelling and 1–2 3–4 5
Total marks 20
Assessment LB page 27
1. Learners must complete the sentences, using the correct modal verb.
a) If I get home late tonight, I will not eat.
b) If Jan could run 100 metres in 10 seconds, he would be an athlete.
c) If Simon catches a fish today, we will eat it.
d) She would buy a new car if she won the lottery.
e) If it rained in the Sahara Desert, everyone would be very surprised.
f) If it rains tonight, we can go to the cinema.
g) If your dog spoke, you should sell it to the circus.
h) If we play football on Saturday, I will be tired on Sunday.
i) You will become fat if you eat too much.
j) If I were you, I wouldn’t accept that job. It sounds terrible! (10 × 1 = 10 marks)
2. If you have to train for longer, then you will normally command a higher salary.✓ This
is partly because you have had to spend money on training and not earn money from
a job whilst undergoing training.✓✓ Some skills are in short supply, therefore people
with those skills can ask for more money. ✓ Some jobs are dangerous and therefore
people who are willing to do them get paid more. ✓ (5 marks)
3. Answers will vary. Learners should analyse their skills, ✓ and natural talents think
about their academic potential ✓ and also their interests. ✓ They should then suggest
suitable options. ✓ ✓
(5 marks)
Total (20)
Learners should be able to understand that changes in climate cause changes in food
availability, and that this drove the people who became the Egyptians into the Nile Valley
and encouraged them to settle. Before this time, they had been nomadic. Make sure
learners understand what is meant by a nomadic lifestyle.
1. Learners must look at the map of Egypt and name one city in Upper Egypt and one
city in Lower Egypt. For example, Aswan in Upper Egypt and Cairo or Alexandria in
Lower Egypt.
2. The history of Ancient Egypt is divided into three main periods: the Old Kingdom
(about 3100–2180 B.C.), the Middle Kingdom (2050–1650 B.C.), and the New Kingdom
(about 1150–1069 B.C.).
3. a line of hereditary rulers of a country
4. The pharaohs were the god kings of Ancient Egypt, who ruled between 3150 B.C. and
30 B.C. The pharaoh was the political and religious leader of the Egyptian people,
holding the titles of Lord of the Two Lands and High Priest of Every Temple. As Lord of
the Two Lands, the pharaoh was the ruler of Upper and Lower Egypt. The pharaoh was
not only the political ruler, but also seen as a god.
5. The pharaohs became less powerful, Greek and Roman ideas were introduced and
eventually Egypt came under Roman rule. Christianity became more popular and the
ancient religions fell away.
Learners must use the information on the religious beliefs of the Ancient Egyptians to
write five sentences about their beliefs, using the past perfect tense. Answers will vary,
examples include:
• When the Pharaoh died, it was believed he had become Osiris.
• The temples were looked after by the priests, who had a lot of power.
1. A letter is being written by Jean-Marc.
2. A cake is being baked by my mother.
3. The bicycle tyre is being mended by my friend.
4. A birthday party is being held on Saturday for my friend.
5. A large rat was caught by our cat.
1. Learners must discuss the achievements of the Ancient Egyptians. Examples include
writing in hieroglyphics, making paper (papyrus), engineering, inventing the
Nileometer, astronomy, etc.
2. Knowledge and achievement go together. Often, new knowledge is found when
trying to do something, such as finding a way to pump water.
3. Learners must try to use the third conditional in their discussions with each other.
Learners must write a paragraph about the achievements of the Ancient Egyptians,
making use of abstract nouns with ‘allowed to’ and ‘enabled to’, as well as ‘could’. This
activity can be used as part of assessment marks. Suggested mark allocation: 20.
Learner must use their dictionary to look up the words the words below and write them
in their exercise books with an explanation.
Civilisation – the process by which a society or place reaches an advanced stage of social
development and organisation.
Pyramid – a structure with a square or triangular base and sloping sides that meet in a
point at the top, especially one built of stone as a royal tomb in ancient Egypt.
Rule – control of, or dominion over, an area or people.
Scientific – based on the methods and principles of science.
Herd – a large group of animals, especially hoofed mammals, which lives together or is
kept together as livestock.
Stone – hard, solid, non-metallic mineral matter of which rock is made, especially used as
a building material.
Pot – a rounded or cylindrical container, typically of metal, used for cooking.
Level – flat or horizontal.
Block – a large solid piece of hard material, usually rock, stone, or wood, typically with flat
surfaces on each side.
Nomadic – a group of people who have no fixed home and move according to the
seasons from place to place in search of food, water and grazing land.
Quarry – a place, usually a large, deep pit, from which stone or other materials are, or have
been extracted.
Drag – pull (someone or something) along forcefully, roughly, or with difficulty.
Engineering - the branch of science and technology concerned with the design, building,
and use of engines, machines, and structures.
Astronomy – the study of the Sun, Moon, stars, planets, comets, gas, galaxies, gas, dust
and other non-Earthly bodies.
Literacy – the ability to read and write.
Savannah – a grassy plain in tropical and subtropical regions, with few trees.
Bartered – exchange (goods or services) for other goods or services without using money.
Limestone – a hard sedimentary rock, composed mainly of calcium carbonate or
dolomite, used as building material and in the making of cement.
Polytheistic – the belief in many gods
Inscribed – written or carved (words or symbols) on something, especially as a formal or
permanent record.
Monotheistic - the belief in a single all-powerful god,
Assessment LB page 42
1. Learners must choose the correct words/phrase to complete each sentence:
a) I need to get good grades in science so that I will be able to study medicine.
b) My friend asked if she could come to the cinema with us.
c) The annual flooding of the Nile enabled the Egyptians to grow crops.
d) Smoking cigarettes can lead to lung cancer.
e) I do not know if my parents will allow me to go out tonight. (5 × 1 = 5 marks)
barter to swop one good for another
level to make flat
savannah an area of grassland
literate able to read
inscribed written upon
(5 × 1 = 5 marks)
3. a) They walked to the shops yesterday.
b) He told me that he did not use your bicycle without asking.
c) The sunset was beautiful last night. (3 × 1 = 3 marks)
4. a) I did not have any money because I had left my wallet at home.
b) Eugenie had wanted a guitar, but she received a book.
c) My father had owned this house for ten years before he sold it. (3 × 1 = 3 marks)
5. a) At dinner six mangoes were eaten by Harry.
1. He is a man of courage.
2. The people in this part of the country live in poverty.
3. Cruelty to animals is a punishable offence.
4. The man showed great strength of character.
5. I have great pleasure in welcoming you.
Divide learners into groups. Make sure learners understand that, when we draw a
diagram to explain something, we must make sure that the diagram is easy to
understand. Using labels helps the reader to identify the different parts of the diagram.
1. In their groups, learners must use the diagram to discuss the composition of the
Earth’s surface.
2. Working alone, learners must do research and draw a diagram to show the different
parts of the Earth’s crust. Their diagrams should show and be labelled with at least
topsoil, subsoil and bedrock.
3. Learners must label their diagram. Labels should include arrows and neat writing.
Learners must look at the graph in their books and then list the components of soil in
order, from the largest to the smallest. Minerals 45%, Air 25%, Water 25%, Organic
matter 5%.
Plants obtain nutrients from the soil. Soil is the outer, loose layer that covers the surface
of the Earth. Soil quality depends not only on the chemical composition of the soil, but
also on the topography (regional surface features) and the presence of living organisms.
The four major components of soil are inorganic mineral matter, organic matter, water
and air. Soil is the base of life on Earth because it has most of the important matter/
nutrients in which plants need to grow. Those plants in turn feed animals and birds. Soil
is also where much of our fresh water is stored. Fresh water travels through the soil being
purified/filtered as it goes. It often ends up in underground lakes called aquifers, where
we can get it when we need it.
Learners must organise their sentences in the right order. Learners must recognise that,
when soil is eroded, it affects the ecology of the area where erosion has occurred. Plants
use soil, not only for nutrients, but also to anchor themselves in the ground using their
roots. Many animals, fungi and bacteria rely on soil as a place to live.
Learners must look at the pictures in their books and then match each one to the correct
1. Forest: The soil is fertile and lots of plants grow in it.
2. Pasture (cattle): Cattle are grazed and the smaller plants are eaten.
3. Pasture (sheep): When the land cannot sustain the cattle, sheep and goats are grazed
there instead.
4. Desert: All the vegetation has been eaten, the land is overgrazed and there is nothing
to stop soil erosion. The land becomes a desert.
1. Plants: 74%
2. Fungi: 2%.
3. Animals: 9%
4. Animals
Learners must go into the school grounds or surrounding area, and pick a small plant.
They must bring it back into the classroom, draw it and label it. They must make sure that
they include the functions of each part of the plant.
Learners must take turns to ask each other the following questions and supply the correct
Q. What are the functions of the roots of a plant?
A. The functions of the roots are to absorb water and to anchor the plant.
Q. What is the function of the stem of a plant?
A. The function of the stem is to provide support for the leaves and flowers.
Q. What is the function of the leaves of a plant?
A. The function of the leaves is to produce food through photosynthesis.
Q. What is the function of the flower of a plant?
A. The function of the flower is reproduction by producing fruits and seeds.
Learners must reread the texts about plants and their importance to humans.
1. Learners must make a list of plants in their environment at school.
2. We need plants for many different reasons: plants provide us with food and materials
for clothing, furniture and roofing, as well as for many different things that we do not
think about, such as paper and books. Plants provide food and shelter for our
domesticated animals and also, through the process of photosynthesis, the oxygen
that we breathe. (Learners may add more to their answers.)
3. Plants can be harmful to humans. Some plants should not be eaten because they are
4. Plants provide the link between the soil and the Sun through the process of
photosynthesis. They also biodegrade and add nutrients to the soil when they die.
Plants are a living home to many insects, microbes and animals. Plants hold the soil
together with their roots and prevent erosion. (Learners may add more to their
5. Learners must compare their answers with those of their friends. They must discuss
their answers with the rest of the class.
Answers will vary, for example:
6. Transpiration of water and nutrients from the roots is done by the stem.
7. The quality of water is affected because the soil helps to filter and clean our water.
8. Soil erosion can be caused by human activities such as over-farming and overgrazing.
Notes should include the relevant mathematical data. This activity can be used for
assessment purposes. Suggested mark allocation: 20.
Learners should be able to identify examples of plants that are useful as food, for
clothing, for medicines, for thatching, etc.
Answers will vary according to the district that you are in and the amount of vegetation
around your school. In order to do this activity, they will need to complete the following
1. Choose an area of your neighbourhood in which to conduct the survey.
2. Mark out the area to be surveyed using the string. An area of 2 m by 2 m is sufficient.
3. In their notebooks, learners must write down the names of all the different types of
plants in their survey area. They must count how many of each species there are, and
make a note of their findings.
4. Learners must add up the total number of plants and then calculate each type of plant
as a percentage of the total. Learners must calculate the average number of each
plant type. They must draw a table showing the different classes and species of plants
5. In class, learners must discuss their findings and describe any interesting facts that
emerged from their survey. Talk about what types of plants that they saw and also
what they did not see. Learners must use ‘why’ questions to get answers from each
Organism – an individual animal, plant or single-celled life form.
Decayed – cause to rot or decompose.
Topography – the arrangement of the natural and artificial physical features of an area.
Inorganic – not consisting of or deriving from living matter.
Nutrient – a substance that provides nourishment essential for the maintenance of life
and for growth.
Erosion – the process of being worn away by wind, water, or other natural agents.
Habitat – the natural home or environment of an animal, plant or other organism.
Susceptible – liable to be influenced or harmed by a particular thing.
Humus – the organic component of soil, formed by the decomposition of leaves and
other plant material by soil microorganisms.
Transpiration – the process whereby plants absorb water through the roots and then give
off water vapour through pores in their leaves.
Photosynthesis – the process by which green plants and some other organisms use
sunlight to synthesise nutrients from carbon dioxide and water.
Reproduction – the production of offspring by a sexual or asexual process.
To harbour – give a home or shelter to.
Assessment LB page 57
1. Answers will vary for example: cultivation (from the verb ‘cultivate’) and importance
(from the adjective ‘important’). (5 × 1 = 5 marks)
2. a) cultivate – to grow plants
b) root crops – underground stems
c) harbour – shelter (3 × 1 = 3 marks)
3. Humans can destroy the soil and cause the extinction of plants ✓ or they can look after
the soil and cultivate plants and take care of them. ✓(2)
4. Learners should use a diagram as part of their explanation. (10)
Content 1–2 3–4 5
Diagram included 1 2 3
Spelling and 0 1 2
Total marks 10
Total [20]
1. Learners should discuss the statement. Answers will vary.
2. Learners must write their own list of ways to treat a friend in their exercise books.
Learners must look at the picture of an elderly woman in their books. They must make a
list of all the words they think describe her. Learners should think positively and come up
with words such as kind, caring, thoughtful, pensive, etc. They may also interpret her face
as severe and strict or cross. No answer is incorrect.
This activity is designed to encourage learners to make use of descriptive words. You can
listen to their responses and write down good vocabulary on the board for them.
1. Learners must write down all the words used to describe Anitha’s appearance: small,
slim, oval face, dark brown eyes, a big mouth, long black wavy hair, ponytail, beautiful.
2. Learners must write down as many similar words to the ones used above as possible.
For example another word for ‘slim’ may be ‘thin’; ‘petite’ may be used for ‘small’.
1. Learners should think before they start, and talk for about a minute.
2. Learners should make notes of the main points made – they should write down the
words used to describe the person, but not use sentences.
Answers will vary. This activity can be used for assessment purposes. Suggested mark
allocation: 20.
Learners must write a paragraph recounting something that has happened at school in
the past week. Answers will vary. Suggested mark allocation: 10.
Learners should check each other for correct order.
1. John said that he could ride a horse.
2. John said that his mother did the cleaning.
3. He said that he was going to the cinema.
4. She said that her name was Lela.
5. She asked what they should learn today.
He asked why Charlotte had done that for him. He said that he did not deserve it because
he had never done anything for her. She replied that he had been her friend and that was
a tremendous thing in itself.
Groups will come up with different role plays. Allow time for the class to listen to each
other’s role play. The emphasis should be on polite conversation.
Answers may vary slightly. The following are some examples:
1. He/she asked, “Would you like a cup of tea?”
2. Jean said to Mary, “May I serve you some fruit?”
3. My friend’s father asked me, “Could I give you one of my beautiful suits?”
4. My mother laughed and said, “Would I serve hot milk and bread for dinner?”
Answers may vary slightly. The following are some examples:
1. Will you pass me a cup of tea, please?
2. Can you help me with my homework?
3. Will you tidy the house for me?
4. Will you like a banana?
5. Will you come to the cinema with me?
This is a substantial activity and can be used for assessment purposes. Suggested mark
allocation: 20.
Report written 1–3 4–7 8–10
Outing planned 1–2 3–4 5
Plan written down 1–2 3–4 5
Total marks 20
Encourage the learners to read with expression, emphasising a polite tone of voice.
Suggested mark allocation: 10
1. Answers will vary. Learners should understand that, when people feel close to
others, they are happier and even healthier. Love helps us feel important, understood
and secure. (2)
This activity is designed to help learners to see that healthy relationships support us and
help us to become better people. In a healthy relationship, we can grow and develop to
our full potential.
1. In their groups, learners must discuss the risks of having sex before they are
emotionally and physically ready. They must talk about the consequences of teenage
2. Learners must write David and Rosine a letter, explaining the risks of having sex
before they are emotionally and physically ready. They must also explain the
consequences and implications of teenage pregnancy for David and Rosine, as well as
for a baby.
This activity can be used for assessment purposes. Suggested mark allocation: 20.
Assessment LB page 72
1. a) She told the boys that they should not waste their money.
b) She asked him what he had decided to do.
c) He said that he always woke up early.
d) He advised the students to revise their lessons.
e) He wanted to know where I had been. (5 × 1 = 5 marks)
2. a) “I might come,” said Carene.
b) “I could fail,” said Jean-Paul.
c) “David, you should stay in bed,” Olive said.
d) “I used to have a car,” said Thierry.
e) “I wish we were in South Africa,” said Josiane. (5 × 1 = 5 marks)
3. a) May I speak to Mr. Mugabo, please?
b) Would you open the window, please? It’s hot in here.
c) Would you mind if I did not come to your party?
d) Would you mind if I borrowed your dictionary for an hour or so?
e) Could I stay here for a while? Yes, you may. (5 × 1 = 5 marks)
4. Learners must write a short report explaining the dangers of teenage sex. Allow one
mark for each of five facts. (5 marks)
Total (20)
Key unit competency To use language learnt in the context of study skills and writing.
At the end of this unit, learners should be able to:
• Recognise how to work in groups, plan and evaluate writing,
make notes and write a summary, use connectors in key
language functions.
• List the vocabulary of key school language functions.
• Read an extract from a simplified work of literature.
Assessment criteria/ • Work in groups and organise the work of the group.
learning outcomes • Plan a short text using notes.
• Write a short text and evaluate it from the viewpoint of
grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
• Listen to a short text exemplifying a common school language
• Read a short text exemplifying a common school language
• Write a short text demonstrating the use of a common school
language function.
Working in class: group, pair, report, chairperson, etc.
Key vocabulary
Making notes and writing summaries: select, points
literacy, critical thinking, lifelong learning, creativity and
innovation, communication skills, co-operation, science and
technology (biology), life skills (cookery and study methods)
Crosscutting issues peace and values education
Classroom Learners will need to be able to work in groups as well as in pairs.
• Teacher’s Guide
• Learner’s Book
Teaching materials • pictures
• photographs
• dictionaries
This lesson deals with study methods and therefore is of great
value in teaching learners correct study methods. The
information used in this unit can be used in other subjects. If you
can get hold of extra information on study methods, you can
make it available for learners. If you are aware that some learners
Background notes
have problems with their study technique, use this series of
lessons to help them. The cookery recipes are fun and you can
encourage learners to make up their own recipes.
All of the activities in this unit are designed to help learners with
study and examination techniques.
1. Learners should notice that this is a dialogue.
2. Storks are big white birds that have yellow bills and long legs. They nest on roofs and
make a clapping sound with their beaks. They eat frogs and small fish and are thought
to bring good luck.
3. a) Lina: Is diligent and has done her homework.
b) Jella: Likes to shoot things with his catapult.
c) Pier and Dirk: Are twins.
d) Eelka: Does not know much about storks and would like to know more.
4. Learners must write a summary of less than 50 words.
5. Learners must evaluate each other’s summaries. This is a good exercise because it
encourages them to be objective.
This activity can be used for assessment purposes.
Learners must compare their work with that of a classmate to see who has used
punctuation and grammar correctly. Suggested mark allocation: 25.
Introduction 1–2 3–4 5
Conclusion 1–2 3–4 5
Main body: 1–3 4–7 8–10
spelling and
Contents: ideas 1–2 3–4 5
well constructed
Total marks 25
1. a) The countryside where Pip met the man: learners should notice that the
countryside was bleak, overgrown marshland.
b) The appearance of the fearful man: a frightening-looking man with a calliper on
his leg and wearing ragged clothes. He was covered in cuts and bruises.
c) How Pip felt when he met the fearful man: he was very frightened.
4. a) Answers will vary; however, learners should recognise that, when you are always
punctual, never miss any lessons, wear your school uniform and respect teachers,
you are regarded as a model student.
b) Learners should notice that Penny would be a good head girl as, amongst other
things, she helps other learners.
c) Learners must try to identify some words or phrases that Penny uses which are
also common in their school environment. Examples may include suspended,
prefect, school, rules, etc.
d) Learners must write down some of their own school rules and regulations and
explain why they are important.
1. Heading: Read about frogs.
Subheadings: What are frogs? How big is the biggest and how small is the smallest?
Where do frogs live?
2. Learners must make notes of the important information under each subheading.
Learners must try to use numbers or point form.
3. Learners must compare their notes with the rest of the class.
1. Heat coals or gas grill for direct heat.
2. Spray two 30 × 45 cm sheets of heavy-duty foil with cooking spray.
3. Brush beef patties with steak sauce.
4. Place the onions in the centre of each foil piece. Fold foil over onions so that the edges
meet, and place on the coals.
5. Grill the onion packets and beef patties for 10 to 15 minutes, turning the patties and
rotating packets once or twice.
6. Cut the bread rolls in half and place the patties on the rolls with the onions on top.
Learners must write four lines recounting an event that happened last week.
Divide learners into pairs. In pairs, learners must take turns to explain to each other how
to play their favourite sport. They should tell each other whether their explanation was
easy or difficult to understand.
1. Amphibians are cold-blooded animals. This means that their body temperature is the
same as the surrounding temperature. Their skin absorbs water into their body so
they do not have to drink water to survive.
2. Vertebrates are animals with backbones.
3. Answers will vary. A defining moment is usually seen as a point at which the essential
nature or character of a person is revealed or identified.
Answers will vary. Suggested answers below:
1. Rwanda has many mountains, one example of which is Mount Gahinga.
2. Examples of foods eaten in Rwanda are ugali and matoke.
3. An example of a team sport is soccer.
4. There are many birds in Rwanda; two examples are ducks and bush shrikes.
5. I have many friends, for example Lulu and Ben.
1. The summer season is wet and hot, but/while the winter season is cold and dry.
2. Some dogs are well behaved, but/while others drag their owners down the block,
yapping all the way.
3. Although/Though the boy was injured, he didn’t give up.
4. There was little chance of success, but/yet we didn’t give up.
5. He is overweight, yet/but he still runs very fast.
Answers may vary. Some examples are:
1. First, I grabbed a spoon, then I ate the cereal. Next, I drank the milk and lastly, I
tossed the bowl in the sink.
2. We learn, firstly, how to cook and secondly, how to clean.
3. How to become a political leader: First, you need to become a leader of a political
party. Secondly, you need to win a seat in Parliament. Thirdly, your party must have a
majority of seats.
4. Buying organic fruit and vegetables is a better choice. Firstly, they are less
contaminated by chemical pesticides. Also, they are not genetically modified. Lastly,
they are allowed to mature or ripen fully.
5. Soil has three main layers. Firstly, there is the surface layer. Next, there is the topsoil.
Lastly, there is the subsoil.
Learners must write down other phrases and sentences that they normally use or hear
their teachers use. Learners must then try to relate them to their functions (when and
where they are used) and report back to the class on their findings.
1. “M … m … ma ... may I come in, Sir?”
2. “Oh, Penny, come in, please. Have a seat.”
3. Answers will vary. One example could be: “Good morning, class.”
4. Answers will vary. One example could be: “Excuse me.”
5. Answers will vary. One example could be: “Hello. My name is ...”
Evaluate – judge the quality or value of; assess.
Summary – a brief statement or account of the main points of something.
Abbreviation – a shortened form of a word or phrase.
Assumptions – things that are accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof.
Fictional – made up; the class of literature comprising works of imaginative narration.
Chronological – (of a record of events) following the order in which they occurred.
Assessment LB page 90
1. There are good reasons why some people feel the need to make significant changes
in their lives from time to time. Firstly, any new situation that a person encounters
can be an opportunity to learn and grow as a person. A new job, for instance, might
present challenges that push the person to adapt, acquire new knowledge, or add to
his or her skill set. Secondly, a change can represent a break with the past and an old
routine, which has become boring and predictable. Thirdly/lastly, as well as making
life more fun and interesting, new experiences can be good for our physical and
mental health. (3 × 1 = 3 marks)
2. Learners must make eight sentences demonstrating the following eight study skills:
listing, describing, recounting, examples, notes, and instructions, contrasting and
defining. Answers will vary. (8 × 1 = 8 marks)
1. Learners must decide which of the following qualities of leadership match each of the
quotations in the text in their books.
Leaders have qualities that inspire people to follow them. This matches the quote:
“Become the kind of leader that people would follow voluntarily, even if you had no
title or position.” – Brian Tracy
Leaders inspire people to do more and be more. This matches the quote: “My job is
not to be easy on people. My job is to take these great people we have, and to push
them and make them even better.” – Steve Jobs
Leaders have vision. This matches the quote: “The very essence of leadership is that
you have to have vision. You can’t blow an uncertain trumpet.” – Father Theodore M.
Leaders are active. This matches the quote: “Leadership is an action, not a position.” –
Donald McGannon
People want to follow leaders. This matches the quote: “People buy into the leader
before they buy into the vision.” – John Maxwell
2. Answers will vary. Examples may include words like brave, loyal, trustworthy, clever,
3. Learners must report their findings to the rest of the class in the form of a dialogue.
For example: When we talked about the qualities for a good leader, Sonia said: “I think
a good leader inspires people.” Rebecca disagreed and said, “I disagree. I think a good
leader just tells people what to do.”
Answers will vary because learners must explain what being a leader means to them in
their own words. Encourage all learners to express an opinion.
1. Decades-long process: a process that takes place over many decades, with a decade
being ten years.
2. Autonomous: (of a country or region) having the freedom to govern itself or control its
own affairs.
3. Centralised: concentrated (control of an activity or organisation) under a single
4. Incursions: invasions or attacks, especially sudden or brief ones.
5. Semi-divine being: a being that is somewhat more than mortal but less than divine.
6. Ornate: elaborately or highly decorated.
7. Frontier: a line or border separating two countries.
8. Harmony and cohesion: agreement and the action or fact of forming a united whole.
Answers may vary. Suggested solutions below:
1. We watched a good film last week.
2. Last Wednesday, I was in Kigali.
3. She finished her homework by seven o’clock.
4. I walked to the soccer match last Saturday.
5. My uncle came to visit last week.
1. Learners should understand how these qualities can be applied, both on a small and
on a large scale. Encourage them to understand that we all need to be leaders in our
own way. Learners may agree or disagree that these are qualities needed in a leader.
2. In their groups, learners must choose one person in their school or community whom
they regard as being a good, strong leader. They must write down four things that
they think make this person a strong leader.
3. Learners must discuss their findings with the rest of the class. (Hint: they will need to
elect a leader for their group to read the presentation.)
4. Working individually, learners must make a list of the leadership characteristics
mentioned by each group.
Learners must choose any business, sporting or political leader and write a short report
on what they think their leadership style is.
This activity can be used for assessment purposes. Suggested mark allocation: 20
Report written 1–3 4–7 8–10
Arguments 1–2 3–4 5
Spelling and 1–2 3–4 5
Total marks 20
1. Authoritarian, because he keeps a close eye on the staff, etc.
2. Learners should recognise that this is not a desirable leadership style, because he is
not involving his staff in the decision-making processes.
3. Answer will vary. Possible answers include involving his staff in the decision-making
process, incentivising staff, etc.
1. Patient, ready to meet challenges, easy going, strong beliefs, not afraid, has foresight, etc.
Divide the learners into groups. Learners must divide their group into two teams and
debate for and against the following statement: Famous people have a responsibility to be
role models and set a good example for other people to follow.
Learners may have mixed opinions on whether famous people should behave in specific
ways. They can use famous film stars and sports people as examples.
1. Learners must quickly list all the famous Rwandan entertainers that they can think of.
Encourage learners to just list the names that come into their heads without thinking
too much about it.
2. Ask the different groups to share with the class the types of media that are most used.
Use this information to create a table on the chalkboard.
3. Modern famous people tend to lead by example. King Rwabugiri was authoritarian
and led by being in a position of power and being able to force people to obey him.
Extension activity
If time permits, use the information gathered in question 3 of Activity 11 for learners to
make a graph, showing different forms of media used by teenagers.
Activity 12: Make notes about the life story of a famous Rwandan
person and compare your notes with other learners LB page 102
Encourage learners to make use of the Internet and other sources of information. You
may need to bring newspapers and magazines into the classroom for learners who
cannot source them.
Answers should be in note form with side headings and brief phrases. This activity
reinforces work completed in Unit 6. If learners have difficulty, revise Unit 6.
1. When the goalkeeper was a child he dreamed of becoming a professional footballer.
2. The guitarist is well liked within the music industry because he is always polite and
3. Some people are infamous because they behave very badly.
4. The singer has become very successful because he has worked very hard to become a
good musician.
5. A leader is very important because a football team wants to win matches.
1. Explain to learners that this saying means that mothers have a great deal of influence
on the development of their children, and that good parenting is very important. This
could be used as a topic for debate.
2. Learners must choose one of the girls in their school or community that they consider
to be a person of influence and write a brief paragraph describing why she deserves
to be considered as such.
Allow time to share discussions.
1. No. Corruption happens at many different levels.
2. Answers will vary. One possible example might be a teacher accepting a bribe to pass
a learner who failed a test.
3. Answers will vary. Examples may include being honest and fair in dealings with other
people, reporting corruption if you are aware of it.
1. Authoritarian: favouring complete obedience or subjection to authority.
Charismatic: full of life and inspiring people to follow.
Democratic: a system of government in which power is vested in the people, who rule
either directly or through freely elected representatives.
Inspiring: to fill with a positive influence.
Tolerant: showing willingness to allow the existence of opinions or behaviour that one
does not necessarily agree with.
Violent: using or involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or
Visionary: thinking about or planning the future with imagination or wisdom.
1. Learners must write a short paragraph explaining the qualities of a good leader. One
mark for each quality given. (4 × 1 = 4 marks)
2. a) I am going to walk because I can’t wait for the bus.
b) I am going to buy that book because it is a best-seller.
c) There will be a big fanfare of drums when the president arrives.
d) No one wanted to eat the hamburger because Eric sneezed all over it.
e) The meal has burned because I left the pot on the stove. (5 × 1 = 5 marks)
3. Learners must write a paragraph describing a famous person that they admire, and
explaining their character. One mark for choice of person and four marks for four
characteristics and reasons. (5)
4. a) She went to the cinema with me.
b) Jean-Paul passed his examination.
c) My mother made a cake for my birthday.
d) The king completed a modernisation of the army. (4 × 1 = 4 marks))
5. Answers will vary. Leaders who use authoritarian decision making make all of the
major decisions and demand compliance from the group members. Authoritarian
leaders typically make decisions on their own and tell other group members what to
do and how to do it. Leaders who use democratic decision making encourage
group discussion and believe in decision making through consensus. Democratic
leaders still make the final decision, but do so only after carefully considering what
other group members have said. (2 × 1 = 2 marks)
Total (20)
1. Because the firm he worked for closed down and he had no job and a family to feed.
2. He worked very long hours and didn’t see his family a lot.
3. His family would have had no money.
4. Because it saved him money as he didn’t have to pay for it.
1. If you come this way, the principal will see you now.
2. I will be back tomorrow unless my car breaks down.
3. If I were a rich man, I would buy a new house.
4. I need to use my bike to take the produce to market.
5. If you want to go to university, you must pass your exams.
2. Answers will vary; the following are examples:
• If something needs to be done, an entrepreneur knows they must do it
• If they are not competitive entrepreneurs may not succeed.
• An entrepreneur must try and try again to be able to succeed.
• The entrepreneur must have excellent communication skills to be able to sell the
product and motivate employees.
• If an entrepreneur wants to succeed he/she needs to have a strong work ethic.
1. Answers will vary; however, most learners will probably agree that determination was
the most important.
2. Answers will vary. The following list is an example.
They need to be self-starters.
They need to be competitive.
They need to be determined.
They need to have good people skills.
They need to have a strong work ethic.
3. Learners must compare their lists with the rest of the class.
1. RWF25
2. He would make a loss.
3. Answers will vary. Possible answers may be: The farmer can stay in business if he
brings his costs down; or the farmer cannot stay in business if he continues to sell his
fruit at a lower price that his cost price.
Answers will vary; this composition can be used for assessment purposes. Learners must
clearly explain fixed and variable costs, total costs, profit/loss and selling price. Suggested
mark allocation: 20.
Composition 1–3 4–7 8–10
Terms properly 1–2 3–4 5
Use of introduction 1–2 3–4 5
and conclusion
Total marks 20
1. Answers will vary, but the general consensus should be several hours before
2. There will be many different ingredients depending on the type of bread made.
Ingredients could include flour, water, eggs, milk, etc.
3. 3.00 a.m. – heat up ovens, prepare dough
3.30 a.m. – make loaves and leave to rise
4.00 a.m. – put loaves in oven and bake
5.00 a.m. – remove baked loaves from oven and leave to cool.
5.30 a.m. – load loaves into van and deliver to shops.
4. Learners must compare their timeline with the rest of the class.
5. Answers will vary, examples include:
If the baker does not get up on time, his loaves will be late in the shops; if the baker
forgets to buy enough flour and yeast he will not be able to bake bread.
This is a fun activity. Encourage learners to think objectively about what makes a good
advertisement. This activity can be used for assessment purposes. Suggested mark
allocation: 20.
Answers will vary. Suggested answers below:
1. If I had not been sick, I would have gone to the party.
2. If it had not been raining, we could have had a picnic.
3. If I had watched the weather forecast, I would have known it was going to rain.
4. If she had not been rude, she would have said hello.
5. They would have accepted your ideas if you had explained more clearly.
A possible answer could be: Sir Richard Charles Nicholas Branson, was born 18 July 1950
and is an English businessman and investor. He is best known as the founder of the Virgin
Group, which comprises more than 400 companies. At the age of sixteen, his first
business venture was a magazine called Student. In 1970, he set up a mail-order record
business. In 1972, he opened a chain of record stores, Virgin Records, later known as
Virgin Megastores. Branson’s Virgin brand grew rapidly during the 1980s, as he set up
Virgin Atlantic Airlines and expanded the Virgin Records music label. Branson has an
estimated net worth of US $4.9 billion.
Source: Wikipedia.org
Learners must write a report of their findings to share with the rest of the class. Learners
must make use of the conditional wherever possible. Allow time to share findings with the
Activity 13: Discuss the success and failure of businesses LB page 121
Learners need to be aware that becoming an entrepreneur is risky and that not all
businesses are successful. Many fail.
Learners must say why they think the one business succeeded while the other one failed.
Learners should show that they understand that Seth’s father kept a tight control on
expenditure and that without this the business failed.
This is a valuable project for learners to undertake.
1. Learners must suggest CSR projects in their area that would improve the lives of
people in their community. Suggestions could include things like helping the hungry,
helping the poor, collecting books for children to read, etc.
2. Learners must propose CSR projects that would help to protect the environment, such
as setting up a recycling project or planting more trees.
3. Allow time for learners to report their findings to the rest of the class.
1. a) Production: Production is the process by which inputs (raw materials and semi-
finished products) are made into finished goods that can be bought.
b) Marketing: Marketing is about telling the public about your product, attracting
potential customers to your product, and keeping these customers as your
customer base.
c) Business plan: A business plan is a formal statement of business goals and how the
entrepreneur plans to reach these goals. (3 × 1 = 3 marks)
2. Learners must write three sentences about business using either ‘if’, ‘unless’, ‘need to’,
‘be able to’, ‘have to’ or ‘must’ sentences. Answers will vary. (3 × 1 = 3 marks)
3. a) If you had spent more time on the project, you would have made fewer mistakes.
b) If I had seen him in the office, I would have told him to call you. (4 × 1 = 4 marks)
4. Learners must briefly explain why we need entrepreneurs in Rwanda. Answers will
vary but the important thing is that learners recognise that entrepreneurs create
employment. Five sentences for one mark each. (5 × 1 = 5 marks)
5. Learners must discuss how using the characteristics of an entrepreneur could help
them in their daily life. Answers will vary but learners should recognise that
entrepreneurs share certain characteristics like determination, innovation, problem
solving, good work ethic etc. that can help them in their daily life. (5 × 1 = 5 marks)
Total (20)
Learning objectives:
Task description:
Name of learner Met Exceeded Not Comments
Learning objectives:
Project description:
Group members:
Group members:
Group members:
Yes Yes, we did No Comment on how you could
very well improve your work.
All group members
participated in the
We discussed and
differences of
We were democratic
in our decision-
Learning objectives:
Group members:
Yes Yes, we did No Comment on how you could
very well improve your work.
Criterion 1
Criterion 2
Criterion 3
Criterion 4
Criterion 5
Note: Either enter the criteria in Column 1, or write in where all learners can
refer to them.
Learning objectives:
Task description:
Learning objectives:
Task description:
Group members:
Checklist Rating
Write names and comment on his/her work on this project in the space below.
Teacher assessment
Met: Comments
Not met:
A briars thorns
abbreviations shortened form of words burrowers animals that dig holes
or phrases
abundance plenty C
career an occupation or job needing
aforesaid previously mentioned
special training
afterlife life after death
career ladder job promotion
agriculture the practice of farming
cash crops crops grown for sale
allied joined to or related to
celebrities famous people, especially in
ambitions the desire and determination entertainment or sport
to achieve success in a career or activity
centralised concentrated under a single
ample plenty authority
atmosphere a thin layer of gases that concise short and to the point
surrounds the Earth
condom a thin rubber sheath worn on a
attraction the physical interest that two man’s penis during sexual intercourse as a
people have in each other contraceptive or as a protection against
authoritarian enforcing strict obedience
conflict fighting
B consolidation bringing separate parts
bartered goods exchanged for other into a single whole
goods and not for money
contaminate make impure
bleak charmless and inhospitable
corporations groups of companies
botany the scientific study of plants
economic related to the economy fixed costs costs that do not vary, e.g.
economy to do with the production of
goods and services flints sharp stones
moderate not too hot and not too cold politely showing good manners
monogamous having only one partner at pollination the transfer of pollen from a
a time stamen to a pistil of a flower
motivate provide someone with a reason potential customers people who could
for doing something possibly buy your product or service
precipitation rainfall
probable something that could happen root hairs hair-like growths out of plant
but is not a definite outcome roots that absorb water and minerals
R startled surprised
reign length of time that a king rules summary a brief statement of the
meaning of something
remains things left behind
supply chain the sequence of processes
rendering giving a service involved in the production of a product
replenish replace surly bad-tempered
reproduction the process by which susceptible likely to be affected by
organisms create new individuals something
unconditional something that does not
have conditions under which it will change
variable costs costs that increase or
decrease depending on the number of
items that are produced