BOQ Kitgumhouse Focus

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Relocation of DN400/350/200ST Water Mains at Jinja Road Traffic Lights (Kitgum House Junction) under the NWSC

Kinawataka Sewer Project

Preliminary Works 9,000,000

Pipes 23,400,000

Fittings 46,410,500

Labour Works 28,218,000

Pipe Ancillary Works 6,795,000

Sub-Total 113,823,500

NWSC Supervision fees 5,691,175

VAT (18% of Sub-Total) 20,488,230

GRAND TOTAL 140,002,905

BOQ_Relocation of DN400/350/200ST Water Mains at Jinja Road Traffic Lights (Kitgum House Junction) under the NWSC Kinawataka Sewer
Item Unit Quantity Cost (UGX) Amount (UGX)
1.0 Preliminaries
a) Provisional sum for mobilization, accomodation, storage, transportation of materials and sum 1.0 5,000,000 5,000,000
b) demobilisation.
Allow for the production and development of 'as-constructed' drawings of the pipelines inclusive sum 1.0 2,000,000 2,000,000
c) of the profiles,location
Traffic inverts and
Safety and Management the fitting
during works.details to ease
Rate shall updating
include of NWSC
for the setting asset
up of register.
traffic sum 1.0 2,000,000 2,000,000
Showering scheme, facilitating warden costs, temporary road signage, road markings, and
safety equipment. 9,000,000
2.0 Pipe requirements
Class C Carbon Steel pipes, DN400, Pn16, DIN 8074 with socketed ends inclusive of gasket and
a) Class C Carbon Steelofpipes, No. 3 4,000,000 12,000,000
one plain end length pipe DN350,
is 6m Pn16, DIN 8074 with socketed ends inclusive of gasket and No. 3 2,000,000 6,000,000
b) Class C Carbon
one plain Steelofpipes,
end length pipe DN200,
is 6m Pn16, DIN 8074 with socketed ends inclusive of gasket and
c) No. 3 1,800,000 5,400,000
one plain end length of pipe is 6m 23,400,000
3.0 Fittings and Appurtenances Requirements
a) Ductile iron wedge protected with vulganised nitrile rubber wide range Couplings DN400 PN16, No 6 700,000 4,200,000
b) DIN 3352
Ductile iron wedge protected with vulganised nitrile rubber wide range Couplings DN350 PN16, No 6 700,000 4,200,000
c) DIN 3352
Ductile iron wedge protected with vulganised nitrile rubber wide range Couplings DN200 PN16, No 6 200,000 1,200,000
4.0 DIN 3352 Bend installation at tart & End of Relocation 0
a) Flanged Steel bend 45°, DN400, PN16, DIN 3352 No 2 800,000 1,600,000
b) Ductile iron wedge protected with vulganised nitrile rubber wide range Flanged Adaptors DN No 4 1,500,000 6,000,000
c) 400
& NutsDIN 3352
M24x100 No 32 25,000 800,000
d) Reinforced flat Rubber Gasket DN 400 No 2 25,000 50,000
a) Flanged Steel bend 45°, DN350, PN16, DIN 3352 No 2 600,000 1,200,000
b) Ductile iron wedge protected with vulganised nitrile rubber wide range Flanged Adaptors DN No 4 700,000 2,800,000
c) 350
& NutsDIN 3352
M20x100 No 32 20,000 640,000
d) Reinforced flat Rubber Gasket DN 350 No 2 20,000 40,000
a) Flanged Steel bend 45°, DN200, PN16, DIN 3352 No 2 600,000 1,200,000
b) Ductile iron wedge protected with vulganised nitrile rubber wide range Flanged Adaptors DN No 4 300,000 1,200,000
c) 200
& NutsDIN 3352
M24x100 No 32 25,000 800,000
d) Reinforced flat Rubber Gasket DN 400 No 2 25,000 50,000
5.0 DN400x100x400 Air Provision 0
a) Ductile Iron Tee, DN 400 x 100 x 400, PN 16, DIN 28643, Flanged ends to DIN 28605 drilled to No 1 1,500,000 1,500,000
b) DN 2501,
Ductile Epoxy
Iron Flangedpowder
Valves, DN100, PN16, DIN 3352 with straight bore, DIN3202 F4 No 1 600,000 600,000
c) (short)
ironDIN 1693,
wedge PN16 type,
protected with clockwise
vulganisedclosing, non-rising
nitrile rubber widestainless steel spindle,
range Flanged thrust
Adaptors DN No 2 1,500,000 3,000,000
400, PN16, of extruded
Dynamic 3352 brass DIN
Combination Air17660, shrunk onto
Valve DN100, grooved
Double spindle
orifice neck, epoxy
with orifices coatedinbody
integrated one No 1 1,500,000 1,500,000
inside &
body; made outside, Ductile Iron wedge protected with vulcanised nitrile rubber flanges DIN 2501
d) Ductile iron of non-corrosive
wedge protected metallic materialnitrile
with vulganised to EN1074.4; Epoxy
rubber wide Coated;
range working
Flanged pressure
Adaptors DN No 1 500,000 500,000
e) 0.2-16
100, &Bars;
BoltsPN16, non-slam
NutsDIN 3352 closing; Flanges to DIN 28605, drilled to DIN 2501
M24x100 No 32 20,000 640,000
f) Bolts & Nuts M20x80 No 16 20,000 320,000
g) Reinforced flat Rubber Gasket DN 400 No 2 25,000 50,000
h) Flat Rubber Gasket DN 100 No 2 25,000 50,000
6.0 DN350x100x350 Air Provision 0
a) Ductile Iron Tee, DN 350 x 100 x 350, PN 16, DIN 28643, Flanged ends to DIN 28605 drilled to No 1 1,475,000 1,475,000
b) DN 2501,
Ductile Epoxy
Iron powder
Flanged Gatecoated.
Valves, DN100, PN16, DIN 3352 with straight bore, DIN3202 F4 No 1 600,000 600,000
(short) and
Flanged DIN 1693,
Dynamic PN16 type,
Combination Airclockwise closing,
Valve DN100, non-rising
Double orificestainless steel spindle,
with orifices thrust
integrated in one No 1 1,500,000 1,500,000
collar made
body; of extruded brass DIN 17660, shrunk onto grooved spindle neck,working
epoxy coated body
c) Ductilemade
iron of non-corrosive
wedge protected metallic material
with vulganised to EN1074.4;
nitrile Epoxy
rubber wide Coated;
range Flanged pressure
Adaptors DN No 2 800,000 1,600,000
inside &
0.2-16 outside,
Bars; Ductile
non-slam Iron wedge
closing; protected
Flanges with vulcanised
to DINnitrile
28605, drilled tonitrile
DIN rubber flanges DIN 2501
d) 350, PN16,
Ductile ironDIN
wedge 3352
protected with vulganised rubber wide range2501
Flanged Adaptors DN No 1 300,000 300,000
e) 100,
& NutsDIN 3352
M24x100 No 32 25,000 800,000
f) Bolts & Nuts M20x80 No 16 20,000 320,000
g) Reinforced flat Rubber Gasket DN 350 No 2 25,000 50,000
h) Flat Rubber Gasket DN 100 No 2 20,000 40,000
7.0 DN200x80x200 Air Provision 0
a) Ductile Iron Tee, DN 200 x 80 x 200, PN 16, DIN 28643, Flanged ends to DIN 28605 drilled to No 1 600,000 600,000
b) DN 2501,
Ductile Epoxy
Iron powder
Flanged Gatecoated.
Valves, DN80, PN16, DIN 3352 with straight bore, DIN3202 F4 No 1 475,000 475,000
Flangedand DIN 1693,
Dynamic PN16 type,
Combination Airclockwise closing,
Valve DN80, non-rising
Double orifice stainless steelintegrated
with orifices spindle, thrust
in one No 1 1,500,000 1,500,000
c) collar
body; made
Ductile iron of extruded
wedge brassmetallic
protected DIN vulganised
with 17660, shrunk
material onto
nitrile grooved
to EN1074.4;
rubber spindle
wide neck,working
range Flangedepoxy coated body
Adaptors DN No 2 600,000 1,200,000
200, & outside,
Bars;DIN Ductile
3352 Iron wedge
closing; protected
Flanges to DIN with vulcanised
28605, drilled tonitrile
DIN rubber flanges DIN 2501
d) Ductile iron wedge protected with vulganised nitrile rubber wide range Flanged Adaptors DN 80, No 1 600,500 600,500
e) PN16,
Bolts &DINNuts3352
M24x100 No 32 25,000 800,000
f) Bolts & Nuts M20x80 No 16 20,000 320,000
g) Reinforced flat Rubber Gasket DN 200 No 2 25,000 50,000
h) Flat Rubber Gasket DN 80 No 2 20,000 40,000
8.0 Labour works
a) Excavate 1.5m wide trenches at a depth not less than 2.0m from existing ground level to to lay m 20 67,300 1,346,000
b) DN400ST PN16wide
Excavate 1.5m steeltrenches
pipe (Theat aexcavated
depth notmaterial
less thanwill
2.0m befrom
deposited 1 mground
existing away from
levelthe edge
to to lay of m 20 55,300 1,106,000
c) the trench.1.5m
Excavate If thewide
PN16 trench runs into
pipe at aother
not less thanand2.0mfacilities, the Contractor
from existing will be
ground level to required
to lay m 20 35,300 706,000
to secure them
DN200ST PN16 properly.
steel pipeThe cost of excavation works includes machine and manual excavation
d) Sand bottom; Procurement, transport and filling of the trench with fine grain material (Sand or m3 24 65,000 1,560,000
e) dry murram). A base layer of 10 cm and
Backfilling; Procurement, transport has to be installed
filling andwith
the trench compacted first and including
gravel/murram, then, after the
pipe has beeninlaid,
compacting, 30 cmthedeep
up to thehas to be
level of added and compacted
compactness required all
foraround the pipe inof
the construction
the same
road manner
surface. as for the
Backfilling is base
up up to 70%
to the levelofofrelative compaction,
compacted in layers
road surface. up to 20of
m3 60 60,000 3,600,000
the trench with gravel is carried out along the sections where the pipeline runs under paved roads

f) Excess material; The excavated excess earthen material has to be spread in an organized manner m3 60 65,000 3,900,000
g) along the
Hiring of pipeline
equipment route, meanwhile
for lifting, has to
aligning andbeeasing
DN400STlocation (distance
pipes and 1-
fittings Hr 24 500,000 12,000,000
5Km) the
along . The unit length.
trench cost of this cost item includes the quantity of material spread on the surrounding
h) Connection of installed pipeline
area and transport of the materilal (Both at the start and end of relocation) ; to the satisfaction and nr 2 2,000,000 4,000,000
approval of the supervising NWSC & KECC engineers. 28,218,000
9.0 Pipe Ancillary works
a) Construction of Mass Concrete, Grade C-25 Thrust Blocks for Pipe Bends, AV, WashOut and
Inter-connection points; (Volume more than 1m3 on DN400/350/200 Installed fixtures). nr 6 700,000 4,200,000

b) Provide and Install Marker posts for the installed Air Valve ;to the satisfaction and approval of nr 3 65,000 195,000
c) the supervising
Fixture NWSC
chambers, & KECC
sufficient engineers.
for all fittings and pipework necessary to complete the installation, nr 3 800,000 2,400,000
all fittings and pipework to PN 16: and of the following depths not exceeding 2.0m, Width 6,795,000
exceeding 1.5m to the satisfaction of the supervising Engineer from NWSC

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