Health and Safety Welcome Booklet - 130623
Health and Safety Welcome Booklet - 130623
Health and Safety Welcome Booklet - 130623
If you have some questions when reading this booklet, do not hesitate to
ask to your scientific manager.
Each newcomer must have read the booklet and undergone the training
before beginning any experiment in the lab.
If you smell gas, report immediately to the people present in the lab
, shut the gas valves and open the windows
*If you are doing some experiment with hot plate or water bath,
shut it down before leaving your workstation.
* If you are doing other types of experiment or if you are at desk,
leave your workplace.
* Then you must go calmly to the nearlest exit and stay together
outside of the building.
Handling of chemicals
o If you must use toxic or harmful product, you must always inform
your supervisor.
o You must also carefully read the safety data sheet (SDS), which
give important information concerning the product characteristic,
storage and handling (wearing the lab coat, gloves, mask, etc.) its
disposal, the measures to be taken in case of accidental dispersion,
in case of inhalation and ingestion.
o The safety data sheet are available on the internet at the supplier’s
o When handling, you must protect yourself by carefully following
the safety measures indicated on the safety data sheet: wearing
glasses, a mask, gloves, using a fume cupboard or a chemical
fume hood. Remember to start the hood 10 minutes before
handling and turn it off 10 minutes after handling.
o You must take care not to contaminate your environment: take off
your gloves before touching the equipment around you (door
handles, switches, water taps, telephone, computer and scientific
devices) to avoid contaminating this equipment and put endanger
all the people in the laboratory. It is sometimes wise to put a hand-
only glove that handles the toxic product and keep the other hand
without a glove to touch the equipment or to wear 2 pairs of
gloves, one of which will be left to handle the equipment.
o You must also change gloves as soon as you suspect a
contamination of them with a toxic and/ or chemical product.
o In general, the dangerous products must be used in minimal
quantity for the manipulations and it is better to use a tool to
handle them (spatulas, labspoons ...): the gloves which you carry
can present microcracks leaving the dangerous product to enter in
contact with your skin.
Elimination of chemicals:
o Before and after each use, wash your hands thoroughly with soap
o Use of sinks:
- Do not leave dirty dishes in the sinks.
- Do not put in sinks object that could clog the siphons (e.g. glass
beads, paper)
- Do not put sharp objects (blades, slats, broken glass ...) in the
sinks to avoid cuts.
- If an object (broken glass, magnetic bar, etc.) accidentally goes
into the siphon, disassemble the siphon carefully by placing a
basin underneath to retrieve the object.
- If you need to move a device exceptionally, think of the
community and leave a note for other users to find quickly and
Use of devices
Before any first use of a device, you must contact the person
in charge of the device to be trained it is who will reserve the device
and will train you. After having been trained you will have to
reserve the device before use the operating instruction are available,
depending on the device or next to the device.